246 research outputs found

    Gelatin tannate for acute childhood gastroenteritis: a randomized, single-blind controlled trial

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    Background Oral rehydration therapy is the recommended treatment for acute childhood gastroenteritis. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy and safety of gelatin tannate plus oral rehydration compared with oral rehydration alone. Methods We conducted a multicenter, parallel, randomized, controlled, single-blind, prospective, open-label trial. A central randomization center used computer generated tables to allocate treatments. The study was performed in two medical centers in Italy. Sixty patients 3–72 months of age with acute gastroenteritis were recruited (median age 18 months; age range 3–66 months): 29 received an oral rehydration solution (ORS) and 31 an ORS plus gelatin tannate (ORS ? G). The primary outcome was the number of bowel movements 48 and 72 h after initiating treatment. Secondary outcomes were: duration of diarrhea, stool characteristics and adverse events. Results No patient was lost at follow-up. No significant difference in the number of bowel movements after 48 h was reported (2.7 ± 1.3 ORS ? G; 3.2 ± 0.8 ORS; p = 0.06), although the ORS ? G group showed a significant improvement in stool consistency (3.7 ± 1.0 vs. 4.3 ± 0.8; p = 0.005). At 72 h, a significant reduction in bowel movements was reported in the ORS ? G group compared with the ORS group (1.0 ± 1.4 vs. 2.0 ± 1.7; p = 0.01). Mean duration of diarrhea was significantly lower in the ORS ? G group than in the ORS only group (76.8 ± 19.2 vs. 108 ± 24.0 h; p.0001). No adverse events were reported. Conclusions Gelatin tannate added to oral rehydration in children with acute diarrhea was associated with a significant decrease in bowel movements at 72 h, with an early improvement in the stool consistency and shorter disease duration

    La interpretación de la exención religiosa en la perspectiva de la situación subjetiva de derecho privado : efectos irreflejos de la carencia conceptual y desplazamiento normativo en la libertad de religión de los Estados Unidos de América

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    This article build on the premise that the interpretation and application of constitutional rights in private law, in a pluralistic Rule of Law system, are developed through their recognition according to equally plural forms of exercise. It also shows how, under a methodological perspective, the structuring of the rules depends on the building processes of jurisprudence and how, from a systematic perspective, equality in the application - equal treatment of what is equal - assumes a constitutive task. The theoretical, normative and material elements are subject to a co-essentiality regime for the formation and concretization of concepts and constant redefinition of their constituent elements. This work shows how application has an autonomous logical nature with respect to interpretation itself and implies a simultaneous double function: the culmination of the norms and the coherence control of the decision adopted with normative system. Symmetrically, from the private law perspective, subjective situations exist only when concretized in tokens are recognized according to a regime of existence, precise conceptual configuration and correlated efficacy. By this theoretical framework, the objective of this article is to examine the institution of religious exemption in United States from the perspective of subjective private law and to address how, both in doctrine and jurisprudence, areas of contrast between such an institution and the Rule of Law are identifiable in a distinctive way. These lines address the lack of a recognized concept of religion as a result of judicial self-restraint, mainly by the Supreme Court, and the consequent taxonomic indeterminacy in the application of rules. In this sense, the possibility of its doctrinal foundation is refuted through the analogical method or, as a hypothesis, based on thinking-by-type. Likewise, if focused the sequence of effects that leads to the conceptual displacement of freedom of conscience by freedom of religion in the interpretation of the First Amendment.Fil: Tolone Azzariti, Salvatore. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho. Buenos Aires, ArgentinaEl presente artículo parte de la premisa de que la interpretación y la aplicación de los derechos constitucionales en el derecho privado, en un sistema pluralista de Estado de Derecho, se desarrollan mediante su reconocimiento según formas de ejercicio igualmente plurales. Asimismo, se evidencia cómo, bajo un perfil metodológico, la estructuración de las reglas depende de los procesos formativos jurisprudenciales y de qué modo, desde un perfil sistemático, la igualdad en la aplicación -tratamiento igual de lo que es igual- asume naturaleza constituyente. Los elementos teoréticos, normativos y materiales son sujetos a un régimen de coesencialidad para la formación y concretización de los conceptos y la constante redefinición de sus elementos constitutivos. Este trabajo muestra cómo la aplicación posee una naturaleza lógica autónoma con respecto a la interpretación en sí, e implica una doble función simultánea: la concretización de las normas y el control de coherencia de la decisión adoptada con el sistema normativo. Simétricamente, desde la perspectiva iusprivatística, las situaciones subjetivas solo concretizadas en las fattispecie son reconocidas según un régimen de existencia, configuración conceptual precisa y eficacia correlativa. A partir de este marco teórico, el objetivo del presente artículo es examinar la institución de la exención religiosa en los Estados Unidos desde la perspectiva de la situación subjetiva de derecho privado, y abordar de qué modo tanto en la doctrina como en la jurisprudencia se identifican, de manera privilegiada, áreas de contraste entre tal institución y el Estado de Derecho. En estas líneas se aborda la carencia de un concepto reconocido de religión como consecuencia de la autorrestricción en sede judicial, principalmente por parte de la Corte Suprema, y la consecuente indeterminación taxonómica en la aplicación. En este sentido, se refuta la posibilidad de su fundación doctrinal a través del método analógico o, como hipótesis, a partir del pensamiento por tipo. Asimismo, se focaliza la secuencia de efectos que conduce al desplazamiento conceptual de la libertad de conciencia por parte de la libertad de religión en la interpretación de la Primera Enmienda

