13 research outputs found

    Rudolph Sohm and his influences of the definition of the law of property in the Middle Ages. A reinterpretation of ownership in Transylvania (1308-1342)

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    This article addresses firstly the terminological problems modern historians encounter when discussing the law of property in the Middle Ages, and how its decontextualization has led to numerous inaccurate studies in the field of legal history, and secondly it is dedicated to Rudolph Sohm and his interpretation of the law of property and how his idea of institutional law can be applied to the medieval institutions of Transylvania in the early 14th century. Rudolph Sohm considers in his work Outlines of Church History that in the Middle Ages, society was composed of only two classes, the nobility and the clergy. They alone possessed property and they alone ruled. He describes landed property as the only kind of property recognized in that period. It is interesting to investigate in light of recent studies how political authority went hand in hand with the possession of land, and how were the classes defined by Sohm identified with and within the nation or the realm. His classification is still used by many Hungarian and Romanian historians, and we argue against the use of the modern concept of property and offer a new definition for the numerous and various types of possession we encounter. Was the history of the nation their history? What defines the society in the Middle Ages? Is Sohm’s definition of medieval property still functional correlated with the new developments in legal history? These are several questions that this research aims to answer by investigating the roman and medieval terminology used to define possession and nobility in 13th and 14th century Transylvania.Questo articolo riguarda, in primo luogo, i problemi terminologici per gli storici moderni quando si discute la legge della proprietà nel Medioevo, e come la decontestualizzazione ha creato numerosi studi erronati nel campo della storia del diritto, e in secondo luogo è dedicata a Rudolph Sohm e la sua interpretazione di la legge della proprietà e di come la sua idea di legge può essere applicata alle istituzioni medievali della Transilvania nei primi anni del 14° secolo. Rudolph Sohm considera, nella sua opera Outlines of Church History, che nel Medioevo, la società era composta da solo due classi, la nobiltà e il clero. Solo loro possedevano proprietà e solo loro governati. Egli descrive la proprietà fondiaria come l'unico tipo di proprietà riconosciuto in quel periodo. E 'interessante indagare alla luce di recenti studi come l'autorità politica è andato di pari passo con il possesso della terra, e di come sono state le classi definite da Sohm identificato con e all'interno della nazione o il regno. La sua classificazione è ancora utilizzato da molti storici ungheresi e rumene, e ci sostengono contro l'uso del moderno concetto di proprietà e offrire una nuova definizione per i numerosi e vari tipi di possesso che incontriamo. Era la storia della nazione loro storia? Ciò che definisce la società nel Medioevo? È la definizione di Sohm di struttura medievale ancora funzionali correlati con i nuovi sviluppi nella storia del diritto? Queste sono alcune domande che questa ricerca si propone di rispondere indagando la terminologia romana e medievale utilizzato per definire il possesso e nobiltà nel 13 ° e 14 ° secolo la Transilvania.Ciencias ReligiosasDerech

    Rudolph Sohm and his influences on the definition of the law of property in The Middle Ages. A reinterpretation of ownership in Transylvania(1308-1342)

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    This article addresses firstly the terminological problems modern historian sencounter when discussing the law of property in the Middle Ages, and how its decontextualization has led to numerous inaccurate studies in the field of legal history, and secondly it is dedicated to Rudolph Sohmand his interpretation of the law of property and how his idea of institutional law can be applied to the medieval institutions of Transylvania in the early 14th century. Rudolph Sohm considers in his work Outlines of Church History that in the MiddleAges, society was composed of only two classes,the nobility and the clergy. They alone possessed property and they alone ruled. He describes landed property as the only kind of property recognized in that period. It is interesting to investigate in light of recent studies how political authority went hand in hand with the possession of land, and how were the classes defined by Sohm identified with and within the nation or the realm. His classification is still used by many Hungarian and Romanian historians, and we argue against the use of the modern concept of property and offer a new definition for the numerous and various types of possession we encounter. Was the history of the nation their history?What defines the society in the Middle Ages?Is Sohm’s definition of medieval property still functional correlated with the new developments in legal history?These are several questions that this research aims to answer by investigating the roman and medieval terminology used to define possession and nobility in 13th and 14th century Transylvania

    A Note on Advanced Encryption Standard with Galois/Counter Mode Algorithm Improvements and S-Box Customization

