267 research outputs found

    Versuche zur Regulierung des Birnenblattsaugers

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    European pear sucker causes financial penalties in many pear orchards. Honey dew exudations reduce qual-ity. Another problem is the transmission of pear decline. In years of high infestation chemical treatments are complicated. Neither cutisan- nor sugar-treatments showed an appreciable reduction of the pest in the year 2005

    Trial to control woolly aphid by earwigs

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    In years of disadvantageous atmospheric conditions natural control of woolly aphid by its parasite A. mali is insufficient in the majority of cases. In organic fruit-growing a chemical control is not possible. Settlements of earwigs showed a complete and lasting control of the pest in the year of testing, 2005. Fruitdamages were not found

    Trials to control European pear sucker

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    European pear sucker causes financial penalties in many pear orchards. Honey dew exudations reduce quality. Another problem is the transmission of pear decline. In years of high infestation chemical treatments are complicated. Neither cutisan- nor sugar-treatments showed an appreciable reduction of the pest in the year 2005

    Versuch zur Regulierung der Blutlaus mittels Ohrwurmansiedlung

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    In years of disadvantageous atmospheric conditions natural control of woolly aphid by its parasite A. mali is insufficient in the majority of cases. In organic fruit-growing a chemical control is not possible. Settlements of earwigs showed a complete and lasting control of the pest in the year of testing, 2005. Fruit-damages were not found

    Future converging infrastructures: Assessing the consequences of increasing sector coupling and integration

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    The process of converging infrastructures – the integration and coupling of the energy, transport, heating and cooling sectors – challenges technological paradigms and economic structures as well as patterns of individual and collective action. Renewable energy sources (RES), physical and digital networks, and new market opportunities promise more efficient use of energy and reduced emissions. However, every technological solution creates new problems. Therefore, we propose to analyze possible developments by exposing socio-technical problems. This contribution analyses recent studies drawing on sector coupling and assesses the consequences of converging infrastructures

    Future converging infrastructures: assessing the consequences of increasing sector coupling and integration

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    The process of converging infrastructures - the integration and coupling of the energy, transport, heating and cooling sectors - challenges technological paradigms and economic structures as well as patterns of individual and collective action. Renewable energy sources (RES), physical and digital networks, and new market opportunities promise more efficient use of energy and reduced emissions. However, every technological solution creates new problems. Therefore, we propose to analyze possible developments by exposing socio-technical problems. This contribution analyses recent studies drawing on sector coupling and assesses the consequences of converging infrastructures.Der Prozess konvergierender Infrastrukturen - die Integration und Kopplung der Sektoren Energie, Transport und Wärme bzw. Kühlung - fordert technologische Paradigmen und Wirtschaftsstrukturen heraus, ebenso wie Muster individuellen und kollektiven Handelns. Erneuerbare Energiequellen, physikalische und digitale Netze sowie neue Marktchancen versprechen einen effizienteren Umgang mit Ressourcen und eine Reduzierung von Emissionen. Jede neue Technologie erzeugt aber nicht nur Lösungen, sondern auch neue Probleme. Deshalb schlagen wir vor, mögliche Entwicklungen anhand exponierter "soziotechnischer Probleme" zu untersuchen. Dieser Beitrag analysiert aktuelle Studien zur Sektorkopplung und bewertet die Folgen der Konvergenz von Infrastrukturen

    Spargelqualität im Produktions- und Aufbereitungsprozess

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    Unter definierten Bedingungen wurden der Einfluss der Bodentemperatur und der Standweite auf die Produktqualität, insbesondere auf die Gewebefestigkeit und texturrelevante Inhaltsstoffe wie Cellulose, Hemicellulose, Pektin und Lignin von Spargel (Asparagus officinalis) der Sorte Backlim untersucht. Mit Temperaturzunahme von 10°C auf 20°C nahm die Gewebefestigkeit ab, reduzierte sich der Ligningehalt um ca. 30% und erhöhte sich der Cellulose- und Hemicellulosegehalt. Texturelle Veränderungen durch den Einfluss der Standweite (15, 20, 30 cm) waren nicht nachweisbar. Ein Trend beim Absatz von Spargel ist aufbereiteter Spargel (Convenience), der vorrangig frisch geschält und verpackt gehandelt wird. Texturelle Veränderungen des geschält gelagerten zu ungeschält gelagerten Spargel bei 2°C innerhalb von 4 Tagen in mikroperforierter Polypropylenfolie konnten nicht nachgewiesen werden

