167 research outputs found

    X-ray properties of the young open clusters HM1 and IC2944/2948

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    Using XMM data, we study for the first time the X-ray emission of HM1 and IC2944/2948. Low-mass, pre-main-sequence objects with an age of a few Myr are detected, as well as a few background or foreground objects. Most massive stars in both clusters display the usual high-energy properties of that type of objects, though with log(Lx/Lbol) apparently lower in HM1 than in IC2944/2948. Compared with studies of other clusters, it seems that a low signal-to-noise ratio at soft energies, due to the high extinction, may be the main cause of this difference. In HM1, the two Wolf-Rayet stars show contrasting behaviors: WR89 is extremely bright, but much softer than WR87. It remains to be seen whether wind-wind collisions or magnetically confined winds can explain these emissions. In IC2944/2948, the X-ray sources concentrate around HD101205; a group of massive stars to the north of this object is isolated, suggesting that there exist two subclusters in the field-of-view.Comment: 29 pages in total with 10 figures (12 pages paper + supplementary material), accepted by A&

    The advanced Master of Space Studies at KU Leuven and Ghent University: Trends and tendencies in the program demographics

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    Organized by KU Leuven and Ghent University, two leading Belgian universities, the Master of Space Studies is an interdisciplinary post-master program that aims to equip students with the skills they need to initiate a career in the space sector. Beyond the deepening of their initial expertise, the program exposes the participating students to a broad range of topics, from human science (space law and policy, international organizations, project management, ...), to technical science (space missions, spacecraft and payload engineering, satellite telecommunications, ...), and exact sciences (Earth and Space observations, medical sciences, human explorations, ...) with the aim to provide the students with a broad overview of the interdisciplinary expertise required by many space projects. Initiated in the late 2000s, the program has served as a gateway into the space sector for over 100 students since its creation. After a brief introduction to the program, we present a programmatic analysis, based on quantitative and qualitative surveys of students and alumni. We present the demographic, career tracks and current professional situations of students in the last 10 years, allowing us to identify trends that affects tertiary education to space sector. We conclude by briefly highlighting other ongoing space education activities, from the Belgian antenna of ESERO to the involvement of students in CubeSpec, a 6U CubeSat platform selected as ESA in-flight demonstrator to enable low-cost versatile spectroscopy of astronomical target

    The initial mass function and the surface density profile of NGC 6231

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    We have performed new wide-field photometry of the young open cluster NGC 6231 to study the shape of the initial mass function (IMF) and mass segregation. We also investigated the reddening law toward NGC 6231 from optical to mid-infrared color excess ratios, and found that the total-to-selective extinction ratio is RV = 3.2, which is very close to the normal value. But many early-type stars in the cluster center show large color excess ratios. We derived the surface density profiles of four member groups, and found that they reach the surface density of field stars at about 10′, regardless of stellar mass. The IMF of NGC 6231 is derived for the mass range 0.8-45 M . The slope of the IMF of NGC 6231 (Γ = -1.1 ± 0.1) is slightly shallower than the canonical value, but the difference is marginal. In addition, the mass function varies systematically, and is a strong function of radius - it is very shallow at the center, and very steep at the outer ring suggesting the cluster is mass segregated. We confirm the mass segregation for the massive stars (m ≳ 8 M) by a minimum spanning tree analysis. Using a Monte Carlo method, we estimate the total mass of NGC 6231 to be about 2.6 (± 0.6) × 103 M. We constrain the age of NGC 6231 by comparison with evolutionary isochrones. The age of the low-mass stars ranges from 1 to 7 Myr with a slight peak at 3 Myr. However, the age of the high-mass stars depends on the adopted models and is 3.5 ± 0.5 Myr from the non-rotating or moderately rotating models of Brott et al. as well as the non-rotating models of Ekström et al. But the age is 4.0-7.0 Myr if the rotating models of Ekström et al. are adopted. This latter age is in excellent agreement with the timescale of ejection of the high-mass runaway star HD 153919 from NGC 6231, albeit the younger age cannot be entirely excluded

    Coronal Temperature as an Age Indicator

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    The X-ray spectra of late type stars can generally be well fitted by a two temperature component model of the corona. We fnd that the temperature of both components are strong functions of stellar age, although the temperature of the hotter plasma in the corona shows a larger scatter and is probably affected by the activity of stars, such as flares. We confirm the power-law decay of the temperature of the hot plasma, but the temperature of the cool component decays linearly with log (age).Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, typo in published paper: Sana et al. (2006) should be changed as Sana et al. (2007

    A spectroscopic multiplicity survey of Galactic Wolf-Rayet stars. I. The northern WC sequence