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    Advanced Encryption Standard used with Galois Counter Mode, mode of operation is one of the the most secure modes to use the AES. This paper represents an overview of the AES modes focusing the AES-GCM mode and its particularities. Moreover, after a detailed analysis of the possibility of enhancement for the encryption and authentication phase, a method of generating custom encryption schemes based on GF(282^8) irreducible polynomials different from the standard polynomial used by the AES-GCM mode is provided. Besides the polynomial customization, the solution proposed in this paper offers the possibility to determine, for each polynomial, the constants that can be used in order to keep all the security properties of the algorithm. Using this customization method, allows changing the encryption schemes over a period of time without interfering with the process, bringing a major improvement from the security point of view by avoiding pattern creation. Furthermore, this paper sets the grounds for implementing authentication enhancement using a similar method to determine the polynomials that can be used instead of the default authentication polynomial, without changing the algorithm strength at all

    Rudolph Sohm and his influences of the definition of the law of property in the Middle Ages. A reinterpretation of ownership in Transylvania (1308-1342)

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    This article addresses firstly the terminological problems modern historians encounter when discussing the law of property in the Middle Ages, and how its decontextualization has led to numerous inaccurate studies in the field of legal history, and secondly it is dedicated to Rudolph Sohm and his interpretation of the law of property and how his idea of institutional law can be applied to the medieval institutions of Transylvania in the early 14th century. Rudolph Sohm considers in his work Outlines of Church History that in the Middle Ages, society was composed of only two classes, the nobility and the clergy. They alone possessed property and they alone ruled. He describes landed property as the only kind of property recognized in that period. It is interesting to investigate in light of recent studies how political authority went hand in hand with the possession of land, and how were the classes defined by Sohm identified with and within the nation or the realm. His classification is still used by many Hungarian and Romanian historians, and we argue against the use of the modern concept of property and offer a new definition for the numerous and various types of possession we encounter. Was the history of the nation their history? What defines the society in the Middle Ages? Is Sohm’s definition of medieval property still functional correlated with the new developments in legal history? These are several questions that this research aims to answer by investigating the roman and medieval terminology used to define possession and nobility in 13th and 14th century Transylvania.Questo articolo riguarda, in primo luogo, i problemi terminologici per gli storici moderni quando si discute la legge della proprietà nel Medioevo, e come la decontestualizzazione ha creato numerosi studi erronati nel campo della storia del diritto, e in secondo luogo è dedicata a Rudolph Sohm e la sua interpretazione di la legge della proprietà e di come la sua idea di legge può essere applicata alle istituzioni medievali della Transilvania nei primi anni del 14° secolo. Rudolph Sohm considera, nella sua opera Outlines of Church History, che nel Medioevo, la società era composta da solo due classi, la nobiltà e il clero. Solo loro possedevano proprietà e solo loro governati. Egli descrive la proprietà fondiaria come l'unico tipo di proprietà riconosciuto in quel periodo. E 'interessante indagare alla luce di recenti studi come l'autorità politica è andato di pari passo con il possesso della terra, e di come sono state le classi definite da Sohm identificato con e all'interno della nazione o il regno. La sua classificazione è ancora utilizzato da molti storici ungheresi e rumene, e ci sostengono contro l'uso del moderno concetto di proprietà e offrire una nuova definizione per i numerosi e vari tipi di possesso che incontriamo. Era la storia della nazione loro storia? Ciò che definisce la società nel Medioevo? È la definizione di Sohm di struttura medievale ancora funzionali correlati con i nuovi sviluppi nella storia del diritto? Queste sono alcune domande che questa ricerca si propone di rispondere indagando la terminologia romana e medievale utilizzato per definire il possesso e nobiltà nel 13 ° e 14 ° secolo la Transilvania.Ciencias ReligiosasDerech

    Regatul Ungariei Medievale și Ordinul Cavalerilor Mohahi Teutoni: Studiu asupra formelor de proprietate în dreptul medieval: exempțiunea / The Kingdom of Hungary and the Teutonic Order - Forms of property in the Ius Commune: Exemption

