117 research outputs found

    Specification of high-level application programming interfaces (SemSorGrid4Env)

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    This document defines an Application Tier for the SemsorGrid4Env project. Within the Application Tier we distinguish between Web Applications - which provide a User Interface atop a more traditional Service Oriented Architecture - and Mashups which are driven by a REST API and a Resource Oriented Architecture. A pragmatic boundary is set to enable initial development of Web Applications and Mashups; as the project progresses an evaluation and comparison of the two paradigms may lead to a reassessment of where each can be applied within the project, with the experience gained providing a basis for general guidelines and best practice. Both Web Applications and Mashups are designed and delivered through an iterative user-centric process; requirements generated by the project case studies are a key element of this approach

    Comparing children’s GPS tracks with non-objective geospatial measures of exposure to junk food

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    Various geospatial techniques have been employed to estimate children’s exposure to environmental cardiometabolic risk factors, including junk food. But many studies uncritically rely on exposure proxies which differ greatly from actual exposure. Misrepresentation of exposure by researchers could lead to poor decisions and ineffective policymaking. This study conducts a GIS-based analysis of GPS tracks—‘activity spaces’—and 21 proxies for activity spaces (e.g. buffers, container approaches) for a sample of 526 children (ages 9–14) in London, Ontario, Canada. These measures are combined with a validated food environment database (including fast food and convenience stores) to create a series of junk food exposure estimates and quantify the errors resulting from use of different proxy methods. Results indicate that exposure proxies consistently underestimate exposure to junk foods by as much as 68%. This underestimation is important to policy development because children are exposed to more junk food than estimated using typical methods

    Implementation and Deployment of a Library of the High-level Application Programming Interfaces (SemSorGrid4Env)

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    The high-level API service is designed to support rapid development of thin web applications and mashups beyond the state of the art in GIS, while maintaining compatibility with existing tools and expectations. It provides a fully configurable API, while maintaining a separation of concerns between domain experts, service administrators and mashup developers. It adheres to REST and Linked Data principles, and provides a novel bridge between standards-based (OGC O&M) and Semantic Web approaches. This document discusses the background motivations for the HLAPI (including experiences gained from any previously implemented versions), before moving onto specific details of the final implementation, including configuration and deployment instructions, as well as a full tutorial to assist mashup developers with using the exposed observation data

    An application of the edge effect in measuring accessibility to multiple food retailer types in Southwestern Ontario, Canada

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Trends in food retailing associated with the consolidation of smaller-format retailers into fewer, larger-format supercentres have left some rural areas with fewer sources of nutritious, affordable food. Access to nutritious, affordable food is essential for good dietary habits and combating health issues such as type-2 diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease. Many studies on food environments use inaccurate or incomplete methods for locating food retailers, which may be responsible for mischaracterising food deserts. This study uses databases of every residence in and every food retailer in and around Middlesex County, Ontario, Canada. Residences were geocoded to their precise address, and network analysis techniques were performed in a geographic information system (GIS) to determine distances between every residence and different types of food retailers (grocery stores, fast food, fruit and vegetable sources, grocery stores plus fruit and vegetable sources, variety stores), both when considering and neglecting facilities outside the area of study, to account for a deficiency in analysis termed the 'edge effect'.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Analysis of household accessibility to food outlets by neighbourhood socioeconomic distress level indicated that residents in the most distressed neighbourhoods tended to have better accessibility to all types of food retailers. In the most distressed neighbourhoods, 79 percent of residences were within walking distance of a grocery store, compared to only 10 percent in the least distressed neighbourhoods. When the edge effect was neglected, 37 percent of distance estimates proved inaccurate. Average accessibility to all food retailer types improved dramatically when food outlets adjacent to the study area were considered, thereby controlling for the edge effect.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>By neglecting to consider food retailers just outside study area boundaries, previous studies may significantly over-report the actual distance necessary to travel for food. Research on food access spanning large rural regions requires methods that accurately geocode residents and their food sources. By implementing methods akin to those in this paper, future research will be better able to identify areas with poor food accessibility. Improving identification of food desert communities is a first step in facilitating more effective deployment of food policies and programs in those communities.</p

    A food retail-based intervention on food security and consumption

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    The effect of the built environment on diet (and ensuing health outcomes) is less understood than the effect of diet on obesity. Natural experiments are increasingly advocated in place of cross-sectional studies unable to suggest causality. The central research question of this paper, therefore, asks whether a neighborhood-level food retail intervention will affect dietary habits or food security. The intervention did not have a significant impact on fruit and vegetable consumption, and the intervention population actually purchased prepared meals more frequently. More problematic, only 8% of respondents overall regularly consumed enough fruits and vegetables, and 34% were food insecure. Further complicating this public health issue, the new grocery store closed after 17 months of operation. Results indicate that geographic access to food is only one element of malnutrition, and that multi-pronged dietary interventions may be more effective. The economic failure of the store also suggests the importance of non-retail interventions to combat malnutrition

