379 research outputs found

    Optimization of paper pulp production using Artificial Neural Networks and Simulated Annealing

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the possibilities of optimizing the production of paper pulp in a Conical Disc (CD) refiner for different production rates, taking into account the variables that are thought to be the most important for the production. These include three separate dilution waters, conical disc gap and flat gap. Another task is to compare the values of these variables after optimization for different production rates in order to see if there is a pattern between these to be found. These two tasks are solved using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN:s) and Simulated Annealing. Data consists of measurements made on a CD70 refiner, and is provided by Jan Hill at QualTech Jan Hill AB. ANN:s seems to be a possible tool for calculating refiner-specific parameters needed to predict the long fiber content and dewatering capability of the pulp. Simulated Annealing was used in an attempt to show that there exists a relationship between variable values that gives maximum freeness for a fixed long fiber content of 45 %

    Kolmen kielen kontrastiivista vertailua Grimmin saduista Hannu ja Kerttu ja Punahilkka

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    I min pro gradu -avhandling har jag jĂ€mfört tvĂ„ av Bröderna Grimms tysksprĂ„kiga sagor med deras översĂ€ttningar till finska och till svenska. Sagorna Ă€r Hans och Greta och Rödluvan. Jag har haft originaltexterna som utgĂ„ngspunkt och pĂ„ basen av dessa sagor sedan jĂ€mfört översĂ€ttningarna i relation med deras originaltexter. Avsikten har varit att undersöka om det kan hittas kulturella skillnader och likheter mellan dessa sagor pĂ„ tre olika sprĂ„k. Jag har jĂ€mfört originaltexternas komponenter med översĂ€ttningarnas komponenter genom ett kontrastivt synsĂ€tt. Som undersökningsmaterial för min avhandling har jag valt Bröderna Grimms tysksprĂ„kiga HĂ€nsel & Gretel och RotkĂ€ppchen -sagorna och tvĂ„ översĂ€ttningar till svenska och tvĂ„ översĂ€ttningar till finska av vardera sagan. I min avhandling kontrasteras tre sprĂ„k och tre kulturer med varandra. Jag har koncentrerat mig pĂ„ kulturella aspekter och har dĂ€rför anvĂ€nt mig av olika pragmatiska teorier och av teorier om översĂ€ttningsmotsvarigheter. Av pragmatiska sĂ€rfall tas idiomerna upp. Jag har Ă€ven behandlat och fokuserat mig pĂ„ tidsaspekten gĂ€llande översĂ€ttningar som blir översatta pĂ„ nytt. PĂ„ basen av forskningsresultaten kan man notera att det förekommer rĂ€tt lite pragmatiska skillnader mellan de tre olika kulturerna. ÖversĂ€ttarna har varit relativt trogna till ursprungstexterna och inte avvikit sĂ€rskilt mycket frĂ„n dem. De skillnader som förekommer vad gĂ€ller översĂ€ttningsmotsvarigheter visar frĂ€mst pĂ„ kulturskillnader mellan finskan och tyskan. AngĂ„ende jĂ€mförelsen mellan översĂ€ttningarna med ca 10 Ă„rs Ă„ldersskillnad, visar resultaten att sprĂ„ken har förĂ€ndrats och gĂ„tt mot en modernare riktning. FörĂ„ldrade ord i de Ă€ldre översĂ€ttningarna har lĂ€mnats bort frĂ„n sprĂ„ket som anvĂ€nds i dagens samhĂ€lle.fi=OpinnĂ€ytetyö kokotekstinĂ€ PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=LĂ€rdomsprov tillgĂ€ngligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    KontaktnÀt, centrala figurer, tidigare kriminalitet och uppgifter inom nÀtverket: en rÀttssociologisk undersökning om den sociala nÀtverksanalysens applicerbarhet pÄ studier av kriminella nÀtverk

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    The social network analysis is a method on studying social relations which is becoming more and more popular on the arena of social science. This thesis examines, in the perspective of sociology of law, how well the above mentioned method can be used on studying criminal networks which are specialized on narcotic crimes. The basic idea for this thesis is that criminal networks are often based on the same foundations when thinking of structure and organization. The method being used to investigate this hypothesis is qualitative text analysis. Four distinctive features were identified among the studied networks. They are as follows: network, central individuals, earlier crime and tasks within the network. These commonalties are all based on social relations which should make the social network analysis an excellent method of studying and understanding criminal networks. The result is being analyzed and understood with the perspective of norm pluralism and the theory of differential association, with the focus on norm systems and the transfer of knowledge on crime between network members. The knowledge about criminal network and the embedded relations could lead to a bigger understanding on how they operate and may in the long run contribute to the crime prevention work

