654 research outputs found

    Cmos Photodiode Model Using Vhdl-ams

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    The objectives of this research is to designed and simulated CMOS photodiodes models usingVHOL-AMS with the AOVance-MS (AOMS) simulation tool of Mentor Graphics. The Photodiodemodels show a logarithmic response in illumination and are capable of detecting blue or green lightemitting diode. The result is fast and thorough design verification before the expense of fabrication

    Genitourinary tuberculosis: A profile of 55 in-patients

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    Objective: To outline the pattern and trends in major cases of genito-urinary tuberculosis (GUTB) which require hospital treatment.Method: We retrospectively reviewed 55 patients with proven GUTB who were treated as in-patients in a major referral hospital in Pakistan.Results: The male/female ratio was 3:1. Prevailing symptoms were lower urinary tract symptoms, flank pain, gross hematuria and fever. A urine culture was positive for tuberculosis (TB) in 57%, bladder biopsies in 54%. For renal TB, intravenous urogram (IVU) and ultrasound were suggestive in about 50% of cases. Ultrasound was very helpful in the diagnosis of testicular TB. Patients underwent surgery in 36% of cases. In contrast to the general trend reported worldwide, surgery was mainly ablative rather than re-constructive. Patient compliance in clinical follow-up and drug therapy was poor.Conclusion: Surgery for GUTB in Pakistan is still mainly ablative, probably due to a high number of complicated and progressed cases. To date, therapy of GUTB is mainly based on anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy (ATT). However, huge efforts will be required to improve patient compliance without which every therapeutic approach will remain futile

    The Adult with Coarctation of the Aorta

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    The manuscript will discuss the epidemiology and etiology of the adult with coarctation of the aorta (CoA) as well as describe the embryology, anatomy, pathophysiology, and clinical presentation in order to recognize and appropriately diagnose an adult patient with CoA. This chapter will also review diagnostic testing, management, therapeutic interventions including percutaneous and surgical procedures, and long-term complications that can arise in an adult with repaired CoA. It contains images with examples from echocardiography, cardiac computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and angiograms as part of the description

    Efektivitas Penerapan Bayar Pascapanen pada Pengembalian Pembiayaan Akad Murabahah Pertanian Padi di Baitul Maal Wa Tamwil AS Salam, Kramat, Demak

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    Agricultural crops greatly depends on the season, since the time of land preparation to harvest. Planting delays due to lack of capital, will result in crop failure or low crop productivity. Islamic microfinance institutions, such as BMT, offersmurabaha financing as one of financing options. Application of murabahais generally followed by monthly installment payments. The condition of most farmers doesn\u27t enable them to have enough income due to pay the main installments with a monthly period. Postharvest payment return system is an alternativemain return of financing. The research result showed the factors that influence farmers in choosing the monthly payment system and postharvest margins on murabaharice farming financing in BMT As Salam, Kramat, Demak using binary logistic regression. The analysis result showed the reason for choosing the payment system significantly influenced rice farmers choice. The chance of postharvest payment is acceptableaccording to the ability of most farmers. The effectiveness of postharvest payment return implementationonmurabaha rice farming financing was measured using a Likert scale. The results showed that postharvest paymentimplementation has been effective in all stages of financing and made a positive impact on farm members

    Smart Growbox Design with Temperature and Humidity Monitoring System Via the Internet

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    Pada tahun 2015, dengan perkiraan populasi 255 juta orang, Indonesia membutuhkan lahan seluas 13,38 juta hektar. Artinya, dalam beberapa tahun kedepan, Indonesia akan mengalami krisis lahan pertanian sehingga Indonesia dituntut untuk meningkatkan total areal budidaya. Hal ini disebabkan oleh meningkatnya perkembangan industri dan jasa, sehingga pertanian konvensional kurang kompetitif karena tingginya harga tanah. Salah satu pengembangan teknologi pertanian pertanian disebarkan teknologi budidaya pertanian yang layak dengan teknologi smart growbox memberikan alternatif bagi mereka yang tidak memiliki lahan untuk pertanian. Desain smartbox dengan sistem pemantauan suhu dan kelembaban melalui internet telah dirancang, dengan menggunakan sensor suhu dan kelembaban (DHT22) serta sensor kelembaban tanah (FC-28), maka kondisi tanaman dan lingkungannya akan mudah dipantau oleh melihat nilai output dari sebuah sensor. Hasil pengujian kecepatan rata - rata respon manual control via perangkat berbasis web adalah 5 detik. Kontrol kecepatan respon secara manual tergantung pada lalu lintas jaringan dan kondisi jaringan. Sistem siap untuk digunakan

    HIV-1 Tat Dysregulates the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Stress Axis and Potentiates Oxycodone-mediated Psychomotor and Anxiety-like Behavior of Male Mice

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    Graduate students: Salahuddin Mohammed, Department of BioMolecular Sciences, School of Pharmacy; Fakhri Mahdi, Department of BioMolecular Sciences, School of Pharmacy; Alaa N. Qrareya, Department of BioMolecular Sciences, School of PharmacyMajor/Minor: Major: Pharmaceutical Science, School of PharmacyFaculty advisor: Jason J. Paris, Department of BioMolecular Sciences,Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Science, School of Pharmacyhttps://egrove.olemiss.edu/neuro_showcase/1006/thumbnail.jp

    An epidemic of Dengue fever in Karachi--associated clinical manifestations

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    Dengue is a mosquito borne disease with worldwide distribution. Depending on virulence factors and host immune status, infection can manifest as a severe but non fatal viral syndrome or a rapidly progressive and a frequently fatal haemorrhagic fever. During the course of an outbreak of viral fever in Karachi, Pakistan from June, 1994 to September, 1995, we studied 145 cases admitted at the Aga Khan University Hospital. 43% of the cases were between the age group of 20-30 years, majority of these being male (75%). Amongst the clinical signs and symptoms, the most frequent findings were fever, vomiting and abdominal pain. Spontaneous hemorrhagic manifestations occurred in 66 patients and of these petechiae and mucosal bleed were the commonest, that is, 42% and 38% respectively. At presentation thrombocytopenia (platelet count \u3c or = 50,000) per cubic millimeter) was present in 78%, leucopenia (white cell count \u3c 4,000 per cubic millimeter) in 34%. Apart from one patient who died from hemorrhagic shock on the 5th day of admission, the remaining patients recovered and their platelet counts normalized on an average in 9 days. This is the first reported epidemic in Karachi of dengue infection

    Disain dan Simulasi Rangkaian Detektor Detak Jantung Janin Menggunakan Teknologi Cmos 0.35m

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    Rangkaian detektor detak jantung janin telah berhasil dirancang denganmenggunakan teknologi CMOS 0.35um. Hasil simulasi menunjukan bahwarangkaian detektor ini dapat mendeteksi frekuensi 2 sampai 3 hz. Rangkaian inisiap di realisasikan sebagai detektor detak jantung janin

    Boerhaave\u27s syndrome: a diagnostic dilemma in the emergency room

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    Boerhaave\u27s syndrome is a potential lethal condition which presents not only a diagnostic but also a therapeutic challenge. Errors in diagnosis are usually caused by unawareness of its varied and atypical presentations. All clinicians need to be aware of this lethal disease, its frequent unusual presentations and the importance of early diagnosis
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