12 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Certified Teachers’ Perfomance at SMPN 6 Luwuk Banggai Regency, Indonesia

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    This study investigated certified teachers’ performance at SMPN 6 Luwuk of Banggai Regency, with a focus on the teachers’ performance in planning the lesson, implementing the lesson, and conducting the lesson evaluation. It lasted for nine months, from March to December 2011. Qualitative method was used. More specifically, the evaluation research method was followed which involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data for decision making. The evaluation system used in this study was based on the quality of the certified teachers’ performances. The real condition in the field is that many of the certified teachers are still unable to design lessons and implement them professionally as expected from certified teachers. Currently there are many teachers in need of trainings. This study showed that the quality of the performance of the certified teachers in SMPN 6 Luwuk in planning the lesson was low. This could indicate that the certification process has not yet resulted in an increase in the quality of performance of the certified teachers, particularly as long as the quality of their performance in planning lessons is concerned

    Analysis of Local Culture in Primary School Education Curriculum in Banggai District

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    This study explores the diversity of local cultures in implementing the curriculum in elementary schools in Banggai District, an area rich in distinctive and diverse local cultures. To maintain the noble values ​​of the Indonesian nation, this cultural diversity needs to be preserved and developed through education. One way to make this happen is through utilizing local culture in the curriculum structure, known as local content. This research uses a local cultural analysis approach in the development of the basic education curriculum, with the following stages: first, identification of the curriculum context, which includes an analysis of characteristics, potential, advantages, local wisdom, and regional needs/demands. Second, an analysis of local culture, which will be developed in the basic education curriculum, includes four clusters of local content covering socio-cultural-political, economic, environmental, and other local-specific dimensions. The results of the study indicate that several elementary schools in Banggai Regency have implemented local content subjects in accordance with Banggai Regent Regulation No. 56 of 2017 concerning Local Language Local Content Curriculum (Saluan & Balantak). Based on an analysis of the context and potential of local culture and aspects of basic education curriculum development, several local cultures can be developed, including developing tourist destinations, developing regional languages, developing regional skills and craft industries, and preserving regional arts and sports

    Analisis Keberhasilan Implementasi Model Flipped Classroom dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Tingkat Perguruan Tinggi

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    The Flipped Classroom model has become an intriguing topic in the context of mathematics education at the tertiary level. This literature review article aims to analyze the success of implementing the Flipped Classroom model in mathematics education at the tertiary level by exploring influencing factors. In-depth literature review was conducted to identify patterns and trends in evaluating the success of this model, including challenges faced and recommendations for further development. The results indicate that technological readiness, teacher involvement, student engagement, institutional support, and continuous evaluation are key factors in the success of implementing the Flipped Classroom model. This article provides valuable insights for educators and researchers in designing and implementing effective teaching models in tertiary education

    Analisis Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Siswa Dalam Menyelesaikan Soal-soal Turunan fungsi Ditinjau dari Sekolah Asal

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    Penelitian Ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri 1 Luwuk dalam materi turunan fungsi pada pembelajaran matematika. disamping itu, melalui penelitian ini juga ingin diketahui gambaran kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri 1 Luwuk yang ditinjau dari sekolah asal yaitu SMP dan MTs. jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif yang dilaksanakan di kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri 1 Luwuk pada semester genap untuk tahun pelajaran 2014/2015 yang berjumlah 24 orang. berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh dimpulan bahwa (1) kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika SMA Negeri 1 Luwuk masih rendah baik pada siswa yang berasal dari SMP dan MTs. (2) faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan rendahnya kemampuan pemecahan masalah diantaranya adalah penguasanaan terhadap konsep dasar matematika dan materi prasyarat, kurangnya penguasaan siswa terhadap turunan fungsi dan sistematis dalam langkah-langkah penyelesaian

    Kemampuan Penalaran Matematika Peserta Didik dalam Mengerjakan Soal Logika Matamatika

