4 research outputs found
Proposta didàctica d’introducció de les llengües familiars a l’aula de primària
Treball Final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Primària. Codi: MP1040. Curs acadèmic: 2019/2020Esta propuesta didáctica es realizada con el fin de demostrar que es posible la introducción de lenguas
familiares del alumnado aunque el docente no tenga formación en ellas, simplemente para utilizarlas como
herramienta para enriquecer el proceso de aprendizaje de los niños y niñas.
Las lenguas familiares o L1 forman parte de la identidad de cada uno y deben ser acogidas en los centros.
Puesto que son un factor muy importante para la adquisición de nuevos conocimientos, mejoras en las
habilidades lingüísticas, sociales y de valores personales.
Esta propuesta es un ejemplo de la implementación de estas lenguas en cuatro áreas en el curso de 6º de
primaria. Mediante una metodología participativa y enfocada al desarrollo de la autonomía personal del
alumnado. Resulta muy interesante y de gran necesidad ir desarrollando la educación multilingüe en todos
los colegios.This didactic proposal is made in order to demonstrate that it is possible to introduce family languages of
students even if the teachers do not have training in them, simply to use them as a tool to enrich the learning
process of children.
Family languages or L1 are part of each other's identity and must be welcomed into the centres. Since they
are a very important factor for the acquisition of new knowledge, improvements in language, social and
personal values skills.
This proposal is an example of the implementation of these languages in four areas in the 6th grade course.
Through a participatory methodology and focused on the development of the personal autonomy of the
students. It is very interesting and very necessary to develop multilingual education in all schools
AB09. Introducción a la fotografía
Comunicació Audiovisual. AB09 Introducció a la fotografía. Curs acadèmic 2008/2009
LC-ICP-MS analysis of arsenic compounds in dominant seaweeds from the Thermaikos Gulf (Northern Aegean Sea, Greece).
The content of total arsenic and arsenic compounds in the dominant seaweed species in the Thermaikos Gulf, Northern Aegean Sea was determined in samples collected in different seasons. Total arsenic was determined by acid digestion followed by ICP-MS. Arsenic speciation was analyzed by water extraction followed by LC-ICP-MS. Total arsenic concentrations in the seaweeds ranged from 1.39 to 55.0 mg kg- 1. Cystoseira species and Codium fragile showed the highest total As contents, while Ulva species (U. intestinalis, U. rigida,U. fasciata) had the lowest Arsenosugars, the most common arsenic species in seaweeds, were found in all samples, and glycerol-arsenosugar was the most common form; however, phosphate-arsenosugar and sulfate-arsenosugar were also present. Inorganic arsenic was measured in seven algae species and detected in another. Arsenate was the most abundant species in Cystoseira barbata (27.0 mg kg- 1). Arsenobetaine was measured in only one sample. Methylated arsenic species were measured at very low concentrations. The information should contribute to further understanding the presence of arsenic compounds in dominant seaweeds from the Thermaikos Gulf