93 research outputs found

    Randomized Ensemble Approach with ID3 Algorithm For the Prediction datasets with Imbalance Problem

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    Nowadays, it is significant to make accurate prediction model by handling imbalance problem. When the larger dataset has been used in the prediction model, that data should be classified into classes which gives ‘0’ and ‘1’ to indicate negative and positive results. While classifying this target value, the larger number of instances can reside in one class and the remaining lower number of instances can be stored in another class. Because of this unequal distribution of data, the machine can be biased and there is high possibility to give wrong predictions. An inaccurate Dataset leads to misprediction. Hence, the imbalanced prediction dataset has been taken. This paper gives a proper information on Randomized ensemble approach with ID3 classifier for the imbalanced prediction dataset

    Ruptured renal cell carcinoma in pregnancy: a rare case presentation

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    Malignancy in pregnancy is rare. Carcinomas in pregnancy are mostly kidney cell mass. Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is the commonest malignancy in pregnancy. Because of softness and increased vascularity, rupture of renal cell carcinoma is not uncommon. Here we are presenting a rare case of renal cell carcinoma in pregnancy with spontaneous rupture resulting in massive hemoperitoneum and serious outcome because of late presentation renal cell carcinoma seldom ruptures. A 26 year old woman G2P1L1 with term pregnancy was referred to hospital 80kms away from periphery with non-progression of labour. There was antenatal record suggesting hypertensive disorder of pregnancy in second trimester. On examination, patient was in hypovolemic shock with profuse distension of abdomen. Diagnosis of abruption grade 3 or rupture uterus was made and immediate laparotomy was done. On opening the abdomen, there was hemoperitoneum but uterus was intact. Emergency LSCS done extracted a stillborn baby. There were no retro placental clots also. There was lot of necrotic tissue in the abdomen and there was a tumour arising from lower pole of left kidney which had invaded the renal vessels and had ruptured. Peripartum hysterectomy and left nephrectomy was done. Women did not respond to treatment and died. The objective of presenting this case is the dilemmas faced by the obstetrician in case of shock in 2nd stage of labour. Simple diagnostic tool like renal ultrasound will help to detect at an early stage which could improve the outcome. All cases of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy should be investigated for secondary causes of hypertension. Abdominal USG must be done for all cases of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in 2nd trimester. Prompt diagnosis and early treatment is the key in management of such condition in pregnancy

    Successful management of pregnancy in a non-communicating rudimentary horn of a unicornuate uterus

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    Pregnancy in a rudimentary horn pregnancy is a rare clinical condition. The usual consequence is rupture culminating in hypovolemic shock. We had a different scenario of unruptured rudimentary horn pregnancy which was detected following failed attempt of MTP. She underwent laparotomy and excision of rudimentary horn. Post-operative period was uneventful. We present this case not only because of rarity but also high index of suspicion is required to diagnose at an early stage before a devastating course

    Serum β-hcg levels between 12 to 20 weeks of gestation in prediction of hypertensive disordrers of pregnancy

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    Background: This study was undertaken to study the association of serum β hCG levels between 12 to 20 weeks of gestation and development of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and to assess the association between the levels of β hCG and severity of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Study design: Prospective cohort study (200 uncomplicated primigravida).Methods: All women between 12 to 20 weeks of pregnancy meeting the selection criteria, attended antenatal OPD in JIPMER were recruited for this study after informed consent. The venous blood samples were obtained from the subjects for β-hCG analysis. Serum β hCG level was measured by Enzyme Linked Immunoassay System (ELISA) and expressed as mIU/ml. Multiples of median were calculated from the median of the sample population and were considered as raised if it was >2 MOM. The cases were followed up until delivery and observed for development of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.Results: Out of 200 cases, 185 cases were followed completely till term. Among 185 cases who were followed up, 10 women developed hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, accounting for 5.4% in the study group. Out of the total 185 women who were studied, 132 had β hCG levels ≤2 MOM and 53 had β hCG levels >2 MOM. Among 132 women (94.7%) with β hCG levels ≤2 MOM, 7 (5.3%) developed hypertensive disorders. Among 53 cases (94.3%) with β hCG levels >2 MOM, 3 women (5.7%) developed hypertensive disorders. The incidence of HDP was almost similar in both the groups, 5.3% among those whose β hCG levels were ≤2MOM and 5.7% among those who had β hCG levels >2 MOM (p value - 0.923).Conclusions: From the present study, it may be concluded that high serum β hCG levels (2 MOM) estimated between 12 to 20 weeks of pregnancy were not predictive of development of hypertensive disorders later in pregnancy.

