412 research outputs found

    EPD in its twentieth year: towards complete promoter coverage of selected model organisms

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    The Eukaryotic Promoter Database (EPD) is an annotated non-redundant collection of eukaryotic POL II promoters, experimentally defined by a transcription start site (TSS). Access to promoter sequences is provided by pointers to positions in the corresponding genomes. Promoter evidence comes from conventional TSS mapping experiments for individual genes, or, starting from release 73, from mass genome annotation projects. Subsets of promoter sequences with customized 5′ and 3′ extensions can be downloaded from the EPD website. The focus of current development efforts is to reach complete promoter coverage for important model organisms as soon as possible. To speed up this process, a new class of preliminary promoter entries has been introduced as of release 83, which requires less stringent admission criteria. As part of a continuous integration process, new web-based interfaces have been developed, which allow joint analysis of promoter sequences with other bioinformatics resources developed by our group, in particular programs offered by the Signal Search Analysis Server, and gene expression data stored in the CleanEx database. EPD can be accessed at

    Stealth Proteins: In Silico Identification of a Novel Protein Family Rendering Bacterial Pathogens Invisible to Host Immune Defense

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    There are a variety of bacterial defense strategies to survive in a hostile environment. Generation of extracellular polysaccharides has proved to be a simple but effective strategy against the host's innate immune system. A comparative genomics approach led us to identify a new protein family termed Stealth, most likely involved in the synthesis of extracellular polysaccharides. This protein family is characterized by a series of domains conserved across phylogeny from bacteria to eukaryotes. In bacteria, Stealth (previously characterized as SacB, XcbA, or WefC) is encoded by subsets of strains mainly colonizing multicellular organisms, with evidence for a protective effect against the host innate immune defense. More specifically, integrating all the available information about Stealth proteins in bacteria, we propose that Stealth is a D-hexose-1-phosphoryl transferase involved in the synthesis of polysaccharides. In the animal kingdom, Stealth is strongly conserved across evolution from social amoebas to simple and complex multicellular organisms, such as Dictyostelium discoideum, hydra, and human. Based on the occurrence of Stealth in most Eukaryotes and a subset of Prokaryotes together with its potential role in extracellular polysaccharide synthesis, we propose that metazoan Stealth functions to regulate the innate immune system. Moreover, there is good reason to speculate that the acquisition and spread of Stealth could be responsible for future epidemic outbreaks of infectious diseases caused by a large variety of eubacterial pathogens. Our in silico identification of a homologous protein in the human host will help to elucidate the causes of Stealth-dependent virulence. At a more basic level, the characterization of the molecular and cellular function of Stealth proteins may shed light on fundamental mechanisms of innate immune defense against microbial invasion

    MADAP, a flexible clustering tool for the interpretation of one-dimensional genome annotation data

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    A recurring task in the analysis of mass genome annotation data from high-throughput technologies is the identification of peaks or clusters in a noisy signal profile. Examples of such applications are the definition of promoters on the basis of transcription start site profiles, the mapping of transcription factor binding sites based on ChIP-chip data and the identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) from whole genome SNP profiles. Input to such an analysis is a set of genome coordinates associated with counts or intensities. The output consists of a discrete number of peaks with respective volumes, extensions and center positions. We have developed for this purpose a flexible one-dimensional clustering tool, called MADAP, which we make available as a web server and as standalone program. A set of parameters enables the user to customize the procedure to a specific problem. The web server, which returns results in textual and graphical form, is useful for small to medium-scale applications, as well as for evaluation and parameter tuning in view of large-scale applications, requiring a local installation. The program written in C++ can be freely downloaded from ftp://ftp.epd.unil.ch/pub/software/unix/madap. The MADAP web server can be accessed at http://www.isrec.isb-sib.ch/madap/

