7 research outputs found


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    For networking scenarios in which real time traffic is exchanged between multiple participants for a given network session (e.g., a conference, a gaming session, etc.), such traffic often flows from one participant to another by passing through a server, such as a cloud server, which can be expensive and can introduce latency for the traffic. Presented herein are techniques through which mesh edge nodes can be utilized to facilitate real time communications in a manner that allows for the ability to save cloud costs


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    Conventional mechanisms for traversing a network address translation (NAT) device can be slow and, as such, may limit dynamic traffic management of traffic flows through network edge devices. Presented herein are techniques that provide a mechanism to support connection migration (e.g., from the cloud to the edge) with fast NAT traversal


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    Real-Time Communication (RTC) traffic typically leverages one or more media bridges (often located in the cloud) and, in order to reduce latency and/or offload cloud resources to the edge, one or more real-time edge relays can be utilized in order to optimize such traffic. However, edge relays may also be exploited by malicious entities and, thus, certain protective mechanisms are typically utilized at edge relays that, while reducing the probability of being exploited, can reduce the throughput of such edge relays. Techniques presented herein may help to preserve data privacy at edge relays through the use of a time-local caching mechanism


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    In an information-centric networking (ICN) environment, an interest may be dropped by a network for any number of reasons. However, if an interest is lost then the corresponding data cannot be received, thereby reducing the performance of a network. Techniques are presented herein that make ICN interests more resilient to potential losses by adding certain state information into an interest payload. That state information may be used to keep track of the previous interests that have been sent by a forwarder face for a specific name. To encode the sequence numbers of the interests that have been previously sent, a first aspect of the presented techniques employs a list of sequence numbers while a second aspect of the presented techniques employs a bitmap. The presented techniques may be used to reduce the possibility that interests are not dropped during transit when using ICN

    Vers un déploiement incremental programmable et évolutif d’ICN dans le monde réel

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    Information-Centric Networking (ICN) embraces a family of network architectures rethinking Internet communication principles around named-data. After several years of research and the emergence of a few popular proposals, the idea to replace TCP/IP with data-centric networking remains a subject of debate. ICN advantages have been advocated in the context of 5G networks for the support of highly mobile, multi-access/source and latency minimal patterns of communications. However, large-scale testing and insertion in operational networks are yet to happen, likely due to the lack of a clear incremental deployment strategy. The aim of this thesis is to propose and evaluate effective solutions for deploying ICN. Firstly, we propose Hybrid-ICN (hICN), an ICN integration inside IP (rather that over/ under/ in place of) that has the ambition to trade-off no ICN architectural principles. By reusing existing packet formats, hICN brings innovation inside the IP stack, requiring minimal software upgrades and guaranteeing transparent interconnection with existing IP networks. Secondly, the thesis focuses on the problem of deploying ICN at the network endpoints, namely at the end host, by designing a transport framework and a socket API that can be used in several ICN architectures such as NDN, CCN and hICN. The framework fosters cutting-edge technologies aiming at providing performance and efficiency to applications. An extensive benchmarking at the end of the chapter will present the performance of the transport framework. Subsequently, the benefits that hICN network and transport services can bring to applications will be assessed, by considering two main use cases: HTTP and WebRTC. The former represents the de-facto protocol of the Web, while the latter is a new emerging technology increasingly adopted for real time services. At last, the thesis proposes a solution for programmatically deploying, configuring and managing ICN networks and applications: Virtualized ICN (vICN), a programmable unified framework for network configuration and management that uses recent progresses in resource isolation and virtualization techniques. It offers a single, flexible and scalable platform to serve different purposes, in particular the real deployments of ICN in existing IP networks.Réseau centré sur l’information (ICN) englobe une famille de réseaux architectures repensant les principes de communication Internet autour des données nommées. Après plusieurs années de recherche et l’émergence de quelques propositions populaires, l’idée de remplacer TCP / IP par un réseau centré sur les données reste débattue. Les avantages du ICN ont été préconisés dans le contexte des réseaux 5G pour la prise en charge de schémas de communication minimaux hautement mobiles, à accès multiples / source et à latence. Toutefois, des tests à grande échelle et une insertion dans des réseaux opérationnels doivent encore être réalisés, probablement en raison de l'absence d'une stratégie de déploiement incrémental claire. L'objectif de cette thèse est de proposer et d'évaluer des solutions efficaces pour le déploiement de l'ICN. Tout d'abord, nous proposons Hybrid-ICN (hICN), une intégration ICN dans IP (plutôt que sur / sous / à la place de) qui a pour ambition de ne pas échanger les principes architecturaux ICN. En réutilisant les formats de paquets existants, hICN introduit de l'innovation au sein de la pile IP, nécessitant un minimum de mises à niveau logicielles et garantissant une interconnexion transparente avec les réseaux IP existants. Deuxièmement, la thèse est centrée sur le problème du déploiement de l'ICN aux extrémités du réseau, notamment l'hôte final, en concevant une infrastructure de transport et une API de socket pouvant être utilisées dans plusieurs architectures ICN telles que NDN, CCN et hICN. Le cadre favorise les technologies de pointe visant à fournir des performances et une efficacité aux applications. Une analyse comparative détaillée à la fin du chapitre présentera les performances du cadre de transport. Ensuite, les avantages que les services de transport et de réseau hICN peuvent apporter aux applications seront évalués en considérant deux principaux cas d'utilisation: HTTP et WebRTC. Le premier représente le protocole de facto du Web, tandis que le second est une nouvelle technologie émergente de plus en plus adoptée pour les services en temps réel. Enfin, la thèse propose une solution pour déployer par programmation, configuration et gestion des réseaux et des applications ICN: Virtualized ICN (vICN), un cadre unifié programmable pour la configuration et la gestion de réseau qui utilise les progrès récents en matière d’isolement des ressources et de techniques de virtualisation. Il offre une plate-forme unique, flexible et évolutive pour répondre à différents objectifs, en particulier les déploiements réels de l'ICN dans les réseaux IP existants

