26,694 research outputs found

    Recent Photoproduction Results From ZEUS

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    Recent results from ZEUS for inclusive jet cross sections, dijet cross sections and dijet angular distributions are compared with NLO perturbative QCD calculations. The observation of isolated high PTP_T photons (prompt photons) is also reported.Comment: 5 pages including 3 figures. Presented on behalf of the ZEUS collaboration at the 5th International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering and QCD, DIS97. Chicago, IL. 14th-18th April 199

    Eating disorder symptomatology among Alaska Native/American Indian and caucasian female university students in the extreme North

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    Thesis (M.A.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2004The purpose of this study was to explore differences in eating disorder symptomatology among a matched sample of 100 Alaska Native/American Indian and Caucasian female university students, using a demographic instrument and the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26). Four (8.0%) Native participants and ten (20.0%) Caucasian participants met or exceeded the EAT-26 cutoff score indicative of clinically significant eating disorder symptomatology. There were no significant differences found among the Native and Caucasian participants with regard to eating disorder symptomatology. Rather, eating disorder symptomatology was present in both Native and Caucasian female college students at rates similar to that of previous studies

    Micrometre-scale refrigerators

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    A superconductor with a gap in the density of states or a quantum dot with discrete energy levels is a central building block in realizing an electronic on-chip cooler. They can work as energy filters, allowing only hot quasiparticles to tunnel out from the electrode to be cooled. This principle has been employed experimentally since the early 1990s in investigations and demonstrations of micrometre-scale coolers at sub-kelvin temperatures. In this paper, we review the basic experimental conditions in realizing the coolers and the main practical issues that are known to limit their performance. We give an update of experiments performed on cryogenic micrometre-scale coolers in the past five years

    METEOSAT studies of clouds and radiation budget

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    Radiation budget studies of the atmosphere/surface system from Meteosat, cloud parameter determination from space, and sea surface temperature measurements from TIROS N data are all described. This work was carried out on the interactive planetary image processing system (IPIPS), which allows interactive manipulationion of the image data in addition to the conventional computational tasks. The current hardware configuration of IPIPS is shown. The I(2)S is the principal interactive display allowing interaction via a trackball, four buttons under program control, or a touch tablet. Simple image processing operations such as contrast enhancing, pseudocoloring, histogram equalization, and multispectral combinations, can all be executed at the push of a button

    On exceptional groups of order p^5

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    A finite group G is exceptional if it has a quotient Q whose minimal faithful permutation degree is greater than that of G. We say that Q is a distinguished quotient. The smallest examples of exceptional p-groups have order p^5. For an odd prime p, we classify all pairs (G,Q) where G has order p^5 and Q is a distinguished quotient. (The case p=2 has already been treated by Easdown and Praeger.) We establish the striking asymptotic result that as p increases, the proportion of groups of order p^5 with at least one exceptional quotient tends to 1/2.Comment: 23 page

    Analytical Hartree-Fock gradients for periodic systems

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    We present the theory of analytical Hartree-Fock gradients for periodic systems as implemented in the code CRYSTAL. We demonstrate how derivatives of the integrals can be computed with the McMurchie-Davidson algorithm. Highly accurate gradients with respect to nuclear coordinates are obtained for systems periodic in 0,1,2 or 3 dimensions.Comment: accepted by International Journal of Quantum Chemistr

    A technique for breaking ice in the path of a ship

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    A technique is described for breaking ice in the path of a ship. A laser is placed on the bow of the ship with apparatus to scan the ice in the path of the ship with the laser beam. The beam cuts or shatters the ice, enabling the ship to break the ice in its path

    Supporting Coordinators of Large Units An Integrated, Team Approach - The OK Caral Model – From Peru’s Sandy Caral To Academe’s Stony Walls - Collaboration for Professional Development is OK!

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    In 2001, the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Teaching and Learning Committee approved funding for a professional development program for Coordinators of Large Units (CLU) for 2002. This program is jointly facilitated by the Human Resources Department (HR) and Teaching and Learning Support Services (TALSS). The program is unique in both its focus and the way it has harnessed the distinct development responsibilities of two departments – HR for development in management and leadership and TALSS for development in teaching and learning. The CLU program facilitation team comprises two staff members from each Department along with joint administrative support. The focus of the CLU program is twofold: a) to support CLUs as a staff cohort with unique and specific needs and b) to acknowledge and make visible the systemic issues associated with teaching large groups of students
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