44 research outputs found

    The influence of diffuse scattered light II. Observations of galaxy haloes and thick discs and hosts of BCGs

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    Studies of deep photometry of galaxies have presented discoveries of excess light in surface-brightness and colour profiles at large radii in the form of diffuse faint haloes and thick discs. In a majority of the cases, it has seemed necessary to use exotic stellar populations or alternative physical solutions to explain the excess. Few studies have carefully scrutinized the role of scattered light in this context. I explore the influence of scattered light on ground-based observations of haloes and thick discs around edge-on galaxies, haloes around face-on disc galaxies, host galaxies around blue compact galaxies (BCGs), and haloes around elliptical galaxies. Surface-brightness structures of all considered types of galaxies are modelled and analysed to compare scattered-light haloes and thick discs with measurements. I simulate the influence of scattered light and accurate sky subtraction on simplified S\'ersic-type and face-on disc galaxy models. All galaxy models are convolved with both lower-limit and brighter point spread functions (PSFs); for a few galaxies it was possible to use dedicated PSFs. The results show bright scattered-light haloes and high amounts of red excess at large radii and faint surface brightnesses for nearly all types of galaxies; exceptions are the largest elliptical-type galaxies where the influence of scattered light is smaller. Studies have underestimated the role of scattered light to explain their surface-brightness profiles. My analysis shows surface-brightness profiles that include scattered light that are very similar to and overlap measurements at all radii. The derivation of physical properties of haloes, thick discs, and BCG hosts from diffuse data is misleading since accurate and radially extended PSFs are non-existent. Significantly improved analyses that include new measurements of PSFs are required to study diffuse haloes further.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, and 15 pages + 11 figures in appendix, accepted for publication in A&

    The influence of diffuse scattered light I. The PSF and its role to observations of the edge-on galaxy NGC 5907

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    All telescopes and instruments are to some degree affected by scattered light. It is possible to estimate the amount of such scattered light, and even correct for it, with a radially extended point spread function (PSF). The outer parts of the PSF have only rarely been determined, since they are faint and therefore difficult to measure. A mostly complete overview of existing properties and measurements of radially extended PSFs is presented, to both show their similarities and to indicate how bright extended objects can be used to measure the faintest regions. The importance of the far wings of the PSF and their possible temporal variations are demonstrated in three edge-on galaxy models. The same study is applied to the first edge-on galaxy where earlier observations reveal a halo, NGC 5907. All PSFs were collected in two diagrams, after they were offset or normalized, when that was possible. Surface-brightness structures of edge-on galaxies were modelled and analysed to study scattered-light haloes that result with an exponential disc. The models were convolved with both a lower-limit PSF and a more average PSF. The PSF of the observed data could be used in the case of NGC 5907. The comparison of the PSFs demonstrates a lower-limit r−2r^{-2} power-law decline at larger radii. The analysis of the galaxy models shows that also the outer parts of the PSF are important to correctly model and analyse observations and, in particular, fainter regions. The reassessed analysis of the earlier measurements of NGC 5907 reveals an explanation for the faint halo in scattered light, within the quoted level of accuracy.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, Astronomy & Astrophysics, in pres

    Helical coronal ejections and their role in the solar cycle

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    The standard theory of the solar cycle in terms of an alpha-Omega dynamo hinges on a proper understanding of the nonlinear alpha effect. Boundary conditions play a surprisingly important role in determining the magnitude of alpha. For closed boundaries, the total magnetic helicity is conserved, and since the alpha effect produces magnetic helicity of one sign in the large scale field, it must simultaneously produce magnetic helicity of the opposite sign. It is this secondary magnetic helicity that suppresses the dynamo in a potentially catastrophic fashion. Open boundaries allow magnetic helicity to be lost. Simulations are presented that allow an estimate of alpha in the presence of open or closed boundaries, either with or without solar-like differential rotation. In all cases the sign of the magnetic helicity agrees with that observed at the solar surface (negative in the north, positive in the south), where significant amounts of magnetic helicity can be ejected via coronal mass ejections. It is shown that open boundaries tend to alleviate catastrophic alpha quenching. The importance of looking at current helicity instead of magnetic helicity is emphasized and the conceptual advantages are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figs, IAU Symp. 223, In: Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity. Eds: A.V. Stepanov, E.E. Benevolenskaya & A.G. Kosoviche

