828 research outputs found

    Potential impact of dreissenids species in relation to the first report of quagga mussel (Dreissena bugensis) at the end of winter 2022 in Lake Garda (Northern Italy)

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    Along with Dreissena polymorpha (zebra mussel), Dreissena bugensis (quagga mussel) is considered one of the most widespread and successful invasive species in Europe, Russia, and North America. The quagga mussel is a bivalve mollusc of the dreissenids family originating from the estuarine region of the rivers Dnieper and Southern Bug (Black Sea). The spread in Europe began after the 1940s and was associated with construction of canal-river systems. D. polymorpha was observed in Lake Garda since the end of the 1960s. In the last years, D. bugensis was found in the northern perialpine region and in late winter 2022 it was identified along the eastern shores of Lake Garda. Both species are defined as ecosystems engineers because they can strongly change the substrate structure, causing great economic damage in water pipes, potable water treatment plants, and port constructions. Moreover, they can affect resource availability for the other species. A few significant ecological differences between the two species suggest that the impact of quagga mussel could be even larger compared to that caused by zebra mussel. In this poster we will discuss the main expected ecological impacts following the introduction of quagga mussel into new aquatic habitats

    Plankton DNA extraction from Sterivex filter units

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    The objective of this protocol is to provide a reliable and replicable method for the DNA extraction of lake micro-plankton to be used for downstream DNA analysis. This protocol is one of those proposed by the Eco-AlpsWater consortium to promote the implementation of High Throughput Sequencing (HT S) of environmental DNA (eDNA) in the biomonitoring and ecological assessment of water bodies. The extraction is performed from samples filtered through Sterivex cartridges (Sterivex™ GP 0.22μm) and stored at -20°C, as described in the protocol dx.doi.org/10.17504/protocols.io.xn6fmhe, and with the use of the DNeasy® PowerWater Sterivex Kit (QIAGEN) with specific modifications adapted to plankton DNA extraction. The application proposed here, in the context of EcoAlpsWater, aims at comparing DNA inventories to traditional phytoplanktonic inventories and at characterizing more broadly the micro-planktonic diversity through eDNA analysis (including bacteria). This protocol is part of the deliverables provided by the WP1 of the Eco-AlpsWater project. All members of the EcoAlpsWater consortium (http://www.alpine-space.eu/projects/eco-alpswater/en/home) contributed to the optimization of this protocol

    Treatment of a Severe Pediatric Lyell Syndrome with Amniotic Membrane: Case Report and Histological Findings

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    Background: Lyell Syndrome (TEN, Toxic epidermal necrolysis) represents a medical emergency particularly in pediatric patients in whom the massive skin damage can quickly lead to multi-organ dysfunction and death. Prompt restoration of the physiologic mucosal/cutaneous barrier is mandatory. The use of amniotic membranes has been described in the treatment of ophthalmic Lyell Syndrome, but its use has not yet been adopted for the management of larger cutaneous wounds. Study Hypothesis: Here we report the use of amniotic membranes in a pediatric case of severe Lyell Syndrome with complete skin surface, ocular and mucosal involvement with life threating presentation. Methods: A 7-year old female was admitted to our Burn Centre for severe cutaneous/mucosal exfoliation (100% Total body surface area, TBSA) as a result of an adverse reaction to ibuprofen administration. Supportive fluid administration, cardiac-pulmonary assistance and pain management were complemented by serial grafting of amniotic membranes on all affected areas to provide coverage of the exfoliated skin/mucosa. Biopsies were obtained to monitor histological skin changes. Results: The patient showed an excellent response to amniotic membrane treatment, with rapid restoration of mucosal and cutaneous layers in the grafted areas. This resulted in a decreased need for dressing changes, avoidance of additional surgeries and a reduced dependence on supportive therapy. Lower pain levels than usually expected led to a reduced need for narcotic pain medications and allowed for early physical rehabilitation and a short hospital stay. Histology confirmed evidence of topical immune-modulation in treated areas (reduction of inflammatory infiltrate). Conclusion: As we tested in numerously TEN and burn pediatric injuries Amniotic membranes with their regenerative and immune-modulatory effects may represent an life saving treatment even in the worst cases of pediatric Lyell syndrome

    Design and advancement status of the Beam Expander Testing X-ray facility (BEaTriX)

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    The BEaTriX (Beam Expander Testing X-ray facility) project is an X-ray apparatus under construction at INAF/OAB to generate a broad (200 x 60 mm2), uniform and low-divergent X-ray beam within a small lab (6 x 15 m2). BEaTriX will consist of an X-ray source in the focus a grazing incidence paraboloidal mirror to obtain a parallel beam, followed by a crystal monochromation system and by an asymmetrically-cut diffracting crystal to perform the beam expansion to the desired size. Once completed, BEaTriX will be used to directly perform the quality control of focusing modules of large X-ray optics such as those for the ATHENA X-ray observatory, based on either Silicon Pore Optics (baseline) or Slumped Glass Optics (alternative), and will thereby enable a direct quality control of angular resolution and effective area on a number of mirror modules in a short time, in full X-ray illumination and without being affected by the finite distance of the X-ray source. However, since the individual mirror modules for ATHENA will have an optical quality of 3-4 arcsec HEW or better, BEaTriX is required to produce a broad beam with divergence below 1-2 arcsec, and sufficient flux to quickly characterize the PSF of the module without being significantly affected by statistical uncertainties. Therefore, the optical components of BEaTriX have to be selected and/or manufactured with excellent optical properties in order to guarantee the final performance of the system. In this paper we report the final design of the facility and a detailed performance simulation.Comment: Accepted paper, pre-print version. The finally published manuscript can be downloaded from http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.223895

