91 research outputs found

    Evolução da formação de reumatologistas no Brasil : a opção pela residência médica

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    Objetivo: descrever as características e a evolução da oferta de novos reumatologistas no Brasil, de 2000 a 2015. Métodos: fizeram-se consultas a bases de dados e a documentos oficiais de instituições relacionadas à formação e à certificação de reumatologistas no país. Os dados foram cruzados, sumarizados e apresentados de forma descritiva. Resultados: de 2000 até 2015, o Brasil habilitou 1.091 médicos à condição de reumatologistas, dentre os quais 76,9% (n = 839) concluíram residência médica em reumatologia (RMR); os demais (n = 252) obtiveram o título sem cursar RMR. Houve expansão das vagas de RMR. Paralelamente, ocorreu uma modificação no perfil dos recém-habilitados. No início da série, a fração de novos reumatologistas sem RMR, ingressantes no mercado anualmente, aproximava-se dos 50%, reduziu-se para cerca de 15%, em anos recentes. Em 2015, havia no país 49 programas de RMR credenciados, com 120 vagas anuais de acesso. Observou-se desequilíbrio na distribuição de vagas de RMR pelo país, com forte concentração na Região Sudeste, que em 2015 detinha 59,2% das vagas. Instituições públicas responderam por 94% (n = 789) dos concluintes de RMR no período estudado, mantiveram ainda 93,3% (n = 112) das vagas para ingresso em 2015. Conclusões: nos últimos 16 anos, paralelamente à expansão das vagas de acesso, a RMR consolidou-se como via preferencial para formação em reumatologia no Brasil, eminentemente suportada por recursos públicos. Desigualdades regionais na oferta de vagas de RMR persistem como desafios a serem enfrentados.Objective: to describe the characteristics and progression of the supply of new rheumatologists in Brazil, from 2000 to 2015. Methods: consultations to databases and official documents of institutions related to training and certification of rheumatologists in Brazil took place. The data were compared, summarized and presented descriptively. Results: from 2000 to 2015, Brazil qualified 1091 physicians as rheumatologists, of which 76.9% (n = 839) completed a medical residency program in rheumatology (MRPR); the others (n = 252) achieved this title without MRPR training. There was an expansion of MRPR positions. At the same time, there was a change in the profile of the newly qualified doctors. Early in the series, the fraction of new rheumatologists without MRPR, entering the market annually, was approaching 50%, dropping to about 15% in recent years. In 2015, Brazil offered 49 MRPR accredited programs, with 120 positions per year for access. There was an imbalance in the distribution of MRPR positions across the country, with a strong concentration in the southeast region, which in 2015 held 59.2% of the positions. Public institutions accounted for 94% (n = 789) of graduates in MRPR during the study period, while still maintaining 93.3% (n = 112) of seats for admission in 2015. Conclusions: in the last sixteen years, in parallel with the expansion of places of access, MRPR has established itself as the preferred route for rheumatology training in Brazil, mainly supported by public funds. Regional inequalities in the provision of MRPR positions still persist, as challenges that must be faced

    Cytokines, integrins and the pathogenesis of malaria

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    Faculdade de Medicina (FMD

    Risk of Orthopedic Surgical Site Infections in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Treated with Antitumor Necrosis Factor Alfa Therapy

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    Introduction. International guidelines recommend interruption of anti-TNF medications in the perioperative period, but there are no randomized trials to support such recommendation. Objectives. To study literature evidence assessing the risk of surgical site infections in orthopedic surgery patients with RA using anti-TNF drugs, compared to untreated patients or those using conventional DMARD. Methods. Systematic review of cohort studies is concerning surgical site infections in orthopedic procedures in patients with RA. Results. Three studies were selected. Only one was considered of high-quality, albeit with low statistical power. The review resulted in inconclusive data, since the best quality study showed no significant differences between groups, while others showed increased risk of infections in patients using anti-TNF medications. Conclusion. It is unclear whether patients with RA using anti-TNF medications are at increased risk of surgical site infections. Randomized controlled trials or new high quality observational studies are needed to clarify the issue

    The Use of Herbal Medicine in Alzheimer's Disease—A Systematic Review

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    The treatments of choice in Alzheimer's disease (AD) are cholinesterase inhibitors and NMDA-receptor antagonists, although doubts remain about the therapeutic effectiveness of these drugs. Herbal medicine products have been used in the treatment of Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) but with various responses. The objective of this article was to review evidences from controlled studies in order to determine whether herbs can be useful in the treatment of cognitive disorders in the elderly. Randomized controlled studies assessing AD in individuals older than 65 years were identified through searches of MEDLINE, LILACS, Cochrane Library, dissertation Abstract (USA), ADEAR (Alzheimer's Disease Clinical Trials Database), National Research Register, Current Controlled trials, Centerwatch Trials Database and PsychINFO Journal Articles. The search combined the terms Alzheimer disease, dementia, cognition disorders, Herbal, Phytotherapy. The crossover results were evaluated by the Jadad's measurement scale. The systematic review identified two herbs and herbal formulations with therapeutic effects for the treatment of AD: Melissa officinalis, Salvia officinalis and Yi-Gan San and BDW (Ba Wei Di Huang Wan). Ginkgo biloba was identified in a meta-analysis study. All five herbs are useful for cognitive impairment of AD. M. officinalis and Yi-Gan San are also useful in agitation, for they have sedative effects. These herbs and formulations have demonstrated good therapeutic effectiveness but these results need to be compared with those of traditional drugs. Further large multicenter studies should be conducted in order to test the cost-effectiveness of these herbs for AD and the impact in the control of cognitive deterioration

    Sarar cohort : disease activity, functional capacity, and radiological damage in rheumatoid arthritis patients undergoing total hip and knee arthroplasty

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    Objetivos: a coorte Sarar é composta por pacientes portadores de artrite reumatoide (AR) e artrite idiopática juvenil (AIJ) submetidos a artroplastias de quadril e joelho no hospital Sarah-Brasília. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar fatores clínicos e laboratoriais associados à atividade de doença, capacidade funcional e dano radiológico em pacientes com AR, participantes dessa coorte. Métodos: estudo transversal, com coleta de dados em revisão de prontuário. Resultados: foram incluídos 32 pacientes, com tempo médio de início da doença de 240 meses. Dezenove pacientes foram submetidos a ATJ e 17, a ATQ. Foi encontrada correlação positiva entre dose máxima de metotrexato (MTX) durante a evolução e Clinical Disease Activity Index (CDAI) (R = -0,46, p = 0,011) e negativa com Simplified Erosion and Narrowing Score (SENS) (R = -0,58, p = 0,004). Valores de SENS foram maiores nos pacientes com fator reumatoide (FR) (p = 0,005) e anticorpo antipeptídeo cíclico citrulinado 3 (anti-CCP3) positivo (p = 0,044), nos com maiores títulos de FR (p = 0,037) e anti-CCP3 (p = 0,025) e menores nos pacientes com história familiar de AR (p = 0,009). Valores de HAQ foram maiores em pacientes mais idosos (p = 0,031). Na regressão linear múltipla, somente “dose máxima de MTX” e “história familiar” permaneceram com associação significativa com SENS (r2= 0,73, p < 0,001 para ambas as variáveis). No modelo que avaliou CDAI, apenas “dose máxima de MTX” permaneceu com associação significativa (r2 = 0,35, p = 0,016). Conclusão: na coorte Sarar, fatores clínicos e laboratoriais estiveram relacionados à atividade de doença, capacidade funcional e dano radiológico, semelhantemente a estudos que avaliaram pacientes com menor tempo de doença.Objectives: the Sarar cohort consists of patients with rheumatoid arthritis and juvenile idiopathic arthritis who underwent hip or knee arthroplasties at hospital SARAH-Brasília. The objective of this study was to evaluate clinical and laboratory factors associated with disease activity, functional capacity and radiological damage in rheumatoid arthritis patients, participants in this cohort. Methods: cross-secal study, with data collection achieved from medical records review. Results: thirty-two patients were included, with a mean time of disease onset of 240 months. Nineteen patients underwent total knee and 17 total hip arthroplasty. There was a positive correlation between maximum dose of methotrexate and Clinical Disease Activity Index (R = −0.46, p = 0.011), and a negative one with Simplified Erosion and Narrowing Score (R = −0.58, p= 0.004). Simplified Erosion and Narrowing Score values were higher in patients with rheumatoid factor (p = 0.005) and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody 3 positivity (p = 0.044), in those with higher rheumatoid factor (p = 0.037) and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody 3 (p = 0.025) titers, and lower in patients with family history of rheumatoid factor (p = 0.009). Health Assessment Questionnaire values were higher in older patients (p = 0.031). In multiple linear regression, only “maximum dose of methotrexate” and “family history” remained with significant association with Simplified Erosion and Narrowing Score (r2 = 0.73, p < 0.001 for both variables). In the model evaluating “Clinical Disease Activity Index” only “maximum dose of methotrexate” remained significantly associated (r2 = 0.35, p = 0.016). Conclusion: in the Sarar cohort, clinical and laboratory factors were related to disease activity, functional capacity and radiological damage, similar to studies evaluating patients with lower disease duration

