84 research outputs found

    Nature versus built

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    Nature is made up of various living and non-living things which is related to plants, animals and other features such as mountains, deserts and seas. They are connected and some of the relationships between members are direct and obvious and ecosystem occurred to balance the amount of living things. Built environment is referring to aspects of creature human-made surroundings. Human activities caused some environmental issues and disturbance the nature. However, the technologies introduce sustainability building and creature as conservation our nature. There also some ways can be practice at house to save the environment

    Zero-Tension Lysimeter for use in greywater irrigation monitoring

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    The main purpose of the study was to develop a new zero-tension lysimeter (ZTL) as a leachate sampler in a greywater irrigation plot. Greywater is known as a wastewater that is generated from baths, showers, washing machines, laundry troughs, dishwashers and kitchen sinks; but excludes toilet wastes. The use of greywater is becoming increasingly acceptable to supply non-potable irrigation needs. However, some questions have been raised about the pollution risk of soil and receiving waters due to the content of different pollutants from the household washing activities. In this study, the new ZTLNs were trialled to compare the quantity and quality of leachate collected with the conventional pan lysimeter (ZTLP) in the pilot scale study. The calculated leachate volume incorporated a water balance using the Penman-Monteigh model. The results indicate that the new lysimeter designated as ZTL (N1), produced the lowest mean percentage deviation from the calculated volume (CV), 3.90 %. ZTL (N1) was also cost effective and required limited effort to install using an auger, which also minimises soil disturbance.to install at household sites. Consequently, the lysimeter was established to facilitate the monitoring of greywater irrigation.&nbsp

    Environmental impacts of greywater use for irrigation on home gardens

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    This study focuses on the feasibility and environmental impacts of using raw domestic greywater from laundry and bathroom after only primary treatment, e.g. coarse filtration for irrigating lawns and gardens. The use of greywater for landscape irrigation requires careful management, especially in regions with sandy soils and shallow groundwater levels. There is the possibility that excessive nutrients and other contaminants will leach into surrounding water bodies. This has .been a major concern with greywater use in ecologically sensitive environments, such as on the Swan Coastal Plain of Perth, Western Australia. Proper management is essential to ensure environmental risks from greywater irrigation are avoided. The main purpose of the first stage of the study was to develop a new zero-tension lysimeter (ZTL) as a leachate sampler in a greywater irrigation plot. The new ZTLs were tested to compare the quantity and quality of leachate collected with that from the conventional pan lysimeter, in a pilot-scale study. The results indicate that the new lysimeter designated as ZTL (NI), was effective at collecting leachate and was suitable to install at household sites. The lysimeter ZTL (NI) design offers significantly improved performance, was cost-effective and required limited effort to install using an auger, which also minimizes soil disturbance. Since the lysimeter was practical and inexpensive it was established to facilitate the monitoring of greywater irrigation. The second stage of the study was to monitor the use of primarily treated greywater by using diversion system from bathrooms and laundries at four Perth houses: two houses at the Bridgewater Lifestyle Village (BWLV), one each at White Gum Valley and Hamilton Hill. Each house had different characteristics: different house types, occupants, cleaning product preferences and presence, or not, of household pets. Water use activities, soil and vegetation were monitored and were sampled for physical and chemical characteristics. Groundwater samples at the BWLV site were also collected. This site has 389 houses with a greywater diversion system installed in each, is located close to the Peel-Harvey estuary and a wetland, an-d has a shallow aquifer. Monitoring results showed that the groundwater samples were within the ANZECC guidelines. Greywater quality showed high variability depending on water consumption by washing machines, use of detergents and fabric softeners, as well as individual lifestyles. Land activities such as fertilizers and pets were expected to contribute to high amounts of nutrients in the leachate. Mulching and fertilizer used by householders in conjunction with greywater irrigation improved the function of soil and condition of . plants. The third stage of the study was to determine the effects of raw laundry and bathtub greywater irrigation on the growth of couch grass (Cynodon dactylon L.) sod on a sandy soil in a 24-week study, from October 2009 to March 2010. In Perth, the use of greywater is significant during these months as rainfall is at its lowest and irrigation demand at its highest. Couch grass is a common lawn used in Western Australia with excellent drought tolerance, water efficiency and relatively low maintenance requirements. Three irrigation treatments were applied using a modified aquarium tank: (i) 100% scheme water as a control (TW), (ii) untreated full cycle laundry water (LGW), (iii) untreated bathtub water (BGW). Salts and nutrients Na, CI, P, Ca, Mg, K, B, Zn and Al were chosen for measuring because they are dominant constituents in greywater and have a beneficial role in turf grass growth. Their dynamics and mass balance were assessed by measuring the irrigation (input) and leachate (output) volumes and concentrations of element concentration in both input and output water of the tank. Irrigation using LGW and BGW in sand resulted significant leaching of some Mg and Al beyond the 30cm root-zone depth. The mass balance showed an increased amount of stored Na, CI, P and K in the soil at the end of the study. The accumulation of salts and nutrients in the soil has resulted in the infiltration rate, K, gradually declining. The final stage of the study was to investigate further the significant reduction of K in the tank test. Another soil hydraulic property, capillary rise (P,), was also measured. The soil samples were collected from greywater-irrigated plots at the case studies and the tank test, as mentioned previously. In addition, the study examined the changes in soil properties from the use of an anionic surfactant, linear alkylbenzene sulphonate (LAS) which is known to be the main ingredient in detergent formulation. A commercially available surfactant-based wetting agent to alleviate water repellency in household gardens was also considered. Irrigation with raw laundry and bathtub greywater, application of LAS and a wetting agent made a significant reduction on infiltration rate, K, and on PC. At the case study sites, the changes were difficult to quantify owing to various land activities that influenced the result. The results of the extensive experimental on-site program indicated that the use of primarily treated greywater is a viable option to conserve water for irrigation during times of drought and water restrictions. The sustainable use of raw greywater would vary with specific site conditions and householder practices. Soil and plant quality parameters are significantly affected after continuous irrigation with greywater. This is mainly determined by the management regime of greywater irrigation and its composition. In addition, continuous irrigation with greywater may lead to accumulation of salts, plant nutrients and some nutrients beyond plant tolerance levels. Therefore, these concerns should be essential components of any management plan for greywater irrigation. On the other hand, plant growth, soil fertility and productivity can be enhanced with properly managed greywater irrigation, through increasing levels of plant nutrients and soil organic matter. It is suggested that proper management of greywater irrigation with periodic monitoring of soil fertility and quality parameters are required to ensure successful and safe long-term use of greywater for irrigation. The adequate assessment of any environmental risks will require further research

