5,207 research outputs found

    The Kyoto Protocol and Global Environmental Strategies of the EU, the U.S. and Japan: A Perspective from Japan,

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    Despite the objection of the Bush administration to the U.S.'s ratification of the Kyoto Protocol, its entry into force has come to be realistic due to the Bonn Agreement in July. The purpose of this paper is first to survey the framework of the Protocol, and then to analyze the strategic positions of the EU, the U.S., and Japan in negotiations for designing the details of the Protocol. Finally, this paper intends to consider the due strategy of Japan, as well as to identify the problems of the Protocol, which will be a help for designing a new framework that will enable the participation of developing countries.

    Designing GHG Emissions Trading Institutions in the Kyoto Protocol: an Experimental Approach.

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    We re-evaluate two experiments by Hizen and Saijo (1999a,b) to examine the performance of bilateral trading and double auction institutiions in GHG emissions trading.EXPERIMENTS ; ENVIRONEMENT ; NATURAL RESOURCES

    Price Desclosure, Marginal Abatement Cost Information and Market Power in a Bilateral GHG Emissions Trading Experiment.

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    We conducted an experiment to examine the performance of the bilateral trading institution in GHG emissions trading. First, we found that the efficiency of bilateral trading is quite high, regardless of the disclosure or closure of contracted price and/or marginal abatement cost curve information. Second, marginal abatement costs are equalized over time. Third, on the other hand, contracted prices did not converge to the competitive price over time. Fourth, subjects who had market power did not use it.TRADE ; PRICES ; COSTS ; COMPETITION

    The Kyoto Protocol and Global Environmental Strategies of the EU, the U.S. and Japan: A Perspective from Japan

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    Despite the objection of the Bush administration to the U.S.'s ratification of the Kyoto Protocol, its entry into force has come to be realistic due to the Bonn Agreement in July. The purpose of this paper is first to survey the framework of the Protocol, and then to analyze the strategic positions of the EU, the U.S., and Japan in negotiations for designing the details of the Protocol. Finally, this paper intends to consider the due strategy of Japan, as well as to identify the problems of the Protocol, which will be a help for designing a new framework that will enable the participation of developing countries.

    Does energy efficiency label alter consumersf purchase decision? A latent class approach on Shanghai data

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    In this paper we apply hypothetical choice experiments through a field survey in Shanghai of China to examine whether China Energy Efficiency Label affects consumersf choices of air conditioner and refrigerator. A latent class approach is used to observe both heterogeneities among the respondents and product brands. The results suggest that the effect of energy efficiency label on consumersf preferences is twofold. First, more energy efficient air conditioners or refrigerators are preferred by consumers, no matter whether they are with foreign brands or domestic brands and whether they are new or second-hand. Second, energy efficiency label per se is recognized by consumers. In addition, presence of a (hypothetical) label that indicates the electricity billfs difference comparing to a standard model is significantly preferred by the respondents in most of the cases, suggesting that more information provided to consumers makes them much happier. Finally, the class probability weighted willingness to pay values for one rank upgrading in energy efficiency of refrigerator are higher than those of air conditioner, implying that consumers have an incentive to pay more for appliances used more frequently.Energy efficiency label, Consumersf purchase decision, Latent class model, Willingness to pay, China


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    Abstrak: Pengembangan lahan rawa sebagai lahan pangan saat ini sangat strategis dan prospektif dalam mendukung ketahanan pangan,hal ini disebabkan karena lahan rawa mempunyai (1) produktivitas masih rendah, (2) lahan potensial masih luas, (3) indeks pertanaman (IP) masih rendah, (4) lahan terdegradasi yang potensial masih luas, dan kompetisi pemanfaatan lahan untuk tujuan nonpertanian relatif rendah. Oleh karena itu pengembangan kawasan tanaman pangan skala luas dan terencana merupakan program terobosan yang tepat.Tujuan pengabdian adalah mendampingi masyarakat tani dalam melakukan survey lahan dan membantu menganalisis potensi komoditi yang cocok dikembangkan. Pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan terhadap 5 desa wilayahKecamatan Danau Seluluk Kabupaten Seruyan, Propinsi Kalimantan Tengah. Waktu kegiatan Juli–Agustus 2019. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini adalah metode deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil survey lahan dan analisis unsur hara serta kesesuaian lahan memperoleh informasi bahwa lokasi lahan berpotensi dikembangkan untuk budidaya pertanian rawa lebak dengan komiditi antara lain: padi lebak/rawa lokal (siam unus dan siam sampit), palawija (jagung manis), umbi-umbian, holtikultura (semangka, labu).­­­Abstract: Swampland development as food land is currently very strategic and prospective in supporting food security, this is because swamps have (1) low productivity, (2) large potential land, (3) cropping index (IP) is still low, (4) The potential for degraded land is still extensive, and competition for land use for non-agricultural purposes is relatively low. Therefore, the development of large-scale and planned food crop areas is the right breakthrough program. The purpose of this service is to assist the farming community in conducting land surveys and to help analyze the potential for suitable commodities to be developed. Community service was carried out in 5 villages in the Danau Seluluk District, Seruyan Regency, Central Kalimantan Province. During the July – August 2019 activities. The method used in this service was descriptive method. Based on the results of land survey and analysis of nutrients and land suitability, information is obtained that the location of the land has the potential to be developed for lowland swamp farming with commodities including: local swamp rice (siam unus and siam sampit), secondary crops (sweet corn), tubers , horticulture (watermelon, pumpkin)

    The Socioeconomic Determinants of Individual Environmental Concern: Evidence from Shanghai Data

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    This study examines the influence of socioeconomic characteristics on eleven measures of environmental concern by applying a pooled sample of 1200 individuals in Shanghai, China. Previous studies, which made efforts to explain environmental concern as a function of social structure, suggest that there are traditionally five hypotheses (the age, gender, social class, residence, and political hypotheses) for socioeconomic determinants, which are associated with individual environmental concerns. Unlike those methodologies adopted in many previous studies, we apply an ordered probit model to test three hypotheses (the age, gender, and social class hypotheses) in this study. As a result, high income and high education level are found to be positively related to environmental concern as expected. However, we find that in contrast to most of the existing studies, the marginal effect of age on the probability of being environmentally concerned is positive in several measures, implying that the older are more concerned about the environment than the younger. In addition, weak evidences indicate that women are less concerned about the environment than men. Other socioeconomic characteristics such as employment status and household size are not significant in most of the environmental concern measures we defined.Socioeconomic determinants, Environmental Concern, Ordered Probit Model, Chinese
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