13 research outputs found

    Sustainability in projects in the view of students and graduates of the Technical Building Course

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    The need to reconcile economic and social progress with the preservation of natural resources has become increasingly necessary, as well as the training of building technicians with the theme of sustainability. The Teaching Institution plays an important role in the formation of the individual, because it is through it that the construction of ethical principles occurs, in addition to the social and cultural relationship. The insertion of themes that deal with the development of sustainable projects, assists in the mitigation of environmental impacts. The present work aims to analyze how sustainability is being worked during the middle level course in Building Technician. The research was conducted from an online form, answered by course students and trained technicians. hrough the results, it was concluded that educational institutions need to address more content related to sustainability in the classroom


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    A conservação dos escassos recursos hídricos na região Nordeste do Brasil exige um programa de gerenciamento mais eficiente. A má distribuição pluvial na localidade, a urbanização e as secas periódicas intensificam a demanda por água. Entretanto, a ocupação urbana ainda modifica a morfologia espacial sem se atentar para o potencial paisagístico natural, enquanto busca reproduzir padrões estéticos externos e distintos. Diante disso, faz-se necessária a percepção da urgência de minimizar o desperdício de água. Remodelar a paisagem através de planejamento e modificações adequadas não só ajudam a reduzir seu consumo, mas também os custos com sua manutenção. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho apresenta soluções paisagísticas mais eficientes em termos de economia hídrica e combate à desertificação na região semiárida brasileira. Técnicas como ordenamento da flora por necessidade de água, elaboração de oásis artificiais, utilização de mantas e quebra-ventos demonstram eficiência quando aliados aos mecanismos de sobrevivência inerentes à vegetação nativa

    A beleza seca: aspectos do paisagismo no semiárido brasileiro.

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    The conservation of scarce water resources in Northeast region of Brazil requires a more efficient management program. The bad rainfall distribution on site, urbanization and periodic droughts intensify the water demand. However, the urban occupation still modifies the spatial morphology without noticing the natural landscaping potential, while seeking to reproduce aesthetic external and different patterns. Therefore, it is necessary the perception of the urgency of minimize the waste of water. Reshaping the landscape through suitable planning and modifications not only help reduce its consumption, but also maintenance costs. Thus, the present work presents more efficient landscaping solutions with regard to water economy and fight against desertification in Brazilian semiarid region. Techniques such as plant sorting due to the water need, elaboration of artificial oasis, using mulches and windbreaks demonstrate efficiency when allied to the survival mechanisms inherent to native vegetation

    The position of the students of Environmental Engineering and Civil Engineering of the Federal Institute of Bahia in relation to Sustainability in the Civil Constructions of Brazil

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    The objective of this article is to discuss sustainability in civil construction presenting the concept of the theme, arguing about the difficulties and advantages in conciliating constructions with the balanced environment. n addition to presenting innovations in the area of construction such as the '' Green Roof '' and the '' Brick Pet ''. With the purpose of discussing the subject also in the academic environment, a questionnaire was made presenting the opinion of the upper level students of the courses of Environmental Engineering and Civil Engineering Of the initial semesters, in which each student presented his opinion on the subject treated, sustainable construction. The work was conceived as an exploratory and descriptive research of quantitative character. It is concluded after analysis that investments need to be made to increase sustainability more and more in the constructions of Brazil and the world, in addition to public policies that arouse an interest for sustainable materials by companies and contractors responsible for works

    Green buildings: a vision of engineers in relation to the implementation of sustainability in the development of civil projects.

