627 research outputs found

    A Note on Separable Nonlinear Least Squares Problem

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    Separable nonlinear least squares (SNLS)problem is a special class of nonlinear least squares (NLS)problems, whose objective function is a mixture of linear and nonlinear functions. It has many applications in many different areas, especially in Operations Research and Computer Sciences. They are difficult to solve with the infinite-norm metric. In this paper, we give a short note on the separable nonlinear least squares problem, unseparated scheme for NLS, and propose an algorithm for solving mixed linear-nonlinear minimization problem, method of which results in solving a series of least squares separable problems.Comment: 3 pages; IEEE, 2011 International Conference on Future Computer Sciences and Application (ICFCSA 2011), Jun. 18- 19, 2011, Hong Kon

    Anti-Neoplastic Studies Of Standardized Root Extract Of Eurycomal Longifolia (Taf273) Towards Leukaemia

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    The anti-neoplastic activity of root extracts from Eurycoma longifolia was investigated towards leukaemia using in vitro and in vivo models. Four partially purified sub-fractions (F1, TAF273, F3 and F4) derived from resin chromatography of the crude methanolic extract of E. longifolia roots were screened for the anti-leukaemic, anti-angiogenic and anti-oxidant activities. The in vitro anti-leukaemic activity was tested using K-562, HL-60 and Kasumi-1 leukaemic cell lines whereas in vivo anti-leukaemic activity was tested using K-562-xenograft mice model. The toxicity, mechanism of action and drug combination effect of TAF273 were also investigated

    Testing and Stabilization of Saline Sabkha Soils: A Review

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    Sabkha is one of the many types of evaporate regimes that exist around the globe. In addition to being distributed along the coasts, sabkha soils cover a number of continental depressions, both of which usually form in hot, arid climates and are associated with shallow groundwater tables. Sabkhas are well distributed locally and over the whole world. Sabkhas are characterized as being salt-full and water-sensitive soils. The presence of soluble salts makes the use of distilled water in testing these soils, as recommended by ASTM, etc., inappropriate. Further, sabkha soils possess low strength at their natural condition. Therefore, it would be imperative to stabilize the sabkha soil at the actual moisture content in the field. In this paper, the author reviews the modifications on some ASTM standard test methods in order to properly assess the geotechnical properties of sabkha soils. Moreover, two stabilizing programs of sabkha soil using lime and cement at various dosages are presented. The first program was concerned with stabilizing the sabkha at the optimum moisture content, while the second study was devoted to stabilize the sabkha at high (i.e., natural) moisture contents. The results of these studies indicate that sabkha (as a typical evaporitic soil) can be practically used by the construction industry in many field applications

    Cultural relativism : case studies of public relations in the Emirates, 1994-1996

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    This research investigates the impact of oil on a traditional Arab society. The . literature which addresses societal change IS methodically reviewed, with substantial attention given to the theories of noted sociologist Max Weber as well as many more recent scholars who have adapted and re-interpreted Weber's seminal insights. Following the review of relevant literature, the reader is introduced to the pre-oil, traditional society of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The body of the research reports, illuminates and examines through case studies the challenges of wrenching social change in a traditional society. The research finds that introduction of oil is the change agent. The invitation extended to Western oil companies to manage the extraction industry resulted in enormous disruption to the society as it then existed, and provided very large sums of capital to the UAE. Both of these factors, the insertion within the society of a western industrial culture of size and importance, and the opportunities for the UAE to develop and modernize at great speed due to the availability of large resources, combined to place enormous tension on the social traditions and practices of the then tribal society.The research then turns to the ways and means that both the society and the western oil companies employed to manage the dynamic of change. The specific role of the Oil Company's Public Relations function is examined in depth. The thesis that the public relations function served both the company and the society at large as the primary agent of mitigation is stated and tested. This paper finds that the public relations function performed a critical service by explaining the traditions of the society to the oil company, and negotiating for the oil company with the formal and informal organizations present in the society. These public relations practitioners also performed the critical task of representing, and at times. performing advocacy services for, groups within the society whose values were threatened by the western practices of the oil companies. This latter function is very different from the traditional roles of western public relations staffs. The research concludes that in this particular circumstance the contribution of the public relations staff was essential to both the company and the society in coping with enormous social pressures