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    this study aimed to analyze the matematical reasoning abilities of studens in the class X3 in SMAN 1 Luwuk, particulary in the work on the problems related material mathematical logic. this study was a descriptive exploratory research, to provide an overview of mathematical logic. blunting procedure dat used were observation, test, interview, and documentation. the technique of data analysis include data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. respondents were used in this study were 32 students were given about the written test and 9 respondents consiting of the principal of SMAN 1 Luwuk, math theacher, and learners to do the interview. indicators to see the reasoning abilities of learners in this study are: 1) submit a guess, 2) perform mathematical manipulation, 3)draw conclusion from a atatment. the result showed taht the ability of mathematical reasoning learners class X3 SMAN 1 Luwuk are in the category of presentation is sufficient, it is caused by factors, among others, learners do not have the concept of a good foundation, they cultivate a way of learning that is not good, and the role of theacher as motivator, mediator and facilitator less work. for that to assist students in developing the mathematical reasoning abilities in the learning process, teachers pay attention to the intellect of students, as well as more instill basic concepts of mathematics, especially the use of reason, more attention to the strategies, methods and ways to teach well

    Evaluation of Certified Teachers’ Perfomance at SMPN 6 Luwuk Banggai Regency, Indonesia

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    This study investigated certified teachers’ performance at SMPN 6 Luwuk of Banggai Regency, with a focus on the teachers’ performance in planning the lesson, implementing the lesson, and conducting the lesson evaluation. It lasted for nine months, from March to December 2011. Qualitative method was used. More specifically, the evaluation research method was followed which involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data for decision making. The evaluation system used in this study was based on the quality of the certified teachers’ performances. The real condition in the field is that many of the certified teachers are still unable to design lessons and implement them professionally as expected from certified teachers. Currently there are many teachers in need of trainings. This study showed that the quality of the performance of the certified teachers in SMPN 6 Luwuk in planning the lesson was low. This could indicate that the certification process has not yet resulted in an increase in the quality of performance of the certified teachers, particularly as long as the quality of their performance in planning lessons is concerned


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    model pendidikan karakter yang terintegrasi dalam pembelajaran lebih menekankan pada penilaian proses, yaitu diharapkan setelah melalui proses pembelajaran mahasiswa menjadi lebih kreatif dan produktif, rasa ingin tahu yang tinggi, memiliki kepedulian, kompetetif

    Evaluasi Kinerja Guru

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    Guru adalah merupakan salah satu komponen dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan. untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan salah satu kebijakan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah adalah peningkatan kualitas pengelolaan pendidikan yaitu salah satunya kualitas pengelolaan perencanaan program, pelaksanaan rencana kerja serta pengawasan dan evaluasi. guru sebagai pengelola pendidikan harus menguasai kompetensi guru salah satunya adalah kompetensi pedagogik dimana guru harus menguasai pengelolaan proses pembelajaran. untuk menghasilkan guru yang berkualitas dalam merencanakan pembelajaran dan melaksanakan proses pembelajaran kinerja guru. evaluasi kinerja guru idealnya dilakukan pada setiap semester oleh kepala sekolah dan pengawas sekola


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    This study aims to analyze the impact of the Treffinger learning model on students' mathematical communication skills. This research was conducted at Senior High School 1 Bulagi grade 10th, 2018/2019 academic year. This type of research was a Quasi-Experimental study with a Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Data collection on mathematical communication skills used test instruments. The results revealed that the mathematical communication skills of students taught using the Treffinger learning model were higher than those taught using the Student Team Achievement Division / STAD cooperative learning model (FCount = 5.78> Ftable = 4.03). It can be seen from the results of the research that application of the Treffinger learning model has a higher effect on students' communication skills compared to the Student Learning Achievement Division (STAD) cooperative learning model. It is proven from the average mathematical communication skills of students taught with the Treffinger learning model on the written text indicator, drawing and mathematical expression expressed at 50.67 while the students taught with the Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) cooperative learning model on the written indicator text, drawing and mathematical expressions were stated at 47.50

    Pendampingan UMKM melalui Pemanfaatan Digital Marketing pada Platform E-Commerce

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    In the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 and the increasingly intense efforts to become society 5.0, researchers held training & workshops on technology utilization in the Multipurpose Building with technology training materials. This research aims to carry out MSME Assistance (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises) through Google My Business to use digital marketing in the era of e-commerce & social media. The method used in this PkM is the mentoring method or PAR (Participatory Action Research), with an approach through training, account creation practice, and mentoring. The training is carried out in three stages: preparation, implementation, and evaluation. The result of the dedication to Digital marketing for a company and MSMEs is an essential part currently. MSME managers are expected to have skills in internet promotion through digital devices, especially in publishing products for sale and places offered. It can be concluded that community assistance in managing their business to better manage marketing activities through creating Google My Business application accounts in digital marketing. &nbsp