    Effect of physical and chemical treatments on breaking the seed dormancy of Caesalpinia bonduc (L.) Roxb.

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    Caesalpinia bonduc (L.) Roxb. is a medicinal plant belonging to the family Caesalpiniaceae was used for the present study. It is a prickly shrub widely distributed all over the world. Keeping the economic and social medicinal uses of C. bonduc seeds are being used widely in Folk, Ayurvedha, Siddha, Unani medicines to treat skin disease, eyesores, cancer, asthma, tuberculorosis, fever, toothaches etc. The aim of this study is to determine the requirements for breaking seed dormancy and germination of C. bonduc. The germination is prevented due to hard seed coat. C. bonduc seeds were experimented with various physical and chemical treatments to break the dormancy. The seeds were subjected to various treatments like mechanical scarification, dry heat method, light, hot water, acid scarification, inorganic compounds, plant growth regulators etc. The seeds treatment with mechanical scarification at 50, 40 and 30 seconds showed 100%, 80% and 10% of germination, whereas no changes was observed in dry heat. White light treatment showed 100% germination at 48 hrs, whereas darkness and red light showed least germination of about 10%. The hot-water treatment showed 100% germination. In chemical treatments, concentrated sulphuric acid scarification showed highest germination percentage, whereas lowest germination was found in nitric acid. Among the plant growth regulators, Gibberellic acid showed 100% germination whereas 2-isopentyl adenine showed least germination of 10% at 50 ppm. Results of this study prove that mechanical scarification was the most effective treatment to overcome dormancy of seeds in C. bonduc

    A Study on Comparison of different Phenotypic methods for detection of Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase Production among Enterobacteriaceae in Urinary Tract Infection in a Tertiary Care Centre

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    INTRODUCTION: Urinary Tract Infections are serious threat to human health affecting millions of people every year resulting in high morbidity and mortality. Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp, Proteus mirabilis of Enterobacteriaceae are the commonest uropathogens. Antibiotic resistance in uropathogens is increasing worldwide most of the uropathogens of Enterobacteriaceae carry resistance gene for Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase production on plasmid that can easily spread from organism to organism. Aims and OBJECTIVES: To identify and to compare the rate of detection of ESBL strains by different phenotypic methods and confirmation by genotypic method among Enterobacteriaceae of UTI. MATERIALS AND METHODS: About 122 isolates of Enterobacteriaceae isolated from 400 urine samples of both inpatient and out patients of Government Rajaji Hospital, Madurai during Sep 2015-Aug 2016 were included. ESBL strains were identified by screening methods and confirmed by Phenotypic methods DDST,PCT, CHROM agar, Etest. The results are confirmed by presence of ESBL genes by genotypic method. RESULTS: Among 81 isolates of Escherichia coli 34(41.98%), among 32 isolates of Klebsiella spp 14(43.75%),among 6 isolates of Proteus mirabilis 2(33.33%) were ESBL producers. Totally in Enterobacteriaceae 20.49% by DDST method and 40.98% by PCT, ESBL CHROM agar and E-test were detected as ESBL producers. The commonest gene isolated was CTX-M either alone or in combination with other genes TEM and SHV. CONCLUSION: For early detection of ESBL producers PCT can be performed in Microbiology Laboratory as they are simple to perform and cost effective

    Clinical use of misoprostol for cervical ripening before transcervical procedures in non pregnant women: a randomized comparison of vaginal and sublingual administrations