    Genetic diversity and population structure of Sicilian sheep breeds using microsatellite markers

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    Genetic diversity studies in domestic animals aim at evaluating genetic variation within and across breeds mainly for conservation purposes. In Sicily, dairy sheep production represents an important resource for hilly and mountain areas economy. Their milk is used for the production of traditional raw milk cheeses, sometimes protected designation of origin (PDO) cheeses. In some cases, the quality of these products is linked to a specific breed, i.e. mono-breed labelled cheeses and it is therefore important to be able to distinguish the milk of a breed from that of others, in order to guarantee both the consumer and the breed itself. In order to investigate the genetic structure and to perform an assignment test, a total of 331 individuals (Barbaresca, BAR n=57, Comisana, COM n=65, Pinzirita, PIN n=75, Sarda, SAR n=64, and Valle del Belice, VDB n=70) were analysed using a panel of 20 microsatellite markers. A total of 259 alleles were observed with average polymorphic information content equal to 0.76, showing that the microsatellites panel used was highly informative. Estimates of observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.65 in the BAR breed to 0.75 in the COM breed. The low value of genetic differentiation among breeds (Fst=0.049) may indicate that these breeds are little differentiated probably due to common history and breeding practices. The low Fis and Fit values indicated low level of inbreeding within and among breeds. The unrooted neighbor-joining dendrogram obtained from the Reynold's genetic distances, and factorial correspondence analysis revealed a separation between BAR and the other sheep breeds. Recent migration rates were estimated, showing that four out of the five breeds have not received a significant proportion of migrants. Only for the PIN breed a recent introgression rate from the VDB breed (7.2%) was observed. The Bayesian assignment test showed that BAR and SAR breeds had a more definite genetic structure (proportion of assignment of 92% and 86.6%, respectively), whereas the lowest assignment value was found in the PIN breed (67.1%). Our results indicated high genetic variability, low inbreeding and low genetic differentiation, except for BAR breed, and were in accordance with geographical location, history, and breeding practices. The low robustness of the assignment test makes it unfeasible for traceability purposes, due to the high level of admixture, in particular for COM, PIN and VDB

    Genetic polymorphism at the CSN1S1 gene in Girgentana dairy goat breed

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the variability of the s1-casein locus in the endangered Girgentana dairy goat breed in order to define genetic improvement and conservation program for this breed. The study was performed on 200 dairy goats by means of different PCR protocols. The most frequent alleles were A (0.590) and F (0.290) followed by B (0.065) and N (0.047). CSN1S1 E allele was identified with a very low frequency (0.008). The most common genotype was AF (0.365) followed by AA (0.340). The high frequency of the strong genotypes is associated with the production of milk with high fat and protein content and with optimal technological properties. In Girgentana goat breed, the CSN1S1 genotype information could be utilized in selection strategies for milk protein content and milk yield, in order to select genetic lines for the production of “drinking milk” using weak and null genotypes, and for niche products using strong genotypes

    Caratterizzazione genetica mediante microsatelliti di una popolazione caprina siciliana