    The Eukaryotic Promoter Database EPD: the impact of in silico primer extension

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    The Eukaryotic Promoter Database (EPD) is an annotated non‐redundant collection of eukaryotic POL II promoters, experimentally defined by a transcription start site (TSS). There may be multiple promoter entries for a single gene. The underlying experimental evidence comes from journal articles and, starting from release 73, from 5′ ESTs of full‐length cDNA clones used for so‐called in silico primer extension. Access to promoter sequences is provided by pointers to TSS positions in nucleotide sequence entries. The annotation part of an EPD entry includes a description of the type and source of the initiation site mapping data, links to other biological databases and bibliographic references. EPD is structured in a way that facilitates dynamic extraction of biologically meaningful promoter subsets for comparative sequence analysis. Web‐based interfaces have been developed that enable the user to view EPD entries in different formats, to select and extract promoter sequences according to a variety of criteria and to navigate to related databases exploiting different cross‐references. Tools for analysing sequence motifs around TSSs defined in EPD are provided by the signal search analysis server. EPD can be accessed at http://www.epd. isb‐sib.c

    Cosmological gravitomagnetism and Mach's principle

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    The spin axes of gyroscopes experimentally define local non-rotating frames. But what physical cause governs the time-evolution of gyroscope axes? We consider linear perturbations of Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmologies with k=0. We ask: Will cosmological vorticity perturbations exactly drag the spin axes of gyroscopes relative to the directions of geodesics to quasars in the asymptotic unperturbed FRW space? Using Cartan's formalism with local orthonormal bases we cast the laws of linear cosmological gravitomagnetism into a form showing the close correspondence with the laws of ordinary magnetism. Our results, valid for any equation of state for cosmological matter, are: 1) The dragging of a gyroscope axis by rotational perturbations of matter beyond the Hubble-dot radius from the gyroscope is exponentially suppressed, where dot is the derivative with respect to cosmic time. 2) If the perturbation of matter is a homogeneous rotation inside some radius around a gyroscope, then exact dragging of the gyroscope axis by the rotational perturbation is reached exponentially fast as the rotation radius grows beyond the H-dot radius. 3) For the most general linear cosmological perturbations the time-evolution of all gyroscope spin axes exactly follow a weighted average of the energy currents of cosmological matter. The weight function is the same as in Ampere's law except that the inverse square law is replaced by the Yukawa force with the Hubble-dot cutoff. Our results demonstrate (in first order perturbation theory for FRW cosmologies with k = 0) the validity of Mach's hypothesis that axes of local non-rotating frames precisely follow an average of the motion of cosmic matter.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure. Comments and references adde

    Nucleosome eviction from MHC class II promoters controls positioning of the transcription start site

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    Nucleosome depletion at transcription start sites (TSS) has been documented genome-wide in multiple eukaryotic organisms. However, the mechanisms that mediate this nucleosome depletion and its functional impact on transcription remain largely unknown. We have studied these issues at human MHC class II (MHCII) genes. Activation-induced nucleosome free regions (NFR) encompassing the TSS were observed at all MHCII genes. Nucleosome depletion was exceptionally strong, attaining over 250-fold, at the promoter of the prototypical HLA-DRA gene. The NFR was induced primarily by the transcription factor complex that assembles on the conserved promoter-proximal enhancer situated upstream of the TSS. Functional analyses performed in the context of native chromatin demonstrated that displacing the NFR without altering the sequence of the core promoter induced a shift in the position of the TSS. The NFR thus appears to play a critical role in transcription initiation because it directs correct TSS positioning in vivo. Our results provide support for a novel mechanism in transcription initiation whereby the position of the TSS is controlled by nucleosome eviction rather than by promoter sequenc

    Using yeast synthetic lethality to inform drug combination for Malaria

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    Combinatorial chemotherapy is necessary for the treatment of malaria. However, finding a suitable partner drug for a new candidate is challenging. Here we develop an algorithm that identifies all of the gene pairs of; Plasmodium falciparum; that possess orthologues in yeast that have a synthetic lethal interaction but are absent in humans. This suggests new options for drug combinations, particularly for inhibitors of targets such as; P. falciparum; calcineurin, cation ATPase 4, or phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase