12 research outputs found

    Semi-groupe de Lie associé à un cône symétrique

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    Volcanic arcs are the surface expression of magmatic systems that result from the subduction of mostly oceanic lithosphere at convergent plate boundaries. Arcs with a submarine component include intraoceanic arcs and island arcs that span almost 22,000 km on Earth\u27s surface, the vast majority of which are located in the Pacific region. Hydrothermal systems hosted by submarine arc volcanoes commonly contain a large component of magmatic fluid. This magmatic-hydrothermal signature, coupled with the shallow water depths of arc volcanoes and their high volatile contents, strongly influences the chemistry of the fluids and resulting mineralization and likely has important consequences for the biota associated with these systems. The high metal contents and very acidic fluids in these hydrothermal systems are thought to be important analogs to numerous porphyry copper and epithermal gold deposits mined today on land

    Boron and Oxygen Isotope Systematics of Two Hydrothermal Systems in Modern Back-Arc and Arc Crust (PACMANUS and Brothers Volcano, W-Pacific)

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    A better characterization of subsurface processes in hydrothermal systems is key to a deeper understanding of fluid-rock interaction and ore-forming mechanisms. Vent systems in oceanic crust close to subduction zones, like at Brothers volcano and in the eastern Manus basin, are known to be especially ore rich. We measured B concentrations and isotope ratios of unaltered and altered lava that were recovered from drilling sites at Brothers volcano and Snowcap (eastern Manus basin) to test their sensitivity for changing alteration conditions with depth. In addition, for Brothers volcano, quartz-water oxygen isotope thermometry was used to constrain variations in alteration temperature with depth. All altered rocks are depleted in B compared to unaltered rocks and point to interaction with a high-temperature (>150°C) hydrothermal fluid. The δ11B values of altered rocks are variable, from slightly lower to significantly higher than those of unaltered rocks. For Brothers volcano, at the Upper Cone, we suggest a gradual evolution from a fluid- to a more rock-dominated system with increasing depth. In contrast, the downhole variations of δ11B at Snowcap as well as δ11B and δ18O variations at the NW Caldera (Site U1530) of Brothers volcano are suggested to indicate changes in water-rock ratios and, in the latter case, also temperature, with depth due to permeability contrasts between different lithology and alteration type boundaries. Furthermore, δ11B values from the NW Caldera (Site U1527) might point to a structural impact on the fluid pathway. These differences in the subseafloor fluid flow regime, which ranges from more pervasive and fluid-controlled to stronger and controlled by lithological and structural features, have significant influence on alteration conditions and may also impact metal precipitation within the sea floor

    Hydrothermal alteration within the Brothers submarine arc volcano, Kermadec arc, New Zealand

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    The hydrothermally active Brothers volcano on the Kermadec arc, New Zealand, hosts two geochemically distinct hydrothermal systems within a single caldera. At the NW Caldera, metal-sulfide–rich black smoker spires form on the caldera wall. In contrast, Fe-rich crusts and native sulfur-rich chimneys occur at the resurgent central Upper Cone. Previous studies have revealed that the contrasting styles of hydrothermalism relate to the variable contribution of magmatic volatiles between these sites, with the Upper Cone experiencing relatively higher amounts of magmatic volatile influx. We present results of a study of the hydrothermal alteration within Brothers volcano based on core samples to a depth of 453 meters below sea floor (mbsf) from both the Upper Cone (Site U5128) and NW Caldera sites (Site U1527 and U1530), drilled by the International Ocean Discovery Program. The dacitic to rhyolitic breccias that make up the volcano are variably altered to alteration mineral assemblages consisting of chlorite + quartz, illite + pyrophyllite, natroalunite + pyrophyllite, and smectite-rich assemblages. The distribution and textures of the alteration minerals within and between different sites at Brothers volcano reflect variations in temperature, fluid pH, and fluid flux. We find that natroalunite only occurs at the Upper Cone, while alteration at the NW Caldera is more diverse and is characterized by both chlorite and pyrophyllite-rich alteration, indicating that seawater-derived hydrothermal fluids overprinted earlier magmatic volatile-influenced alteration. Our data indicate that in magmatic volatile-dominated systems, the alteration mineralogy transitions from natroalunite to pyrophyllite-rich with increasing age or maturity. This is accompanied by a distinct change in sample texture from dominantly bleached selvages to a more massive, equigranular texture.</p

    Critical role of caldera collapse in the formation of seafloor mineralization: The case of Brothers volcano

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    Hydrothermal systems hosted by submarine arc volcanoes commonly include a large component of magmatic fluid. The high Cu-Au contents and strongly acidic fluids in these systems are similar to those that formed in the shallow parts of some porphyry copper and epithermal gold deposits mined today on land. Two main types of hydrothermal systems occur along the submarine portion of the Kermadec arc (offshore New Zealand): magmatically influenced and seawater-dominated systems. Brothers volcano hosts both types. Here, we report results from a series of drill holes cored by the International Ocean Discovery Program into these two types of hydrothermal systems. We show that the extent of hydrothermal alteration of the host dacitic volcaniclastics and lavas reflects primary lithological porosity and contrasting spatial and temporal contributions of magmatic fluid, hydrothermal fluid, and seawater. We present a two-step model that links the changes in hydrothermal fluid regime to the evolution of the volcano caldera. Initial hydrothermal activity, prior to caldera formation, was dominated by magmatic gases and hypersaline brines. The former mixed with seawater as they ascended toward the seafloor, and the latter remained sequestered in the subsurface. Following caldera collapse, seawater infiltrated the volcano through fault-controlled permeability, interacted with wall rock and the segregated brines, and transported associated metals toward the seafloor and formed Cu-Zn-Au-rich chimneys on the caldera walls and rim, a process continuing to the present day. This two-step process may be common in submarine arc caldera volcanoes that host volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits, and it is particularly efficient at focusing mineralization at, or near, the seafloor

    IODP Expedition 376 Visual core description

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    Descriptions of samples, generally at the section half and smear slide or thin section scale, were performed by shipboard scientists and recorded in the JRSO description software. Descriptive data for both macroscopic and microscopic examination were collected in a Microscoft Excel workbook by hole. A zip file of the entire expedition's observations is also available

    IODP Expedition 376 Elemental analysis (CHNS)

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    Fundamental elemental component (total carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulfur) fluctuations help define the origin, depositional environment, and diagenetic alteration of source materials. To determine C, H, N, and S, solid samples are reacted with a catalyst, separated by chromatography, and detected by thermal conductivity on a FlashEA 1112 CHNS elemental analyzer. Organic carbon can be directly measured on the elemental analyzer by acidification of the sample to drive off carbonate as carbon dioxide before analyzing. Total organic carbon on this report is measured rather than calculated

    IODP Expedition 376 Carbonates composite report

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    This composite report includes data from two analyses (total carbon from Elemental analysis [CHNS], and inorganic carbon from [Coulometer]). Each row combines the CHNS and Coulometer data from measurements made on the same sample at the same time for a particular section and section offset (depth). If data do not exist for a particular expedition, the column does not appear. To identify individual samples and tests, see each separate data type (Elemental analysis and Coulometer). If the same sample was measured multiple times by any of the methods, results in the report will be combined on one line where possible. Each additional replicate result will be shown in subsequent rows and will be combined where possible. Report includes results for carbon forms: total, inorganic, calcium carbonate, and organic by difference, along with total hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulfur