60 research outputs found

    The Influence of Mindfulness on the Decreasing Anxiety in Nursing Students to Support Academic Learning: A Literature Review

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    Background: Anxiety and stress in nursing students has been shown to result in a lack of concentration, reduced learning productivity, and unfavorable physiological effects. This can cause a bad risk to the academic process of nursing students. A positive coping mechanism to reduce anxiety can be performed through various mindfulness training to support the academic success of nursing students.Purpose: This literature review study aimed to describe the influence of mindfulness on decreasing anxiety in nursing students to support academic learning, from various literature studies. Method: This study is a literature review. Data were collected through the online databases of EBSCO, PubMed, and ScienceDirect. The articles used in this study were determined published in 2010 to 2017. The key words used in searching for the articles were mindfulness, mindfulness in nursing students, nursing student anxiety, and nursing student achievement.Results: The results of this literature indicate that mindfulness is a holistic intervention that significantly improves mental health in nursing students. It can support students’  learning productivity to improve their academic achievement. The focus of mindfulness training program is to develop a better way to observe and concentrate, which in turn will facilitate a reduction in suffering and increased inner peace. Mindfulness will create relaxed attitudes and facilitates an open acceptance of experiences, thoughts, and learning.Conclusion: Mindfulness therapy with various types of exercises would be a good alternative for nursing students to reduce anxiety. Future studies should explore the long-term effects of mindfulness on the students’ learning productivity and academic achievemen

    Gambaran Tingkat Kebutuhan Spiritual pada Orang Dengan Skizofrenia (ODS) di Ruang Rawat Inap RSJD Dr. Amino Gondohutomo Semarang

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    Schizophrenia is a persistent brain disease that results in psychotic behavior, difficulty in information processing, and interpersonal relationships. Spiritual needs are unique to each individual, and for people with schizophrenia spiritual needs are considered very important. The purpose of this study was to exemine the level of spiritual needs in people with schizophrenia in the inpatient room of RSJD Dr. Amino Gondohutomo Semarang. Methods of data collection use descriptive research design. The total sample is 71 respondents. Collecting data use a questionnaire consisting of respondent characteristics (demographic data and clinical data) and spiritual needs questionnaire using SpNQ (spiritual needs questionnaire). The analysis used was univariat analysis using descriptive statistical test. The result of this study showed that the level of religious needs is very important for 35 respondents (score 15-21), the level of inner peace is quite important for 40 respondents (score 8-14), the level of existential need is quite important for 41 respondents (score 8-14), and the level of actively giving is quite important for 36 respondents (score 9-16). The result of this study are expected to be a form of spiritual therapy intervention that can be used by health workers especially nurses to improve nursing sevices especially for the fulfillment of the spiritual needs of patients. Keywords: people with schizophrenia, spiritual need


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    Mental disorders are a significant behavioral pattern related to distress and cause malfunctioning of human life. The treatment of people with mental disorder to reduce or even cure the disorder is done through medical and non-medical therapies. One of the most common non-medical therapies is spirituality therapy. Therefore, spirituality is important for people with mental disorder. The present study aimed to describe spirituality of people with mental disorder at the Social Rehabilitation of Maunatul Mubarok, Sayung, Demak. The study represented a quantitative descriptive study with cross-sectional approach, and involved 63 respondents. The data were collected using a questionnaire consisting of respondent characteristics and level of spirituality. A univariate analysis using descriptive statistical tests was performed to get the description of respondents’ characteristics and their spirituality. The results showed that respondents who had good spirituality were 40, had sufficient spirituality were 18, and had poor spirituality were 5. Based on the aspect of closeness to God, the study indicated that respondent(s) who felt as close as possible to God were 3, very close to God were 24, a bit close to God were 35, and not close anymore to God was 1. The results of this study are expected to be a form of intervention that can be used by health workers to improve nursing services especially for the fulfillment of spiritual needs of patients. Keywords : Mental Disorders, Spirituality, Rehabilitatio

    Hubungan antara Dukungan Sosial Keluarga dengan Kesehatan Jiwa Remaja Awal SMP Negeri 3 Pengadegan Kecamatan Pengadegan Kabupaten Purbalingga

