329 research outputs found

    Prediction of Renal Acid Load in Adult Patients on Parenteral Nutrition

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    Metabolic acidosis and metabolic bone disease are frequent complications in patients on parenteral nutrition (PN). A common contributor to these complications could be a daily high renal acid load. This study aims to find a method for predicting the potential total acid load (PTAL) and the pH of the compounded parenteral nutrition mixtures. The pH and titratable acidity (TA) of fifty compounded mixtures were measured. The potential metabolic acid load (PMAL) was calculated by considering the amount of nutrients that are acid producers and consumers. The PTAL of the TPN mixtures was calculated by adding TA to PMAL. Multiple linear regression analyses were used to develop a predictive model for the TA and pH of the compounded mixtures. The predicted TA and pH values of the analyzed mixtures agreed with those measured (Passing-Bablok analysis). The PTAL was >50 mmol/day for 82% of the mixtures, >75 mmol/day for 40% of the mixtures, and >100 mmol/day for 22% of the mixtures. The prediction of the renal acid load in patients on long-term PN could allow more appropriate acid-base balancing. Moreover, predicting the pH of such mixtures could be useful to pharmacists to assess the stability and compatibility of the components in the compounded mixtures

    Need for Aeromedical Evacuation High-Level Containment Transport Guidelines

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    Circumstances exist that call for the aeromedical evacuation high-level containment transport (AE-HLCT) of patients with highly hazardous communicable diseases. A small number of organizations maintain AE-HLCT capabilities, and little is publicly available regarding the practices. The time is ripe for the development of standards and consensus guidelines involving AE-HLCT

    Amphiregulin contained in NSCLC-exosomes induces osteoclast differentiation through the activation of EGFR pathway

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    Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) remains the leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. The majority of patients are diagnosed in advanced disease stage. Bone metastasis is the most frequent complication in NSCLC resulting in osteolytic lesions. The perfect balance between bone-resorbing osteoclasts and bone-forming osteoblasts activity is lost in bone metastasis, inducing osteoclastogenesis. In NSCLC, the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) pathway is constitutively activated. EGFR binds Amphiregulin (AREG) that is overexpressed in several cancers such as colon, breast and lung. Its levels in plasma of NSCLC patients correlate with poor prognosis and AREG was recently found as a signaling molecule in exosomes derived from cancer cell lines. Exosomes have a key role in the cell-cell communication and they were recently indicated as important actors in metastatic niche preparation. In the present work, we hypothesize a role of AREG carried by exosomes derived from NSCLC in bone metastasis induction. We observed that NSCLC-exosomes, containing AREG, induce EGFR pathway activation in pre-osteoclasts that in turn causes an increased expression of RANKL. RANKL is able to induce the expression of proteolytic enzymes, well-known markers of osteoclastogenesis, triggering a vicious cycle in osteolytic bone metastasis

    Food-Based dietary guidelines around the World: Eastern Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Countries

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    In Eastern Mediterranean countries, undernutrition and micronutrient deficiencies coexist with overnutrition-related diseases, such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Many Mediterranean countries have produced Food-Based Dietary Guidelines (FBDGs) to provide the general population with indications for healthy nutrition and lifestyles. This narrative review analyses Eastern Mediterranean countries' FBDGs and discusses their pictorial representations, food groupings and associated messages on healthy eating and behaviours. In 2012, both the WHO and the Arab Center for Nutrition developed specific dietary guidelines for Arab countries. In addition, seven countries, representing 29% of the Eastern Mediterranean Region population, designated their national FBDGs. At the moment several of these guidelines are available only in the English language. In summary, Eastern Mediterranean FBDGs mainly focus on food safety, not all are available in the local Arabic language, and they do not provide specific suggestions for the large number of foreign workers and migrants

    Aerosol and Surface Contamination of SARS-CoV-2 Observed in Quarantine and Isolation Care