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    It is now well established that the majority of massive stars reside in multiple systems. However, the effect of multiplicity is not sufficiently understood, resulting in a plethora of uncertainties about the end stages of massive-star evolution. In order to investigate these uncertainties, it is useful to study massive stars just before their demise. Classical Wolf-Rayet stars represent the final end stages of stars at the upper-mass end. The multiplicity fraction of these stars was reported to be ∼0.4{\sim}0.4 in the Galaxy but no correction for observational biases has been attempted. The aim of this study is to conduct a homogeneous radial-velocity survey of a magnitude-limited (VV ≤12\leq 12) sample of Galactic Wolf-Rayet stars to derive their bias-corrected multiplicity properties. The present paper focuses on 12 northern Galactic carbon-rich (WC) Wolf-Rayet stars observable with the 1.2m Mercator telescope on the island of La Palma. We homogeneously measured relative radial velocities (RVs) for carbon-rich Wolf-Rayet stars using cross-correlation. Variations in the derived RVs were used to flag binary candidates. We investigated probable orbital configurations and provide a first correction of observational biases through Monte-Carlo simulations. Of the 12 northern Galactic WC stars in our sample, seven show peak-to-peak RV variations larger than 10 km s−1^{-1}, which we adopt as our detection threshold. This results in an observed spectroscopic multiplicity fraction of 0.58 with a binomial error of 0.14. In our campaign, we find a clear lack of short-period (P~< ∼<~\sim100\,d), indicating that a large number of Galactic WC binaries likely reside in long-period systems. Finally, our simulations show that at the 10% significance level, the intrinsic multiplicity fraction of the Galactic WC population is at least 0.72

    Modeling contact binaries, II. The effect of energy transfer

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    Context. It is common for massive stars to engage in binary interaction. In close binaries, the components can enter a contact phase, where both stars overflow their respective Roche lobes simultaneously. While there exist observational constraints on the stellar properties of such systems, the most detailed stellar evolution models that feature a contact phase are not fully reconcilable with those measurements. Aims. We aim to consistently model contact phases of binary stars in a 1D stellar evolution code. To this end, we develop the methodology to account for energy transfer in the common contact layers. Methods. We implement an approximative model for energy transfer between the components of a contact binary based on the von Zeipel theorem in the stellar evolution code MESA. We compare structure and evolution models with and without this transfer and analyze the implications for the observable properties of the contact phase. Results. Implementing energy transfer helps eliminating baroclinicity in the common envelope between the components of a contact binary, which, if present, would drive strong thermal flows. We find that accounting for energy transfer in massive contact binaries significantly alters the mass ratio evolution and can extend the lifetime of an unequal mass ratio contact system.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures. Accepted to A&

    Sher 25: pulsating but apparently alone

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    The blue supergiant Sher25 is surrounded by an asymmetric, hourglass-shaped circumstellar nebula, which shows similarities to the triple-ring structure seen around SN1987A. From optical spectroscopy over six consecutive nights, we detect periodic radial velocity variations in the stellar spectrum of Sher25 with a peak-to-peak amplitude of ~12 km/s on a timescale of about 6 days, confirming the tentative detec-tion of similar variations by Hendry et al. From consideration of the amplitude and timescale of the signal, coupled with observed line profile variations, we propose that the physical origin of these variations is related to pulsations in the stellar atmosphere, rejecting the previous hypothesis of a massive, short-period binary companion. The radial velocities of two other blue supergiants with similar bipolar nebulae, SBW1 and HD 168625, were also monitored over the course of six nights, but these did not display any significant radial velocity variations.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Massive pre-main sequence stars in M17

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    The formation process of massive stars is still poorly understood. Massive young stellar objects (mYSOs) are deeply embedded in their parental clouds, they are rare and thus typically distant, and their reddened spectra usually preclude the determination of their photospheric parameters. M17 is one of the best studied HII regions in the sky, is relatively nearby, and hosts a young stellar population. With X-shooter on the ESO Very Large Telescope we have obtained optical to near-infrared spectra of candidate mYSOs, identified by Hanson et al. (1997), and a few OB stars in this region. The large wavelength coverage enables a detailed spectroscopic analysis of their photospheres and circumstellar disks. We confirm the pre-main sequence (PMS) nature of six of the stars and characterise the O stars. The PMS stars have radii consistent with being contracting towards the main sequence and are surrounded by a remnant accretion disk. The observed infrared excess and the (double-peaked) emission lines provide the opportunity to measure structured velocity profiles in the disks. We compare the observed properties of this unique sample of young massive stars with evolutionary tracks of massive protostars by Hosokawa & Omukai (2009), and propose that these mYSOs near the western edge of the HII region are on their way to become main-sequence stars (∼6−20\sim 6 - 20 M⊙M_{\odot}) after having undergone high mass-accretion rates (M˙acc∼10−4−10−3{\dot{M}_{\rm acc}} \sim 10^{-4} - 10^{-3} M⊙M_{\odot} yr−1\rm yr^{-1}). Their spin distribution upon arrival at the zero age main sequence (ZAMS) is consistent with that observed for young B stars, assuming conservation of angular momentum and homologous contraction.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. Appendixes A and B have been truncated due to size limitations, the full version will be available on A&
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