166 research outputs found


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    Dalam kewenangan otonomi yang luas ini tercakup keleluasaan daerah untuk menyelenggarakan pemerintahan yang meliputi kewenangan bidang pemerintahan kecuali kewenangan di bidang polilik luar negeri, pertahanan keamanan, peradilan, moneter data fiskal, serta kewenangan bidang lainnya yang akan ditetapkan dengan Peraturan Pemerintah. Ada pengaruh motivasi dan kedisiplinan secara bersama-sama terhadap kinerja pegawai Dinas Pemuda Olahraga Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kabupaten Lampung Utara. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan survey yaitu penelitian lapangan dimana pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara mengedarkan kuesioner terhadap responden yang telah ditetapkan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial dan simultan terdapat pengaruh motivasi dan kedisiplinan terhadap kinerha pegawai Dinas Pemuda Olah Raga Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kabupaten Lampung Utara menunjukkan. Hasil distribusi jawaban responden dan jumlah keseluruhan dan persentase memperlihatkan menunjukkan bahwa secara umum memberikan gambaran bahwa motivasi pegawai di Dinas Pemuda Olah Raga Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kabupaten Lampung Utara adalah baik, gambaran kedisiplinan pegawai di Dinas Pemuda Olah Raga Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kabupaten Lampung Utara juga tergolong baik dan gambaran kinerja pegawai di Dinas Pemuda Olah Raga Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kabupaten Lampung Utara tergolong baik

    Molecular epidemiology of camel trypanosomiasis based on ITS1 rDNA and RoTat 1.2 VSG gene in the Sudan

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Internal transcribed spacer one (ITS1) of the ribosomal DNA is known to be a suitable target for PCR-based detection of trypanosomes. The analysis of this region provides a multi-species-specific diagnosis by a single PCR. Using ITS1 primer-based PCR, a cross sectional study was carried out in the period from September to November 2009 on samples collected from 687 camels from geographically distinct zones in the Sudan to detect all possible African trypanosomes, which can infect camels.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The results showed that all PCR-positive camels were infected with a single parasite species; <it>Trypanosoma evansi</it>. The highest prevalence, 57.1% (117/205), was observed in the Butana plains of mid-Eastern Sudan and the lowest, 6.0% (4/67), was in the Umshadeeda eastern part of White Nile State. In another experiment, the RoTat 1.2 gene encoding the variable surface glycoprotein (VSG) of <it>T. evansi </it>was analyzed for its presence or absence by a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using <it>T. evansi </it>species-specific primers. The study showed that the RoTat 1.2 VSG gene was absent in thirteen out of thirty <it>T. evansi</it>-positive samples.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>It is concluded that camel trypanosomiasis in Sudan is apparently caused by a single parasite species <it>T. evansi </it>and there were no other typanosomes species detected. In addition, the disease is highly prevalent in the country, which strengthens the need to change control policies and institute measures that help prevent the spread of the parasite. To our knowledge, this is the first molecular diagnosis report, which gives a picture of camel trypanosomiasis covering large geographical areas in Sudan.</p

    Clarifying the role of three-dimensional transvaginal sonography in reproductive medicine: an evidenced-based appraisal

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    This overview describes and illustrates the clinical applications of three-dimensional transvaginal sonography in reproductive medicine. Its main applications include assessment of uterine anomalies, intrauterine pathology, tubal patency, polycystic ovaries, ovarian follicular monitoring and endometrial receptivity. It is also useful for detailed evaluation of failed and/or ectopic pregnancy. Three-dimensional color Doppler sonography provides enhanced depiction of uterine, endometrial, and ovarian vascularity

    Staphylococcus aureus Panton-Valentine Leukocidin Is a Very Potent Cytotoxic Factor for Human Neutrophils

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    The role of the pore-forming Staphylococcus aureus toxin Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL) in severe necrotizing diseases is debated due to conflicting data from epidemiological studies of community-associated methicillin-resistant S. aureus (CA-MRSA) infections and various murine disease-models. In this study, we used neutrophils isolated from different species to evaluate the cytotoxic effect of PVL in comparison to other staphylococcal cytolytic components. Furthermore, to study the impact of PVL we expressed it heterologously in a non-virulent staphylococcal species and examined pvl-positive and pvl-negative clinical isolates as well as the strain USA300 and its pvl-negative mutant. We demonstrate that PVL induces rapid activation and cell death in human and rabbit neutrophils, but not in murine or simian cells. By contrast, the phenol-soluble modulins (PSMs), a newly identified group of cytolytic staphylococcal components, lack species-specificity. In general, after phagocytosis of bacteria different pvl-positive and pvl-negative staphylococcal strains, expressing a variety of other virulence factors (such as surface proteins), induced cell death in neutrophils, which is most likely associated with the physiological clearing function of these cells. However, the release of PVL by staphylococcal strains caused rapid and premature cell death, which is different from the physiological (and programmed) cell death of neutrophils following phagocytosis and degradation of virulent bacteria. Taken together, our results question the value of infection-models in mice and non-human primates to elucidate the impact of PVL. Our data clearly demonstrate that PVL acts differentially on neutrophils of various species and suggests that PVL has an important cytotoxic role in human neutrophils, which has major implications for the pathogenesis of CA-MRSA infections