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    I microsatelliti sono ad oggi i marcatori molecolari maggiormente utilizzati per la caratterizzazione genetica nei caprini. Lo scopo del presente lavoro è stato quello di caratterizzare la struttura genetica della capra Mascaruna per verificare se può essere definita come una popolazione. L’analisi è stata condotta utilizzando un pannello di 18 microsatelliti. Il DNA è stato estratto da 60 individui di cui 20 Mascaruna (MAS), 20 Girgentana (GIR) e 20 animali derivanti da diversi incroci (MIX). Un totale di 148 alleli sono stati osservati di cui 106 in GIR, 107 in MAS e 129 in MIX; il valore del PIC è di 0,69 e tutti i marcatori hanno mostrato un numero di alleli superiori a 4. Valori più alti di MNA, Ho e He sono stati trovati in MIX (MNA=7,17, Ho=0,700 e He=0,731), seguito da MAS (MNA=5,94, Ho=0,697 e He=0,703) e GIR (MNA= 5,89, Ho=0,590 e He=0,666). Il più alto valore del Fis, che misura il livello di inbreeding all’interno di ciascuna popolazione, è stato trovato in GIR, mentre MAS ha mostrato il più basso valore. Alleli privati, in particolare in MAS, sono stati trovati con frequenza relativamente alta (13% e 20%). L’analisi delle distanze genetiche di Nei e Reynolds indicano una maggiore distanza tra MAS e GIR. Anche l’ACF mostra una chiara separazione di MAS rispetto agli altri due gruppi. Il test di assegnazione effettuato con STRUCTURE mostra per MAS un cluster meno definito rispetto a quello di GIR, ma più definito rispetto a MIX. Questo studio riporta i primi risultati sulla caratterizzazione genetica della capra MAS. I dati ottenuti mostrano una uniformità genetica confrontabile con quella riportata per altre razze o popolazioni ufficialmente riconosciute. Ulteriori studi verranno condotti al fine di confermare i risultati ottenuti e definire le origini della capra MAS

    Effect of hairless gene polymorphism on the breeding values of milk production traits in Valle del Belice sheep

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    The aim of this work was to assess the association between the hairless genotypes and estimated breeding values (EBVs) for milk yield (MY), fat (FAT) and protein (PRT) content in Valle del Belice dairy sheep breed. A data set from 465 randomly chosen unrelated individuals was analyzed. EBV for MY, FAT and PRT contents were estimated by REML analysis of a single trait repeatability animal model. The genotype effect on EBV was assessed by ANOVA and by the Tukey–Kramer multiple comparison test. The PCR-SSCP test showed the presence of CC and CT genotypes in Valle del Belice individuals. Some differences in milk production traits between the genotypes were found. For MY, individuals with CT genotype produced 1.5 times more daily milk than CC homozygotes. Individuals with CC genotype showed eight times less FAT content and 1.7 times less PRT content than the heterozygous. However, these differences were not statistically different, probably due to the low frequency of the CT genotype. Considering our results, polymorphisms of the hr gene do not directly influence production traits, but if further studies confirm our hypothesis, the hr gene could be used in a marker assisted selection program

    Genetic characterization of the Mascaruna goat, a Sicilian autochthonous population, using molecular markers

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    The aim of this work was to characterize a Sicilian autochthonous goat population using microsatellite markers and genetic polymorphisms at the casein genes. In order to investigate the genetic structure of the Mascaruna goat, a total of 60 (20 Girgentana, 20 mixed populations, and 20 Mascaruna) individuals were analyzed, using a panel of 18 microsatellite markers. Moreover, the Mascaruna goats were genotyped at casein loci using several molecular techniques. Based on the genetic structure at casein genes, the Mascaruna goat was similar to most goat breeds from the Mediterranean area, which are characterized by the predominance of strong alleles. The low value of genetic differentiation among populations (Fst=0.027) could indicate that these populations were differentiated little probably due to gene flow and breeding practices. The analysis of genetic distances between groups indicated that the Mascaruna goat was the most distanced group, and this result was confirmed by the unrooted neighbor-joining dendrogram, the factorial correspondence analysis, the presence of several private alleles and the Bayesian assignment test. However, the Mascaruna group, despite the influences from other populations, presents a certain degree of uniqueness and could be considered as a population with particular genetic background

    12S rRNA mitochondrial gene as marker to trace Sicilian mono-species dairy products