    Predictive model and near infrared spectroscopy in predicting the diesel fuel properties

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    Monitoring the diesel fuel properties play an important role in the performance of vehicle engines. Near-infrared (NIR) technology has been investigated as an alternative to monitor the diesel fuel properties. NIR spectroscopy shows an enormous potential for quantitative analysis of complex samples by coupling with artificial neural networks (ANNs). Although a single layer ANN shows promising in the establishing better relationship between a component of interest and NIR spectrum, a different algorithm for updating weight that has been proved to improve the performance of the multilayer could further reveal the potential of single linear layer ANN in NIR spectroscopic analysis. Therefore, this study investigates the performance of a single layer ANN that trained with LevenbergMarquardt (SLM) and that trained with Scaled Conjugate Gradient (SSCG) and compares the proposed methods with multilayer ANN that trained with same learning algori thms. Results were evaluated and discussed with previous studies that used the same data sets to establish the relationship between the NIR spectral data and diesel fuel properties. Finding depicts that the proposed SLM and SSCG were capable of predicting the diesel fuel properties using NIR spectrum without data reduction, and achieving better accuracy in predicting the diesel fuel properties compared with other recent methods. In addition, using a proposed genetic algorithm for data reduction to improve the predictive model of the proposed method

    Pharmaceuticals active compounds in the aquatic environment: a review

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    Pharmaceutical active substances utilised to treat human and animal diseases can launch into the environment through effluents from wastewater treatment plants and direct disposal of pharmaceutical compounds. Some of these compounds arrive in the environment as a parent compound or as active/inactive metabolites. Owing to their pharmacological action, their conceptions in the environment are significant, and thus this chapter reviews the understanding of the presence of pharmaceutical compounds in the environment

    Survival and disinfection of SARS-Cov-2 in environment and contaminated surface

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    The detection of SARS-Cov-2 in the sewage and water resources has increased the awareness among the people about the possibility survival of SARS-Cov-2 in the environment and the potential to transmit into the human through food chain or water resources. Moreover, the surface contaminated by the virus need to be disinfected frequently by using an effective disinfectant, the current chapter discussed the efficiency of the most traditional treatment process of the sewage and wastewater, and their role in the elimination of the virus as well as the sterility assurance level concept. Moreover, the chemical disinfectant used currently and their temporary efficiency has been reviewed

    Stabilization of peat soil using fly ash, bottom ash and portland cement: soil improvement and coal ash waste reduction approach

