61 research outputs found

    The Role Of Multimedia Technology (Lavir-Virtual Laboratory) In Developing Life Skills In Vocational Schools

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    The aim of research is to conduct a practicum, the school will need several factors which are a laboratory for each practical subject, equipment facilities and complete practicum material. Students hope to gain more knowledge and experience as study results, while teachers, on the other hand, expect that practical learning process can bring achievement in term of better cognitive, psychomotor, affective changes, and improvement of student life skill. It was found that the use of this Virtual Laboratory Model by SMK students can develop their life skills such as personal skills, thinking skills, social skills, and vocational skills. For Personal Skills, the mean score of test is 4.14 (good), Thinking Skills mean score is 4.06 (good), Social Skills mean score is 4.32 (very good), and for vocational skills, the score is 4.30 (very good). Furthermore, in this study, it was also found that data or information on the process of learning life skills (life skills) consists of several aspects: (1) aspects of planning, include: curriculum, financial and facilities; (2) aspects of implementation, including: methods and techniques, media, competence tutor, materials or teaching materials, and time / schedule; (3) aspects of evaluation, including assessment of learning outcome. After producing a virtual laboratory model, this research carried out trial test on the developed product to several students of partner SMKs and other SMKs in Makassa


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    The development of today's educational world is entering an era marked by incessant technological innovation, so it requires the adjustment of the education system in tune with the demands of the workplace. Some practical subjects other than the need to know the basic concepts and theories supporting, also must perform experiments / experiments in the laboratory to understand a certain concept or the basic theories that have been studied in order to have a broader understanding level . Urgency ( virtue ) of this study are: 1 ) The creation of a laboratory model of a web -based interactive 3D simulation, is expected to address issues such as limitations on conventional lab time and place to implement practical, resource constraints are capable of teaching control of productive subjects , lab equipment and materials is minimal and difficult to establish because of the high cost of equipment / materials and maintenance costs , improve the competence of vocational students especially for productive subjects and 2 ) increasing the critical thinking skills of vocational students through the use of web -based 3D simulation lab before entering the industry. From this research a product produced laboratory models simulating three - dimensional interactive web-based which can be used in productive in vocational subjects. Products such as display / web pages on the implementation of the practice on the subjects of Analog, Digital, and Industrial Electronics SMK designed in 3D interactive connected to the internet on-line. Evaluation results show that the validation of the product by the average expert judgment obtained excellent ratings and the students' response to the media very well


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    The aim of research is to conduct a practicum, the school will need several factors which are a laboratory for each practical subject, equipment facilities and complete practicum material. Students hope to gain more knowledge and experience as study results, while teachers, on the other hand, expect that practical learning process can bring achievement in term of better cognitive, psychomotor, affective changes, and improvement of student life skill. It was found that the use of this Virtual Laboratory Model by SMK students can develop their life skills such as personal skills, thinking skills, social skills, and vocational skills. For Personal Skills, the mean score of test is 4.14 (good), Thinking Skills mean score is 4.06 (good), Social Skills mean score is 4.32 (very good), and for vocational skills, the score is 4.30 (very good). Furthermore, in this study, it was also found that data or information on the process of learning life skills (life skills) consists of several aspects: (1) aspects of planning, include: curriculum, financial and facilities; (2) aspects of implementation, including: methods and techniques, media, competence tutor, materials or teaching materials, and time / schedule; (3) aspects of evaluation, including assessment of learning outcome. After producing a virtual laboratory model, this research carried out trial test on the developed product to several students of partner SMKs and other SMKs in Makassar

    Development of LabVIEW In Microcontroller Subjects at Vocational School Industrial Electronics Engineering Department

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    The purpose of this study was to determine teachers thedevelopmentofmediaLabVIEWMicrocontrollerthe.Alongwith interaction of learners with and learning subjects. Virtual laboratory is one form of learning media. Virtual laboratory is defined as an interactive environment to create and conduct simulation experiments were designed with three-dimensional effects that will display the equipment looks like a lab using actual equipment. One of the virtual laboratory that has been developed is LabVIEW. This software is used specifically for processing and visualization of data in the areas of data acquisition, control and instrumentation, and industrial automation. Subjects microcontroller is a compulsory subject for students of Electronics Engineering Industry. As with other subjects, some students still find it difficult to understand the material taught in the subjects of the microcontroller. It is caused by various factors, including teachers teaching methods that are less use of media as a tool in the learning process. Seeing the results of student learning must not only see reference to the value of outcomes, however, is more important than it is in the learning process of students in the form, the response of students to the lesson, interest in learning, as well as the motivation of learners. Approaches using LabVIEW interactive media on the factors mentioned above individual learners can be done in an effort to improve the learning outcomes of students