    Hot bubbles of planetary nebulae with hydrogen-deficient winds I. Heat conduction in a chemically stratified plasma

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    Heat conduction has been found a plausible solution to explain discrepancies between expected and measured temperatures in hot bubbles of planetary nebulae (PNe). While the heat conduction process depends on the chemical composition, to date it has been exclusively studied for pure hydrogen plasmas in PNe. A smaller population of PNe show hydrogen-deficient and helium- and carbon-enriched surfaces surrounded by bubbles of the same composition; considerable differences are expected in physical properties of these objects in comparison to the pure hydrogen case. The aim of this study is to explore how a chemistry-dependent formulation of the heat conduction affects physical properties and how it affects the X-ray emission from PN bubbles of hydrogen-deficient stars. We extend the description of heat conduction in our radiation hydrodynamics code to work with any chemical composition. We then compare the bubble-formation process with a representative PN model using both the new and the old descriptions. We also compare differences in the resulting X-ray temperature and luminosity observables of the two descriptions. The improved equations show that the heat conduction in our representative model of a hydrogen-deficient PN is nearly as efficient with the chemistry-dependent description; a lower value on the diffusion coefficient is compensated by a slightly steeper temperature gradient. The bubble becomes somewhat hotter with the improved equations, but differences are otherwise minute. The observable properties of the bubble in terms of the X-ray temperature and luminosity are seemingly unaffected.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, A&A in pres

    Modeling the diffuse X-ray emission of Planetary Nebulae with different chemical composition

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    Based on time-dependent radiation-hydrodynamics simulations of the evolution of Planetary Nebulae (PNe), we have carried out a systematic parameter study to address the non-trivial question of how the diffuse X-ray emission of PNe with closed central cavities is expected to depend on the evolutionary state of the nebula, the mass of the central star, and the metallicity of stellar wind and circumstellar matter. We have also investigated how the model predictions depend on the treatment of thermal conduction at the interface between the central `hot bubble' and the `cool' inner nebula, and compare the results with recent X-ray observations. Our study includes models whose properties resemble the extreme case of PNe with Wolf-Rayet type central stars. Indeed, such models are found to produce the highest X-ray luminosities.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, to appear in proceedings of the IAU Symposium 283: "Planetary Nebulae: An Eye to the Future", Eds.: A. Manchado, L. Stanghellini and D. Schoenberne

    The central dynamics of M3, M13, and M92: Stringent limits on the masses of intermediate-mass black holes

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    We used the PMAS integral field spectrograph to obtain large sets of radial velocities in the central regions of three northern Galactic globular clusters: M3, M13, and M92. By applying the novel technique of crowded field 3D spectroscopy, we measured radial velocities for about 80 stars within the central ~ 10 arcsec of each cluster. These are by far the largest spectroscopic datasets obtained in the innermost parts of these clusters up to now. To obtain kinematical data across the whole extent of the clusters, we complement our data with measurements available in the literature. We combine our velocity measurements with surface brightness profiles to analyse the internal dynamics of each cluster using spherical Jeans models, and investigate whether our data provide evidence for an intermediate-mass black hole in any of the clusters. The surface brightness profiles reveal that all three clusters are consistent with a core profile, although shallow cusps cannot be excluded. We find that spherical Jeans models with a constant mass-to-light ratio provide a good overall representation of the kinematical data. A massive black hole is required in none of the three clusters to explain the observed kinematics. Our 1sigma (3sigma) upper limits are 5300 M_sun (12000 M_sun) for M3, 8600 M_sun (13000 M_sun) for M13, and 980 M_sun (2700 M_sun) for M92. A puzzling circumstance is the existence of several potential high velocity stars in M3 and M13, as their presence can account for the majority of the discrepancies that we find in our mass limits compared to M92.Comment: accepted for publication in A&A, 20 pages, 15 figures, tables D1 to D6 only available at CD