    Type II secretion: from structure to function

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    Gram-negative bacteria use the type II secretion system to transport a large number of secreted proteins from the periplasmic space into the extracellular environment. Many of the secreted proteins are major virulence factors in plants and animals. The components of the type II secretion system are located in both the inner and outer membranes where they assemble into a multi-protein, cell-envelope spanning, complex. This review discusses recent progress, particularly newly published structures obtained by X-ray crystallography and electron microscopy that have increased our understanding of how the type II secretion apparatus functions and the role that individual proteins play in this complex system.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/74575/1/j.1574-6968.2006.00102.x.pd

    Energibesparing inom miljonprogrammet - Àr miljömÄlen 2020 och 2050 rimliga?

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    Swedish buildings, which were built in the early 60: s to mid 70: s are in great need of a restoration. Not least in view of the considerable quantities of energy that the buildings consume, this is partly due to the end of life in building components. Energy which in the worst case is obtained from non-renewable energy sources, which in turn generates significant carbon dioxide emissions worldwide. The study is going to compare already performed energy savings measures with today’s environmental goals, guidelines and laws, to demonstrate that the long-term energy goals will be achieved. The ambition of this study is to identify some of the property company that currently has stock from the 1961-1975. The study will describe the refurbishment of the objects and then answer questions like, is the renovation rate sufficient? Do energy savings measures generate enough amounts of energy savings? Will property owners in time reduce their energy consumption by 20 respective 50 percent by the year of 2020 and 2050? What is needed for these environmental goals to be fulfilled with the respect to time (2020 and 2050) and energy expenditure? To get a better understanding, a qualitative literature study has been conducted on the subject. A number of Real Estate Company has been contacted and has opted for its own interest to participate. The study total includes twelve companies and their objects, these companies with their objects constitute the case study in which energy technologies, energy strategists, CEOs and property managers have been interviewed. The study shows that what is being done today is not sufficient to reach climate goals 2020 and 2050. The real estate companies which we have been in contact with are at the forefront when it comes to renovation of the program. This gives a skewed picture of the realities and it is difficult to make a more accurate assessment of what the renovations so far have generated. The credibility of the figures provided is not too high and this is partly because it is the landlord himself who notified the information and that the measurements are not performed in a uniform way. There is disagreement about which the heated surface is. Another problem is that many of the centers serve more than one house, which in turns means that the energy efficiency is not accounted for the specific house

    Identification of a system required for the functional surface localization of sugar binding proteins with class III signal peptides in Sulfolobus solfataricus

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    The hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus contains an unusual large number of sugar binding proteins that are synthesized as precursors with a class III signal peptide. Such signal peptides are commonly used to direct archaeal flagellin subunits or bacterial (pseudo)pilins into extracellular macromolecular surface appendages. Likewise, S. solfataricus binding proteins have been suggested to assemble in higher ordered surface structures as well, tentatively termed the bindosome. Here we show that S. solfataricus contains a specific system that is needed for the functional surface localization of sugar binding proteins. This system, encoded by the bas (bindosome assembly system) operon, is composed of five proteins: basABC, three homologues of so-called bacterial (pseudo)pilins; BasE, a cytoplasmic ATPase; and BasF, an integral membrane protein. Deletion of either the three (pseudo)pilin genes or the basEF genes resulted in a severe defect of the cells to grow on substrates which are transported by sugar binding proteins containing class III signal peptides, while growth on glucose and maltose was restored when the corresponding genes were reintroduced in these cells. Concomitantly, ΔbasABC and ΔbasEF cells were severely impaired in glucose uptake even though the sugar binding proteins were normally secreted across the cytoplasmic membrane. These data underline the hypothesis that the bas operon is involved in the functional localization of sugar binding proteins at the cell surface of S. solfataricus. In contrast to surface structure assembly systems of Gram-negative bacteria, the bas operon seems to resemble an ancestral simplified form of these machineries.

