62 research outputs found

    Europäische Geschichte schreiben ...

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    Strategic Options for University Repositories in the Digital Humanities

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    Ein ideales Repositorium bedient alle Interessen der unterschiedlichen beteiligten AkteurInnen und ihrer Institution, es entspricht den Erfordernissen konkreter Fächer und Fächergruppen und unterstützt Strategien, die die Wissenschaft insgesamt und langfristig betreffen. Es lässt die für den User unkomplizierte Archivierung sämtlicher digitaler Objekte inklusive Datenbanken zu, spiegelt innovative Forschungsfelder der Universität wider und unterstützt insbesondere auch die Lehre. Es bietet Tools und Rechercheoptionen im Sinne von Big Data an.An ideal repository serves all the interests of the different actors involved and their institution, it meets the requirements of specific subjects and subject groups and supports strategies that affect scholarship in general and in the long term. It allows easy archiving of all digital objects including databases to the user. It reflects innovative fields of research at the university and in particular also supports teaching. It offers tools and research options in the sense of Big Data

    Strategische Optionen für universitäre Repositorien in den Digital Humanities

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    Strategic options for university repositories in the digital humanities [translation of the title]. An ideal repository serves all the interests of the different actors involved and their institution, it meets the requirements of specific subjects and subject groups and supports strategies that affect scholarship in general and in the long term. It allows easy archiving of all digital objects including databases to the user. It reflects innovative fields of research at the university and in particular also supports teaching. It offers tools and research options in the sense of Big Data

    Strategische Optionen für universitäre Repositorien in den Digital Humanities

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    Strategic options for university repositories in the digital humanities [translation of the title]. An ideal repository serves all the interests of the different actors involved and their institution, it meets the requirements of specific subjects and subject groups and supports strategies that affect scholarship in general and in the long term. It allows easy archiving of all digital objects including databases to the user. It reflects innovative fields of research at the university and in particular also supports teaching. It offers tools and research options in the sense of Big Data

    Cultural Transfer (tran. Ivan Mrnarević)

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    Kulturni transferi obilježili su sva povijesna razdoblja, no moguće je uočavati trendove i razlike u različitim periodima. Samo pomoću kulturnih transfera povijest može postati europskom (ili globalnom). Koncentracije i akumulacije tih transfera mogu se pojmiti kao transkulturna povijest Europe, a konačno i kao europeizacija. Entiteti koji se prenose mogu se definirati konkretnim terminima poput kulturema i strukturema. U brojnim slučajevima dostupne su najrazličitije kulturne reference koje konkretan transfer čine lakšim i efikasnijim. Kulturni transferi neprestano potiču nove koherente koji se u nekim slučajevima međusobno povezuju preko velikih područja rezultirajući makrokoherentima ili grozdovima (klasterima), kakva je ona koja nastaje u kontekstu procesa europeizacije. Ovi koherenti pak mogu ostati ograničeni i na lokalna područja ne izazivajući daljnje „zaraze“. Istraživanje kulturnog transfera čini propusnima krute, linearno ograničene i strogo sistematizirane elemente svakog kulturnog fenomena otkrivajući hibridnost i složenu bit svakog kulturnog fenomena.Cultural transfers have occurred in all historical periods, but it is possible to discern trends and distinct periods. It is only through these transfers that history can become European (or global). Concentrations and accumulations of these transfers can be understood as a transcultural history of Europe and ultimately as Europeanization. The entities transferred can be defined in concrete terms as culturemes and structuremes. In many cases, the most diverse cultural references, which make concrete transfer easier and more efficient, are available. Cultural transfers continuously give rise to new coherences, which in some cases connect with one another over large areas – resulting in macro-coherences or clusters of coherences, as one finds in the context of the process referred to as Europeanization. However, these coherences can also remain restricted to local areas, without creating further "contagions". Cultural transfer research makes the rigid, linearly delimited, and strictly systemic elements of each cultural phenomenon permeable, thereby revealing the hybrid and composite nature of cultural phenomena