498 research outputs found

    Pendugaan Daya Produksi Susu dan Beberapa Nilai Parameter Genetik pada Sapi Perah Fries Holland

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    The aims of the present research were to calculate some genetically parameters for estimation of milk production potency of dairy cattle based on the recorded data for 10 years of production. Parameter calculated included: heredity, repeatability and production capacity. The data was collected from PT. Taurus Dairy Farm Sukabumi during the period of 1990-2000. Heredity and repeatability values were determined by variance and covariance analysis based on paternal half in completely randomized design. Calculation of milk production capacity was based on most probable producing ability (MPPA) formula. Results showed that the highest milk production of about 3.565.71 670.021 kg/y was obtained during the first lactation period and followed by the fourth lactation period of 3.331,80 806,35 kg/y. The highest heredity value of 0,36 0,35 was obtained at first lactation, followed by third lactation of 0,25 0,31, fourth lactation 0,22 0,30. The repeatability value of milk production was found 0, 33

    Preliminary Study on Worldviews

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    Worldviews are an important part of human life because they illustrate the ways people think and act. This article aims to review studies conducted by scholars, definitions of the term "worldview", and scientists' explorations of worldviews, and to examine how such categories may be applied to capture reality. This study concludes that worldviews have been the focus of intensive studies since the 1980s. Many scientists have defined the concept of "worldview" and attempted to explain its dynamics. Studies of worldviews can be grouped into several paradigms. Because of the extent of the study area, theoretically worldviews can be classified into several categories based on, for example, views of self and others, time, space, relationships, and causation. In reality, the worldview of a society can be seen in how members of the society live in relation to God, nature, people, and the environment. In examining the worldviews held in social reality, the specific categories mapped by scholars must be made congruent with the realities in the field, because sometimes these categories are interrelated and difficult to understand separately

    Perbedaan Prestasi Akademik Antara Laki-laki Dan Perempuan Studi Di Wilayah YOGYAKARTA

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    The aim of the study is to find out the difference of academic achievement based on gender. The result shows that there is significantly difference on academic achievement between male and female in general. Female academic achievement shows greater score than male. For further discussion, Female in elementary school, senior high school, diploma and also undergraduate degree has greater score than male. Meanwhile, in junior high school, there is no difference between male and female in their academic achievement

    Fungi Endofit dari Tanaman Secang (Caesalpinia Sappan L) sebagai Penghasil Senyawa Antioksidan: Endophytic Fungi From Secang (Caesalpinia Sappan L) AS Producer Of Antioxidant Compounds

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    Endophytic fungi are microbes that reside symbiotically in the plant tissues with undetected negative impacts to their host plants. These fungi are able to produce elements similar to those produced by their host plants. Secang (Caesalpinia sappan L.) has been known as one of the medicinal plants that contains compounds with antioxidant activity thus promote a hypothesis that its endophytic fungi may yield a similar antioxidant effect. In this study, the isolation of endophytic fungi from Secang as the producer of antioxidant compounds was carried out. At the initial stage, endophytic fungi were isolated from the leaves, the twigs, the stems, and the rootsof Secang using the agar plate method. Pure fungi isolates were then subjected to fermentation process using the PDBgrowth medium supplemented with yeast extractand wereconstantly shaken for 12 days at a speed of 200 rpm to produce secondary metabolites. Fermentatesobtained from all fungi isolates were then extracted using ethyl acetate and further tested for their antioxidant activities. In this study, of 19 isolates that were obtained from four parts of the Secang, five fungi isolates, coded as IFD1, IFD4, IFR5, IFA1, and IFA2 were found to yield antioxidant activities demonstrated by the presence of yellow spots on the chromatogram. elementary schools representatives “not good ranking”, the education did not influence their knowledge with a p value of 0.149. Analysis of the Wilcoxon test in all elementary schools showed a p value p ≤ 0,001, which meant that education had an influence on the knowledge of fifth grade students in elementary schools in Palu City

    A Preliminary Survey on Islamic Mysticism in Java

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    Berbagai praktik mistik telah berkembang di kalangan masyarakat Jawa. Kemunculan praktik tersebut sebenarnya dapat dilacak dari konteks sejarah masuknya Islam ke Indonesia, dan Jawa pada khususnya. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi Islam dan mistisime di Jawa, yakni menjelaskan rasionalitas dari penerimaan komunitas Muslim atas penyebaran mistisisme Islam dan penyebaran mistisisme Islam itu sendiri di Jawa. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa mistisime Jawa tumbuh subur dalam hampir setiap sendi kehidupan; di lingkungan keluarga istana, pesantren, grup kebatinan, dan di tingkat publik secara umum. Hal ini terjadi karena Islam yang sebenarnya diperkenalkan ke Indonesia dan Jawa, khususnya, adalah Islam yang dirumuskan sebagai Islam mistik. Mistisisme Islam lebih mudah berkembang sebagaimana ia juga dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan pemahaman pubik masyarakat Jawa
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