415 research outputs found

    Opposite effects of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1) over-expression and knockdown on colorectal liver metastases

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) and the corresponding metalloproteinases are integral parts of the protease network and have been shown to be involved in cancer development and metastasis. Paradoxically, for TIMP-1, tumor promoting as well as tumor inhibitory effects have been observed.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To address this paradox, we utilized the BALB/c/CT26 mouse model that reliably leads to liver metastasis after splenic tumor cell injection and variegated the type of target cells for therapeutic intervention and the modalities of gene transfer. Since we have observed before that over-expression of TIMP-1 in liver host cells leads to efficient tumor growth inhibition in this model, we now examined whether targeting the tumor cells themselves will have a similar effect.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In concordance with the earlier results, TIMP-1 over-expression in tumor cells led to a dramatic reduction of tumor growth as well. To evaluate any influence of treatment modality, we further examined whether TIMP-1 knockdown in the same animal model would have the opposite effect on tumor growth than TIMP-1 over-expression. Indeed, TIMP-1 knockdown led to a marked increase in tumor burden.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These data indicate that in the BALB/c/CT26 model, the modification of TIMP-1 has concordant effects irrespective of the type of target cell or the technique of modulation of TIMP-1 activity, and that TIMP-1 is unequivocally tumor inhibitory in this model.</p

    Estimation of Immune Cell Densities in Immune Cell Conglomerates: An Approach for High-Throughput Quantification

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    Determining the correct number of positive immune cells in immunohistological sections of colorectal cancer and other tumor entities is emerging as an important clinical predictor and therapy selector for an individual patient. This task is usually obstructed by cell conglomerates of various sizes. We here show that at least in colorectal cancer the inclusion of immune cell conglomerates is indispensable for estimating reliable patient cell counts. Integrating virtual microscopy and image processing principally allows the high-throughput evaluation of complete tissue slides.For such large-scale systems we demonstrate a robust quantitative image processing algorithm for the reproducible quantification of cell conglomerates on CD3 positive T cells in colorectal cancer. While isolated cells (28 to 80 microm(2)) are counted directly, the number of cells contained in a conglomerate is estimated by dividing the area of the conglomerate in thin tissues sections (< or =6 microm) by the median area covered by an isolated T cell which we determined as 58 microm(2). We applied our algorithm to large numbers of CD3 positive T cell conglomerates and compared the results to cell counts obtained manually by two independent observers. While especially for high cell counts, the manual counting showed a deviation of up to 400 cells/mm(2) (41% variation), algorithm-determined T cell numbers generally lay in between the manually observed cell numbers but with perfect reproducibility.In summary, we recommend our approach as an objective and robust strategy for quantifying immune cell densities in immunohistological sections which can be directly implemented into automated full slide image processing systems

    Pancreatic metastasis from gastric carcinoma: a case report

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    BACKGROUND: The pancreas is a rare but occasionally favored target for metastasis. Metastatic lesions in the pancreas have been described for various primary cancers, such as carcinomas of the lung, the breast, renal cell carcinoma and sarcomas. CASE PRESENTATION: We report the case of a 60-year old female with a mass in the pancreatic head four years after partial gastrectomy for gastric adenocarcinoma. The patient underwent a pancreatoduodenectomy. Pathological examination revealed metastases of the primary gastric carcinoma within the pancreatic head and in regional lymph nodes. CONCLUSIONS: Pancreatic tumors in patients with a history of non-pancreatic malignancy should always be considered to be a putative metastatic lesion at an unusual site. If the pancreas can be identified as the only site of spread, radical resection may prolong survival

    Cross-species comparison of biological themes and underlying genes on a global gene expression scale in a mouse model of colorectal liver metastasis and in clinical specimens

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Invasion-related genes over-expressed by tumor cells as well as by reacting host cells represent promising drug targets for anti-cancer therapy. Such candidate genes need to be validated in appropriate animal models.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>This study examined the suitability of a murine model (CT26/Balb/C) of colorectal liver metastasis to represent clinical liver metastasis specimens using a global gene expression approach. Cross-species similarity was examined between pure liver, liver invasion, tumor invasion and pure tumor compartments through overlap of up-regulated genes and gene ontology (GO)-based biological themes on the level of single GO-terms and of condensed GO-term families. Three out of four GO-term families were conserved in a compartment-specific way between the species: secondary metabolism (liver), invasion (invasion front), and immune response (invasion front and liver). Among the individual GO-terms over-represented in the invasion compartments in both species were "extracellular matrix", "cell motility", "cell adhesion" and "antigen presentation" indicating that typical invasion related processes are operating in both species. This was reflected on the single gene level as well, as cross-species overlap of potential target genes over-expressed in the combined invasion front compartments reached up to 36.5%.</p> <p>Generally, histopathology and gene expression correlated well as the highest single gene overlap was found to be 44% in syn-compartmental comparisons (liver versus liver) whereas cross-compartmental overlaps were much lower (e.g. liver versus tumor: 9.7%). However, single gene overlap was surprisingly high in some cross-compartmental comparisons (e.g. human liver invasion compartment and murine tumor invasion compartment: 9.0%) despite little histolopathologic similarity indicating that invasion relevant genes are not necessarily confined to histologically defined compartments.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In summary, cross-species comparison on a global gene expression scale suggests the validity of an animal model representing the human situation. The actual yield of potential target genes depends on several variables including the animal model, choice of inclusion criteria, inherent species differences and histologic assessment.</p