    Isolation, Identification Bacteria and Bioremediation of Soil Contaminate Crude Oil from Specific Area (Baiji_Iraq)

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    In this paper new eight types of bacteria that degrading crude oil were isolated. The isolated were from Baiji, near Tikrit, the center of Salah al-Din Governorate, IRAQ. The nucleotide sequences of the 16rRNA gene revealed that these isolates belong to the genus Bacillus, Cytobacillus and Staphylococcus. These isolated bacteria proved their ability to degradation petroleum hydrocarbons with varying effectiveness, as Cytobacillus firmus IBMA1 bacteria proved 98% effective in degrading hydrocarbons among the mineral salts in petroleum, Bacillus cereus IBMA3 showed a capacity to crack oil compounds by 92% in the medium of SMS mineral salts agar and Bacillus zhangzhouensis IBMA4 showed a cracking ability of 90% for the compounds present in crude oil. The other bacteria degraded petroleum compound with different rates. Based on it, three species that are big destroyers were taken to bioremediate crude oil containment soil from the same polluted site. The capacity of each basin is 10 kg. Each basin was treated with one type of bacteria over a period of two months.  Then also, gas chromatography (GC) was used for soil samples after one and two months of treatment. The experiment was conducted from 17/2/2022 to 17/4/2022. The biological treatment was done using bacteria and contaminated soil. The results showed that IBMA1 bacteria have a great ability to consume PAHs with a consumption rate of 60.365% and that the lowest concentration of the remaining aromatic hydrocarbons was (6.5ppm), while IBMA3 bacteria showed their ability to consume PAHs with an average of 52.217% within two months. From the treatment, the lowest concentration of the remaining aromatic hydrocarbons was (9ppm) and IBMA4 bacteria showed the minimum ability to consume polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, with a consumption rate of 44.65% as an average consumption, and the lowest remaining concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons were by (12ppm), while the average consumption of compounds during the two-month treatment period was 39.280%, and the results of the statistical analysis show the superiority of soil treatment with IBMA1 bacteria over IBMA3 bacteria and IBMA4 bacteria at the probability of  P≤0.01


