74 research outputs found

    Upaya pencegahan yang dilakukan oleh dokter gigi di Makassar terhadap bahaya akibat penggunaan amalgam

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    Makassar merupakan kota besar dengan jumlah dokter gigi terbanyak di Sulawesi-Selatan. Saat ini masih banyak\ud dokter gigi di kota Makassar yang menggunakan amalgam sebagai bahan tambalan karena harganya lebih murah\ud dan lebih tahan lama, sehingga disukai oleh pasien

    Efektivitas penggunaan tongue scraper terhadap penurunan indeks tongue coating dan jumlah koloni bakteri anaerob lidah

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    Berbagai mikroorganisme ditemukan berkolonisasi pada dorsum lidah. Untuk mencegah infeksi dan keadaan patologis lainnya di dalam rongga mulut, telah disarankan membersihan lidah untuk mengurangi debris dan pertumbuhan mikroorganisme

    Aktivitasantikanker dan antiproliferasi fraksi etanol sarang semut (Myrmecodyapendans) pada sel kanker lidah manusia SP-C1

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    Karsinoma sel skuamosa pada lidah merupakan tumor ganas yang berasal dari mukosa epitel rongga mulut. Penelitian\ud bertujuan mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis pengaruh flavonoid fraksi etanol sarang semut (Myrmecodia pendans)\ud sebagai antikanker terhadap hambatan proliferasi pada sel kanker lidah SP-C1. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode\ud eksperimen murni laboratorium dengan menggunakan biakan sel kanker lidah manusia Supri???s-Clone 1 (SP-C1).\ud Penelitian secara bertahap dimulai dari determinasi, ekstraksi dan fraksinasi tumbuhan sarang semut, uji sitoksisitas\ud untuk mendapatkan fraksi flavonoid yang memiliki potensi antikanker, hingga uji hambatan proliferasi

    Antimicrobial effects of triantibiotics paste in endodontics treatment of chronic apical periodontitis

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    The use of intracanal (ciprofloxacin,metronidazole, minocycline) dressing is essential to remove any remaining bacteria in the root canal treatment of chronic apical periodontitis (CAP). However, no single medicament commonly used has been found to be completely effective


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    C-Reactive Protein and serum lipids are correlated with atherosclerosis. The purpose of this study was to prove that increasing level of hs-CRP and serum lipids were correlated with periodontitis. This was a cross-sectional approach with 63 samples. Periodontitis was determined if the pocket depth (PD) was more than 4 mm and the attachment loss (AL) was more than 2 mm. Serum lipids and hs-CRP was analyzed by enzymatic method and chemiluminescent (Immulite hs_CRP) alternatively. With unpaired t-test it has showed that there was a difference level of hs-CRP and total cholesterol in periodontitis and non-periodontitis. It was found that there was a significant positive correlation between PD (r=0.26), AL (r=0.25) with hs-CRP serum level; and PD (r=0.27), AL (r=0.30) with total cholesterol and LDL. It was concluded that there is a possibility that there is a relationship between periodontitis and atherosclerosis

    Motivation and Orthodontics Treatment Need of The Patients at Hasanuddin University Dental Hospital

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    Background. Motivations that exist in every person is different from each other. Likewise with the motivation of someone need orthodontic treatment also vary. \ud Objectives. This study aims to determine the motivation and the need of orthodontic treatment in patients at Hasanuddin University Dental Hospital. \ud Methods. Research Design was Cross-Sectional Study, sample consits of 61 patients within the range of age 11 to 35 years. Questionnare was used to get an idea of the motivation of patients. Dental models was measured for each variable according to Aesthetic Component Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (AC IOTN), Dental Health Component Index of Orthdontics Treatment Need (DHC IOTN). Chi-square test was used for statistical analysis. \ud Result. Result showed : Reasons that motivate patients to receive treatment because they were referred officially (14.8%), believe the academic facilities (50.8%), cheaper than private clinics (14.8%), and other reasons (19.7%) as a place to stay close distance, information from friends, solicitation of the students who treated them. The rate of orthodontic treatment needs according to AC IOTN assessment more than half samples (62.3%) no/little need treatment, (13.1%) need mild treatment, 24.6% require high/severe treatment. According to the assessment of DHC IOTN more than half (60.7%) no / little need treatment, (13.1%) need mild treatment, 26.2% require/severe treatment. \ud Conclusion. There was no relationship between patients' motivation to receive orthodontic treatment and orthodontic treatment need, according to AC IOTN and DHC IOTN Keywords: Motivation, AC IOTN, DHC IOTN, Orthodontic Treatment


