64 research outputs found

    Argo Dataset production: Real‐time data‐management and delayed‐mode qualified dataset for O2, Chlorophyll‐a, backscattering and NO3

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    Assessment of Data flow and availability on the assembly centre. Description of the O2 delayed mode quality contro

    Assessing the variability in the relationship between the particulate backscattering coefficient and the chlorophyll a concentration from a global Biogeochemical-Argo database

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    Characterizing phytoplankton distribution and dynamics in the world's open oceans requires in situ observations over a broad range of space and time scales. In addition to temperature/salinity measurements, Biogeochemical-Argo (BGC-Argo) profiling floats are capable of autonomously observing at high frequency bio-optical properties such as the chlorophyll fluorescence, a proxy of the chlorophyll a concentration (Chla), the particulate backscattering coefficient (bbp), a proxy of the stock of particulate organic carbon, and the light available for photosynthesis. We analyzed an unprecedented BGC-Argo database of more than 8,500 multi-variable profiles collected in various oceanic conditions, from subpolar waters to subtropical gyres. Our objective is to refine previously established Chla vs bbp relationships and gain insights into the sources of vertical, seasonal and regional variability in this relationship. Despite some nuances in the relationship considering one or another water column layer or region, a general covariation occurs at a global scale. We distinguish two main contrasted situations: (1) concomitant changes in Chla and bbp that correspond to actual variations in phytoplankton biomass, e.g. in subpolar regimes; (2) a decoupling between the two variables attributed to photoacclimation or changes in the relative abundance of non-algal particles, e.g. in subtropical regimes. The variability in the bbp:Chla ratio in the surface layer appears to be essentially influenced by the type of particles and photoacclimation processes. The dense BGC-Argo database helps identifying the spatial and temporal scales at which this ratio is predominantly driven by one or the other of these two factors

    OceanGliders Oxygen SOP

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    The live version of this SOP is on the Ocean Gliders community in GITHUB. The home repository of this publication is in the Ocean Best Practices Repository. This standard operating procedure (SOP) document for dissolved oxygen (DO) aims to guide the user through the steps necessary to collect good quality dissolved oxygen data using ocean gliders for both real time and post deployment data streams

    How to set a DOXY_ADJUSTED_ERROR in Coriolis NetCDF files

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    This note, that follows #RD4 recommendations, explains how the DOXY_ADJUSTED_ERROR information should be sent to Coriolis so that it will be propagated in Real Time into the profiles files and how the SCIENTIFIC_CALIB_COMMENT (of the DOXY parameter) will be set accordingly. The PI must provide the estimated DOXY_ADJUSTED_ERROR of their floats together with the estimation method used (designated with a specific number from 0 to 3, see below). The method number is then used by the decoder: - to determine the method used to propagate the provided error at the profile levels; - to set the SCIENTIFIC_CALIB_COMMENT associated to DOXY parameter

    Argo quality control manual for biogeochemical data

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    This document is the Argo quality control manual for biogeochemical data. It describes two levels of quality control: ‱ The first level is the real-time system that performs a set of agreed automatic checks. ‱ The second level is the delayed-mode quality control system

    Bio-Argo quality control manual for the Chlorophyll-A concentration

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    This document is the bio-Argo quality control manual for Chlorophyll A concentration. It describes the method used in real-time to apply quality control flags to Chlorophyll A concentration calculated from specific sensors mounted on Argo profiling floats

    Processing BGC-Argo Radiometric data at the DAC level

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    Presently, radiometers can be implemented on profiling floats to estimate some radiometric measurements. Hereafter we briefly describe the principle of this method and several configurations of the OCR500 series instruments. These measurements can be radiance or irradiance at different wavelengths and in different directions (upward or downward). The Photosynthetically Available Radiation (PAR) is also measured as it represents the solar radiation that photosynthetic organisms are able to use in the process of photosynthesis. At the moment all radiometric sensors implemented on floats are developed by the Satlantic Company and are of the OCR serie. These radiometers combine three wavelengths for irradiance measurements together with a measurement of the Photosynthetically Available Radiation. The present document is focused on the management of radiometric data flow acquired by those sensors (section 3). As soon as other sensors are implemented and successfully tested on floats, the present document would be accordingly updated