    Spectral characterisation of inertial particle clustering in turbulence

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    Clustering of inertial particles is important for many types of astrophysical and geophysical turbulence, but it has been studied predominately for incompressible flows. Here, we study compressible flows and compare clustering in both compressively (irrotationally) and vortically (solenoidally) forced turbulence. Vortically and compressively forced flows are driven stochastically either by solenoidal waves or by circular expansion waves, respectively. For compressively forced flows, the power spectrum of the density of inertial particles is a useful tool for displaying particle clustering relative to the fluid density enhancement. Power spectra are shown to be particularly sensitive for studying large-scale particle clustering, while conventional tools such as radial distribution functions are more suitable for studying small-scale clustering. Our primary finding is that particle clustering through shock interaction is particularly prominent in turbulence driven by spherical expansion waves. It manifests itself through a double-peaked distribution of spectral power as a function of Stokes number. The two peaks are associated with two distinct clustering mechanisms; shock interaction for smaller Stokes numbers and the centrifugal sling effect for larger values. The clustering of inertial particles is associated with the formation of caustics. Such caustics can only be captured in the Lagrangian description, which allows us to assess the relative importance of caustics in vortically and compressively forced turbulence. We show that the statistical noise resulting from the limited number of particles in the Lagrangian description can be removed from the particle power spectra, allowing us a more detailed comparison of the residual spectra. We focus on the Epstein drag law relevant for rarefied gases, but show that our findings apply also to the usual Stokes drag.Spectral characterisation of inertial particle clustering in turbulencepublishedVersio

    Towards DIB mapping in galaxies beyond 100 Mpc. A radial profile of the λ\lambda5780.5 diffuse interstellar band in AM 1353-272 B

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    Diffuse Interstellar Bands (DIBs) are non-stellar weak absorption features of unknown origin found in the spectra of stars viewed through one or several clouds of Interstellar Medium (ISM). Research of DIBs outside the Milky Way is currently very limited. Specifically spatially resolved investigations of DIBs outside of the Local Group is, to our knowledge, inexistent. Here, we explore the capability of the high sensitivity Integral Field Spectrograph, MUSE, as a tool to map diffuse interstellar bands at distances larger than 100 Mpc. We use MUSE commissioning data for AM 1353-272 B, the member with highest extinction of the "The Dentist's Chair", an interacting system of two spiral galaxies. High signal-to-noise spectra were created by co-adding the signal of many spatial elements distributed in a geometry of concentric elliptical half-rings. We derived decreasing radial profiles for the equivalent width of the λ\lambda5780.5 DIB both in the receding and approaching side of the companion galaxy up to distances of ∌\sim4.6 kpc from the center of the galaxy. Likewise, interstellar extinction, as derived from the Halpha/Hbeta line ratio displays a similar trend, with decreasing values towards the external parts. This translates into an intrinsic correlation between the strength of the DIB and the extinction within AM 1353-272 B consistent with the current existing global trend between these quantities when using measurements for both Galactic and extragalactic sight lines. Mapping of DIB strength in the Local Universe as up to now only done for the Milky Way seems feasible. This offers a new approach to study the relationship between DIBs and other characteristics and species of the ISM in different conditions as those found in our Galaxy to the use of galaxies in the Local Group and/or single sightlines towards supernovae, quasars and galaxies outside the Local Group.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication as a Letter in Astronomy and Astrophysics; Received 10 February 2015 / Accepted 20 February 2015 ; English corrections include