1,121 research outputs found

    Internacionalización del aceite de oliva español en China

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    Durante este proyecto, se tratara de analizar las principales características del aceite de oliva, sus variedades, su forma de producción, su impacto económico… Todo ello desde una perspectiva del comercio internacional, ya que el fin último de este trabajo es realizar un análisis exportador. nos centraremos en un mercado de fuera de la UE, como es China, un país con un mercado potencial enorme y con el cual las relaciones comerciales cada vez son mejores.Grado en Comerci

    Sustainable Air Traffic Management System Development Methodology

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    As it is defined in ATM 2000+ Strategy (Eurocontrol 2001), the mission of the Air Traffic Management (ATM) System is: “For all the phases of a flight, the ATM system should facilitate a safe, efficient, and expedite traffic flow, through the provision of adaptable ATM services that can be dimensioned in relation to the requirements of all the users and areas of the European air space. The ATM services should comply with the demand, be compatible, operate under uniform principles, respect the environment and satisfy the national security requirements.” The objective of this paper is to present a methodology designed to evaluate the status of the ATM system in terms of the relationship between the offered capacity and traffic demand, identifying weakness areas and proposing solutions. The first part of the methodology relates to the characterization and evaluation of the current system, while a second part proposes an approach to analyze the possible development limit. As part of the work, general criteria are established to define the framework in which the analysis and diagnostic methodology presented is placed. They are: the use of Air Traffic Control (ATC) sectors as analysis unit, the presence of network effects, the tactical focus, the relative character of the analysis, objectivity and a high level assessment that allows assumptions on the human and Communications, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) elements, considered as the typical high density air traffic resources. The steps followed by the methodology start with the definition of indicators and metrics, like the nominal criticality or the nominal efficiency of a sector; scenario characterization where the necessary data is collected; network effects analysis to study the relations among the constitutive elements of the ATC system; diagnostic by means of the “System Status Diagram”; analytical study of the ATC system development limit; and finally, formulation of conclusions and proposal for improvement. This methodology was employed by Aena (Spanish Airports Manager and Air Navigation Service Provider) and INECO (Spanish Transport Engineering Company) in the analysis of the Spanish ATM System in the frame of the Spanish airspace capacity sustainability program, although it could be applied elsewhere

    El vector Q de Hoskins como herramienta de predicción en situaciones de lluvias fuertes

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    Ponencia presentada en: III Simposio Nacional de Predicción del Instituto Nacional de Meteorología, celebrado en 1996 en MadridSe muestran dos casos de fuertes precipitaciones en el área cantábrica, como muestra de la beneficiosa utilización del vector Q de Hoskins en combinación con otras técnicas de diagnóstico y predicción meteorológica en la rutina diaria de un Centro de Predicción, frente a otras herramientas más clásicas

    Hipótesis acerca de la formación de una galerna típica

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    Ponencia presentada en: III Simposio Nacional de Predicción del Instituto Nacional de Meteorología, celebrado en 1996 en MadridEn el presente estudio se expone un modelo conceptual capaz de explicar la formación y propagación de la galerna típica intentando así llenar el vacío de ciertos criterios existentes hasta ahora. Según este modelo la galerna típica es un fenómenos comprendido entre la micro y la mesoescala que se origina al converger dos masas de aire de muy distintas características térmicas. La convergencia de estas masas y por tanto la propagación de la galerna típica está regida por el campo sinóptico de la presión

    Novel perovskite materials for thermal water splitting at moderate temperature

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    Materials with the formula Sr_2CoNb_1-xTi_xO_(6-delta) (x=1.00, 0.70; delta=number of oxygen vacancies) present a cubic perovskite-like structure. They are easily and reversibly reduced in N_2 or Ar and re-oxidized in air upon heating. Oxidation by water (wet N_2), involving splitting of water at a temperature as low as 700 ºC, produces hydrogen. Both compounds displayed outstanding H_2 production in the first thermochemical cycle, the Sr_2CoNb_(0.30)Ti_(0.70)O_(6-delta) material retaining its outstanding performance upon cycling, whereas the hydrogen yield of the x=1 oxide showed a continuous decay. The retention of the materials' ability to promote water splitting correlated with their structural, chemical, and redox reversibility upon cycling. On reduction/oxidation, Co ions reversibly changed their oxidation state to compensate the release/recovery of oxygen in both compounds. However, in Sr_2CoTiO_(6-delta), two phases with different oxygen contents segregated, whereas in Sr_2CoNb_(0.30)Ti_(0.70)O_(6-delta) this effect was not evident. Therefore, this latter material displayed a hydrogen production as high as 410 mu molH_2/g_(perovskite) after eight thermochemical cycles at 700 ºC, which is among the highest ever reported, making this perovskite a promising candidate for thermosolar water splitting in real devices

    Análisis, diseño y construcción de una sonda psicrométrica para medir temperatura y humedad relativa

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    [Resumen] El presente artículo, versa sobre la posibilidad de sustituir una serie de sondas de humedad y temperatura por otro tipo de sondas que utilicen un método termodinámico más preciso y que sus resultados, a su vez, sean también más precisos. Todo ello intentando reducir el coste. Para la elaboración de estas sondas se utilizará el microcontrolador Arduino que junto con alguno de sus módulos se conseguirá realizar las mediciones y mostrar los datos necesarios para las necesidades posteriores que puedan tenerse en el ámbito en que se use la sonda

    According to Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Infection Stage, Interleukin-7 Plus 4-1BB Triggering Alone or Combined with PD-1 Blockade Increases TRAF1lowHCV-Specific CD8+Cell Reactivity.