    Incidence of infectious complications in hip and knee arthroplasties in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis patients

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A artrite reumatoide (AR) é uma das principais indicações de artroplastia total do quadril (ATQ) ou joelho (ATJ). Estudos internacionais indicam a AR como fator de risco para infecções de prótese. OBJETIVOS: Comparação entre pacientes com AR e osteoartrite (OA) de outras etiologias em relação à incidência de infecções de prótese, infecções incisionais e outras infecções sistêmicas pós-operatórias em ATQ e ATJ. MÉTODOS: Coorte retrospectiva, comparativa, de pacientes acompanhados após a realização de ATQ ou ATJ no Hospital SARAH-Brasília, no período entre 1996 e 2007. RESULTADOS: Setenta e cinco artroplastias em pacientes com AR foram identificadas, das quais 28 ATJ e 47 ATQ. Como controles, foram selecionadas 131 cirurgias em pacientes com OA, das quais 56 ATJ e 75 ATQ, de maneira aleatória e estratificada pela cirurgia e pelo gênero. Não houve diferenças significativas entre os grupos de AR e OA no que diz respeito às taxas de infecções de prótese (respectivamente, ATJ 7,1% vs. 0% e ATQ 2,1% vs. 0%, ambos com P > 0,1), infecção incisional (ATJ 14,3 vs. 3,3% e ATQ 4,3 vs. 1,3%, ambos com P > 0,1) e infecção sistêmica (ATJ 7,1 vs. 3,6%, P = 0,92 e ATQ 4,3 vs. 10,7%, P > 0,1). Após regressão logística múltipla, não houve alteração dos resultados. CONCLUSÕES: A presença de AR não foi identificada como fator de risco para infecções perioperatórias em ATQ e ATJ em casuística do Hospital SARAH-Brasília, em comparação com o grupo de pacientes com OA primária ou secundária a doenças não inflamatórias. A baixa incidência de infecções em ambos os grupos pode explicar os nossos achados.INTRODUCTION: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is one of the major indications of total hip (THA) or knee (TKA) arthroplasty. International studies have suggested that RA is a risk factor for prosthesis infections. OBJECTIVES: To compare patients with RA and patients with osteoarthritis (OA) of other etiologies with regard to the incidence of prosthesis, incisional, and other systemic postoperative infections in THA and TKA. METHODS: Retrospective, comparative cohort of patients followed up after undergoing THA or TKA at the Hospital SARAH-Brasília, from 1996 to 2007. RESULTS: Seventy-five arthroplasties (28 TKA and 47 THA) were identified in RA patients. As controls, 131 surgeries (56 TKA and 75 THA) in OA patients were randomly selected and stratified by surgery and gender. No significant difference was observed between the RA and OA groups regarding the rates of prosthesis infections (TKA 7.1% vs. 0% and THA 2.1% vs. 0%, respectively, both with P > 0.1), incisional infections (TKA 14.3% vs. 3.3% and THA 4.3 vs. 1.3%, respectively, both with P > 0.1), and systemic infections (TKA 7.1% vs. 3.6%, P = 0.92 and THA 4.3% vs. 10.7%, P > 0.1, respectively). After multiple logistic regression, the results did not change. CONCLUSIONS: RA was not identified as a risk factor for perioperative infections in THA and TKA in this case series of the Hospital SARAH-Brasília, as compared with the group of patients with primary OA or OA secondary to non-inflammatory diseases. The low incidence of infections in both groups may explain our findings

