16 research outputs found

    Aktivitas Pengguna Taman Tirto Agung sebagai Ruang Publik

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    City is an area that has its high mobility. Urban area as central of political, economic, social as well as culture activity with itself also has certain color over these activities. The growth of city is influenced by the presence of population growth that support for urban life. Public space is a space that serves activities related to social interaction, increasing income, and art performance (Darmawan, 2009:48). An attractive public space would always be visited by community with different levels of social, economic, ethnic, educational, age difference, and motivations or other interests. The public space which is visited by many communities is downtown park. This park is usually located in the central city that form of green field with shade trees surounding it, or in the form of an urban forest with traditional patterns, or could be with new development designs (Darmawan, 2009:49). Public spaces are complemented with infrastructures for community to interact, increase quality of life, increase income, and perform art performances. This research purpose to determine the activities of visitor at Taman Tirta Agung as a public space. By knowing visitor activities, it could be seen how the role of park as a public space and the attractiveness on the other activities. This research uses crosstab analysis. Based on the results of field observation has shown that visiting time and age influenced the activity and motivation to visit park. This research has shown that the recreation and do exercise are dominant to visitor activities at Taman Tirta Agung. Seeing the high community\u27s interest toward park that expected for government would be able to improve the facilities and numbers of city park at Semarang

    POLA ADAPTASI MASYARAKAT PESISIR GENUK KOTA SEMARANG (Patterns of Community Adaptation to Environmental Degradation in Genuk Coastal Area, Semarang)

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    Globalization brings many consequences for Indonesian urban development and the communities. Industrialization is one of them. Globalization also brings policy transformation affecting the community’s welfare and lifestyle. One of the indicators is that local values have started to fade. The similar condition also occurs in fishermen’s and fish farmers’ settlements in Semarang, which have transformed into industrial settlements in 1980s during the industrialization period. Land conversion occurred in a short time from ponds and rice fields into factories, warehouses, and new labor’s settlements. It did not take a long time for the community’s local values to transform into the new ones influenced by the welfare level of the new community. Based on the phenomena, this study aims to understand the lifestyle of the community and its influence in managing the housing environment with Genuk coastal area of Semarang City as a case. This research has three objectives: to understand the motivation to urbanization, to comprehend the neighborhoods’ conditions, and to comprehend the influence of community’s lifestyle towards the settlement condition. In achieving the objectives, the qualitative approach supported by some quantitative data is used.  The results show that there are three classes of the community influencing the environmental management. It is found that the people’s migration reasons had a big influence for the environmental management. In this case, the middle-class community is a key stakeholder to overcome the environmental problems. It becomes good initiator. On the contrary, the lower class has a less role in dealing with the environmental problems. It has even a big contribution on environmental degradation. Meanwhile, the upper class pays less attention to the environment. Only a little part of it, especially the local one, is willing to take part in the environmental management. The middle-class people consider that the problems arise due to the inappropriate planning. Unfortunately, they are not capable of dealing with the problems. On the contrary, the upper-class people consider that the issues arise from the lower class behavior that does not pay attention to the environment. As a consequence, the upper-class community is not willing to address the problems


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    Development of Village tourism development model is initiated by the Ministry of tourism and Creative Economy for poverty in rural paved. It's what makes Holy County Government initiative to develop the village into a tourist village Colo based nature tourism. Sunan Muria with fame in Kudus, making the village a Colo is located in the mountains of Muria as one of the tourist destinations that continues to evolve. See this potential, the villagers do tourism management in non-governmental and informal communities through the establishment of supporting tourism, such as taxi, hawkers and street vendors. There is a unique phenomena that are contained in the village of Colo namely management of tours with gender roles. Gender roles are not only happening in the improvement of well-being. Be interesting to examined how gender roles towards the improvement of the welfare of the Community tourism village Colo? to answer that question, this research uses a quantitative approach through descriptive statistics methods. Data were collected through document review, interviews and questionnaire to 134 KK as respondents. The results showed that gender roles related to the improvement of the welfare of the community. There is a pattern of increasing well-being of informally through changes in livelihood and ultimately increase revenue

    Investigating Plagiarism: the Form and the Motivation in Performing Plagiarism in High Education

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    The rapid development of information technology, especially the Internet is pointed out to be factor driving the student to practice plagiarism. Prevention efforts continue to be made both from government policies and stakeholder by creating software anti-plagiarism. However, in the reality the practice of plagiarism re-mains common and relatively more widespread. This practice continues to be varied, so that we need to up-date the information and findings through investigations plagiarism practices in student assign-ments. The method used was a mixed-method approach or mix of quantitative and quali-tative approaches. A quantitative approach was done by using software turnitin.com to scan for plagiarism indication of the level of student assignment in common. To study the behavior of plagiarism, the interview process was also done informally to students who commit high plagiarism. The results showed that the pattern of students\u27 plagiarism consists of five forms: sham paraphrasing, illicit paraphrasing, other plagiarism, copying verbatim and purloining. Illicit paraphrasing practices are a form of copy-paste literature review and did not pay attention to the bibliography. Besides, the practice of plagiarism is closely associated with low academic writing knowledge. Therefore, the practice of plagiarism should not only be viewed from the perspective of the academic violations, but also from the other perspectives