    Loaded Dice and Other Problems: A Further Reflection on the Statutory Commander in Chief

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    VarumÀrken inom B2B börjar fÄ allt större uppmÀrksamhet bland forskare och företag i takt med att det uppmÀrksammats att varumÀrken har betydelse inom B2B-kontexter. VarumÀrket Àr ett av fÄ sÀtt att differentiera sig pÄ konkurrensintensiva marknader och kan medföra fördelar som en ökad kundlojalitet, premiumpriser och en ökad möjlighet att nÄ nya marknader. Samtidigt Àr forskningen om hur företag inom B2B bygger varumÀrken begrÀnsad. B2B-marknader kÀnnetecknas inte av produkterna utan av köparna som inte uteslutande Àr vinstrivande företag utan Àven kommuner, institutioner och icke- vinstrivande organisationer. I följande studie studeras underleverantörer vilka kÀnnetecknas av dess förmÄga att producera varor och tjÀnster till förmÄn för en köpare och dennes specifikationer. För en underleverantör Àr den grundlÀggande rollen att vara en vÀrdeförmedlare som underlÀttar kundernas vÀrdeskapande. Underleverantörer befinner sig sÄledes i en situation dÀr varumÀrket byggs via projektunika och kundanpassade lösningar samt i mötet med kunder. VÄr studie utförs pÄ en underleverantör inom byggbranschen som erbjuder konsulttjÀnster. Byggbranschen vilken Àr en av de mest betydande sektorerna för vÀrldens lÀnders BNP. Byggbranschen tillför dock inte bara positiva aspekter. Idag förknippas byggbranschen med en stagnerande utveckling och har lÀnge kritiserats för sin lÄga hÀnsyn till miljön. Ett högt energiutnyttjande samt ineffektiva projekt inom branschen har bidragit till en ökad uppmÀrksamhet av hÄllbarhet. Fler och fler kunder börjar efterfrÄga mer hÄllbara byggprocesser av entreprenader och underleverantörer vilket innebÀr att det finns incitament att bygga ett varumÀrke som associeras med hÄllbarhet. Studiens syfte Àr genom att anlysera en underleverantörs arbetsprocess bidra till det teoretiska gap som forskare identifierat om hur företag inom B2B-marknader kan arbeta med att bygga varumÀrken. Mer specifikt för vÄr studie, ett varumÀrke som associeras med hÄllbarhet.  VÄra observationer indikerar att en underleverantör inom byggbranschen har tvÄ möjligheter att bygga ett varumÀrke som associeras med hÄllbarhet. Via medarbetarna kan underleverantören övertyga bestÀllare att vÀlja hÄllbara alternativ. Vi fann Àven att underleverantörens externa marknadskommunikation Àr av betydelse. VÄra iakttagelser indikerar att det som frÀmst pÄverkade underleverantörens möjligheter var bestÀllarens önskemÄl, kortsiktighet i bestÀllarledet, lagen om offentlig upphandling, sen inkoppling samt korta tidsramar inom projekten. Resultaten indikerar att en vÀsentlig skillnad mellan privat och offentliga bestÀllare rÄder, dÀr offentliga bestÀllare enligt lag mÄste följa lagen om offentlig upphandling. Studien bidrar med information om hur ett företag inom B2B bygger varumÀrken och vilken betydelse underleverantörens medarbetare har. Studien bidrar Àven med förstÄelse för underleverantörens omgivning pÄverkar och vilka strukturer en underleverantör inom byggbranschen mÄste förhÄlla sig till i samband med att bygga ett varumÀrke.

    Toxins and Secretion Systems of Photorhabdus luminescens

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    Photorhabdus luminescens is a nematode-symbiotic, gram negative, bioluminescent bacterium, belonging to the family of Enterobacteriaceae. Recent studies show the importance of this bacterium as an alternative source of insecticides, as well as an emerging human pathogen. Various toxins have been identified and characterized in this bacterium. These toxins are classified into four major groups: the toxin complexes (Tcs), the Photorhabdus insect related (Pir) proteins, the “makes caterpillars floppy” (Mcf) toxins and the Photorhabdus virulence cassettes (PVC); the mechanisms however of toxin secretion are not fully elucidated. Using bioinformatics analysis and comparison against the components of known secretion systems, multiple copies of components of all known secretion systems, except the ones composing a type IV secretion system, were identified throughout the entire genome of the bacterium. This indicates that Photorhabdus luminescens has all the necessary means for the secretion of virulence factors, thus it is capable of establishing a microbial infection
