44 research outputs found
Proses Kebijakan Persuteraan Alam di Sulawesi Selatan
Full text dapat dilihat di laman http://journal.unhas.ac.id/index.php/perennial/article/view/543Production of cocoon and raw silk in South Sulawesi have decreased in recent years. One of the problem is misleading policy formulation and implementation. The purpose of this studies is to know the policy of sericulture that have implemented in South Sulawesi. The method of analyses are discourse analysis/narrative, actors/network, and politics/interest. The result indicated that three factors ie. narrative, actors and interests among stakeholder in sericulture development disturb the policy implementation so it wouldn???t achieve the goal. Incorrect problem formulation also disrupt the sericulture development so it didn???t increase cocoon and raw silk production in South Sulawesi
Paper ini menekankan kepada bagaimana persuteraan alam di Kabupaten Cianjur dapat dikembangkan sesuai dengan potensi yang ada. Kegiatan persuteraan alam di Jawa Barat telah lama dikenal yang dimulai di Kabupaten Garut. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh petani sutera di Kab. Cianjur adalah kurangnya lahan yang siap ditanami murbei. Selain itu penenun juga kekurangan benang sutera. Benang sutera kemudian diimpor dari Cina sebagai pengganti benang sutera lokal. Penyebab kurangnya suplai benang sutera lokal karena rendahnya produksi kokon dan benang sutera. Pemeliharaan ulat sutera layak dilaksanakan karena potensi SDA dan SDM yang sesuai. Ketinggian tempat, kondisi tanah sangat mendukung pengembangan. Pola pertanian agraris juga mendukung pengembangan sutera. Pusat pertenunan dan pembatikan yang di Cianjur dan kabupaten sekitar mendukung dalam hal penyediaan benang sutera. Lahan HGU yang tidak terpakai dan lahan Perhutani bisa dimanfaatkan dalam pertanaman murbei. Pusat pemeiharaan dan pemintalan di Pasir Sarongge dapat dijadikan inti dalam pola plasma inti. Perlu kebijakan pemerintah daerah dalam mendukung pengembangan sutera antara lain dengan mewajibkan pegawainya memakai baju sutera juga merupakan faktor pendukung utama dalam menggalakkan pemakaian kain sutera. Sementara itu kebijakan pemerintah pusat sudah tertuang dalam peraturan bersama 3 menteri mengenai pengembangan persuteraan alam perlu diadopsi dan diteruskan dalam bentuk peraturan bupati
The Upshot of Key Words Technique:Descriptive Writing of English Learners
The objective of this article is to describe the upshot students descriptive writing at eleventh grade in SMA Muhammadiyah Rappang. This research employed the method of the research was pre-experimental method with one group pre-test and post-test design. The population was the Eleventh grade students (XI) of SMA Muhammadiyah Rappang in 2015-2016 academic years. Totalnumber of population was 20 students and the sample was taken by using census sampling technique, whole students at eleventh grade (20) was chosen as a sample. The instrument used in this research was to write decriptive composition. The result of this research showed that the pre-test got the mean score (53.60) while the post-test got mean score (77.95). This showed that there was significant difference between pre test and post-test. The result of the p-value (0.00) was lower than alpha (0.05). This means that H1 was accepted . the reserch concluded that teaching writing by using keyword increased the students’ ability to write descriptive composition at eleventh grade in SMA Muhammadiyah Rappang
Edukasi Pencegahan Penularan Covid-19 dan Pembelajaran Matematika Bagi Siswa SD Kelas IV di Hante-hante, Desa Salumokanan Utara, Rantebulahan Timur, Mamasa
Public awareness that is still lacking on the importance of complying with health protocols such as washing hands, wearing masks, and maintaining distance is the basis for selecting the topic of education on the prevention of Covid-19 transmission in the 105th batch of Hasanuddin University Real Work Lecture (KKN) located in Hante-hante, Salumokanan Village. Utara, Rantebulahan Timur District, Mamasa Regency, West Sulawesi. Through the distribution of hand soap and masks to residents around the house, making handwashing stations along with posters for proper and correct hand washing in front of the Toraja Mamasa Church building in the Hante-hante Congregation and in front of the house as pilot materials, as well as making pamphlets on the prevention of Covid- 19 which were shared via social media (WhatsApp). In addition, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the education sector, namely regarding the policy of the online teaching and learning system, has made learning in North Salumokanan Village not able to be implemented optimally, considering that the main supporting facilities for the internet network cannot be fully accessed. In addition, the