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    Background: Endometrial sampling techniques like endometrial biopsy, Fractional curettage, Dilatation & curettage and hysteroscopy are the common gynaecological outpatient transcervical diagnostic procedures for various clinical conditions. Complications encountered during these procedures are often due to difficulties in cervical dilatation. The incidence of these complications can be reduced if cervix is ripened before the procedures. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of 400mcg of misoprostol administered vaginally or sublingually for cervical ripening before transcervical gynaecological diagnostic procedures in both pre and post-menopausal women. Methods: Non pregnant pre and post-menopausal women scheduled for transcervical diagnostic procedures were assigned by computerized randomization to receive 400 mcg of misoprostol, administered either sublingually or vaginally 3-4 hours prior to the procedure. The primary outcome in this study was the pre procedural cervical width as measured by the largest number of Hegar dilators. The side effects related to misoprostol and complications associated with the procedure if any also noted.Results: Patients were randomized to receive sublingual (50) or vaginal (50) misoprostol. The two groups were comparable in terms of age, BMI (body mass index), parity, menopausal status and indications for diagnostic procedures. The mean cervical dilatation in sublingual group was 7.28 ± 2.21 mm and it was 6.57 ± 2.24 mm in vaginal group which was statistically similar among the groups. There were no complications associated with the procedure. Side effects were also comparable among the groups.Conclusion: Even though we found sublingual route is an effective alternate to vaginal administration of misoprostol for cervical ripening before transcervical diagnostic procedures like endometrial biopsy, fractional curettage and dilatational curettage in non pregnant pre and post-menopausal women especially when women feel uncomfortable with vaginal route. However, the optimal dose and time interval remains to be identified. It needs larger randomized control trials are required to prove clinical significance if any.

    An Automated Framework for Detecting Change in the Source Code and Test Case Change Recommendation

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    Improvements and acceleration in software development have contributed towards high-quality services in all domains and all fields of industry, causing increasing demands for high-quality software developments. The industry is adopting human resources with high skills, advanced methodologies, and technologies to match the high-quality software development demands to accelerate the development life cycle. In the software development life cycle, one of the biggest challenges is the change management between the version of the source codes. Various reasons, such as changing the requirements or adapting available updates or technological upgrades, can cause the source code's version. The change management affects the correctness of the software service's release and the number of test cases. It is often observed that the development life cycle is delayed due to a lack of proper version control and due to repetitive testing iterations. Hence the demand for better version control-driven test case reduction methods cannot be ignored. The parallel research attempts propose several version control mechanisms. Nevertheless, most version controls are criticized for not contributing toward the test case generation of reduction. Henceforth, this work proposes a novel probabilistic rule-based test case reduction method to simplify the software development's testing and version control mechanism. Software developers highly adopt the refactoring process for making efficient changes such as code structure and functionality or applying changes in the requirements. This work demonstrates very high accuracy for change detection and management. This results in higher accuracy for test case reductions. The outcome of this work is to reduce the development time for the software to make the software development industry a better and more efficient world

    An Ensemble Learning Approach for Fast Disaster Response using Social Media Analytics

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    Natural disaster happens, as a result of natural hazards that cause financial, environmental or human losses. Natural disasters strike unexpectedly, affecting the lives of tens of thousands of people. During the flood, social media sites were also heavily used to disseminate information about flooded areas, rescue agencies, food and relief centres. This work proposes an ensemble learning strategy for combining and analysing social media data in order to close the gap and progress in catastrophic situation. To enable scalability and broad accessibility of the dynamic streaming of multimodal data namely text, image, audio and video, this work is designed around social media data. A fusion technique was employed at the decision level, based on a database of 15 characteristics for more than 300 disasters around the world (Trained with MNIST dataset 60000 training images and 10000 testing images).  This work allows the collected multimodal social media data to share a common semantic space, making individual variable prediction easier. Each  merged numerical vector(tensors) of text and audio  is sent into the K-CNN algorithm, which is an  unsupervised learning algorithm (K-CNN), and the  image and video data is given to a deep learning  based Progressive Neural Artificial Search (PNAS).  The trained data acts as a predictor for future  incidents, allowing for the estimation of total  deaths, total individuals impacted, and total  damage, as well as specific suggestions for food,  shelter and housing inspections. To make such a prediction, the trained model is presented a satellite image from before the accident as well as the geographic and demographic conditions, which is expected to result in a prediction accuracy of more than 85%

    Smart Poultry House Monitoring System Using IoT

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    In modern India, the poultry industry is one of the largest and fastest growing segments of the agrarian economy. Due to standardized farming management and excellent manufacturing practices, chicken output has been steadily increasing in recent years. Automation is crucial in the modern world, and the Internet of Things (IoT) concept is also evolving rapidly. It is possible to automate manual processes using acertain technique. The project's objective is to use IoT technologies to automate management-related chores on a chicken farm. Environmental factors like temperature and humidity are just a few that have an impact on chicken wellness. By keeping an eye on the chicks according to their cycle, the proprietor is informed. The weight of the chicken is taken into consideration for high - quality manufacturing. If all these factors remain consistent, chicken production and quality increase
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