571 research outputs found

    Trade liberalization, imported inputs and factor efficiencies: Evidence from the auto components industry in India

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    Firm-level data have been used to estimate changes in factor efficiencies_imported inputs being one of them-- over three sub-periods, 1977-84, 1985-91 and 1992-99 respectively denoting eras before liberalization, partial liberalization of the automotive industries and economy-wide liberalization. We see that the average size of firms has increased from that in the protected regime as the degree of liberalization has advanced. We find that the substitutability among inputs changed over the three sub-periods. We also find that the marginal products of all the inputs are very heterogeneous among firms in each period. The distributions of marginal product of labour and domestic materials and has moved to the left in the later periods while that of capital has moved to the right. The distribution of marginal product of imported materials first moved to the right and then to the left as compared to the first period. Overall the smaller firms benefited more in the earlier periods and bigger ones in the last period.

    Impact of Financial distress on the Debt Service Coverage in Ethiopia: A Case of Manufacturing Firms

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    It is not uncommon to see manufacturing firms struggling to turnaround from their financial distress.  Debt Service Coverage ratio is presumed to play a role in addressing this problem. With this in mind, the main objective of the study is to determine the relationship between financial distress and Debt service coverage of manufacturing firms in Ethiopia for the period from 1999 to 2005. Due to data heterogeneity, non-continuity and because the Hausman test favors it over the Random Effect technique, the panel data General Least Square  (GLS) regression method is used. The result proves that liquidity, profitability, and efficiency have positive and significant influence on debt service coverage.  On contrary, leverage has negative and significant influence on Debt Service coverage. FD have a negative impact on DSC and leading firms to bankruptcy and liquidation and can cause economic, social and political impact on manufacturing firms and contribute to the CEO resignation, employee’s layoff or loss of jobs, dividend reduction, plant closing and related consequential health and moral distress. Keywords: Financial Distress, Debt Service Coverage, Ethiopia

    Constitution of Water in Solutions of Strong Electrolytes.—II.

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    Median prime ideals of pseudo-complemented distributive lattices

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    summary:Coherent ideals, strongly coherent ideals, and τ\tau -closed ideals are introduced in pseudo-complemented distributive lattices and their characterization theorems are derived. A set of equivalent conditions is derived for every ideal of a pseudo-complemented distributive lattice to become a coherent ideal. The notion of median prime ideals is introduced and some equivalent conditions are derived for every maximal ideal of a pseudo-complemented distributive lattice to become a median prime ideal which leads to a characterization of Boolean algebras

    Intelligent controller based power quality improvement of microgrid integration of photovoltaic power system using new cascade multilevel inverter

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    Now a day the power demand has a major problem for developing countries due to the growth of population, industries, IT companies and other needs. In this present situation the fossil fuel-based power generation alone does not support the consumer needs, poor power quality due to nonlinear function and very harmful for environment. The main objective of this paper is improving the power quality of grid connected photovoltaic power system through a new cascade H-bridge multilevel inverter. The proposed research work has been modelled and controlled by ANFIS intelligence in MATLAB simulation environment. The simulation results are analysed under various operating conditions for improve the performance of proposed system. Finally, the proposed system THD value of simulation results is compared with IEEE 1547 standard for prove the effectiveness of proposed research work

    An Optimized Process for Expression, Scale-Up and Purification of Recombinant Erythropoietin Produced in Chinese Hamster Ovary Cell Culture

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    The DHFR mediated gene amplification employed for selection of recombinant Chinese hamster ovary (rCHO) clones was evaluated by single and multiple step selection of methotrexate (MTX). Multiple step selection of MTX resulted in cells with high amplified copies of erythropoietin (EPO) gene. Expression of EPO rapidly increased with increasing MTX concentration up to 1000 nM, further increased to 2000 nM does not affect the expression. After the MTX selection, cells grown in the presence of MTX were more stable and retained similar amounts of EPO expression and gene copies until 50 doublings. Whereas, cells grown in the absence of MTX were unstable and retained only 50% of initial EPO expression and gene copies at the 50th doubling

    Qualification of Indigenously Developed Special Coatings for Aero-Engine Components

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    The demand for higher performance and reliability of aero-engiaes necessitates its components to worksatisfactorily under severe operating conditions. The durability of various components in these environmentis often enhanced by applying suitable coatings. The development of new materials/processing methods andalso various coatings to protect the components have been driven by the ever-increasing severity of theaero-engine internal environment. While the selection of a coating is dictated by the operating conditionsand the nature of the environment and also on the substrate, the durability of the coating depends uponthe mode of degradation of the coating and substrate in service.Though certification of an aero-engine after developmt obviously includes: validation of the componentsand its coatings, indigenous substitution of an already-qualified component system requires a re-orientationof the qualification methodology. This paper describes an approach for qualification of indigenously developedspecial coatings processes for application on aero-engine components. This approach has been adoptedsuccesshlly in validating several indigenous coatingslpmcesses, viz, aluminium-silicon diffusion coating appliedby pack cementation for oxidationhot comsion resistance, cobalt-chromium carbide coating by electrodepositionfor wear resistance, chromium carbide-nickel chromium coating applied by detonation gun and yttria-stabilisedzirconia thermal barrier coating applied by plasma spray.The approaih consists of a series of validation tests configured to assess the coating-substrate system.The rationale in evolving the qualification tests based on the type of coating, coating process, operating conditionsfor the components, probable failure modes and coating-base metal interaction, are described. In addition,comparison of the test results obtained on the test specimens coated with indigenously developed coatingsand imported coatings is also enumerated to show that these coatings are comparable to the imported coatings.Documentation of satisfactory performance of the components coated with indigenously developed coatingsthrough successful engine tests and limited-service evaluation is also highlighted. In addition to the substitutionof the coatings recommended by the principal designers with those developed indigenously, a few coatings,such as polyimide coating for corrosion resistance and ceramic paint for thermal resistance solely appliedon various aero-engine components were successfully evaluated using above mentioned approach