    Active shape correction of a thin glass/plastic X-ray mirror

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    Optics for future X-ray telescopes will be characterized by very large aperture and focal length, and will be made of lightweight materials like glass or plastic in order to keep the total mass within acceptable limits. Optics based on thin slumped glass foils are currently in use in the NuSTAR telescope and are being developed at various institutes like INAF/OAB, aiming at improving the angular resolution to a few arcsec HEW. Another possibility would be the use of thin plastic foils, being developed at SAO and the Palermo University. Even if relevant progresses in the achieved angular resolution were recently made, a viable possibility to further improve the mirror figure would be the application of piezoelectric actuators onto the non-optical side of the mirrors. In fact, thin mirrors are prone to deform, so they require a careful integration to avoid deformations and even correct forming errors. This however offers the possibility to actively correct the residual deformation. Even if other groups are already at work on this idea, we are pursuing the concept of active integration of thin glass or plastic foils with piezoelectric patches, fed by voltages driven by the feedback provided by X-rays, in intra-focal setup at the XACT facility at INAF/OAPA. In this work, we show the preliminary simulations and the first steps taken in this project

    Pregnancy and Maternal Behavior Induce Changes in Glia, Glutamate and Its Metabolism within the Cingulate Cortex

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    An upregulation of the astrocytic proteins GFAP and bFGF within area 2 of the cingulate cortex (Cg2) occurs within 3 hours of parturition in rats. These changes are the result of an interaction between hormonal state and maternal experience and are associated with increased dendritic spine density in this area. Here, we examined whether this upregulation of astrocytic proteins generalized to other glial markers and, in particular those associated with glutamate metabolism. We chose glial markers commonly used to reflect different aspects of glial function: vimentin, like GFAP, is a marker of intermediate filaments; glutamine synthetase (GS), and S-100beta, are used as markers for mature astrocytes and GS has also been used as a specific marker for glutamatergic enzymatic activity. In addition, we examined levels of proteins associated with glutamine synthetase, glutamate, glutamine and two excitatory amino acid transporters found in astrocytes, glt-1 and glast. S100beta immunoreactivity did not vary with reproductive state in either Cg2 or MPOA suggesting no change in the number of mature astrocytes across these conditions. Vimentin-ir did not differ across groups in Cg2, but expression of this protein decreased from Day 1 postpartum onwards in the MPOA. By contrast, GS-ir was increased within 24 h postpartum in Cg2 but not MPOA and similarly to GFAP and bFGF this upregulation of GS resulted from an interaction between hormonal state and maternal experience. Within Cg2, upregulation of GS was not accompanied by changes in the astrocytic glutamatergic transporters, glt-1 and glast, however, an increase in both glutamate and glutamine proteins were observed within the Cg2 of postpartum animals. Together, these changes suggest postpartum upregulation of glutamatergic activity and metabolism within Cg2 that is stimulated by pregnancy hormones and maternal experience

    A comparative study of the metabolic profiles of common nuisance cyanobacteria in southern perialpine lakes

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    This work allowed the comparison of the metabolic profiles of the most important cyanobacteria species in southern perialpine lakes, namely Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, Dolichospermum lemmermannii, Microcystis aeruginosa, Planktothrix rubescens, and Tychonema bourrellyi. Monospecific cultures were obtained from samples of 3 different natural lakes (Garda, Idro, and Caldonazzo). LC-MS/MS analyses were conducted on strains. A first set of experiments was aimed at assessing the presence of the best known toxins (microcystins, nodularins, (homo)anatoxin-a, cylindrospermopsins, paralytic shellfish poisons) in the cultures. Results of this screening study revealed that M. aeruginosa and P. rubescens produced toxic peptides (microcystins), T. bourrellyi produced toxic alkaloids (anatoxin-a and possibly some paralytic shellfish toxins), Aph. flos-aquae and D. lemmermannii did not produce any of the analyzed toxins. M. aeruginosa and P. rubescens showed typical microcystin production with LR form dominant in the former, and RRdm form dominant in the latter. A second set of experiments was aimed at comparing the capability of the 5 cyanobacterial species to produce peptidic secondary metabolites. For this purpose, an untargeted peptidomic analysis was conducted on the strains. The analysis allowed revealing globally 328 metabolites, spanning in a mass range between 400 and 2000 Da. The majority of compounds with masses in the 500-1200 Da range (corresponding to the majority of peptidic secondary metabolites) resulted to be produced by M. aeruginosa and P. rubescens strains, thus indicating a higher ability of these species to produce non-ribosomal peptides compared to the others. 27 metabolites out of 328 could be putatively assigned to specific classes of compounds: microcystins, aeruginosins and anabaenopeptins were the most represented classes of compounds, and were mostly found in M. aeruginosa and P. rubescens strains

    Draft genome sequence of the anatoxin-a producing cyanobacterium Tychonema bourrellyi B0820 isolated from the epilimnion of the deep Alpine Lake Garda

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    We report the draft genome sequence of strain B0820 of the cyanobacterium Tychonema bourrellyi isolated from the epilimnion of Lake Garda and assembled from a metagenome of a non-axenic culture. The strain analyzed was shown to produce anatoxin-a, a potent neurotoxin that can cause fatal intoxication in exposed organism
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