653 research outputs found

    A realization of the Hecke algebra on the space of period functions for Gamma_0(n)

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    The standard realization of the Hecke algebra on classical holomorphic cusp forms and the corresponding period polynomials is well known. In this article we consider a nonstandard realization of the Hecke algebra on Maass cusp forms for the Hecke congruence subgroups Gamma_0(n). We show that the vector valued period functions derived recently by Hilgert, Mayer and Movasati as special eigenfunctions of the transfer operator for Gamma_0(n) are indeed related to the Maass cusp forms for these groups. This leads also to a simple interpretation of the ``Hecke like'' operators of these authors in terms of the aforementioned non standard realization of the Hecke algebra on the space of vector valued period functions.Comment: 30 pages; corrected typos and fixed incomplete proofs in section

    Spectral statistics for quantized skew translations on the torus

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    We study the spectral statistics for quantized skew translations on the torus, which are ergodic but not mixing for irrational parameters. It is shown explicitly that in this case the level--spacing distribution and other common spectral statistics, like the number variance, do not exist in the semiclassical limit.Comment: 7 pages. One figure, include

    AdS_3 Partition Functions Reconstructed

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    For pure gravity in AdS_3, Witten has given a recipe for the construction of holomorphically factorizable partition functions of pure gravity theories with central charge c=24k. The partition function was found to be a polynomial in the modular invariant j-function. We show that the partition function can be obtained instead as a modular sum which has a more physical interpretation as a sum over geometries. We express both the j-function and its derivative in terms of such a sum.Comment: 9 page

    Bagchi's Theorem for families of automorphic forms

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    We prove a version of Bagchi's Theorem and of Voronin's Universality Theorem for family of primitive cusp forms of weight 22 and prime level, and discuss under which conditions the argument will apply to general reasonable family of automorphic LL-functions.Comment: 15 page

    Entangled networks, synchronization, and optimal network topology

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    A new family of graphs, {\it entangled networks}, with optimal properties in many respects, is introduced. By definition, their topology is such that optimizes synchronizability for many dynamical processes. These networks are shown to have an extremely homogeneous structure: degree, node-distance, betweenness, and loop distributions are all very narrow. Also, they are characterized by a very interwoven (entangled) structure with short average distances, large loops, and no well-defined community-structure. This family of nets exhibits an excellent performance with respect to other flow properties such as robustness against errors and attacks, minimal first-passage time of random walks, efficient communication, etc. These remarkable features convert entangled networks in a useful concept, optimal or almost-optimal in many senses, and with plenty of potential applications computer science or neuroscience.Comment: Slightly modified version, as accepted in Phys. Rev. Let

    Hierarchy of the Selberg zeta functions

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    We introduce a Selberg type zeta function of two variables which interpolates several higher Selberg zeta functions. The analytic continuation, the functional equation and the determinant expression of this function via the Laplacian on a Riemann surface are obtained.Comment: 14 page

    The second moment of GL(3)×GL(2)GL(3) \times GL(2) LL-functions, integrated

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    We consider the family of Rankin-Selberg convolution L-functions of a fixed SL(3, Z) Maass form with the family of Hecke-Maass cusp forms on SL(2, Z). We estimate the second moment of this family of L-functions with a "long" integration in t-aspect. These L-functions are distinguished by their high degree (12) and large conductors (of size T^{12}).Comment: v1: 17 pages; v2: 24 pages, improved and expanded expositio

    Spectral simplicity and asymptotic separation of variables

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    We describe a method for comparing the real analytic eigenbranches of two families of quadratic forms that degenerate as t tends to zero. One of the families is assumed to be amenable to `separation of variables' and the other one not. With certain additional assumptions, we show that if the families are asymptotic at first order as t tends to 0, then the generic spectral simplicity of the separable family implies that the eigenbranches of the second family are also generically one-dimensional. As an application, we prove that for the generic triangle (simplex) in Euclidean space (constant curvature space form) each eigenspace of the Laplacian is one-dimensional. We also show that for all but countably many t, the geodesic triangle in the hyperbolic plane with interior angles 0, t, and t, has simple spectrum.Comment: 53 pages, 2 figure

    Monodromy of Cyclic Coverings of the Projective Line

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    We show that the image of the pure braid group under the monodromy action on the homology of a cyclic covering of degree d of the projective line is an arithmetic group provided the number of branch points is sufficiently large compared to the degree.Comment: 47 pages (to appear in Inventiones Mathematicae

    Nodal domains of Maass forms I

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    This paper deals with some questions that have received a lot of attention since they were raised by Hejhal and Rackner in their 1992 numerical computations of Maass forms. We establish sharp upper and lower bounds for the L2L^2-restrictions of these forms to certain curves on the modular surface. These results, together with the Lindelof Hypothesis and known subconvex LL^\infty-bounds are applied to prove that locally the number of nodal domains of such a form goes to infinity with its eigenvalue.Comment: To appear in GAF