    A comparative analysis of place branding in Michigan and Ontario

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    Place branding has increasingly been adopted as a municipal initiative to change the trajectory of local economic development. Specifically, local municipalities and communities have used place branding not only as a response to the influence of globalization and neo-liberalism, but also economic challenges and restructuring. Like any other initiative, the ultimate goal is to enhance the economic and social well-being of local jurisdictions. Although a popular strategy, it is not clear if and how locally specific factors mediate the process. By comparing two cross-border geographical areas, this study attempts to identify how regional variability in the manifestation of politicaleconomic forces, as well as geographical influences, affects the use of place branding at local scales. Every municipality in Michigan (n = 1774) and Ontario (n = 414) was systematically examined for the presence and message of local place brands as presented through logos and slogans. The comparative analysis demonstrated that Ontario’s municipalities utilized place branding to a greater extent, and that the dominant messages differ by region. Further, this analysis shows that – beyond political differences – geographical context appears to have an effect on both local place branding usage and message

    An economic impact comparative analysis of farmers’ markets in Michigan and Ontario

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    Farmers\u27 markets play a vital role in local economic development by providing a site for local and small business incubation, creating an economic multiplier effect to neighboring businesses, and recycling customer dollars within the community. While several studies have evaluated characteristics of farmers\u27 markets within single metropolitan areas, few have compared the impact of multiple markets in socioeconomically contrasting regions. This research compares shopping habits and economic impacts of customers at farmers\u27 markets in two North American cities: Flint, Michigan, and London, Ontario. Overall, 895 market visitors completed surveys. We conducted statistical and spatial analyses to identify differences between these markets. Though geographically proximate and similar in metropolitan size, the two cities differ greatly in recent economic development, social vitality, and public health indicators. The objectives of this article are to quantify the impact that each market has on its local economy and contextualize these impacts in light of the place-specific attributes of each market. Results indicate that customers come from a mix of urban and suburban locations, but that key urban areas do not draw a substantial share of customers. Marketing efforts in nearby disadvantaged neighborhoods, therefore, might yield new customers and increase multiplier effects within the neighborhoods. The London market drew slightly younger customers who shopped less frequently, while the Flint market drew an older crowd that attended more regularly. This may be attributable to the relative age of the markets, and certainly reflects the marketing push of each market\u27s managers. Given the opportunity to compare similarities and differences, much can be learned from each market in terms of opportunities for marketing, local economic development, and increased community vitality

    Traditional vs Machine Learning Approaches: A Comparison of Time Series Modeling Methods

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    In recent years, various new Machine Learning and Deep Learning algorithms have been introduced, claiming to offer better performance than traditional statistical approaches when forecasting time series. Studies seeking evidence to support the usage of ML/DL over statistical approaches have been limited to comparing the forecasting performance of univariate, linear time series data. This research compares the performance of traditional statistical-based and ML/DL methods for forecasting multivariate and nonlinear time series

    Is it sound poilcy or fast policy? Practitioner’s perspectives on the role of place branding local economic development.

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    In response to neoliberal policies and globalization pressures over the past three decades, urban governments in advanced economies have, with near-unanimity, adopted place branding as an approach to foster local economic growth. Framed as an outcome of multilevel neoliberal policymaking and local entrepreneurial governance, place branding has been adopted by urban places at all scales and geographic contexts with little regard for its efficacy. It is unclear, however, whether place branding represents a substantive approach, or is merely an emerging example of a neoliberal scripting. In many regards, the debate surrounding place branding is similar to the discourse on the Creative Class a decade ago. Consequently, uncertainty exists regarding whether place branding reflects practical and responsible urban governance or a superficial, fast policy with limited potential to foster local development. To date, little is known about how practitioners perceive place branding as a policy tool in the context of economic development. This study examines the perceptions of economic development practitioners regarding how place branding is being developed and implemented as a policy tool. The analysis is based on in-depth interviews with economic development practitioners (n = 25) from a wide range of municipalities in Ontario. Findings of this study indicate that while opportunity exists for place branding to represent in-depth and extensive local development policy, it is more generally an urban development script for creating a sense of place and fostering local economic development. Additionally, the majority of place branding policy represents superficial policy, emphasizing hegemonic approaches. Place branding can therefore be explained as an example of fast policy