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV)-specific CD8+T cells suffer a progressive exhaustion during persistent infection (PI) with HCV. This process could involve the positive immune checkpoint 4-1BB/4-1BBL through the loss of its signal transducer, TRAF1. To address this issue, peripheral HCV-specific CD8+T cells (pentamer-positive [pentamer+]/CD8+T cells) from patients with PI and resolved infection (RI) after treatment were studied. The duration of HCV infection and the liver fibrosis progression rate inversely correlated with the likelihood of detection of peripheral pentamer+/CD8+cells. In PI, pentamer+/CD8+cells had impaired antigen-specific reactivity that worsened when these cells were not detectableex vivoShort/midduration PI was characterized by detectable peripheral PD-1+CD127lowTRAF1lowcells. After triggering of T cell receptors (TCR), the TRAF1 level positively correlated with the levels of CD127, Mcl-1, and CD107a expression and proliferation intensity but negatively with PD-1 expression, linking TRAF1lowto exhaustion.In vitrotreatment with interleukin-7 (IL-7) upregulated TRAF1 expression, while treatment with transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) did the opposite, suggesting that the IL-7/TGF-β1 balance, besides TCR stimulation, could be involved in TRAF1 regulation. In fact, the serum TGF-β1 concentration was higher in patients with PI than in patients with RI, and it negatively correlated with TRAF1 expression. In line with IL-7 increasing the level of TRAF1 expression, IL-7 plus 4-1BBL treatmentin vitroenhanced T cell reactivity in patients with short/midduration infection. However, in patients with long-lasting PI, anti-PD-L1, in addition to the combination of IL-7 and 4-1BBL, was necessary to reestablish T cell proliferation in individuals with slowly progressing liver fibrosis (slow fibrosers) but had no effect in rapid fibrosers. In conclusion, a peripheral hyporeactive TRAF1lowHCV-specific CD8+T cell response, restorable by IL-7 plus 4-1BBL treatment, characterizes short/midduration PI. In long-lasting disease, HCV-specific CD8+T cells are rarely detectableex vivo, but treatment with IL-7, 4-1BBL, and anti-PD-L1 recovers their reactivityin vitroin slow fibrosers.IMPORTANCEHepatitis C virus (HCV) infects 71 million people worldwide. Two-thirds develop a chronic disease that can lead to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Direct-acting antivirals clear the infection, but there are still patients who relapse. In these cases, additional immunotherapy could play a vital role. A successful anti-HCV immune response depends on virus-specific CD8+T cells. During chronic infection, these cells are functionally impaired, which could be due to the failure of costimulation. This study describes exhausted specific T cells, characterized by low levels of expression of the signal transducer TRAF1 of the positive costimulatory pathway 4-1BB/4-1BBL. IL-7 upregulated TRAF1 expression and improved T cell reactivity in patients with short/midduration disease, while in patients with long-lasting infection, it was also necessary to block the negative PD-1/PD-L1 checkpoint. When the results are taken together, this work supports novel ways of restoring the specific CD8+T cell response, shedding light on the importance of TRAF1 signaling. This could be a promising target for future immunotherapy

    Evolution of neutrophil apoptosis in septic shock survivors and nonsurvivors

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    Producción CientíficaThe aims were to analyze the temporal evolution of neutrophil apoptosis, to determine the differences in neutrophil apoptosis among 28-day survivors and nonsurvivors, and to evaluate the use of neutrophil apoptosis as a predictor of mortality in patients with septic shock. [Materials and Methods]: Prospective multicenter observational study carried out between July 2006 and June 2009. The staining solution study included 80 patients with septic shock and 25 healthy volunteers. Neutrophil apoptosis was assessed by fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated annexin V and aminoactinomycin D staining. [Results]: The percentage of neutrophil apoptosis was significantly decreased at 24 hours, 5 days, and 12 days after the diagnosis of septic shock (14.8% ± 13.4%, 13.4% ± 8.4%, and 15.4% ± 12.8%, respectively; P .05). The mortality rate at 28 days was 53.7%. The crude hazard ratio for mortality in patients with septic shock did not differ according to the percentage of apoptosis (hazard ratio, 1.006; 95% confidence interval, 0.98-1.03; P = .60). [Conclusions]: During the first 12 days of septic shock development, the level of neutrophil apoptosis decreases and does not recover normal values. No differences were observed between surviving and nonsurviving patients

    Internalización de la Inmunología en la Facultad de Medicina

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    Este proyecto se basa en diseñar una estrategia para la internalización de las asignaturas de grado y posgrado de la Facultad de Medicina, especialmente los impartidos por el área de Inmunología del Departamento de Inmunología, Oftalmología y Otorrinolaringología. La actividad propuesta pretende crear un entorno que favorezca la implantación de la docencia bilingüe mediante la diseminación de los procedimientos disponibles para el personal PAS, PDI o estudiantes (movilidad, idiomas y cooperación internacional) actualmente en la UCM así como el desarrollo de capacidades del alumnado en el proceso de aprendizaje bilingüe. De esta manera, no sólo el Departamento y el Centro sino que también el Alumnado saldrán favorecidos en el proceso de internacionalización de la educación superior