2,859 research outputs found

    The Backyard Garden: Sweet Corn Pests

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    The Backyard Garden is a series from Utah Pests, Utah State University Extension. This fact sheet explores the pests that affect sweet corn, covering severity, other hosts, general information, symptoms, and management

    Engineering Properties of Coquina: An Interesting and Historic Building Stone

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    Coquina is a weak sedimentary limestone composed of shell and shell fragments that have been cemented together. It is most often found in coastal regions, such as the Anastasia Formation along the east coast of Florida. Coquina is a historically significant building material, with the best-known example being the Spanish Castillo de San Marcos in St. Augustine, Florida. It has withstood cannonball fire during battles and centuries of weathering yet is still structurally sound. Although coquina is very important historically, not much is known about its properties. Preliminary studies have shown the orientation of the shells impacts tensile strength. Additionally, larger specimens tended to have lower tensile strength. Building on previously performed tests, I will further investigate how the orientation of shells impacts coquina’s tensile strength, as well as how specimen size affects tensile strength. I predict the specimens cored in the vertical direction will have a higher tensile strength because the shells will be oriented horizontally. The larger specimens will have a lower tensile strength because there is a greater number of existing fractures within the larger specimens. Indirect tension testing will be performed on the specimens. Compression on the top of the puck-shaped specimens will cause failure in tension. I will use acoustic emission monitoring to measure microcracking events during testing, specifically looking for the beginning of unstable crack growth. Unstable crack growth is a precursor to ultimate failure, where microcracks coalesce and form a macroscopic failure plane

    Search for a Metallic Dangling-Bond Wire on nn-doped H-passivated Semiconductor Surfaces

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    We have theoretically investigated the electronic properties of neutral and nn-doped dangling bond (DB) quasi-one-dimensional structures (lines) in the Si(001):H and Ge(001):H substrates with the aim of identifying atomic-scale interconnects exhibiting metallic conduction for use in on-surface circuitry. Whether neutral or doped, DB lines are prone to suffer geometrical distortions or have magnetic ground-states that render them semiconducting. However, from our study we have identified one exception -- a dimer row fully stripped of hydrogen passivation. Such a DB-dimer line shows an electronic band structure which is remarkably insensitive to the doping level and, thus, it is possible to manipulate the position of the Fermi level, moving it away from the gap. Transport calculations demonstrate that the metallic conduction in the DB-dimer line can survive thermally induced disorder, but is more sensitive to imperfect patterning. In conclusion, the DB-dimer line shows remarkable stability to doping and could serve as a one-dimensional metallic conductor on nn-doped samples.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    SB037-14/15: Kaimin Bailout

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    SB037-14/15: Kaimin Bailout. This resolution passed 17Y-4N on a roll call vote during the October 15, 2014 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM)

    SB049-14/15: Kaimin Fee Increase

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    SB049-14/15: Kaimin Fee Increase. This resolution passed 12Y-5N on a roll call vote during the November 12, 2014 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM)

    An Albino Mutant in Brassica rapa Maps to the PDX2 Locus on Chromosome 10

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    We have identified an albino mutant in the plant Brassica rapa. This recessive mutation could provide insights into the photosynthetic pathways of all plants. Previously the mutation was mapped to chromosome 10 of Brassica rapa. To narrow down the chromosomal region containing the albino mutation, we grew a segregating population of plants. DNA was extracted from albino and wildtype (green) plants and genotyped using PCR markers on chromosome 10. The genotype detected using the INDEL2 marker perfectly predicted whether a plant was albino or WT. This indicates that the INDEL2 marker is tightly linked to the albino mutation. INDEL2 is near the gene PDX2 and we detected a single nucleotide change near the PDX2 gene that is only found in albino plants. It is possible that this mutation affects expression of PDX2 and is the cause of the albino phenotype. PDX2 is involved in vitamin B6 synthesis and it is unclear how altering vitamin metabolism could affect photosynthesis

    Analyzing Social Construction of Knowledge Online by Employing Interaction Analysis, Learning Analytics, and Social Network Analysis