    Uncommon presentation of vasculitis associated to infection with hepatitis C vírus

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    A vasculite é uma síndrome pleomórfica composta por um grupo heterogêneo de processos inflamatórios que acometem principalmente a parede dos vasos sangüíneos. A infecção pelo vírus C da hepatite (VCH) pode associar-se a manifestações extra-hepáticas, incluindo doenças auto-imunes. Duas formas de vasculite podem associar-se ao VCH: a crioglobulinemia mista e a semelhante à poliarterite nodosa. O diagnóstico e o manuseio terapêutico nessas condições são desafios. Existem poucos dados a respeito da eficácia da terapia antiviral em pacientes com VCH crônica e doenças auto-imunes. Apresentamos um relato de caso de vasculite de pequenos vasos de apresentação incomum associado ao VCH.Vasculitis is a pleomorfic inflammatory syndrome that involves mainly the wall of blood vessels. The hepatitis C virus infection may be associated to extra-hepatic manifestations, including autoimmune diseases. Two forms of vasculitis have been associated to hepatitis C virus, namely: mixed cryoglobulinemia and polyarteritis nodosa. The diagnosis and the therapeutic management of these conditions are clinical challenges. There are few data available in the literature about the antiviral treatment efficacy in patients with hepatitis C virus and autoimmune diseases. We describe an unusual patient displaying vasculitis of small vessels and with hepatitis C virus infection

    Risk of Orthopedic Surgical Site Infections in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Treated with Antitumor Necrosis Factor Alfa Therapy

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    Introduction. International guidelines recommend interruption of anti-TNF medications in the perioperative period, but there are no randomized trials to support such recommendation. Objectives. To study literature evidence assessing the risk of surgical site infections in orthopedic surgery patients with RA using anti-TNF drugs, compared to untreated patients or those using conventional DMARD. Methods. Systematic review of cohort studies is concerning surgical site infections in orthopedic procedures in patients with RA. Results. Three studies were selected. Only one was considered of high-quality, albeit with low statistical power. The review resulted in inconclusive data, since the best quality study showed no significant differences between groups, while others showed increased risk of infections in patients using anti-TNF medications. Conclusion. It is unclear whether patients with RA using anti-TNF medications are at increased risk of surgical site infections. Randomized controlled trials or new high quality observational studies are needed to clarify the issue