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    Contribution of work motivation, job mobility, work experience, and know­ledge for entrepreneurship informal sector workers welfare. The purpose of this study is to determine the contribution of work motivation, job mobility, work experience, and knowledge for entrepreneurship informal sector workers welfare. The population of this research is small-scale traders in the city of Makassar Industrial Area, with 120 respondents as samples. Data were collected using questioner and simple tests, then analyzed using correlation and regression techniques. The results show: (1) there is a positive relationship between work motivation, job mobility, work experience, and knowledge of entrepreneurship to the level of welfare of informal sector workers, with R = 0.69 and (2) the contribution of independent variables on the dependent variable of 47.78%, respectively 24.63% by the knowledge of entrepreneurship, 15.65% by the work motivation, job mobility by 3.84%, and 3.65% by work experience.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kontribusi motivasi kerja, mobilitas kerja, pengalaman kerja, dan pengetahuan kewiraswastaan terhadap tingkat kesejah­teraan pekerja sektor informal. Populasi penelitian adalah pedagang kecil di Kawasan Industri kota Makasar, dengan sampel 120 responden. Data dikumpulkan mengguna­kan quesioner dan tes sederhana, dan dianalisis menggunakan teknik korelasi dan regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) terdapat hubungan positif antara motivasi kerja, mobilitas kerja, pengalaman kerja, dan pengetahuan kewiraswastaan dengan tingkat kesejahteraan pekerja sektor informal, dengan R = 0,69 dan (2) kontribusi variabel independen terhadap variabel dependen sebesar 47,78%, secara berturut-turut 24,63% oleh pengetahuan kewiraswastaan, 15,65% oleh motivasi kerja, 3,84% oleh mobilitas kerja, dan 3,65% oleh pengalaman kerja

    Pengembangan Media Ajar Interaktif Berbasis “Wii-Mote” Untuk Mendukung Laboratorium Virtual pada Mata Pelajaran Elektronika Digital di SMK

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    Abstrak: Pengembangan Media Ajar Interaktif Berbasis “Wii-Mote” untuk Mendukung Laboratorium Virtual pada Mata Pelajaran Elektronika Digital di SMK. Laboratorium virtual dikembangkan menggunakan langkah-langkah yang dimulai dari analisis kebutuhan mengenai kelengkapan peralatan praktikum yang ada di SMK, dan dengan memperhatikan aspek-aspek metodologis laboratorium virtual. Integrasi metodologi virtual dilakukan melalui arsitektur yang meliputi studio room, user interface, simulation modelling, interactive tools, visual representation, virtual workspace, dan authoring tools. Laboratorium virtual yang dikembangkan bersifat aplikatif, komunikatif, interaktif, dan mampu mengembangkan keterampilan berfikir kritis. Keefektifan penggunaan laboratorium virtual menunjukkan rerata skor keseluruhan hasil penilaian dinilai sangat baik