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    The research aims to clarify certain terminological misinterpretations in medieval legal discourse of the ius commune. After a brief exposure of the institutional and political context of the Kingdome of Hungary during the early thirteenth century, we will focus on the case of the ” Burzendland” and its new masters, the Order of the Teutonic Knights, in relations with the Holly See and the Crown, regarding property rights and the exemption granted in 1224.Studiul are ca obiectiv clarificarea pe cât posibil, a unor noțiuni terminologice prezente în discursul juriștilor medieviști despre ius commune. Vom face o scurtă prezentare a cadrului istoric, contextul problemei conflictului între Andrei al II-lea și Ordinul Cavalerilor-Monahi Teutoni, soluționarea acestuia, dicotomia Christus-Fiscus și necesitatea clarificării limbajului juridic. Un alt aspect al cercetării este caracterul jurisdicției ” de jure” a Țării Bârsei pe perioada 1211-1224.Safta Mihai. Regatul Ungariei Medievale și Ordinul Cavalerilor Mohahi Teutoni: Studiu asupra formelor de proprietate în dreptul medieval: exempțiunea / The Kingdom of Hungary and the Teutonic Order - Forms of property in the Ius Commune: Exemption. In: Hiperboreea. Journal of History, vol. 1, N°2, 2014. pp. 67-77

    HPV infection in ENT - certainties and assumptions

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    Mathematical modeling for determining the potency of bovine tuberculin purified protein derivative (P.P.D.)

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    Bovine tuberculin purified protein derivative (bovine tuberculin PPD) is a preparation obtained from the heat-treated products of growth and lysis of Mycobacterium bovis, strain AN5, purified and solubilized into a liquid preservative, buffered, glycerinate and phenolate, so that the diagnostic product contain at least 20,000 international units. The main characteristic of commercial product is “revelatory power” or potency. The animals infected with Mycobacterium bovis develop delayed hypersensitivity which can be revealed in vivo by skin allergic test. The validation study aims to demonstrate the determination of the potency of the bovine tuberculin PPD, by comparing the reactions produced in guinea pigs sensitized by the intradermal injection of a series of dilutions of the product to be examined with those produced by a reference standard calibrated in international units, it is an appropriate analytical method, reproducible and meets the quality requirements of diagnostic reagents. The paper establishes the performance characteristics of the method considered and identify the factors that influence these characteristics. The diameters of the lesions, directly proportional to the logarithm of the concentration of the tuberculins, measured and calculated using statistical methods (Combistats Soft). The test is not valid unless the confidence limits (P=0.95) are not less than 50 per cent and not more than 200 per cent of the estimated potency. The estimated potency is not less than 66 per cent and not more than 150 per cent of the stated potency. The stated potency is not less than 20,000 international units. The validation procedure includes\ud details on protocol working to determine the potency of the tuberculin A, validation criteria, experimental results, mathematical modeling for determining the potency, inter-laboratory comparisons

    Mathematical modeling for determining the potency of bovine tuberculin purified protein derivative (P.P.D.)

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    Bovine tuberculin purified protein derivative (bovine tuberculin PPD) is a preparation obtained from the heat-treated products of growth and lysis of Mycobacterium bovis, strain AN5, purified and solubilized into a liquid preservative, buffered, glycerinate and phenolate, so that the diagnostic product contain at least 20,000 international units. The main characteristic of commercial product is “revelatory power” or potency. The animals infected with Mycobacterium bovis develop delayed hypersensitivity which can be revealed in vivo by skin allergic test. The validation study aims to demonstrate the determination of the potency of the bovine tuberculin PPD, by comparing the reactions produced in guinea pigs sensitized by the intradermal injection of a series of dilutions of the product to be examined with those produced by a reference standard calibrated in international units, it is an appropriate analytical method, reproducible and meets the quality requirements of diagnostic reagents. The paper establishes the performance characteristics of the method considered and identify the factors that influence these characteristics. The diameters of the lesions, directly proportional to the logarithm of the concentration of the tuberculins, measured and calculated using statistical methods (Combistats Soft). The test is not valid unless the confidence limits (P=0.95) are not less than 50 per cent and not more than 200 per cent of the estimated potency. The estimated potency is not less than 66 per cent and not more than 150 per cent of the stated potency. The stated potency is not less than 20,000 international units. The validation procedure includes\ud details on protocol working to determine the potency of the tuberculin A, validation criteria, experimental results, mathematical modeling for determining the potency, inter-laboratory comparisons