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    Construction is a transformation sector, due to this, it is acknowledged that it can cause various environmental impacts. Hence, there is a general concern, in the civil society, over the damages that can be caused by this sector once that it is known as strategic for economic growth but it usually causes environmental harm and generates a great amount of solid waste. The necessity in promoting a plan that aims to preserve the environment through sustainability in construction projects has become a driven factor in the professional qualification of engineers. This paper aims to analyse the conception of engineers referring to the adoption of sustainable practices in their projects; besides, this paper also aims to identify ecological practices adopted during engineers projects. To achieve this, the following step was adopted: A survey was conducted amongst engineers in order to gather information for further data analysis and an awareness work over the impacts of badly designed projects over the environment was carried out

    A proposal of a cryptographic system of public key using classical and quantum convolutional codes

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    Orientador: Reginaldo Palazzo JuniorDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: A proposta de um sistema criptográfico de chave pública que utiliza códigos convolucionais de memória-unitária clássicos e quânticos apresentada neste trabalho, está baseada na utilização de transformações armadilha que, ao serem aplicadas as submatrizes reduzem a capacidade de correção de erros do código. Este processo proporciona um aumento no grau de privacidade da informação a ser enviada devido a dois fatores: para a determinação de códigos ótimos de memória unitária è necessário resolver o Problema da Mochila e a redução da capacidade de correção de erro dos códigos ocasionada pelo embaralhamento das colunas das submatrizes geradoras. São também apresentados neste trabalho, novos códigos convolucionais quânticos concatenados [(4, 1, 3)].Abstract: The proposal of a cryptographic system of public key that uses classical and quantum convolutional codes of unit-memory presented in this work, is based on the use of trapdoors functions which when applied to submatrices reduce the capacity of correction of errors of the code. This process gives us an increase in the degree of privacy of information being sent, because of two factors, namely: to establish good unit-memory codes is necessary to solve the knapsack problem, and the reduction of the capacity of correcting errors of codes provided by scrambling the columns of generating submatrices. We also present in this work, news quantum convolutional codes [(4, 1, 3)].MestradoTelecomunicações e TelemáticaMestre em Engenharia Elétric

    REWAT: Sustainable Rainwater Reuse

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    O homem, desde o início das primeiras sociedades, começou a extrair da natureza, de maneira predatória, os recursos necessários para o sustento da civilização e muitos projetos já evoluíram através das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TICs), mas ainda continua intrínseco à realidade nacional, o pensamento contrário ao ambiente natural. Dessa forma, esse artigo, através de pesquisas de projetos similares, aquisição dos materiais para a construção do protótipo e pesquisas de validação comercial, tem como objetivo descrever aspectos do projeto do reaproveitamento sustentável da água da chuva, buscando refletir e destacar a importância do empreendedorismo sustentável para o desenvolvimento econômico e social nessa ordem econômico-ecológica do país com o fito de resolver as dores da escassez da água para pessoas físicas, fábricas, shoppings ou estabelecimentos comerciais. Sendo assim, os resultados indicam que estabelecimento comercial é o segmento de mercado com maior expressividade e a fim de deixar o KIT mais acessível é necessário pensar ações efetivas de formas de pagamento e custos de manutenção, sendo essencial a educação dos clientes para eficiência do processo de interação da REWAT, bem como as ações integradas do projeto sirvam de base para formação de um cidadão planetário crítico, ético e capaz de mobilizar e transformar a realidade.From the beginning of the early societies, man began to extract predatory resources from nature in order to sustain civilization, and many projects have already evolved through Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), but are still intrinsic to reality national, the contrary thought to the natural environment. Thus, this article, through researches of similar projects, acquisition of materials for the construction of the prototype and commercial validation research, aims to describe aspects of the project of the sustainable reuse of rainwater, seeking to reflect and highlight the importance of entrepreneurship sustainable economic and social development in this economic-ecological order of the country with the purpose of solving the pains of water scarcity for individuals, factories, malls or commercial establishments. Thus, the results indicate that commercial establishment is the market segment with greater expressiveness and in order to make the KIT more accessible it is necessary to think about effective actions of payment methods and maintenance costs, being essential the education of the clients for efficiency of the process of interaction of REWAT, as well as the integrated actions of the project serve as the basis for the formation of a planetary citizen who is critical, ethical and capable of mobilizing and transforming reality