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    Peat soil is very compressible, which leads to an excessive settlement. Stabilization of peat soil is the way to improve the engineering properties of peat soil through mixing peat with supplementary cementation materials. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the stabilization of peat soil using fly ash, bottom ash and ordinary Portland cement (OPC) to improve the engineering properties of peat soil. Also to examine the possibility of fly ash and bottom ash waste reduction through using them as a binder of the mixture in soil improvement application. In this study, fly ash and bottom ash were collected from generation wastes at coalfired electric power and stabilization of peat soil was done by mixing peat soil with fly ash, bottom ash and OPC. Unconfined compressive strength (UCS) and Fourier transform scanning electron microscope (FESEM) was conducted before and after the stabilization of peat soil. Also, some essential physicochemical properties of a mixture have identified before the mixing process. The findings of the compressive strength of peat soil were equal to 5 kPa at its natural state and after stabilization strength of peat soil was equal to 47 kPa. FESEM micrographs have shown ultrastructure of peat stabilization appears as inherent and coherent while the ultrastructure of original peat appears as incoherent and sporadic. The findings have revealed the effectiveness of fly ash and bottom ash to improve the strength of peat and the applicability of the utilization of coal ash waste as binder materials

    Water and environmental issues

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    Water is a precious and finite part of the environment which is vital for socioeconomic development, sustainability of the environment and survival. Malaysia is fortunate that it is located in a humid tropical area rich in rainfall and water resources. The rapid economic growth of Malaysia in the past decades is also mainly attributed to its ability to exploit abundant natural resources including water. The exploitation of water resources is an important catalyst of economic growth but continuous exploitation without proper management and conservation may cause the depletion of water supplies, rendering water resources unsustainable. In recent years, water problems have escalated in Malaysia due to climate change, urbanization and population explosion. Therefore, effective water conservation, efficient waste water and sewage management integrated with recent technologies are important for fostering the tandem development of economic growth and the sustainability of environmental resources

    Kemahiran boleh pindah dalam kalangan pelajar kejuruteraan di IPTA

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    Kemahiran boleh pindah didefinisikan sebagai kemahiran yang dimiliki oleh individu yang mempunyai kepelbagaian pengetahuan, nilai-nilai serta kemahiran hidup asas (life skills) yang diperlukan demi mendapatkan dan mengekalkan pekerjaan sedia ada. Kajian berbentuk tinjauan kuantitatif ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti persepsi pelajar terhadap tahap kesedaran kepentingan kemahiran boleh pindah dan tahap penguasaannya dari aspek adaptif, pemikiran kritis dan penyelesaian masalah. Di samping itu, kajian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti perbezaan persepsi pelajar terhadap tahap kesedaran kepentingan kemahiran boleh pindah dan perbezaan terhadap tahap penguasaannya di antara lelaki dan perempuan. Seramai 297 orang pelajar kejuruteraan tahun tiga lepasan matrikulasi Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia telah terpilih sebagai responden untuk menjawab borang soal selidik. Data dianalisis dengan mencari nilai skor min dan Ujian-t tidak bersandar menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa persepsi pelajar terhadap tahap kesedaran kepentingan kemahiran boleh pindah dan tahap penguasaannya berada pada tahap tinggi dengan nilai skor min 4.0864 dan 4.0282. Kajian juga menunjukkan bahawa wujudnya perbezaan yang signifikan dalam skor min persepsi pelajar terhadap tahap kesedaran kepentingan kemahiran boleh pindah antara lelaki dan perempuan dengan nilai t signifikan 0.003. Namun begitu, hasil analisis menunjukkan tiada perbezaan bagi tahap penguasaannya dengan nilai t signifikan 0.327. Secara keseluruhannya, kesedaran yang tinggi akan membantu pelajar untuk menguasai keseluruhan kemahiran dengan sempurna. Ia juga boleh dijadikan panduan bagi pelajar untuk mengenal pasti elemen dan ciri-ciri yang diperlukan oleh majikan pada masa kini

    Pathophysiology, histopathology and therapeutic of SARS-CoV-2

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    The rapid transmission of SARS-CoV-2 through the world has induced the scientist to understand the histopathology of the virus and then to find an effective drug. However, many of the point associated with the virus pathogenicity still unknown and need more studies. In this chapter the pathophysiology, histopathology and therapeutic of SARS-CoV-2 has been reviewed. It was appeared that pathogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 is belonging to the viral with genome structure which acting by blocking the host innate immune response. Both chloroquine and hydroxyl-chloroquine have similar structure and mechanism action and they are among the most effective antiviral for treating the patents with the SARS-CoV-2. Chloroquine works by inhibition the intracellular organism by increasing the pH
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