6 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of managerial competence and supervision on teacher performance. In this study, the research method used by the author in this study is an empirical study method, namely research on empirical facts obtained based on observation and experience. The sample in this study were all teachers at three SMPN Banjaran with the technique of taking it by census, that is, the entire population was used as the research sample. The analysis technique used in this research is correlational. Managerial competence based on the results of hypothesis testing statistically shows a positive and significant effect on teacher performance. Principal supervision activities based on the results of statistical hypothesis testing showed a positive and significant effect on teacher performance. Managerial competence and supervision of principals based on the results of statistical hypothesis testing simultaneously show a positive and significant effect on teacher performanceThe purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of managerial competence and supervision on teacher performance. In this study, the research method used by the author in this study is an empirical study method, namely research on empirical facts obtained based on observation and experience. The sample in this study were all teachers at three SMPN Banjaran with the technique of taking it by census, that is, the entire population was used as the research sample. The analysis technique used in this research is correlational. Managerial competence based on the results of hypothesis testing statistically shows a positive and significant effect on teacher performance. Principal supervision activities based on the results of statistical hypothesis testing showed a positive and significant effect on teacher performance. Managerial competence and supervision of principals based on the results of statistical hypothesis testing simultaneously show a positive and significant effect on teacher performanc

    Model Pengembangan Kapasitas Manajemen Sekolah (School Capacitybuilding) Untuk Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan

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    Rendahnya mutu pendidikan yang ditandai dengan rendahnya profesionalisme pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan; kurangnya ketersediaan dan pemanfaatan sarana-prasarana; lemahnya penggalian, manajemen dan akuntabilitas keuangan; dan kurangnya prakarsa/inisiatif berinovasi dalam pengembangan kurikulum merupakan akar masalah perlunya peningkatan kapasitas manajemen sekolah dalam merespons kebutuhan stakeholders dan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan. Tiga segitiga sama sisi kapasitas yaitu kapasitas individu, kapasitas organisasi, kapasitas kepemimpinan menjadi fokus kajian pengembangan kapasitas manajemen sekolah. Penelitian yang melibatkan mahasiswa ini secara intensif menggunakan metode R&D dalam rekabangun model yang paling feasibel untuk membangun kapasitas manajemen sekolah yang efektif dan efisien pada SMA di Jawa Barat. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pengembangan kapasitas manajemen sekolah dimulai dari peningkatan kemampuan pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan profesional yang dilandasai pengembangan diri secara individual dan kelompok, dilakukan secara kontinu dan dengan penilaian kinerja yang valid. Alat untuk meningkatkan keberlanjutan bagi pengembangan kapasitas manajemen adalah kolegialitas dan prinsip pelaksanaannya adalah berkelanjutan melalui suatu action plan yang terukur. Model yang dikembangkan adalah 4CeeS untuk kepemimpinan bintang 5. 4CS (Casing, Communicating, Competencies, Contribution, Sample), Bintang lima 2 dimensi (Dimensi 1 : spirit-self dicipline, relationship-heart, purpose; Dimensi 2: Constructivistic Leadership-Valuebased leadership-servant leadership; transformationalleadership;visionary leadership)The low quality of education in Indonesia has been indicated by several phenomena, such as the low quality of teachers' and educational staffs professionalism; the lack of facility, deficiency of educational financing in terms of absorption, budgeting, and accountability; the lack of educational innovations in developing curriculum. Those fundamental problems indicate the need of improvement in terms of capacity development for school management that will be able to response to stakeholder's needs and scientific development. Importantly, there are three important aspects that should be kept in mind to develop the capacity of school management. Those important aspects are individual, organizational, and leadership capacity. To construct a feasible model that will be able to build an efficient and effective senior high school management in West Java-Indonesia, this study employed a research and development (R&D) methodology. The findings revealed that the development of school management was started from the improvements done by teachers and administrators underlined. The improvements made were laid on the foundation of individual and organizational development through managerial tools. One of the tools that could be used was collegiality. It was recommended therefore that the collegiality should be based on measurable action plans that lead to a 4CS model — Casing, Communicating, Competencies, Contribution, and Sample. 4CS model is adopted from five-star leadership that has two dimensions. When the first dimension consists of self-discipline spirit, affective relationship, and purpose, the second dimension consists of constructive, value-based, servant, transformational, and visionary leadership