economic level of the community belonging to the middle to lower economic community is not possible to have other supporting facilities such as cellphones, laptops, etc. So, the authors took the initiative to provide additional lessons related to scientific fields, in this case, mathematics lessons targeting students at the fourth grade level of elementary school who live around the house. The results obtained from the implementation of this work program are that the public can be reminded again to adhere to health protocols in order to break the chain of Covid-19 spread, while in terms of learning there is an increase in student knowledge and understanding regarding the concepts of fractions and multiplication.Kesadaran masyarakat yang masih kurang akan pentingnya mematuhi protokol kesehatan seperti mencuci tangan, memakai masker, dan menjaga jarak menjadi landasan pemilihan topik edukasi pencegahan penularan Covid-19 dalam Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Universitas Hasanuddin gelombang 105 yang berlokasi di Hante-hante, Desa Salumokanan Utara, Kecamatan Rantebulahan Timur, Kabupaten Mamasa, Sulawesi Barat melalui pembagian sabun cuci tangan dan masker kepada warga sekitar rumah, pembuatan tempat cuci tangan beserta poster cara cuci tangan yang baik dan benar di depan gedung Gereja Toraja Mamasa Bakal Jemaat Hante-hante dan di depan rumah sebagai bahan percontohan, serta pembuatan pamflet mengenai pencegahan penularan Covid-19 yang dibagikan melalui media sosial (WhatsApp). Selain itu, dampak dari pandemi Covid-19 bagi sektor pendidikan yakni mengenai kebijakan sistem belajar-mengajar secara daring membuat pembelajaran di Desa Salumokanan Utara belum dapat dilaksanakan secara maksimal, mengingat fasilitas pendukung utama (networking) belum dapat diakses sepenuhnya dan status sosial masyarakat yang tergolong masyarakat ekonomi lemah belum memungkinkan untuk memiliki fasilitas pendukung lainnya seperti handphone, laptop, dll. Sehingga, penulis berinisiatif untuk memberikan pelajaran tambahan terkait bidang keilmuan, dalam hal ini pelajaran matematika dengan sasaran siswa pada jenjang kelas IV Sekolah Dasar yang tinggal di sekitar rumah. Adapun hasil yang diperoleh dari pelaksanaan program kerja ini yaitu masyarakat dapat diingatkan kembali agar tetap mematuhi protokol kesehatan demi memutus rantai penyebaran Covid-19, sedangkan dari segi pembelajaran terdapat penambahan pengetahuan dan pemahaman siswa terkait konsep pecahan dan perkalian.
Ameliorate English Descriptive Writing Skill: Context Analysis
The objective of the article is to explore the use of context analysisameliorate the ability of the students at SMP Negeri1Pancarijang to write descriptive composition and to find out students’ interest in learning writing the descriptive composition by using context analysis at the eighth grade student SMP Negeri1Pancarijang. This research employed the method of the research was pre-experimental method with one group pre-test and post-test design. The population was the eighthgrade student of SMP Negeri1Pancarijang in 2020-2021academic years. class VIII.a (24) was chosen as a sample. The instrument used in this research was to write descriptive composition and questionnaire to measure students’ interest. The result of this research showed that the pre-test got the mean score (53.12) while the post-test got mean score (78.91). This showed that there was significant difference between pre test and post test.The result of the P-value (0.000) was lower than level of significant (alpha (α)=0.05). This means that H1 was accepted. The research concluded that teaching writing by using context analysis increased the students’ ability to write descriptive composition at the eighth grade student of SMP Negeri1Pancarijang, and the result of students interest showed that from 24 respondents and total score 2.096 got mean score 87.33 was categorized in strongly interested. It proven that students at the second year of SMP Negeri1Pancarijang interested to learn write descriptive composition by using context analysis
Kegiatan pelatihan dan pendampingan usaha aneka olahan pisang merupakan sebuah upaya dalam rangka meningkatkan nilai jual produk lokal yang akan berdampak secara langsung kepada pendapatan masyarakat. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut pelatihan ini menggunakan metode pelatihan dan pendampingan pengembangan usaha. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah masyarakat menjadi sadar akan potensi ekonomi yang ada di lingkungan sekitarnya. Masyarakat memiliki keahlian dalam pengolahan pisang menjadi aneka jenis makanan, dan secara perlahan namun pasti pendapatan masyarakat desa menjadi terus meningkat yang awalnya mereka hanya mengandalkan pendapatan dari hasil pertanian kini mendapatkan tambahan dari hasil keterampilan.