    Canagliflozin inhibits interleukin-1β-stimulated cytokine and chemokine secretion in vascular endothelial cells by AMP-activated protein kinase-dependent and -independent mechanisms

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    YesRecent clinical trials of the hypoglycaemic sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 (SGLT2) inhibitors, which inhibit renal glucose reabsorption, have reported beneficial cardiovascular outcomes. Whether SGLT2 inhibitors directly affect cardiovascular tissues, however, remains unclear. We have previously reported that the SGLT2 inhibitor canagliflozin activates AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) in immortalised cell lines and murine hepatocytes. As AMPK has anti-inflammatory actions in vascular cells, we examined whether SGLT2 inhibitors attenuated inflammatory signalling in cultured human endothelial cells. Incubation with clinically-relevant concentrations of canagliflozin, but not empagliflozin or dapagliflozin activated AMPK and inhibited IL-1β-stimulated adhesion of pro-monocytic U937 cells and secretion of IL-6 and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1). Inhibition of MCP-1 secretion was attenuated by expression of dominant-negative AMPK and was mimicked by the direct AMPK activator, A769662. Stimulation of cells with either canagliflozin or A769662 had no effect on IL-1β-stimulated cell surface levels of adhesion molecules or nuclear factor-κB signalling. Despite these identical effects of canagliflozin and A769662, IL-1β-stimulated IL-6/MCP-1 mRNA was inhibited by canagliflozin, but not A769662, whereas IL-1β-stimulated c-jun N-terminal kinase phosphorylation was inhibited by A769662, but not canagliflozin. These data indicate that clinically-relevant canagliflozin concentrations directly inhibit endothelial pro-inflammatory chemokine/cytokine secretion by AMPK-dependent and -independent mechanisms without affecting early IL-1β signalling.Project Grant (PG/13/82/30483 to IPS and TMP) and PhD studentships (FS/16/55/32731 and FS/14/61/31284 to DB and AS) from the British Heart Foundation and an equipment grant (BDA11/0004309 to IPS and TMP) from Diabetes UK. OJK was supported by a Scholarship from the Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. TAA was supported by a Libyan Ministry of Education PhD Studentship

    Correction of Population Stratification in Large Multi-Ethnic Association Studies

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    The vast majority of genetic risk factors for complex diseases have, taken individually, a small effect on the end phenotype. Population-based association studies therefore need very large sample sizes to detect significant differences between affected and non-affected individuals. Including thousands of affected individuals in a study requires recruitment in numerous centers, possibly from different geographic regions. Unfortunately such a recruitment strategy is likely to complicate the study design and to generate concerns regarding population stratification.We analyzed 9,751 individuals representing three main ethnic groups - Europeans, Arabs and South Asians - that had been enrolled from 154 centers involving 52 countries for a global case/control study of acute myocardial infarction. All individuals were genotyped at 103 candidate genes using 1,536 SNPs selected with a tagging strategy that captures most of the genetic diversity in different populations. We show that relying solely on self-reported ethnicity is not sufficient to exclude population stratification and we present additional methods to identify and correct for stratification.Our results highlight the importance of carefully addressing population stratification and of carefully “cleaning” the sample prior to analyses to obtain stronger signals of association and to avoid spurious results

    The Secreted Lipoprotein, MPT83, of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Is Recognized during Human Tuberculosis and Stimulates Protective Immunity in Mice

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    The long-term control of tuberculosis (TB) will require the development of more effective anti-TB vaccines, as the only licensed vaccine, Mycobacterium bovis bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG), has limited protective efficacy against infectious pulmonary TB. Subunit vaccines have an improved safety profile over live, attenuated vaccines, such as BCG, and may be used in immuno-compromised individuals. MPT83 (Rv2873) is a secreted mycobacterial lipoprotein expressed on the surface of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In this study, we examined whether recombinant MPT83 is recognized during human and murine M. tuberculosis infection. We assessed the immunogenicity and protective efficacy of MPT83 as a protein vaccine, with monophosphyl lipid A (MPLA) in dimethyl-dioctadecyl ammonium bromide (DDA) as adjuvant, or as a DNA vaccine in C57BL/6 mice and mapped the T cell epitopes with peptide scanning. We demonstrated that rMPT83 was recognised by strong proliferative and Interferon (IFN)-γ-secreting T cell responses in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from patients with active TB, but not from healthy, tuberculin skin test-negative control subjects. MPT83 also stimulated strong IFN-γ T cell responses during experimental murine M. tuberculosis infection. Immunization with either rMPT83 in MPLA/DDA or DNA-MPT83 stimulated antigen-specific T cell responses, and we identified MPT83127–135 (PTNAAFDKL) as the dominant H-2b-restricted CD8+ T cell epitope within MPT83. Further, immunization of C57BL/6 mice with rMPT83/MPLA/DDA or DNA-MPT83 stimulated significant levels of protection in the lungs and spleens against aerosol challenge with M. tuberculosis. Interestingly, immunization with rMPT83 in MPLA/DDA primed for stronger IFN-γ T cell responses to the whole protein following challenge, while DNA-MPT83 primed for stronger CD8+ T cell responses to MPT83127–135. Therefore MPT83 is a protective T cell antigen commonly recognized during human M. tuberculosis infection and should be considered for inclusion in future TB subunit vaccines

    Emergency department spirometric volume and base deficit delineate risk for torso injury in stable patients

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    BACKGROUND: We sought to determine torso injury rates and sensitivities associated with fluid-positive abdominal ultrasound, metabolic acidosis (increased base deficit and lactate), and impaired pulmonary physiology (decreased spirometric volume and PaO(2)/FiO(2)). METHODS: Level I trauma center prospective pilot and post-pilot study (2000–2001) of stable patients. Increased base deficit was < 0.0 in ethanol-negative and ≤ -3.0 in ethanol-positive patients. Increased lactate was > 2.5 mmol/L in ethanol-negative and ≥ 3.0 mmol/L in ethanol-positive patients. Decreased PaO(2)/FiO(2 )was < 350 and decreased spirometric volume was < 1.8 L. RESULTS: Of 215 patients, 66 (30.7%) had a torso injury (abdominal/pelvic injury n = 35 and/or thoracic injury n = 43). Glasgow Coma Scale score was 14.8 ± 0.5 (13–15). Torso injury rates and sensitivities were: abdominal ultrasound negative and normal base deficit, lactate, PaO(2)/FiO(2), and spirometric volume – 0.0% & 0.0%; normal base deficit and normal spirometric volume – 4.2% & 4.5%; chest/abdominal soft tissue injury – 37.8% & 47.0%; increased lactate – 39.7% & 47.0%; increased base deficit – 41.3% & 75.8%; increased base deficit and/or decreased spirometric volume – 43.8% & 95.5%; decreased PaO(2)/FiO(2 )– 48.9% & 33.3%; positive abdominal ultrasound – 62.5% & 7.6%; decreased spirometric volume – 73.4% & 71.2%; increased base deficit and decreased spirometric volume – 82.9% & 51.5%. CONCLUSIONS: Trauma patients with normal base deficit and spirometric volume are unlikely to have a torso injury. Patients with increased base deficit or lactate, decreased spirometric volume, decreased PaO(2)/FiO(2), or positive FAST have substantial risk for torso injury. Increased base deficit and/or decreased spirometric volume are highly sensitive for torso injury. Base deficit and spirometric volume values are readily available and increase or decrease the suspicion for torso injury

    Volume-based solvation models out-perform area-based models in combined studies of wild-type and mutated protein-protein interfaces

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Empirical binding models have previously been investigated for the energetics of protein complexation (ΔG models) and for the influence of mutations on complexation (i.e. differences between wild-type and mutant complexes, ΔΔG models). We construct binding models to directly compare these processes, which have generally been studied separately.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Although reasonable fit models were found for both ΔG and ΔΔG cases, they differ substantially. In a dataset curated for the absence of mainchain rearrangement upon binding, non-polar area burial is a major determinant of ΔG models. However this ΔG model does not fit well to the data for binding differences upon mutation. Burial of non-polar area is weighted down in fitting of ΔΔG models. These calculations were made with no repacking of sidechains upon complexation, and only minimal packing upon mutation. We investigated the consequences of more extensive packing changes with a modified mean-field packing scheme. Rather than emphasising solvent exposure with relatively extended sidechains, rotamers are selected that exhibit maximal packing with protein. This provides solvent accessible areas for proteins that are much closer to those of experimental structures than the more extended sidechain regime. The new packing scheme increases changes in non-polar burial for mutants compared to wild-type proteins, but does not substantially improve agreement between ΔG and ΔΔG binding models.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We conclude that solvent accessible area, based on modelled mutant structures, is a poor correlate for ΔΔG upon mutation. A simple volume-based, rather than solvent accessibility-based, model is constructed for ΔG and ΔΔG systems. This shows a more consistent behaviour. We discuss the efficacy of volume, as opposed to area, approaches to describe the energetic consequences of mutations at interfaces. This knowledge can be used to develop simple computational screens for binding in comparative modelled interfaces.</p