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    The novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) originated in Wuhan, China in late 2019, and its resulting coronavirus disease, COVID-19, was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020. The rapid global spread of COVID-19 represents perhaps the most significant public health emergency in a century. As the pandemic progressed, a continued paucity of evidence on routes of SARS-CoV-2 transmission has resulted in shifting infection prevention and control guidelines between classically-defined airborne and droplet precautions. During the initial isolation of 13 individuals with COVID-19 at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, we collected air and surface samples to examine viral shedding from isolated individuals. We detected viral contamination among all samples, supporting the use of airborne isolation precautions when caring for COVID-19 patients

    Assessment of body composition in health and disease using bioelectrical impedance analysis (bia) and dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (dxa): A critical overview

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    The measurement of body composition (BC) represents a valuable tool to assess nutritional status in health and disease. The most used methods to evaluate BC in the clinical practice are based on bicompartment models and measure, directly or indirectly, fat mass (FM) and fat-free mass (FFM). Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) (nowadays considered as the reference technique in clinical practice) are extensively used in epidemiological (mainly BIA) and clinical (mainly DXA) settings to evaluate BC. DXA is primarily used for the measurements of bone mineral content (BMC) and density to assess bone health and diagnose osteoporosis in defined anatomical regions (femur and spine). However, total body DXA scans are used to derive a three-compartment BC model, including BMC, FM, and FFM. Both these methods feature some limitations: the accuracy of BIA measurements is reduced when specific predictive equations and standardized measurement protocols are not utilized whereas the limitations of DXA are the safety of repeated measurements (no more than two body scans per year are currently advised), cost, and technical expertise. This review aims to provide useful insights mostly into the use of BC methods in prevention and clinical practice (ambulatory or bedridden patients). We believe that it will stimulate a discussion on the topic and reinvigorate the crucial role of BC evaluation in diagnostic and clinical investigation protocols

    L’usage de la poésie haïku en psycho-oncologie

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    International audienceAbstract Aim: Our study aims to describe the discourseeffects of specific and structured protocol focused on severalhaiku poems about one patient, who have experienced cancer.Procedure: The protocol consists of 4 steps: a preliminaryexploratory interview, fifteen haiku proposed without a partof the poem (a creative writing filled in by the patient), a freeform haiku composed by the patient, and finally, a finalinterview.Clinical case: A man, D., aged 25, had tumor.Result: Using this protocol, we showed discourse variationson the illness before and after the experience of poetrywriting, by Tropes V8.4 software.Conclusion: Haiku poetry can be a useful tool in the contextof supportive interventions or as preparatory work for engagementin psychotherapeutic intervention. We believe thatthe formal structure of haikus can create conditions for aspecific poetic work composed of: poetic evocation, synthesis,and mapping of the most intimate experiences in oncologyenvironment.Résumé Objectif : Cette étude qualitative et exploratoirevise à décrire les effets d’un protocole poétique centré surles haïkus en psycho-oncologie sur l’approche de la maladiechez un patient atteint de cancer.Matériel et méthodes : Il s’agit d’un protocole d’écriturepoétique composé de quatre étapes : un entretien préliminaire,la proposition de 15 haïkus (sans le vers du milieu)tirés de grands auteurs japonais, la réalisation d’un poèmecomposé librement par deux patients atteints de cancer, unentretien final sur l’expérience de l’écriture poétique.Cas clinique : Un homme, M. D., âgé de 25 ans, qui est entraitement pour un cancer.Résultats : Nous montrons les variations discursives utiliséesavant et après l’expérience de l’écriture poétique, à travers lelogiciel Tropes V8.4.Conclusion : Le travail poétique avec le haïku peut être unoutil utile, dans un contexte de support clinique en institutionou comme préparation à un travail de psychothérapie. Nouspensons que la structure formelle des haïkus peut inviter à untravail poétique spécifique : évocation poétique, synthèse etschématisation des vécus plus intimes en milieu oncologique
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