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    This article examines research methods for analyzing social construction of knowledge in online discussion forums. We begin with an examination of the Interaction Analysis Model (Gunawardena, Lowe, & Anderson, 1997) and its applicability to analyzing social construction of knowledge. Next, employing a dataset from an online discussion, we demonstrate how interaction analysis can be supplemented by employing other research techniques such as learning analytics and Social Network Analysis that shed light on the social dynamics that support knowledge construction. Learning analytics is the application of quantitative techniques for analyzing large volumes of distributed data ( big data ) in order to discover the factors that contribute to learning (Long & Siemens, 2011, p. 34). Social Network Analysis characterizes the information infrastructure that supports the construction of knowledge in social contexts (Scott, 2012). By combining interaction analysis with learning analytics and Social Network Analysis, we were able to conceptualize the process by which knowledge construction takes place in online platforms

    Satisfacción laboral del terapeuta físico de una institución de salud del Cercado de Lima, 2022

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    Determina el nivel de satisfacción laboral del terapeuta físico de una Institución de Salud del Cercado de Lima, 2022 a través de un enfoque cuantitativo, alcance descriptivo, diseño observacional y de corte transversal. Con una muestra total de 30 terapeutas físicos obtenida por muestreo no probabilístico. Se usa como técnica la encuesta y como instrumento la aplicación del cuestionario S20/23 de J.L. Meliá y J.M. Peiró. Los terapeutas físicos presentaron un nivel de satisfacción laboral de 36,67%, que expresa estar bastante satisfecho y 46,7% estar algo satisfecho. Respecto a sus dimensiones se descubrió lo siguiente: Supervisión (46,67%) se manifestaron como bastante satisfecho, Ambiente Físico (43,3%) como bastante satisfecho, Prestaciones Recibidas (20%) como bastante satisfecho, Satisfacción Intrínseca (23,33%) como muy satisfecho y Participación (26,67%) como bastante satisfecho. Se concluye que la gran mayoría (80,34%) de los terapeutas físicos de una institución de salud del Cercado de Lima, presentó un nivel de satisfacción laboral, satisfecho

    Identification of the Amino Acids 300–600 of IRS-2 as 14-3-3 Binding Region with the Importance of IGF-1/Insulin-Regulated Phosphorylation of Ser-573

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    Phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-2 on tyrosine residues is a key event in IGF-1/insulin signaling and leads to activation of the PI 3-kinase and the Ras/MAPK pathway. Furthermore, phosphorylated serine/threonine residues on IRS-2 can induce 14-3-3 binding. In this study we searched IRS-2 for novel phosphorylation sites and investigated the interaction between IRS-2 and 14-3-3. Mass spectrometry identified a total of 24 serine/threonine residues on IRS-2 with 12 sites unique for IRS-2 while the other residues are conserved in IRS-1 and IRS-2. IGF-1 stimulation led to increased binding of 14-3-3 to IRS-2 in transfected HEK293 cells and this binding was prevented by inhibition of the PI 3-kinase pathway and an Akt/PKB inhibitor. Insulin-stimulated interaction between endogenous IRS-2 and 14-3-3 was observed in rat hepatoma cells and in mice liver after an acute insulin stimulus and refeeding. Using different IRS-2 fragments enabled localization of the IGF-1-dependent 14-3-3 binding region spanning amino acids 300–600. The 24 identified residues on IRS-2 included several 14-3-3 binding candidates in the region 300–600. Single alanine mutants of these candidates led to the identification of serine 573 as 14-3-3 binding site. A phospho-site specific antibody was generated to further characterize serine 573. IGF-1-dependent phosphorylation of serine 573 was reduced by inhibition of PI 3-kinase and Akt/PKB. A negative role of this phosphorylation site was implicated by the alanine mutant of serine 573 which led to enhanced phosphorylation of Akt/PKB in an IGF-1 time course experiment. To conclude, our data suggest a physiologically relevant role for IGF-1/insulin-dependent 14-3-3 binding to IRS-2 involving serine 573

    Unitized Wall Systems

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    ZGF is working on multiple large towers with short timelines that would benefit from quicker construction, which led us to unitized wall panels from a series of manufacturers. What often makes the construction process difficult is that there are independent organizations with differing priorities that must work together toward a common goal. By decreasing the number of trades, and minimizing construction time, a prefab system might allow earlier occupancy to regain building costs. With direction from discussions with the ZGF team, our efforts were initially focused on the comparison of three specific unitized wall systems: Island Exteriors, Sotawall and Enclos. Our team’s goal was to unveil the curtain wall system alternative that offers the “best” building performance capabilities based on efficiency from construction, initial cost and performance standpoints. Concluding that Island was the most optimal system, but discovering the potential local manufacturing was not an option--a main goal of ZGF’s--we redirected our research to development.https://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/research_based_design/1081/thumbnail.jp