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    For a rapid, specific and sensitive identification of cows', ewes' and goats' milk in mono-species Sicilian dairy products, species-specific duplex-PCR protocol was applied. DNA samples from blood and experimental cheeses of Sicilian autochthonous breeds were extracted to amplify the 12S rRNA (and part of 16S rRNA in case of Ovis aries) mitochondrial species-specific gene fragment. The use of species-specific primers for Bos taurus, Capra hircus and Ovis aries species, after electrophoresis on agarose gel, yielded fragments of 256 bp, 326 bp and 172 bp, respectively. Amplification by duplex-PCR of DNA pools from two species showed detection thresholds of 0.1% of “contaminant” DNA in each mixture. Finally, duplex-PCR assay was applied to experimental cheeses in order to detect the minimum threshold of DNA belonging to one species in cheese made with milk of two species. The results showed a sensitive threshold of 0.1% of ewes' milk in cows' and goats' cheeses, 0.1% of cows' milk in ewes' and goats' cheeses, and finally 0.1% of goats' milk in cows' and ewes' cheeses. The proposed assay represents a rapid and straightforward method of species traceability for the detections of adulteration in Sicilian mono-species dairy products

    Genetic characterization of the Mascaruna goat, a Sicilian autochthonous population, using molecular markers

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    The aim of this work was to characterize a Sicilian autochthonous goat population using microsatellite markers and genetic polymorphisms at the casein genes. In order to investigate the genetic structure of the Mascaruna goat, a total of 60 (20 Girgentana, 20 mixed populations, and 20 Mascaruna) individuals were analyzed, using a panel of 18 microsatellite markers. Moreover, the Mascaruna goats were genotyped at casein loci using several molecular techniques. Based on the genetic structure at casein genes, the Mascaruna goat was similar to most goat breeds from the Mediterranean area, which are characterized by the predominance of strong alleles. The low value of genetic differentiation among populations (Fst=0.027) could indicate that these populations were differentiated little probably due to gene flow and breeding practices. The analysis of genetic distances between groups indicated that the Mascaruna goat was the most distanced group, and this result was confirmed by the unrooted neighbor-joining dendrogram, the factorial correspondence analysis, the presence of several private alleles and the Bayesian assignment test. However, the Mascaruna group, despite the influences from other populations, presents a certain degree of uniqueness and could be considered as a population with particular genetic background.Keywords: Local goat population, genetic characterization, microsatellite markers, casein gene clusterAfrican Journal of BiotechnologyVol. 12(24), pp. 3758-376

    Genomic inbreeding estimation in small populations: Evaluation of runs of homozygosity in three local dairy cattle breeds

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    In the local breeds with small population size, one of the most important problems is the increase of inbreeding coefficient (F). High levels of inbreeding lead to reduced genetic diversity and inbreeding depression. The availability of high-density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays has facilitated the quantification of F by genomic markers in farm animals. Runs of homozygosity (ROH) are contiguous lengths of homozygous genotypes and represent an estimate of the degree of autozygosity at genome-wide level. The current study aims to quantify the genomic F derived from ROH (F ROH) in three local dairy cattle breeds. F ROH values were compared with F estimated from the genomic relationship matrix (F GRM), based on the difference between observed v. expected number of homozygous genotypes (F HOM) and the genomic homozygosity of individual i (F MOL i). The molecular coancestry coefficient (f MOL ij) between individuals i and j was also estimated. Individuals of Cinisara (71), Modicana (72) and Reggiana (168) were genotyped with the 50K v2 Illumina BeadChip. Genotypes from 96 animals of Italian Holstein cattle breed were also included in the analysis. We used a definition of ROH as tracts of homozygous genotypes that were >4 Mb. Among breeds, 3661 ROH were identified. Modicana showed the highest mean number of ROH per individual and the highest value of F ROH, whereas Reggiana showed the lowest ones. Differences among breeds existed for the ROH lengths. The individuals of Italian Holstein showed high number of short ROH segments, related to ancient consanguinity. Similar results showed the Reggiana with some extreme animals with segments covering 400 Mb and more of genome. Modicana and Cinisara showed similar results between them with the total length of ROH characterized by the presence of large segments. High correlation was found between F HOM and F ROH ranged from 0.83 in Reggiana to 0.95 in Cinisara and Modicana. The correlations among F ROH and other estimated F coefficients were generally lower ranged from 0.45 (F MOL i-F ROH) in Cinisara to 0.17 (F GRM-F ROH) in Modicana. On the basis of our results, recent inbreeding was observed in local breeds, considering that 16 Mb segments are expected to present inbreeding up to three generations ago. Our results showed the necessity of implementing conservation programs to control the rise of inbreeding and coancestry in the three Italian local dairy cattle breeds