    General principles for treatment of early rheumatoid arthritis

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    Os principais objetivos do tratamento de um paciente com artrite reumatóide (AR) são: reduzir a dor, o edema articular e os sintomas constitucionais, como a fadiga, melhorar a função articular, interromper a progressão do dano ósseo-cartilaginoso, prevenir incapacidades e reduzir a morbimortalidade. Nos últimos anos, o conceito terapêutico da AR inicial (primeiros 12 meses de sintomas da doença) sofreu grandes mudanças. Três aspectos, em particular, passaram a ser base do novo paradigma de tratamento: a precocidade do diagnóstico, o início imediato das drogas modificadoras do curso da doença (DMARD) e o controle rigoroso da atividade inflamatória. Nesse artigo, os autores fazem uma revisão dos princípios gerais do manejo de pacientes com diagnóstico de AR inicial.The main goals of the treatment of a patient with RA are: to reduce pain, joint swelling and constitutional symptoms such as fatigue, to improve joint function, stop progression of bone-cartilage damage , prevent disabilities and reduce morbidity and mortality. In recent years, the therapeutic concept of early RA (first 12 months of symptoms) has undergone major changes. Three aspects in particular have become the basis of the new treatment paradigm: early diagnosis, immediate beginning of Disease Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs therapy (DMARD) and strict control of the inflammatory activity. In this article, the authors review the general principles of management of patients with early RA

    Prospective evaluation of the quality of life in a cohort of patients with early rheumatoid arthritis

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    INTRODUÇÃO: Poucos estudos avaliaram, de forma prospectiva, os instrumentos de aferição de qualidade de vida, tanto genéricos quanto específicos, em pacientes com artrite reumatoide (AR) inicial. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar uma população de pacientes com AR inicial (menos de 12 meses de sintomas da doença no momento do diagnóstico) acompanhada prospectivamente quanto ao padrão de respostas aos questionários de qualidade de vida Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) e o Medical Outcomes Study SF-36 Health Survey (SF - 36). PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 40 pacientes com diagnóstico de AR inicial no momento do diagnóstico, acompanhados prospectivamente por três anos, em uso de esquema terapêutico padronizado. Registrados os dados demográficos e clínicos e aplicados os questionários HAQ e SF-36 na avaliação inicial e aos 3, 6, 12, 18, 24 e 36 meses de acompanhamento. Comparações feitas pelo teste t de Student, t pareado e Wilcoxon (nível de significância de 5%). RESULTADOS: A idade média foi de 45 anos e predominou o sexo feminino (90%). A média do escore do HAQ inicial foi 1,89, com declínio progressivo até 0,77 no terceiro ano (P < 0,0001). A maioria dos elementos do SF-36 apresentaram significativa melhora durante os três anos de seguimento, com exceção de estado geral e vitalidade. CONCLUSÃO: Nessa população de pacientes com AR inicial no momento do diagnóstico, observou-se alterações importantes impacto na qualidade de vida no momento do diagnóstico, conforme avaliado pelos questionários HAQ e SF-36. O tratamento precoce da AR parece se associar à melhora da qualidade de vida relacionada com a saúde relatada pelo paciente.INTRODUCTION: Few studies have prospectively assessed the tools used to measure quality of life, both generic and specific, in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis (RA). OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to characterize a population of patients with early RA (less than 12 months after symptom onset at the time of the diagnosis) prospectively followed for the pattern of responses to questionnaires addressing quality of life, the Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) and Medical Outcomes Study SF-36 Health Survey (SF-36). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Forty patients with early RA at the time of diagnosis, treated with a standard treatment regimen, were prospectively followed for 3 years. Demographic and clinical data were recorded, and HAQ and SF-36 questionnaires were applied at baseline and after 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, and 36 months. Paired Student t test and Wilcoxon test were used for comparisons (significance level of 5%). RESULTS: The mean age was 45 years, with a prevalence of the female gender (90%). The average score of the initial HAQ was 1.89, with a progressive decline to 0.77 in the third year (P < 0.0001). Most domains of the SF-36 questionnaire presented significant improvement during the three years of follow-up, except for general health and vitality. CONCLUSION: In this population of patients with early RA at the time of diagnosis, the results showed significant impact on quality of life at the time of diagnosis, as measured by HAQ and SF-36 questionnaires. The early treatment of RA seems to be associated with improved health-related quality of life reported by patients