    Dynamic Adaptive Video Streaming: Towards a systematic comparison of ICN and TCP/IP

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    International audienceStreaming of video contents over the Internet isexperiencing an unprecedented growth. While video permeatesevery application, it also puts tremendous pressure in the network– to support users having heterogeneous accesses and expecting high quality of experience, in a furthermore cost-effectivemanner. In this context, Future Internet (FI) paradigms, suchas Information Centric Networking (ICN), are particularly wellsuited to not only enhance video delivery at the client (as in theDASH approach), but to also naturally and seamlessly extendvideo support deeper in the network functions.In this paper, we contrast ICN and TCP/IP with an experimental approach, where we employ several state-of-the-artDASH controllers (PANDA, AdapTech, and BOLA) on an ICN vsTCP/IP network stack. Our campaign, based on tools which wedeveloped and made available as open-source software, includesmultiple clients (homogeneous vs heterogeneous mixture, synchronous vs asynchronous arrivals), videos (up to 4K resolution),channels (e.g., DASH profiles, emulated WiFi and LTE, real3G/4G traces), and levels of integration with an ICN network(i.e., vanilla NDN, wireless loss detection and recovery at theaccess point, load balancing). Our results clearly illustrate, aswell as quantitatively assess, benefits of ICN-based streaming,warning about potential pitfalls that are however easy to avoid

    Dynamic Adaptive Video Streaming: Towards a Systematic Comparison of ICN and TCP/IP

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    International audienceStreaming of video contents over the Internet isexperiencing an unprecedented growth. While video permeatesevery application, it also puts tremendous pressure in the network– to support users having heterogeneous accesses and expecting high quality of experience, in a furthermore cost-effectivemanner. In this context, Future Internet (FI) paradigms, suchas Information Centric Networking (ICN), are particularly wellsuited to not only enhance video delivery at the client (as in theDASH approach), but to also naturally and seamlessly extendvideo support deeper in the network functions.In this paper, we contrast ICN and TCP/IP with an experimental approach, where we employ several state-of-the-artDASH controllers (PANDA, AdapTech, and BOLA) on an ICN vsTCP/IP network stack. Our campaign, based on tools which wedeveloped and made available as open-source software, includesmultiple clients (homogeneous vs heterogeneous mixture, synchronous vs asynchronous arrivals), videos (up to 4K resolution),channels (e.g., DASH profiles, emulated WiFi and LTE, real3G/4G traces), and levels of integration with an ICN network(i.e., vanilla NDN, wireless loss detection and recovery at theaccess point, load balancing). Our results clearly illustrate, aswell as quantitatively assess, benefits of ICN-based streaming,warning about potential pitfalls that are however easy to avoid