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    Kesehatan jiwa dapat dibedakan menjadi kesehatan Psychological well being/kesejahteraan mental dan Psychological distress/mental distress. Psychological well being merupakan suatu kondisi yang menggambarkan life satisfaction, emotional ties dan general positive affect. Psychological distress adalah suatu kondisi yang menggambarkan kesehatan jiwa seseorang yang digambarkan dengan tingkat anxiety, loss of behavioral/emotional control, dan depression. Remaja adalah masa dimana sesorang anak mengenal dunia luar dan jika tidak adanya pendampingan bisa berakibat tidak baik pada psikologinya. Kenakalan remaja, perilaku cemas sampai depresi karena bullying dan sebagainya dapat terjadi pada remaja. Kesehatan jiwa dipengaruhi oleh dukungan sosial, salah satunya dukungan sosial keluarga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara dukungan sosial keluarga dengan kesehatan jiwa siswa SMP Negeri 3 Pengadegan Kecamatan Pengadegan Kabupaten Purbalingga. Jenis penelitian yaitu kuantitatif non eksperimental dengan deskriptif korelasi. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling sebanyak 108 sampel. Kuesioner yang digunakan yaitu kuesioner dukungan sosial keluarga dan kuesioner Mental Health Inventory (MHI). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 60,19% siswa memiliki dukungan sosial keluarga tinggi dan 53,70% mahasiswa memiliki kesehatan jiwa positif. Hasil uji statistik dengan menggunakan Spearman Rank didapatkan nilai ρ value = 0,00(ρ < 0,05) dengan koefesien korelasi yaitu (+) 0,678. Nilai ini menunjukkan adanya hubungan positif antara dukungan sosial keluarga dengan kesehatan jiwa siswa SMP Negeri 3 Pengadegan Kecamatan Pengadegan Kabupaten Purbalingga. Orang tua sebaiknya memberikan perhatian dan dukungan, sehingga remaja dapat memiliki psychological well being


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    ABSTRACT Rizka Handayani1 The Description of Spiritual Coping in Drug Users in Islamic Boarding SchoolSayung Demak. xvii + 79 pages + 5 tables + 2 pictures + 20 attachment The number of drug users in Indonesia has increased every year. Excessive use of drugs can have impact for the individual, family and social life. One coping that can be used by drug users to solve the problems is spiritual coping. The purpose of this study was to determine spiritual coping in drug users in Islamic Boarding School Sayung Demak. This study was a descriptive study which involved 45 respondents taken by purposive sampling technique. The data were collected using a Brief RCOPE questionnaire consisting of 10 statements with two subscale item namely positive spiritual coping and negative spiritual coping. Univariate analysis was used to analyze the data in this study. The results of this study indicate that as many as 34 respondents using positive spiritual coping, while the rest using negative spiritual coping during rehabilitation. This research is expected to be a reference to help the healing process in patients with drug dependence by using spiritual coping methods. 1Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University Keywords : Drug Users, Spiritual Coping, Islamic Boarding School Bibliography : 70 (1999 -2015

    Gambaran Manajemen Gejala Halusinasi pada Orang dengan Skizofrenia di Ruang rawat Inap RSJD Dr. Amino Gondohutomo Semarang

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    ABSTRACT Galuh Ayu Pravitasari Hallucinations Symptom Management on People With Schizophrenia (ODS) at the Inpatient Unit of Regional Mental Hospital Dr. Amino Gondohutomo Semarang xvi + 99 Pages + 6 Tables + 2 Images + 25 Attachments Abstract Hallucinations are disturbed perception, which appears without an external stimulus but considered real and alive. Hallucinations generally occurs in people with schizophrenia (ODS). Antipsychotic treatment using the ODS known to still show symptoms of hallucinations, non-pharmacological treatments shown to be effective in controlling hallucinations. The study aims to describe the hallucinations symptom management on people with schizophrenia (ODS) at inpatient unit of Regional Mental Health Hospital Dr. Amino Gondohutomo Semarang. Quantitative research with a descriptive survey method. Samples numbered 67 respondents. Collecting data using questionnaires Management Hallucinations have been tested for validity and reliability. The results showed management hallucinations are most often used is to ignore the symptoms of 35.8% and management resources in general comes from yourself. Results of this research can increase knowledge of health care providers about the management hallucinations in ODS with the problem of hallucination, that the ODS has the potential to control hallucinations independently. Keywords : Hallucination, Hallucination management, Schizophrenia Reference : 75 ( 1998 – 2015

    The Prevalence of Religious Coping and Religious Practices among Patients with Schizophrenia

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    Background: Religious coping is an essential resource influencing how individuals cope with the illness including patients with schizophrenia. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe the prevalence of religious coping and practices among patients with schizophrenia. Methods: This descriptive study conducted in one psychiatric hospital in Central Java Indonesia. A total of 116 patients with schizophrenia who were admitted in psychiatric hospital completed a survey consisting demographic questionnaire, religious practices and Brief Religious Coping (Brief R-COPE). The data were analyzed using descriptive statistic. Results: The mean age of the patients was 33.29 (SD = 9.21), most were male (71.6%) and most were Muslim (95.7%). This study found that the mean score for positive religious coping was 10.02 (SD = 3.38) while the mean score for positive religious coping was 3.48 (SD = 2.52). It was found that 87.9% of patients with schizophrenia had positive religious coping. The majority of the patients reported that prayer (68.1) was the most religious practices to cope with their illness. Conclusion: The results of the study suggest that religious coping and religious practices may serve as potentially effective method coping for patients with schizophrenia. Therefore, mental health professional especially nurses need to integrate spirituality into mental health care. Further study is needed to examine the relationship between religious coping and the symptoms of schizophrenia. Keywords: religious coping; religious practices; schizophrenia; spiritualit