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    Contaminated soil samples were collected from the Al-Kasak refinery and Al-Qayyarah refinery in western and southern Nineveh, at specific distances in six dimensions (0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300) meters from the source of pollution, to study the concentrations of heavy metals Pb, Mn, Ni, Cd and the effect of oil refinery pollutants on some soil pollution standards, in addition to some physical and chemical properties of the soil and their concentrations. The results showed an increase in the concentration of heavy metals in the soil near the sources of pollution, with cadmium significantly superior to the Al-Qayyarah site over Al-Kasak site (491.744 mg kg-1) and lead, nickel and manganese recorded a higher concentration at Al-Kasak site compared to Al-Qayyarah site (166.356, 114.687, 36.487 mg kg-1), respectively. The order of mineral elements in the two study sites was Cd>Pb>Ni>Mn. As for the Contamination Factor (CF), it was Cd > Pb > Ni > Mn with values of 684.50, 9.91, 5.13, and 0.1701, where the concentration factor was highly polluted for cadmium and lead, and with significant contamination for nickel, while manganese was low in contamination, cadmium recorded severe pollution at Al-Qayyarah site compared to Al-Kasak site. In contrast, lead, nickel, and manganese were significantly contaminated at the Al-Kasak site compared to Al-Qayyarah. In addition, the pollution load index (PLI) was at the level of 5.81, 4.67, highly polluted at D1 and D2, while the rest of the percentages were at the level of 2, moderate pollution, Al-Kasak site had the highest pollution (PLI) value of (6.28). At the same time, the ecological risk (ER) averaged (20534.88, 16896.71, 19867.11, 19063.14, 18721.07, 18888.61), which indicates that all the sites had very high pollution. The ecological risk index was also within the limits of very high pollution, with the highest value on D1 recorded (20568.45). The potential ecological risk of cadmium was very high at the Al-Qayyarah site, with a value of (19410.95) compared to the Al-Kasak site, where the ecological risk of lead, nickel, and manganese was very high. The ecological risk indices for the Al-Qayyarah site were higher than the Al-Kasak site. The study aims to estimate the concentration of heavy metals according to environmental indices and the impact of oil refineries on the ecosystem in raising the level of heavy metal concentration. Keywords: soil pollution; contamination factor; pollution load index; ecological risk.   Concentração de metais pesados em solo contaminado com petróleo bruto em duas localidades iraquianas de acordo com índices ambientais de poluição   RESUMO: Amostras de solo contaminado foram coletadas da refinaria Al-Kasak e da refinaria Al-Qayyarah no oeste e sul de Nínive, nas distâncias específicas de 0, 50, 100, 150, 200 e 300 metros da fonte de poluição. Estudou-se as concentrações dos metais pesados Pb, Mn, Ni, Cd e os seus efeitos em alguns padrões de poluição do solo e em propriedades físicas e químicas do solo. Os resultados mostraram um aumento na concentração de metais pesados no solo próximo às fontes de poluição, com cádmio significativamente superior em Al-Qayyarah quando comparado com Al-Kasak (491.744 mg kg-1); chumbo, níquel e manganês apresentaram concentrações mais elevadas em Al-Kasak (166,356, 114,687, 36,487 mg kg-1, respectivamente). A ordem dos elementos minerais nos dois locais de estudo foi Cd>Pb>Ni>Mn. Quanto ao Fator de Contaminação (FC), a ordem observada foi Cd > Pb > Ni > Mn com valores de 684,50, 9,91, 5,13 e 0,1701; o fator de concentração indica alta poluição para cádmio e chumbo, e com contaminação significativa para níquel; manganês apresentou baixos fatores de contaminação, e, cádmio gerou o grau de poluição severa em Al-Qayyarah quando comparado com Al-Kasak. Em contraste, chumbo, níquel e manganês foram significativamente contaminados no local de Al-Kasak em comparação com Al-Qayyarah. Além disso, o índice de carga poluente (PLI) ficou no nível 5,81, 4,67, altamente poluído em D1 e D2, enquanto o restante dos percentuais ficou no nível 2, poluição moderada, o local de Al-Kasak teve a maior poluição (PLI) valor de (6,28). Ao mesmo tempo, o risco ecológico (ER) foi médio (20.534,88, 16.896,71, 19.867,11, 19.063,14, 18.721,07, 18.888,61), o que indica que todos os locais apresentavam poluição muito elevada. O índice de risco ecológico também esteve dentro dos limites de poluição muito elevada, tendo sido registado o valor mais elevado no D1 (20568,45). O risco ecológico potencial do cádmio era muito elevado no local de Al-Qayyarah, com um valor de (19410,95) em comparação com o local de Al-Kasak, onde o risco ecológico de chumbo, níquel e manganês era muito elevado. Os índices de risco ecológico para o sítio Al-Qayyarah foram mais elevados do que para o sítio Al-Kasak. O estudo tem como objetivo estimar a concentração de metais pesados de acordo com índices ambientais e o impacto das refinarias de petróleo no ecossistema na elevação do nível de concentração de metais pesados. Palavras-chave: poluição do solo; fator de contaminação; índice de