    The Implementation of Pesantren Financing Based on Agribusiness Social Entrepreneurs

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    The sources of pesantren funding are limited either from the government, santri parents, or the community. The government has not budgeted pesantren funds in the state budget or regional budget even though there is a policy for pesantren. The search for pesantren financing sources based on the potential of the agribusiness-based social entrepreneurship environment is very desirable. This article aimed to examine the implementation of pesantren financing based on agribusiness social entrepreneurship. Data collection techniques were carried out with the study of documentation, observation, and interviews with the planning, implementation, supervision, evaluation, and accountability of pesantren financing. The study found that Pesantren Al Ittifak Ciwidey in Bandung District implemented agribusiness-based social entrepreneurship financing through five steps namely planning, implementing, controlling, evaluating, and accountability. The study concluded that the implementation of pesantren financing based on agribusiness social entrepreneurship Al Ittifak Ciwidey Bandung was prepared through accounting (budgeting), namely preparing activity plans and pesantren budgets using SWOT analysis; Funding was carried out to finance underprivileged students, to pay teachers, professional development (training), and infrastructure; Supervision of education funding in PPAI Al Ittifak Ciwidey was carried out by the PPAI Management Team, Kiyai, and the board of educators by monitoring, guiding, and solving problems to the RAPBP, Cash, and Equipment; Funding evaluation was carried out at the end of each semester and the end of the school year. Funding accountability was focused on the parents of students, the community, and the Government as well as the PPAI leader, Kiyai

    Pengembangan Kapasitas Manajemen Sekolah Dalam Membangun Pemahaman Visi Dan Misi

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    Pengembangan Kapasitas Manajemen Sekolah dalam Membangun Pemahaman Visi danMisi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis kapasitas manajemen sekolah dalammembangun pemahaman visi misi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan studi kasus.Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi lapangan, dan studi dokumen Ujikeabsahan data dilakukan dengan kredibilitas, transferabilitas, dependabilitas, dan konfirmabilitas. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa sekolah yang membangun pemahaman visi misi berdasar nilai-nilai luhurpendiri lebih memiliki dasar kuat untuk pengembangan kapasitas manajemen sekolah

    The Potential Values of Riyadhoh Improving the Quality of Learning of Students

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    Students are always trying to improve the quality of their learning outcomes. One of the aspirations of the students is riyadhoh. It plans to improve the quality of learning outcomes in terms of intellectual, emotional, and spiritual intelligence. The purpose of this study was to investigate information about the potential values ​​of riyadhoh that are believed to improve the quality of student learning outcomes. This study used a systematic review of research findings related to the potential values ​​of riyadhoh to improve the intellectual, emotional, and spiritual intelligence of students. The technique of this study was riyadhoh's meta-synthesis analysis, which can improve the quality of student learning outcomes and make students successful. The results of this study show that riyadhoh can improve the academic performance of students from the perspective of intellectual, emotional, and spiritual intelligence and make them successful

    The Implementation of Pesantren Financing Based on Agribusiness Social Entrepreneurs

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    The sources of pesantren funding are limited either from the government, santri parents, or the community. The government has not budgeted pesantren funds in the state budget or regional budget even though there is a policy for pesantren. The search for pesantren financing sources based on the potential of the agribusiness-based social entrepreneurship environment is very desirable. This article aimed to examine the implementation of pesantren financing based on agribusiness social entrepreneurship. Data collection techniques were carried out with the study of documentation, observation, and interviews with the planning, implementation, supervision, evaluation, and accountability of pesantren financing. The study found that Pesantren Al Ittifak Ciwidey in Bandung District implemented agribusiness-based social entrepreneurship financing through five steps namely planning, implementing, controlling, evaluating, and accountability. The study concluded that the implementation of pesantren financing based on agribusiness social entrepreneurship Al Ittifak Ciwidey Bandung was prepared through accounting (budgeting), namely preparing activity plans and pesantren budgets using SWOT analysis; Funding was carried out to finance underprivileged students, to pay teachers, professional development (training), and infrastructure; Supervision of education funding in PPAI Al Ittifak Ciwidey was carried out by the PPAI Management Team, Kiyai, and the board of educators by monitoring, guiding, and solving problems to the RAPBP, Cash, and Equipment; Funding evaluation was carried out at the end of each semester and the end of the school year. Funding accountability was focused on the parents of students, the community, and the Government as well as the PPAI leader, Kiyai