57 research outputs found

    UPM-UC3M system for music and speech segmentation

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    This paper describes the UPM-UC3M system for the Albayzín evaluation 2010 on Audio Segmentation. This evaluation task consists of segmenting a broadcast news audio document into clean speech, music, speech with noise in background and speech with music in background. The UPM-UC3M system is based on Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), including a 3-state HMM for every acoustic class. The number of states and the number of Gaussian per state have been tuned for this evaluation. The main analysis during system development has been focused on feature selection. Also, two different architectures have been tested: the first one corresponds to an one-step system whereas the second one is a hierarchical system in which different features have been used for segmenting the different audio classes. For both systems, we have considered long term statistics of MFCC (Mel Frequency Ceptral Coefficients), spectral entropy and CHROMA coefficients. For the best configuration of the one-step system, we have obtained a 25.3% average error rate and 18.7% diarization error (using the NIST tool) and a 23.9% average error rate and 17.9% diarization error for the hierarchical one

    UPM system for the translation task

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    This paper describes the UPM system for translation task at the EMNLP 2011 workshop on statistical machine translation (http://www.statmt.org/wmt11/), and it has been used for both directions: Spanish-English and English-Spanish. This system is based on Moses with two new modules for pre and post processing the sentences. The main contribution is the method proposed (based on the similarity with the source language test set) for selecting the sentences for training the models and adjusting the weights. With system, we have obtained a 23.2 BLEU for Spanish-English and 21.7 BLEU for EnglishSpanis

    Combining pulse-based features for rejecting far-field speech in a HMM-based Voice Activity Detector. Computers & Electrical Engineering (CAEE).

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    Nowadays, several computational techniques for speech recognition have been proposed. These techniques suppose an important improvement in real time applications where speaker interacts with speech recognition systems. Although researchers proposed many methods, none of them solve the high false alarm problem when far-field speakers interfere in a human-machine conversation. This paper presents a two-class (speech and non-speech classes) decision-tree based approach for combining new speech pulse features in a VAD (Voice Activity Detector) for rejecting far-field speech in speech recognition systems. This Decision Tree is applied over the speech pulses obtained by a baseline VAD composed of a frame feature extractor, a HMM-based (Hidden Markov Model) segmentation module and a pulse detector. The paper also presents a detailed analysis of a great amount of features for discriminating between close and far-field speech. The detection error obtained with the proposed VAD is the lowest compared to other well-known VAD

    Review of Research on Speech Technology: Main Contributions From Spanish Research Groups

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    In the last two decades, there has been an important increase in research on speech technology in Spain, mainly due to a higher level of funding from European, Spanish and local institutions and also due to a growing interest in these technologies for developing new services and applications. This paper provides a review of the main areas of speech technology addressed by research groups in Spain, their main contributions in the recent years and the main focus of interest these days. This description is classified in five main areas: audio processing including speech, speaker characterization, speech and language processing, text to speech conversion and spoken language applications. This paper also introduces the Spanish Network of Speech Technologies (RTTH. Red Temática en Tecnologías del Habla) as the research network that includes almost all the researchers working in this area, presenting some figures, its objectives and its main activities developed in the last years

    UPM system for WMT 2012

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    This paper describes the UPM system for the Spanish-English translation task at the NAACL 2012 workshop on statistical machine translation. This system is based on Moses. We have used all available free corpora, cleaning and deleting some repetitions. In this paper, we also propose a technique for selecting the sentences for tuning the system. This technique is based on the similarity with the sentences to translate. With our approach, we improve the BLEU score from 28.37% to 28.57%. And as a result of the WMT12 challenge we have obtained a 31.80% BLEU with the 2012 test set. Finally, we explain different experiments that we have carried out after the competition

    Combining pulse-based features for rejecting far-field speech in a HMM-based Voice Activity Detector