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    Proses praktikum merupakan salah satu faktor yang penting dalam menunjang keberhasilan siswa dalam mengikuti proses kegiatan belajar mengajar serta dapat meningkatkan keterampilan siswa. Beberapa mata pelajaran produktif dan kejuruan selain harus mengetahui konsep dasar dan teori-teori penunjangnya, juga harus dilakukan praktikum di laboratorium untuk memahami tentang konsep tersebut atau teori-teori dasar yang telah dipelajari oleh siswa agar mempunyai tingkat pemahaman yang lebih luas.Salah satu bentuk Media ajar yang dapat mengatasi permasalahan yang terjadi pada laboratorium adalah melalui pendekatan lingkungan virtual (Virtual Learning). Integrasi metodologi Bahan Ajar multimedia dengan pendekatan Virtual Environment dalam proses praktikum dilakukan melalui arsitektur dan organisasi yang ada pada laboratorium simulasi yang meliputi studio room, user interface, virtual simulation modelling, interactive tools, visual representation, virtual workspace, dan authoring tools. Karakteristik Bahan Ajar multimedia dengan pendekatan Virtual Environment yang dikembangkan adalah bersifat aplikatif, komunikatif, dan interaktif. Kata Kunci: Media Ajar, Praktikum, VLE Abstract The lab is one of the important factors in the success of students in participating in the process of learning and to improve the skills of students. Some productive and vocational subjects in addition to having to know the basic concepts and theories supporting, should also be performed laboratory experiments to understand the concept or basic theories that have been studied by students in order to have a better understanding luas.Salah level one form of media teaching that can overcome the problems that occur in the laboratory is through a virtual environment approach (Virtual Learning). Integration of Multimedia Instructional Materials methodology to approach the Virtual Environment in the lab process is done through the existing architecture and organization in laboratory simulations which include studio room, the user interface, virtual simulation modeling, interactive tools, visual representation, virtual workspace, and authoring tools. Characteristics of Multimedia Instructional Materials with a Virtual Environment developed approach is to be applied, communicative, and interactive

    Cloud Computing Based Online Learning for Students Vocational Education (D-3) Electronic Engineering Department

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    ABSTRACT: The last few years the concept of Cloud Computing is already a lot of interest of industry and education. Cloud-based solution seems to be the key for IT organizations who have a problem of budget constraints. Cloud Computing is a new paradigm in distributed computing presents many ideas, concepts, technologies, and the type of architecture that served as a service-oriented. According to Foster Cloud Computing is a "paradigm of distributed computing on a large scale are motivated by economic factors, which contains a set of virtualization abstract, dynamic scalability, setting the computing power, storage, platforms and services that can be accessed in accordance with the requirements by external customers through the Internet "(Foster et al., 2008). Objectives to be achieved in this research are: 1) To know how to develop online learning model based on cloud computing (cloud computing) for vocational education students (D-3) FT UNM's department of electronics engineering; 2) To know how to design online learning model based on cloud computing (cloud computing) for vocational education students (D-3) FT UNM's department of electronics engineering; 3) To know the result of the development of online learning based on cloud computing (cloud computing) for vocational education students (D-3) department of electronics engineering FT UNM may meet the criteria for a valid, practical, and effective. The method used in this research is the development of research methods (Research & Development), which focuses on online learning based on cloud computing (cloud computing). Students today can not live away from the Internet. Through programs such as facebook, twitter, instagram, and gmail, s tudents are accustomed to using cloud-based technology services (Ercan, 2010). Therefore, the students hope to be able to access digital technology services on campus anywhere and anytime, including cloud services that support social media. Likewise pendiidkan vocational students who are currently in the industry are already using advanced technology. So should students have to understand the process and the system. Besides, in the learning process also greatly contribute to improving student achievement, especially in the learning lab. Thus researchers are interested in developing research to develop an existing model into a new model in online learning based on cloud computing (cloud computing)


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    Vocational School (SMK) is designed to prepare students or students who are ready to enter the world of work and be able to develop a professional attitude in the field of vocational, and must be able to provide the competencies or skills that can improve the quality of graduates to achieve success. In this study was developed through a practicum teaching media based interactive whiteboard with a virtual laboratory as a means of utilizing computer animation and 3-dimensional simulations along with the development of hardware -based touchscreen. This requires the development of a research model development Cennamo and Kalk. The design of the display design of Virtual Laboratory (LaVir) can be used to support activities in the laboratory practice. Activities that occur in the virtual lab consists of modifying the circuit, building a circuit, put the circuit, take measurements and subsequent component is an evaluation of a series that have been made. The next stage is how the virtual laboratory can be used by teachers and students of SMK through an interface that is touchscreen media. When teachers or students carry out practical activities on the interactive whiteboard cursor movement will be followed by a cursor that exist in the virtual laboratory. The results of the assessment of teaching practice through interactive media -based virtual lab whiteboard expert judgment obtained responses comprising the content aspect, practical design aspects, aspects of the display (Audio Visual), the virtual aspect, programming aspects, and aspects of electronics shows the overall mean score highly rated better