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    Introduction. Spiritual reported to have benefits for healing and quality of life for people with mental disorders including schizophrenia. Spiritual can also be a coping strategy for people with schizophrenia. This study aims to explore the experiences of people with schizophrenia who lived in the boarding school. Method. This study uses descriptive phenomenological approach. Participants in this study who were diagnosed with schizophrenia and live in boarding school and general informants. Data were obtained using indepth interviews with a tape recorder, observations, field notes and photographs. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis through hermeneutic interpretation. Results. Three main themes emerge from this study are meaning of spirituality, spirituality experience and the impact of spirituality.Discussion. The purposes of this study are (1) describes the spiritual experience that people with schizophrenia get in boarding school, (2) identify their need for spirituality, (3) identify the impact of spiritual experiences of people with schizophrenia who live in boarding school. Keywords: schizophrenia, spirituality, lived experience


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    ABSTRACT The phenomenon of early marriage (early marriage) are still often found in Indonesian society. According to the Center for the Study and Protection of Children in Indonesia, more than 20% of parents marry off their children at a young age. This study aimed to describe the general picture young age marriages on girls in Sub Kale Kendal. This research is a descriptive study with survey approach. The total sample is 60 respondents in District Kale. Data were taken by questionnaire customs and culture, knowledge, and relationship teens and analyzed with descriptive statistics. The results of the study of indigenous cultures, obtained data is that the number of 58 respondents (96.7%) showed an effect of indigenous culture in the neighborhood to do the wedding a young age. At the level of knowledge, 57 respondents (95.0%) are knowledgeable enough and the sub-item teenage promiscuity, a number of 53 respondents (88.3%) indicated that promiscuity influential in the neighborhood so do the wedding a young age. The result is expected no active role in community support and concern for the young generation to be better in the future. Nursing educators should be able to act as educators, providing information on adolescent reproductive health, teenage pregnancy and the impact of marriage a young age. Keywords : early marriage, teenag


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    Ketidakpatuhan adalah salah satu masalah terbesar dalam kedokteran dan psikiatri. tingkat ketidakpatuhan keseluruhan dari 40% -50% telah dilaporkan sama untuk skizofrenia 41,2% -49,5% Selain itu, diperkirakan hanya sepertiga pasien skizofrenia yang patuh. Terapi untuk skizofrenia tidak hanya dengan obat-obatan tetapi juga dengan jenis terapi lain seperti psikoterapi, psikologi, rehabilitasi dan pendekatan harus dilakukan secara holistik. satu pendekatan holistik adalah psikologi yaitu mindfulness spiritual Islam. Metode penelitian menggunakan pencarian literatur, penulis menggunakan beberapa database termasuk pubmet, NCBI, NJEM, portal Garuda, Sciendirect. Kata kunci yang dimasukkan adalah kata kunci yang relevan dengan materi, yaitu: mindfulness, kepatuhan terhadap narkoba, skizofrenia spiritualitas Islam. Hasil: penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perhatian spiritual Islam membantu pasien mengenali masalah yang menyebabkan masalah mereka. Temuan ini mendukung penggunaan Islamic Spiritual Mindfulness sebagai intervensi untuk meningkatkan tingkat kepatuhan pengobatan pasien dengan kondisi kesehatan mental dan kejiwaan. Kata kunci: Kepatuhan, perhatian, perhatian spiritual Islam, skizofrenia. DRUG COMPLIANCE WITH SKIZOFRENIA PATIENTS THROUGH ISLAMIC SPIRITUAL MINDFULNESS THERAPY ABSTRACTNoncompliance is one of the biggest problems in medicine and psychiatry. overall non-compliance rates from 40% -50% have been reported to be the same for schizophrenia 41.2% -49.5% In addition, it is estimated that only one third of patients with schizophrenia are obedient. Therapy for schizophrenia is not solely with drugs but also with types other therapies such as psychotherapy, psychology, rehabilitation and approaches must be done holistically. one holistic approach is psychology (Islamic spiritual mindfulness). The research method uses literature search, the author uses several databases including pubmet, NCBI, NJEM, Garuda portal, Sciendirect. The keywords included are keywords that are relevant to the material, namely: mindfulness, drug adherence,Islamic spirituality schizophrenia. Results: research shows that Islamic spiritual mindfulness helps patients recognize problems that cause their problems. This finding supports the use of Islamic Spiritual Mindfulness as an intervention to increase the level of treatment compliance of patients with mental and psychiatric health conditions.  Keywords: Adherence, mindfulness, Islamic spiritual mindfulness, schizophreni