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    ABSTRACT 1.-Introduction The advantages of using Automatic Speech Recognition are obvious for several types of applications. Speech Recognition becomes difficult when the main speaker is in noisy environments, for example in bars, where many far-field speakers are speaking almost all the time. This factor contributes to a reduction in the speech recognizer success rate that can lead to an unsatisfactory experience for the user. If there are too many recognition mistakes, the user is forced to correct the system which takes too long, it is a nuisance, and the user will finally reject the system. With the purpose of solving this problem a Robust Voice Activity Detector is proposed in this work. The VAD is able to select speech frames (noise frames are discarded). This frame information is sent to the Speech Recognizer and only speech pronunciations are processed, so the VAD tries to avoid Speech Recognizer mistakes coming from noisy frames. If the VAD works well, the Speech Recognizer does too. In summary, it is very common to find, in mobile phone scenarios, many situations in which the target speaker is situated in open environments surrounded by far-field interfering speech from other speakers. In this ambiguous case, VAD systems can detect far-field speech as coming from the user, increasing the speech recognition error rate. Generally, detection errors caused by background voices mainly increase word insertions and substitutions, leading to significant dialogue misunderstandings. This work tries to solve these speech-based application problems in which far-field speech can be wrongly considered as main speaker speech. In [1] a spectrum sensing scheme to detect the presence of the primary user for cognitive radio systems is proposed (very similar to the VAD proposed in this paper) being able to distinguish between main speaker speech and far-field speech. Moreover the system implemented in In several previous works, similar measurements, like those considered in this work, have been used for dereverberation techniques. I

    Clustering of syntactic and discursive information for the dynamic adaptation of Language Models

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    Presentamos una estrategia de agrupamiento de elementos de diálogo, de tipo semántico y discursivo. Empleando Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) agru- pamos los diferentes elementos de acuerdo a un criterio de distancia basado en correlación. Tras seleccionar un conjunto de grupos que forman una partición del espacio semántico o discursivo considerado, entrenamos unos modelos de lenguaje estocásticos (LM) asociados a cada modelo. Dichos modelos se emplearán en la adaptación dinámica del modelo de lenguaje empleado por el reconocedor de habla incluido en un sistema de diálogo. Mediante el empleo de información de diálogo (las probabilidades a posteriori que el gestor de diálogo asigna a cada elemento de diálogo en cada turno), estimamos los pesos de interpolación correspondientes a cada LM. Los experimentos iniciales muestran una reducción de la tasa de error de palabra al emplear la información obtenida a partir de una frase para reestimar la misma frase

    Spanish generation from Spanish Sign Language using a phrase-based translation system

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    This paper describes the development of a Spoken Spanish generator from Spanish Sign Language (LSE – Lengua de Signos Española) in a specific domain: the renewal of Identity Document and Driver’s license. The system is composed of three modules. The first one is an interface where a deaf person can specify a sign sequence in sign-writing. The second one is a language translator for converting the sign sequence into a word sequence. Finally, the last module is a text to speech converter. Also, the paper describes the generation of a parallel corpus for the system development composed of more than 4,000 Spanish sentences and their LSE translations in the application domain. The paper is focused on the translation module that uses a statistical strategy with a phrase-based translation model, and this paper analyses the effect of the alignment configuration used during the process of word based translation model generation. Finally, the best configuration gives a 3.90% mWER and a 0.9645 BLEU

    Detecting acronyms from capital letter sequences in Spanish

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    This paper presents an automatic strategy to decide how to pronounce a Capital Letter Sequence (CLS) in a Text to Speech system (TTS). If CLS is well known by the TTS, it can be expanded in several words. But when the CLS is unknown, the system has two alternatives: spelling it (abbreviation) or pronouncing it as a new word (acronym). In Spanish, there is a high relationship between letters and phonemes. Because of this, when a CLS is similar to other words in Spanish, there is a high tendency to pronounce it as a standard word. This paper proposes an automatic method for detecting acronyms. Additionaly, this paper analyses the discrimination capability of some features, and several strategies for combining them in order to obtain the best classifier. For the best classifier, the classification error is 8.45%. About the feature analysis, the best features have been the Letter Sequence Perplexity and the Average N-gram order