32 research outputs found

    Digitale Urkundenbücher zur mittelalterlichen Geschichte

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    Bei Projekten zur Digitalisierung in Geisteswissenschaften ist heute die Realisierung größerer, überregionaler und über das World Wide Web abfragbarer Lösungen erforderlich. Die Beiträge dieses Bandes wurden auf der Tagung des Staatsarchivs Hamburg und des Zentrums "Geisteswissenschaften in der digitalen Welt" an der Universität Hamburg am 10. und 11. April 2006 gehalten. Sie leisten einen interdisziplinären Beitrag zur erforderlichen Standardisierung dieser Angebote, die erst den dringend notwendigen Austausch erleichtern und die gemeinsame Nutzung strukturierter Daten ermöglichen kann.Today, digitization projects in the Humanities require the implementation of larger, supraregional solutions. The contributions in this volume were presented at the conference of the Hamburg State Archives and the Center for the Humanities in the Digital World at the University of Hamburg on April 10 and 11, 2006. They make an interdisciplinary contribution to the required standardisation of corresponding services which can only facilitate the urgently needed exchange of information and make it possible to share structured data

    Begrüßung durch den Dekan des Fachbereichs Philosophie und Geschichtswissenschaft

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    Dieser Band dokumentiert die Reden, die anlässlich der akademischen Gedenkfeier für Peter Herrmann im Warburg-Haus in Hamburg am 15.5.2003 gehalten wurden.This volume documents the speeches given at the academic commemoration ceremony for Peter Herrmann at the Warburg-Haus in Hamburg on May 15, 2003

    Michael Heslop. Medieval Greece. Encounters between Latins, Greeks and others in the Dodecanese and the Mani

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    Michael Heslop. Medieval Greece. Encounters between Latins, Greeks and others in the Dodecanese and the Mani. Variorum Collected Studies Series CS1093. London–New York: Routledge, 2021. 347+XIX S., zahlreiche Abb. ISBN: 978-0-36785-907-7.Michael Heslop. Medieval Greece. Encounters between Latins, Greeks and others in the Dodecanese and the Mani. Variorum Collected Studies Series CS1093. London–New York: Routledge, 2021. 347+XIX S., zahlreiche Abb. ISBN: 978-0-36785-907-7.Michael Heslop. Medieval Greece. Encounters between Latins, Greeks and others in the Dodecanese and the Mani. Variorum Collected Studies Series CS1093. London–New York: Routledge, 2021. 347+XIX S., zahlreiche Abb. ISBN: 978-0-36785-907-7

    Johanniterbischöfe im Östlichen Mittelmeer (14.–15. Jahrhundert)

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    Hospitaller Bishops in the Eastern Mediterranean (14th–15th century)Rudolf Hiestand defined a bishopric of an order as being feudally and political dependent dioceses on this other institution. In this sense, the archbishopric of Rhodes as well as the dependent on Kos and Nisyros were bishoprics of the Hospitallers. Nevertheless, the Order failed to install a sequence of priest brethren as bishops or archbishops. The election of priest brethren to these offices were rather the exception, as in the case of fr. Jean Morelli elected in 1447, and the probably small cathedral chapters never were dominated by priest brethren. When the Order received a papal bull in 1433, that decreed that priest brethren should be preferred as Latin bishops of Rhodes and the Dodecanese because of their knowledge of Greek and local customs, this was soon superseded by the events. The Council of Florence decreed the Union between Eastern and Western Church, and the Greek metropolitan Nathanael came to Rhodes and became the first of several Greek bishops on Rhodes, whose position was finally defined as that of suffragans of the Latin archbishop, and therefore the arguments in the papal bull did not fit the situation anymore. But in general, the Order was not much focussed on a control over the bishoprics, also on Cyprus, but rather tried to preserve a good relationship to the secular clergy in its sphere of influence

    Tous les diables d’enfer. Rélations du siège de Rhodes par les Ottomans en 1480, hrsg. Jean-Bernard de Vaivre, Laurent Vissière (Travaux d’Humanisme et de Renaissance, vol. 529), Genf: Droz 2014, 878 pp.

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    Tous les diables d’enfer. Rélations du siège de Rhodes par les Ottomans en 1480, hrsg. Jean-Bernard de Vaivre, Laurent Vissière (Travaux d’Humanisme et de Renaissance, vol. 529), Genf: Droz 2014, 878 pp., ISBN: 978-2-600-01768-8