121 research outputs found

    The Interaction between Iranian EFL Learners’ Interest in Reading Comprehension Topics and their Reading Comprehension Ability

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    According to Anderson (2003), reading is the interaction of four things including the reader, the text, the fluent reading or the ability or read at an appropriate rate with adequate comprehension, and strategic reading, or the ability of the reader to use a variety of reading strategies to accomplish a purpose for reading (p. 8). Discovering the best methods and techniques or processes the learners choose to access, is the goal of research in reading strategies. This article reports on an empirical study that examines the learner’s ability in reading comprehension. On the other hand, the important issue which the researchers mentioned was attention to genders’ interest in different topics in reading comprehension. So, the study was carried out at two high schools in Markazi province. The results has shown that female and male students were not different in general reading comprehension, however male learners could answer male based text better than female learners while female learners had priority in female based text

    The relationship between Iranian EFL Learners’ Linguality and their General English Proficiency

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    The acquisition of more than two language systems leads to the development of new skills such as learning how to learn it also facilitates subsequent additional language acquisition as learners use metalinguistic awareness to explore the cognitive and linguistic mechanisms underlying language. (Maghsoudi and Talebi, 2008) In the present study by employing the one-way ANOVA and t=test results indicated that bilingual students performed significantly better than monolingual students in General English Proficiency. It further indicated that there wasn’t any difference between monolingual male and female in General English Proficiency

    The relationship between Iranian EFL Learners’ Linguality and their General English Proficiency

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    The acquisition of more than two language systems leads to the development of new skills such as learning how to learn it also facilitates subsequent additional language acquisition as learners use metalinguistic awareness to explore the cognitive and linguistic mechanisms underlying language. (Maghsoudi and Talebi, 2008) In the present study by employing the one-way ANOVA and t=test results indicated that bilingual students performed significantly better than monolingual students in General English Proficiency. It further indicated that there wasn’t any difference between monolingual male and female in General English Proficiency

    The relationship between Iranian EFL Learners’ Linguality and their General English Proficiency

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    The acquisition of more than two language systems leads to the development of new skills such as learning how to learn it also facilitates subsequent additional language acquisition as learners use metalinguistic awareness to explore the cognitive and linguistic mechanisms underlying language. (Maghsoudi and Talebi, 2008) In the present study by employing the one-way ANOVA and t=test results indicated that bilingual students performed significantly better than monolingual students in General English Proficiency. It further indicated that there wasn’t any difference between monolingual male and female in General English Proficiency

    The Interaction between Iranian EFL Learners’ Interest in Reading Comprehension Topics and their Reading Comprehension Ability

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    According to Anderson (2003), reading is the interaction of four things including the reader, the text, the fluent reading or the ability or read at an appropriate rate with adequate comprehension, and strategic reading, or the ability of the reader to use a variety of reading strategies to accomplish a purpose for reading (p. 8). Discovering the best methods and techniques or processes the learners choose to access, is the goal of research in reading strategies. This article reports on an empirical study that examines the learner’s ability in reading comprehension. On the other hand, the important issue which the researchers mentioned was attention to genders’ interest in different topics in reading comprehension. So, the study was carried out at two high schools in Markazi province. The results has shown that female and male students were not different in general reading comprehension, however male learners could answer male based text better than female learners while female learners had priority in female based text

    The Interaction between Iranian EFL Learners’ Interest in Reading Comprehension Topics and their Reading Comprehension Ability

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    According to Anderson (2003), reading is the interaction of four things including the reader, the text, the fluent reading or the ability or read at an appropriate rate with adequate comprehension, and strategic reading, or the ability of the reader to use a variety of reading strategies to accomplish a purpose for reading (p. 8). Discovering the best methods and techniques or processes the learners choose to access, is the goal of research in reading strategies. This article reports on an empirical study that examines the learner’s ability in reading comprehension. On the other hand, the important issue which the researchers mentioned was attention to genders’ interest in different topics in reading comprehension. So, the study was carried out at two high schools in Markazi province. The results has shown that female and male students were not different in general reading comprehension, however male learners could answer male based text better than female learners while female learners had priority in female based text

    Bilingual versus Monolingual Learners’ Reading Comprehension Ability Regarding their Interest in Reading Comprehension Topics

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    This study investigated whether there are any significant differences between male and female learners in reading comprehension ability by regarding their interest to different topics regarding the subjects’ linguality. To meet the mentioned aims, 193 EFL monolingual and bilingual learners from Markazi province were invited to participate in this study. Data analysis through utilization of ANOVA and t-test indicated the following results: All subjects performed equally in comprehending male and female-based texts. Male learners’ scores in male-based texts outperformed the females scores. Female learners’ scores in female-based texts outperformed the males scores. Bilingual female learners’ scores in female-based texts outperformed the monolingual females’ scores

    Bilingual versus Monolingual Learners’ Reading Comprehension Ability Regarding their Interest in Reading Comprehension Topics

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    This study investigated whether there are any significant differences between male and female learners in reading comprehension ability by regarding their interest to different topics regarding the subjects’ linguality. To meet the mentioned aims, 193 EFL monolingual and bilingual learners from Markazi province were invited to participate in this study. Data analysis through utilization of ANOVA and t-test indicated the following results: All subjects performed equally in comprehending male and female-based texts. Male learners’ scores in male-based texts outperformed the females scores. Female learners’ scores in female-based texts outperformed the males scores. Bilingual female learners’ scores in female-based texts outperformed the monolingual females’ scores

    Bilingual versus Monolingual Learners’ Reading Comprehension Ability Regarding their Interest in Reading Comprehension Topics

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    This study investigated whether there are any significant differences between male and female learners in reading comprehension ability by regarding their interest to different topics regarding the subjects’ linguality. To meet the mentioned aims, 193 EFL monolingual and bilingual learners from Markazi province were invited to participate in this study. Data analysis through utilization of ANOVA and t-test indicated the following results: All subjects performed equally in comprehending male and female-based texts. Male learners’ scores in male-based texts outperformed the females scores. Female learners’ scores in female-based texts outperformed the males scores. Bilingual female learners’ scores in female-based texts outperformed the monolingual females’ scores

    The Possible Differences between Learning Styles Used by Russian, English, French, and Arabic Language Learners

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    One of the most enduring effects on education has been the search for individual differences that can explain and predict variation in student achievement, with the hope that pedagogical methods can be designed that will capitalize on these. Among the individual differences, ‘Learning styles’ remain a popular choice for filling this role and the number of models of learning styles on offer continues to proliferate. Learning styles are said to be influential factors, in learning a second or foreign language. Despite the fact that there are lots of papers published in this area, but comparing the learning styles employed by those who are learning different foreign languages seems to be untouched. Therefore, in this study we try to address this gap, by comparing the learning styles used by Russian, English, French, and Arabic who are learning these languages as their foreign language. A number of 100 Iranian students took part in this study. They are between 18 to 20 years of age. They were divided into four groups, each including 25 members. The Ehrman and Leaver Learning Style Questionnaire (E&L) was distributed among the language learners. The finding of the study revealed that these four groups of language learners made use of learning styles differently. And also, there are significant differences between Russian, Arabic, English, and French language learners in terms of employing learning strategies
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