1,410 research outputs found

    Energy transmutation in nonequilibrium quantum systems

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    We investigate the particle and heat transport in quantum junctions with the geometry of star graphs. The system is in a nonequilibrium steady state, characterized by the different temperatures and chemical potentials of the heat reservoirs connected to the edges of the graph. We explore the Landauer-Buettiker state and its orbit under parity and time reversal transformations. Both particle number and total energy are conserved in these states. However the heat and chemical potential energy are in general not separately conserved, which gives origin to a basic process of energy transmutation among them. We study both directions of this process in detail, introducing appropriate efficiency coefficients. For scale invariant interactions in the junction our results are exact and explicit. They cover the whole parameter space and take into account all nonlinear effects. The energy transmutation depends on the particle statistics.Comment: Version to appear in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Genera

    Non-linear quantum noise effects in scale invariant junctions

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    We study non-equilibrium steady state transport in scale invariant quantum junctions with focus on the particle and heat fluctuations captured by the two-point current correlation functions. We show that the non-linear behavior of the particle current affects both the particle and heat noise. The existence of domains of enhancement and reduction of the noise power with respect to the linear regime are observed. The impact of the statistics is explored. We demonstrate that in the scale invariant case the bosonic particle noise exceeds the fermionic one in the common domain of heat bath parameters. Multi-lead configurations are also investigated and the effect of probe terminals on the noise is discussed.Comment: LaTex, 1+20 pages, 10 figure

    Constraints on Single-Field Inflation

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    Many alternatives to canonical slow-roll inflation have been proposed over the years, one of the main motivations being to have a model, capable of generating observable values of non-Gaussianity. In this work, we (re-)explore the physical implications of a great majority of such models within a single, effective field theory framework (including novel models with large non-Gaussianity discussed for the first time below.) The constraints we apply---both theoretical and experimental---are found to be rather robust, determined to a great extent by just three parameters: the coefficients of the quadratic EFT operators (δN)2(\delta N)^2 and δNδE\delta N \delta E, and the slow-roll parameter ε\varepsilon. This allows to significantly limit the majority of single-field alternatives to canonical slow-roll inflation. While the existing data still leaves some room for most of the considered models, the situation would change dramatically if the current upper limit on the tensor-to-scalar ratio decreased down to r<102r < 10^{-2}. Apart from inflationary models driven by plateau-like potentials, the single-field model that would have a chance of surviving this bound is the recently proposed slow-roll inflation with weakly-broken galileon symmetry. In contrast to \textit{canonical} slow-roll inflation, the latter model can support r<102r < 10^{-2} even if driven by a convex potential, as well as generate observable values for the amplitude of non-Gaussianity.Comment: 19+10 pages, 6 figure

    Thermoelectric efficiency of critical quantum junctions

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    We derive the efficiency at maximal power of a scale-invariant (critical) quantum junction in exact form. Both Fermi and Bose statistics are considered. We show that time-reversal invariance is spontaneously broken. For fermions we implement a new mechanism for efficiency enhancement above the Curzon-Ahlborn bound, based on a shift of the particle energy in each heat reservoir, proportional to its temperature. In this setting fermionic junctions can even reach at maximal power the Carnot efficiency. The bosonic junctions at maximal power turn out to be less efficient then the fermionic ones.Comment: 4.5 pages, 4 figures, 2 references and some clarifying remarks adde

    Weakly Broken Galileon Symmetry

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    Effective theories of a scalar ϕ\phi invariant under the internal \textit{galileon symmetry} ϕϕ+bμxμ\phi\to\phi+b_\mu x^\mu have been extensively studied due to their special theoretical and phenomenological properties. In this paper, we introduce the notion of \textit{weakly broken galileon invariance}, which characterizes the unique class of couplings of such theories to gravity that maximally retain their defining symmetry. The curved-space remnant of the galileon's quantum properties allows to construct (quasi) de Sitter backgrounds largely insensitive to loop corrections. We exploit this fact to build novel cosmological models with interesting phenomenology, relevant for both inflation and late-time acceleration of the universe.Comment: 26+8 pages, 2 figures, 2 table

    Soft Theorems For Shift-Symmetric Cosmologies

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    We derive soft theorems for single-clock cosmologies that enjoy a shift symmetry. These so-called consistency conditions arise from a combination of a large diffeomorphism and the internal shift-symmetry and fix the squeezed limit of all correlators with a soft scalar mode. As an application, we show that our results reproduce the squeezed bispectrum for Ultra-slow-roll inflation, a particular shift-symmetric, non-attractor model which is known to violate Maldacena's consistency relation. Similar results have been previously obtained by Mooij and Palma using background-wave methods. Our results shed new light on the infrared structure of single-clock cosmological spacetimes.Comment: 4 pages, v2: citation added, v3: citations added and edited in accordance with published versio

    Large Non-Gaussianity in Slow-Roll Inflation

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    Canonical models of single-field, slow-roll inflation do not lead to appreciable non-Gaussianity, unless derivative interactions of the inflaton become uncontrollably large. We propose a novel slow-roll scenario where scalar perturbations propagate at a subluminal speed, leading to sizeable equilateral non-Gaussianity, fNLequil1/cs4f^{\rm equil}_{\rm NL}\propto 1/c_s^4, largely insensitive to the ultraviolet physics. The model is based on a low-energy effective theory characterized by weakly broken invariance under internal galileon transformations, ϕϕ+bμxμ\phi\to\phi+b_\mu x^\mu, which protects the properties of perturbations from large quantum corrections. This provides the unique alternative to models such as DBI inflation in generating strongly subluminal/non-Gaussian scalar perturbations.Comment: 5 page

    Stability of Geodesically Complete Cosmologies

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    We study the stability of spatially flat FRW solutions which are geodesically complete, i.e. for which one can follow null (graviton) geodesics both in the past and in the future without ever encountering singularities. This is the case of NEC-violating cosmologies such as smooth bounces or solutions which approach Minkowski in the past. We study the EFT of linear perturbations around a solution of this kind, including the possibility of multiple fields and fluids. One generally faces a gradient instability which can be avoided only if the operator  (3)RδN ~^{(3)}{R} \delta N~ is present and its coefficient changes sign along the evolution. This operator (typical of beyond-Horndeski theories) does not lead to extra degrees of freedom, but cannot arise starting from any theory with second-order equations of motion. The change of sign of this operator prevents to set it to zero with a generalised disformal transformation.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures. v2: minor changes; references added; version published in JCA

    Fermions at finite density in the path integral approach

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    We study relativistic fermionic systems in 3+13+1 spacetime dimensions at finite chemical potential and zero temperature, from a path-integral point of view. We show how to properly account for the iεi\varepsilon term that projects on the finite density ground state, and compute the path integral analytically for free fermions in homogeneous external backgrounds, using complex analysis techniques. As an application, we show that the U(1){\rm U}(1) symmetry is always linearly realized for free fermions at finite charge density, differently from scalars. We study various aspects of finite density QED in a homogeneous magnetic background. We compute the free energy density, non-perturbatively in the electromagnetic coupling and the external magnetic field, obtaining the finite density generalization of classic results of Euler--Heisenberg and Schwinger. We also obtain analytically the magnetic susceptibility of a relativistic Fermi gas at finite density, reproducing the de Haas--van Alphen effect. Finally, we consider a (generalized) Gross--Neveu model for NN interacting fermions at finite density. We compute its non-perturbative effective potential in the large-NN limit, and discuss the fate of the U(1){\rm U}(1) vector and Z2A\mathbb{Z}_2^A axial symmetries.Comment: 34 pages, 6 figures. v2: one reference added, matches published versio