carga poluente; risco ecológico.Contaminated soil samples were collected from the Al-Kasak refinery and Al-Qayyarah refinery in western and southern Nineveh, at specific distances in six dimensions (0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300) meters from the source of pollution, to study the concentrations of heavy metals Pb, Mn, Ni, Cd and the effect of oil refinery pollutants on some soil pollution standards, in addition to some physical and chemical properties of the soil and their concentrations. The results showed an increase in the concentration of heavy metals in the soil near the sources of pollution, with cadmium significantly superior to the Al-Qayyarah site over Al-Kasak site (491.744 mg kg-1) and lead, nickel and manganese recorded a higher concentration at Al-Kasak site compared to Al-Qayyarah site (166.356, 114.687, 36.487 mg kg-1), respectively. The order of mineral elements in the two study sites was Cd>Pb>Ni>Mn. As for the Contamination Factor (CF), it was Cd > Pb > Ni > Mn with values of 684.50, 9.91, 5.13, and 0.1701, where the concentration factor was highly polluted for cadmium and lead, and with significant contamination for nickel, while manganese was low in contamination, cadmium recorded severe pollution at Al-Qayyarah site compared to Al-Kasak site. In contrast, lead, nickel, and manganese were significantly contaminated at the Al-Kasak site compared to Al-Qayyarah. In addition, the pollution load index (PLI) was at the level of 5.81, 4.67, highly polluted at D1 and D2, while the rest of the percentages were at the level of 2, moderate pollution, Al-Kasak site had the highest pollution (PLI) value of (6.28). At the same time, the ecological risk (ER) averaged (20534.88, 16896.71, 19867.11, 19063.14, 18721.07, 18888.61), which indicates that all the sites had very high pollution. The ecological risk index was also within the limits of very high pollution, with the highest value on D1 recorded (20568.45). The potential ecological risk of cadmium was very high at the Al-Qayyarah site, with a value of (19410.95) compared to the Al-Kasak site, where the ecological risk of lead, nickel, and manganese was very high. The ecological risk indices for the Al-Qayyarah site were higher than the Al-Kasak site. The study aims to estimate the concentration of heavy metals according to environmental indices and the impact of oil refineries on the ecosystem in raising the level of heavy metal concentration. Keywords: soil pollution; contamination factor; pollution load index; ecological risk.   Concentração de metais pesados em solo contaminado com petróleo bruto em duas localidades iraquianas de acordo com índices ambientais de poluição   RESUMO: Amostras de solo contaminado foram coletadas da refinaria Al-Kasak e da refinaria Al-Qayyarah no oeste e sul de Nínive, nas distâncias específicas de 0, 50, 100, 150, 200 e 300 metros da fonte de poluição. Estudou-se as concentrações dos metais pesados Pb, Mn, Ni, Cd e os seus efeitos em alguns padrões de poluição do solo e em propriedades físicas e químicas do solo. Os resultados mostraram um aumento na concentração de metais pesados no solo próximo às fontes de poluição, com cádmio significativamente superior em Al-Qayyarah quando comparado com Al-Kasak (491.744 mg kg-1); chumbo, níquel e manganês apresentaram concentrações mais elevadas em Al-Kasak (166,356, 114,687, 36,487 mg kg-1, respectivamente). A ordem dos elementos minerais nos dois locais de estudo foi Cd>Pb>Ni>Mn. Quanto ao Fator de Contaminação (FC), a ordem observada foi Cd > Pb > Ni > Mn com valores de 684,50, 9,91, 5,13 e 0,1701; o fator de concentração indica alta poluição para cádmio e chumbo, e com contaminação significativa para níquel; manganês apresentou baixos fatores de contaminação, e, cádmio gerou o grau de poluição severa em Al-Qayyarah quando comparado com Al-Kasak. Em contraste, chumbo, níquel e manganês foram significativamente contaminados no local de Al-Kasak em comparação com Al-Qayyarah. Além disso, o índice de carga poluente (PLI) ficou no nível 5,81, 4,67, altamente poluído em D1 e D2, enquanto o restante dos percentuais ficou no nível 2, poluição moderada, o local de Al-Kasak teve a maior poluição (PLI) valor de (6,28). Ao mesmo tempo, o risco ecológico (ER) foi médio (20.534,88, 16.896,71, 19.867,11, 19.063,14, 18.721,07, 18.888,61), o que indica que todos os locais apresentavam poluição muito elevada. O índice de risco ecológico também esteve dentro dos limites de poluição muito elevada, tendo sido registado o valor mais elevado no D1 (20568,45). O risco ecológico potencial do cádmio era muito elevado no local de Al-Qayyarah, com um valor de (19410,95) em comparação com o local de Al-Kasak, onde o risco ecológico de chumbo, níquel e manganês era muito elevado. Os índices de risco ecológico para o sítio Al-Qayyarah foram mais elevados do que para o sítio Al-Kasak. O estudo tem como objetivo estimar a concentração de metais pesados de acordo com índices ambientais e o impacto das refinarias de petróleo no ecossistema na elevação do nível de concentração de metais pesados. Palavras-chave: poluição do solo; fator de contaminação; índice de carga poluente; risco ecológico