    In utero diffusion tensor imaging of the fetal brain: a reproducibility study

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    Our purpose was to evaluate the within-subject reproducibility of in utero diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) metrics and the visibility of major white matter structures. Images for 30 fetuses (20-33. postmenstrual weeks, normal neurodevelopment: 6 cases, cerebral pathology: 24 cases) were acquired on 1.5 T or 3.0 T MRI. DTI with 15 diffusion-weighting directions was repeated three times for each case, TR/TE: 2200/63 ms, voxel size: 1 ∗ 1 mm, slice thickness: 3-5 mm, b-factor: 700 s/mm(2). Reproducibility was evaluated from structure detectability, variability of DTI measures using the coefficient of variation (CV), image correlation and structural similarity across repeated scans for six selected structures. The effect of age, scanner type, presence of pathology was determined using Wilcoxon rank sum test. White matter structures were detectable in the following percentage of fetuses in at least two of the three repeated scans: corpus callosum genu 76%, splenium 64%, internal capsule, posterior limb 60%, brainstem fibers 40% and temporooccipital association pathways 60%. The mean CV of DTI metrics ranged between 3% and 14.6% and we measured higher reproducibility in fetuses with normal brain development. Head motion was negatively correlated with reproducibility, this effect was partially ameliorated by motion-correction algorithm using image registration. Structures on 3.0 T had higher variability both with- and without motion correction. Fetal DTI is reproducible for projection and commissural bundles during mid-gestation, however, in 16-30% of the cases, data were corrupted by artifacts, resulting in impaired detection of white matter structures. To achieve robust results for the quantitative analysis of diffusivity and anisotropy values, fetal-specific image processing is recommended and repeated DTI is needed to ensure the detectability of fiber pathways

    Arterial spin labelling MRI for assessment of cerebral perfusion in children with moyamoya disease: comparison with dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI

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    Introduction: This study seeks to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of cerebral perfusion imaging with arterial spin labelling (ASL) MR imaging in children with moyamoya disease compared to dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) imaging. Methods: Ten children (7 females; age, 9.2 ± 5.4years) with moyamoya disease underwent cerebral perfusion imaging with ASL and DSC on a 3-T MRI scanner in the same session. Cerebral perfusion images were acquired with ASL (pulsed continuous 3D ASL sequence, 32 axial slices, TR = 5.5s, TE = 25ms, FOV = 24cm, matrix = 128 × 128) and DSC (gradient echo EPI sequence, 35 volumes of 28 axial slices, TR = 2,000ms, TE = 36ms, FOV = 24cm, matrix = 96 × 96, 0.2ml/kg Gd-DOTA). Cerebral blood flow maps were generated. ASL and DSC images were qualitatively assessed regarding perfusion of left and right ACA, MCA, and PCA territories by two independent readers using a 3-point-Likert scale and quantitative relative cerebral blood flow (rCBF) was calculated. Correlation between ASL and DSC for qualitative and quantitative assessment and the accuracy of ASL for the detection of reduced perfusion per territory with DSC serving as the standard of reference were calculated. Results: With a good interreader agreement (κ = 0.62) qualitative perfusion assessment with ASL and DSC showed a strong and significant correlation (ρ = 0.77; p < 0.001), as did quantitative rCBF (r = 0.79; p < 0.001). ASL showed a sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of 94%, 93%, and 93% for the detection of reduced perfusion per territory. Conclusion: In children with moyamoya disease, unenhanced ASL enables the detection of reduced perfusion per vascular territory with a good accuracy compared to contrast-enhanced DS