    همانژیواندوتلیومای اپیتلیویید کبدی بدخیم اولیه، یک مرور جامع از متون تحقیقی با تأکید بر درمان جراحی

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    زمینه و هدف: همانژیواندوتلیـومای اپیتلیویید کبدی (HEH) بدخیم، یک تومـور عروقی بدخیـم نادر با علت ناشناخته و سیر طبیعی متغیر است. نویسندگان این مقاله، مـرور جامعی از متـون تحقیقی در مـورد HEH را با تمـرکز بر پیامدهای بالینی پس از راهبـردهای درمانی متفاوت، ارائه می‌دهند. مواد و روش‌ها: در این مـرور، تمامی مجمـوعه‌های منتشر شده در مورد بیماران مبتلا به HEH (تعداد 434 بیمـار) از نخستین توصیف این بیمـاران در سال 1984 تا مقالة حاضر مـورد تحلیل قـرار گرفت. پارامتـرهای مرور شده شامل: داده‌های جمعیت ـ شناختی، تظاهـرات بالینی، روش‌های درمانی و پیامـدهای بالینی بود. یافته‌ها: میانگین سنی بیماران مبتلا به HEH، 7/41 سال و نسبت مرد به زن، 2 به 3 بود. شایعترین تظاهـرات بالینی: درد ربع فـوقانی راست شکم، هپاتومگالی و کاهش وزن بود. اغلـب بیماران با تومور چند کانونی که هر دو لـوب را درگیـر کرده، مـراجعه کردند. شایعترین مناطق درگیری خارج کبدی در زمان تشخیص: ریه، صفاق، گـره‌های لنفـاوی و استخوان بود. شایعتـرین تدابیـر درمانی: پیـوند کبد (LTx)‌ (8/44% از بیمـاران)، پیگیـری بدون درمان (8/24% از بیماران)، شیمی درمانی یا پرتو درمانی (21% از بیماران)، و رزکسیـون کبد (LRx) (4/9% از بیمـاران) بود. میـزان بقـای یک و پنـج سالة پس از LTx به ترتیب 96% و 5/54%، پس از عـدم درمان به ترتیب 3/39% و 5/4% پس از شیمـی درمانی یا پرتودرمانی به ترتیب 3/73% و 30% و پس از LRx به ترتیب 100% و 75% بود. نتیجه‌گیـری: LRx درمان انتخـابی برای بیمـاران مبتلا به HEH قابل رزکسیـون است، با این وجـود، به دلیل چند مـرکزی بودن HEH کبـدی، LTx به عنوان درمـان انتخـابی پیشنهـاد شده است. علاوه بر این، LTx گزینة قابل قبـولی برای بیمارانی است که HEH با تظاهـرات خارج کبدی دارند. شاید بتوان بیماران کاملاً گزینش شده را تحت LTx از اهـداء کنندة زنده (با حفـظ منبع اهـداء) قـرار داد. نقش درمان‌های کمکی مختلف برای بیمارن مبتلا به HEH همچنان نامعلـوم است

    Treatment decisions, clinical outcomes, and pharmacoeconomics in the treatment of patients with EGFR mutated stage III/IV NSCLC in Germany: an observational study

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    Background: We evaluated treatment decisions and outcomes in a cohort of predominately Caucasian patients with EGFR mutation-positive (EGFR Mut+) non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Methods: REASON (NCT00997230) was a non-interventional study in German patients with stage IIIB/IV NSCLC. Secondary endpoints for EGFR Mut + NSCLC included progression-free survival (PFS), overall survival (OS), adverse event (AE) management, and pharmacoeconomic outcomes. Results: Among 334 patients with EGFR Mut + NSCLC, tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) were the most common first-line therapy (56.6%, 53.0% gefitinib). Among patients who received TKIs/gefitinib before first disease progression, PFS was longer compared with those who did not receive a TKI (median 10.1/10.0 vs. 7.0 months; HR 0.67/0.69; log-rank p = 0.012/p = 0.022). OS was longer for those patients who ever received a TKI/gefitinib during their complete therapy course compared with those who never received a TKI (median 18.4/18.1 vs. 13.6 months; HR 0.53/0.55; p = 0.003/p = 0.005). Total mean first-line treatment healthcare costs per person were higher for those receiving TKIs (€46,443) compared with those who received chemotherapy (€27,182). Mean outpatient and inpatient costs were highest with chemotherapy. Rash, diarrhea, and dry skin were the most commonly reported AEs for patients receiving gefitinib. Conclusions: In REASON, TKI therapy was the most common first- and second-line treatment for EGFR Mut + NSCLC, associated with increased drug costs compared with chemotherapy. Patients who received gefitinib or a TKI ever during their complete therapy course had prolonged PFS and OS compared with patients who did not receive a TKI. Trial registration: The trial was registered on October, 2009 with ClinicalTrials.gov : https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00997230?term=NCT00997230&amp;rank=

    Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma and Pancreatic Tumor Cell Lines: The Role of Neutrophils and Neutrophil-Derived Elastase

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is frequently associated with fibrosis and a prominent inflammatory infiltrate in the desmoplastic stroma. Moreover, in PDAC, an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is observed. To explore a possible connection between the infiltrating cells, particularly the polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) and the tumor cell transition, biopsies of patients with PDAC (n=115) were analysed with regard to PMN infiltration and nuclear expression of β-catenin and of ZEB1, well-established indicators of EMT. In biopsies with a dense PMN infiltrate, a nuclear accumulation of β-catenin and of ZEB1 was observed. To address the question whether PMN could induce EMT, they were isolated from healthy donors and were cocultivated with pancreatic tumor cells grown as monolayers. Rapid dyshesion of the tumor cells was seen, most likely due to an elastase-mediated degradation of E-cadherin. In parallel, the transcription factor TWIST was upregulated, β-catenin translocated into the nucleus, ZEB1 appeared in the nucleus, and keratins were downregulated. EMT was also induced when the tumor cells were grown under conditions preventing attachment to the culture plates. Here, also in the absence of elastase, E-cadherin was downmodulated. PMN as well as prevention of adhesion induced EMT also in liver cancer cell line. In conclusion, PMN via elastase induce EMT in vitro, most likely due to the loss of cell-to-cell contact. Because in pancreatic cancers the transition to a mesenchymal phenotype coincides with the PMN infiltrate, a contribution of the inflammatory response to the induction of EMT and—by implication—to tumor progression is possible

    E–N-cadherin heterodimers define novel adherens junctions connecting endoderm-derived cells

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    Contradicting the “cadherin switch” model, mixed E-cadherin–N-cadherin heterodimeric adherens junctions are prevalent in a variety of endodermal cells and endoderm-derived tumors

    The role of apoptosis repressor with a CARD domain (ARC) in the therapeutic resistance of renal cell carcinoma (RCC): the crucial role of ARC in the inhibition of extrinsic and intrinsic apoptotic signalling

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    Background: Renal cell carcinomas (RCCs) display broad resistance against conventional radio- and chemotherapies, which is due at least in part to impairments in both extrinsic and intrinsic apoptotic pathways. One important anti-apoptotic factor that is strongly overexpressed in RCCs and known to inhibit both apoptotic pathways is ARC (apoptosis repressor with a CARD domain). Methods: Expression and subcellular distribution of ARC in RCC tissue samples and RCC cell lines were determined by immunohistochemistry and fluorescent immunohistochemistry, respectively. Extrinsic and intrinsic apoptosis signalling were induced by TRAIL (TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand), ABT-263 or topotecan. ARC knock-down was performed in clearCa-12 cells using lentiviral transduction of pGIPZ. shRNAmir constructs. Extrinsic respectively intrinsic apoptosis were induced by TRAIL (TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand), ABT263 or topotecan. Potential synergistic effects were tested by pre-treatment with topotecan and subsequent treatment with ABT263. Activation of different caspases and mitochondrial depolarisation (JC-1 staining) were analysed by flow cytometry. Protein expression of Bcl-2 family members and ARC in RCC cell lines was measured by Western blotting. Statistical analysis was performed by Student’s t-test. Results: Regarding the extrinsic pathway, ARC knockdown strongly enhanced TRAIL-induced apoptosis by increasing the activation level of caspase-8. Regarding the intrinsic pathway, ARC, which was only weakly expressed in the nuclei of RCCs in vivo, exerted its anti-apoptotic effect by impairing mitochondrial activation rather than inhibiting p53. Topotecan- and ABT-263-induced apoptosis was strongly enhanced following ARC knockdown in RCC cell lines. In addition, topotecan pre-treatment enhanced ABT-263-induced apoptosis and this effect was amplified in ARC-knockdown cells. Conclusion: Taken together, our results are the first to demonstrate the importance of ARC protein in the inhibition of both the extrinsic and intrinsic pathways of apoptosis in RCCs. In this context, ARC cooperates with anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family members to exert its strong anti-apoptotic effects and is therefore an important factor not only in the therapeutic resistance but also in future therapy strategies (i.e., Bcl-2 inhibitors) in RCC. In sum, targeting of ARC may enhance the therapeutic response in combination therapy protocols