    Integrasi Ruang Biru Pada Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Sebagai Instrumen Mitigasi Bencana Banjir di Kota Semarang

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    Spatial planning as a guidance in spatial use, arrange various permitted activities in a space by considering various implications including natural disasters which may not be predictable. Semarang City with diverse topographic conditions has the potential for natural disasters, including flood. One of the flood disaster mitigation efforts is based on the existence of green space and blue-space as water catchment areas. But in fact, the substance of spatial planning has not clearly regulated the urban blue space. This study aims to integrate the blue space in the substance of regional spatial planning as a disaster mitigation instrument in the Semarang City. The research was conducted through a review of the substance of the spatial planning and flood disaster mitigation efforts that have been carried out in Semarang City. Based on the results of the studies that have been conducted, the integration of the blue space plan can be integrated in several contents of the regional spatial plan, starting from the formulation of objectives, policies, and spatial planning strategies to the direction of controlling spatial use


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    The rapid growth of cities is characterized by the "pressure" in the form of increasingly dense urban areas, slums, traffic congestion, unemployment in the cities, and the number of illegal housing in the suburbs. This issue demonstrates the need for a balance between urban and rural areas. The balance is obtained through the interaction, and the interaction there is a process of "transfer" in the form of the human population, natural resources, and other supporting components. This view of the phenomenon makes many researchers conducting various studies in the context of the interaction between rural and urban. Furthermore, the study of the interaction of cities such as Salatiga and Semarang are in fact joined in the same region, KSN Kedungsepur. Semarang and surrounding developments as Semarang Metropolitan Region (SMR) are the main attraction for the people who are around Semarang that caused an increase in the spatial interactions between Semarang and surrounding areas. From some areas belonging to KSN Kedungsepur, there are only two areas with the status of the city of Semarang city as a centre of KSN and Salatiga. This becomes interesting, unique conditions for studying the phenomenon under study is the interaction of the cities. The method used in this research was a quantitative method with descriptive analysis. Data was collected through a questionnaire survey technique primary by taking a random sample of migrants from Salatiga City and studied at the city of Semarang. The results of the study there were four mobility characteristics formed between Salatiga and Semarang, namely, commuting-boarding, boarding-commuting, boarding and boarding-permanent


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    The rapid growth of cities is characterized by the "pressure" in the form of increasingly dense urban areas, slums, traffic congestion, unemployment in the cities, and the number of illegal housing in the suburbs. This issue demonstrates the need for a balance between urban and rural areas. The balance is obtained through the interaction, and the interaction there is a process of "transfer" in the form of the human population, natural resources, and other supporting components. This view of the phenomenon makes many researchers conducting various studies in the context of the interaction between rural and urban. Furthermore, the study of the interaction of cities such as Salatiga and Semarang are in fact joined in the same region, KSN Kedungsepur. Semarang and surrounding developments as Semarang Metropolitan Region (SMR) are the main attraction for the people who are around Semarang that caused an increase in the spatial interactions between Semarang and surrounding areas. From some areas belonging to KSN Kedungsepur, there are only two areas with the status of the city of Semarang city as a centre of KSN and Salatiga. This becomes interesting, unique conditions for studying the phenomenon under study is the interaction of the cities. The method used in this research was a quantitative method with descriptive analysis. Data was collected through a questionnaire survey technique primary by taking a random sample of migrants from Salatiga City and studied at the city of Semarang. The results of the study there were four mobility characteristics formed between Salatiga and Semarang, namely, commuting-boarding, boarding-commuting, boarding and boarding-permanent

    Local-Dis-Connection: The Influence of Semarang-Solo Toll Road to Socio-Spatial Disintegration

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    Development of a toll road infrastructure serves as a hub for growth centers and global connections, on the other side, this infrastructure development will instead break local connections and further marginalize lower-class society. Trying to prove the thought, this paper aims to analyze the impact of Semarang - Solo toll road construction on socio-spatial communities in Kandangan Village. This research utilizes livelihood asset variables in the form of social capital, human capital, financial capital, natural resource capital, and physical capital. The method used in this research is the analysis of settlement patterns utilizing GIS, and regression analysis that served to know the size of the socio-spatial disintegration that occurred after construction. The results show that the spatial impacts caused by toll road construction resulted in the physical changes of settlements in Kandangan Village which can be seen from the changes in settlement patterns between the period of 2011 and 2017. Meanwhile, the social impacts show the characteristics of the five livelihood assets that change after the construction of the toll road. The findings of this study indicate that Kandangan village experiences socio-spatial disintegration with moderate levels. Although Kandangan Village has a moderate socio-spatial disintegration level, it doesn’t cause social conflict