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    Seorang dokter gigi mempunyai risiko terkena dan menularkan infeksi dari pasien ke pasien lainnya (infeksi silang).Infeksi dapat disebabkan oleh kecelakaan seperti tertusuk instrument tajam, tangan yang tidak steril, serta melalui mulutdan saluran pernafasan. Penyakit menular dapat ditularkan melalui darah, saliva, maupun lesi dengan kontak tangan.Kontrol infeksi merupakan cara dokter gigi menghindari bahaya infeksi silang. Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui upayadokter gigi di Kota Makassar dalam pencegahan terhadap bahaya infeksi silang di tempat praktiknya. Penelitian inimerupakan penelitian observasional deskriptif. Populasi dokter gigi umum yang terdaftar sebagai anggota PersatuanDokter Gigi Indonesia (PDGI) cabang Makassar sebanyak 258 orang, jumlah sampel sebanyak 100 orang (laki-laki=19,perempuan=81) diambil secara purposive sampling berdasarkan pendapat Gay dan Diehl dengan antisipasi drop out 20%.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan upaya pencegahan bahaya infeksi silang dengan pencapaian 51-75% dilakukan oleh52% responden, 76-100% dilakukan oleh 46% responden, 26-50% dilakukan oleh 2% responden, serta tidak adaresponden yang mengupayakan pencegahan bahaya infeksi silang dengan pencapaian 0-25%. Upaya pencegahan denganpencapaian 51-75% sebanyak 52 responden (52%) dan 76-100% sebanyak 46 responden (46%), dapat dikatakan telahmemenuhi standar. Sebagai kesimpulan, 98% dokter gigi kota Makassar telah cukup baik mengupayakan pencegahanbahaya infeksi silang saat melakukan perawatan di tempat praktiknya

    Factors that Influence the Use of Teledentistry in Indonesia During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Objective: Evaluate the factors that influence the use of teledentistry during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Material and Methods: An analytical observational study with a cross-sectional design with 163 respondents was conducted. The factors of using teledentistry studied in this study were knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, technology, benefits, and needs. The original questionnaire was constructed in English, later translated into Bahasa Indonesia, and modified to conform with Indonesian. Data analysis used univariate and bivariate (Chi-square test). Results:Respondents who have used teledentistry were 23.3%, while respondents who have never used teledentistry were 76.7%. There is no relationship between knowledge about teledentistry and the use of teledentistry (p>0.05). There is no relationship between the use of teledentistry and knowledge (p>0.05), attitudes (p>0.05), and beliefs (p>0.05). Conclusion: There were no factors associated with the use of teledentistry. The most influencing factor is the benefit of using teledentistry, which can affect the increase in the use of teledentistry during the COVID-19 pandemic

    The Role of Sarang Semut (Myrmecodia pendans) Flavonoid’s Fraction in Proliferation and Angiogenesis Inhibition of Human Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    Background: Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common type of cancer that occurs in the oral cavity which is about 90-95 % of total malignancy in the oral cavity. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of the flavonoid’s fraction of Sarang Semut (Myrmecodia pendans) as an anti-cancer to angiogenesis inhibition by suppressing the VEGF and IL-8 expression in SP-C1 human tongue cancer cell. Material and Method: This research was conducted with the pure laboratory experimental method using Supri’s-Clone 1 (SP-C1) human tongue cancer cell culture. This research was started with cytotoxicity test to obtain the fraction of flavonoid that possesses anti-cancer potentiality and angiogenesis inhibition test. Result: The result of this study showed that ethyl acetate and ethanol fraction of flavonoid had a role in inhibiting the VEGF protein and interleukin 8 expressions in SP-C1 tongue cancer cell. ANOVA test with significance level (? = 0,05) which resulted in highly significant difference in the concentration with a mean optical density (OD) absorbance ethanol fraction (p = 0,00), ethyl acetate fraction (p = 0,00), and controls (p = 0,00) for the suppression of VEGF protein expression and interleukin-8 of SP-C1 human tongue cancer cell. Western blotting analysis showed that ethyl acetate fraction of flavonoid application to SP-C1 human tongue cancer cell showed a decrease in SP-C1 protein expression.   Conclusion: Flavonoid fraction of sarang semut inhibit the angiogenesis in SP-C1 tongue cell cancer by suppressing the VEGF and interleukin 8 protein expression. Ethyl acetate fraction from sarang semut’s flavonoid inhibited the expression signal transduction factor from SP-C1 tongue cancer cell. Keywords: SP-C1 tongue squamous cell carcinoma, sarang semut flavonoid’s fraction, angiogenesis, VEGF, interleukin-8


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    Uremic stomatitis can be happened by effect of improvement of concentration of ureum in saliva of effect of height of level of ureum blood. The aim of this cross sectional research to know influence of rate ureum of blood with the happening of uremic stomatitis at patient chronic renal failure (CRF). As much 36 sample taken away from patient of CRF in RS Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar. Rate of Ureum of blood known from result of inspection of laboratory enclosed at card of patient status, while stomatitis conducted by a direct inspection at patient of pursuant to location, type of stomatitis. Anyalyzed data with X2 test, t test, Logistic Regression and Simple Linear regression at α = 0.05 constructively Program SPSS/PC(-) version 9. Result of research that mean of rate of ureum blood = 170.3889 mg/dL, there relation and influence have a meaning between rate of ureum blood to the happening of uremic stomatitis at patients CRF (p < 0.05). Conclusion that height of ureum of blood can be happened in oral cavity like the happening of uremic stomatitis
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