Correlation Between EFL Learners Self-Confidence and Speaking Skill
This article aims to describe whether there is a relationship between students 'self-confidence and students' speaking abilities. This study uses cluster sampling methods and oral tests. The population in this study were VII grade students of SMPN 9 Pinrang. The total population is 104 students. The sample used was class VIIL.1 totaling 28 students. The method used in speech evaluation is an oral test. The results of research using Pearson Product Moment obtained r count value of 0.700 and with the product value of r products when products with N = 28 found 0.478 at 1% significance level and found 0.374 at a significant level of 5%. To find out the level of product moment correlation the coefficient of 0.61-0.80 = substantial. This can be seen in the results of the analysis, namely: 0.700> 0.478 (5%) and 0.700 0.374 (1%) with db: 28. This means that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. The conclusion of this research is that there is a significant relationship between students 'self-confidence and the eight-year students' speaking ability in SMPN 9 Pinrang
Marlina Si Pembunuh Dalam Empat Babak Film: Psycholinguistic Approach
This study aims to identify the influence of the language used on the emotions and actions of victims of sexual harassment in the film Marlina Si Pembunuh Dalam Empat Babak  “Marlina The Killer in Four Acts”. This study applies psycholinguistic studies into four aspects, namely competence, performance, verbal association and problems of meaning, perception and speech cognition in the film Marlina Si Killer in Four Acts, especially in scenes of sexual harassment. In this study, the researcher used qualitative research and the researcher was the instrument of this research. The researcher uses two types of data, primary data comes directly from scenes involving sexual harassment in Mouly Surya's film Marlina Si Killer in Four Acts and secondary data obtained indirectly or through media that can be obtained from books, journals, and the internet. related to this research. The data obtained scenes containing sexual harassment and analyzed them in several levels of sexual harassment categories. Researchers also identified the types of actions or emotions felt by sexually harassed characters and how these characters used resistance mechanisms when sexually harassed. In the film, Marlina shows some of her emotions and actions related to the impact of the robbery and rape cases she experienced such as fear, anger, worry, anxiety, depression, and feelings of disgust for what she has done
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi pengembangan persuteraan alam mulai dari budidaya murbei, pemeliharaan ulat sutera, pemintalan dan pertenunan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni 2014 di Desa Walannae, Kecamatan Sabbangparu dan Kelurahan Pakkanna Kecamatan Tanasitolo Kabupaten Wajo Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi lapangan dan wawancara dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kekuatan yang dapat dikembangkan antara lain faktor budaya sutera di masyarakat Wajo, ketersediaan lahan yang masih cukup luas, dan agroklimat yang sesuai dengan budidaya ulat sutera dan budidaya murbei. Kelemahan yang dijumpai antara lain kualitas kokon dan produk sutera yang masih rendah, tingkat ketrampilan petani yang mengelola dan mengembangkan ulat sutera yang masih rendah, belum adanya kesamaan visi pengembangan diantara stakeholder yang mengelola sutera. Peluang yang bisa dimanfaatkan antara lain tingkat sosial ekonomi masyarakat yang semakin meningkat sehingga kebutuhan akan kain sutera meningkat pula, adanya perhatian pemerintah dalam bentuk penyediaan kredit usaha yang bisa dimanfaatkan, terbentuknya KPH Awota yang memfasilitasi pengusahaan ulat sutera. Ancaman yang dihadapi oleh petani dan pengusaha sutera antara lain adanya serangan penyakit pada pemeliharaan ulat sutera, adanya benang sutera sintetis yang mirip dengan sutera sehingga minat masyarakat bawah lebih suka karena harganya yang murah. Kabupaten Wajo sangat potensial untuk dikembangkan karena faktor sumberdaya alam, manusia, budaya, sosial ekonomi, pemerintah yang mendukung
Reading Comprehension and Interactive Multimedia In English Classroom
The Article aim is to describe (1) whether or not the use of interactive multimedia improve students reading comprehension in the Eighth-Grade of SMP Negeri 4 Panca Rijang and (2) whether or not the use of interactive multimedia intereststudents’in learning reading comprehension in the Eighth-Grade of SMP Negeri 4 Panca Rijang. This research employed mixed method design that applied experimental and control group. The population of the research was the Eighth Grad estudents of SMP Negeri4 Panca Rijang. Total number of population was 82students and two classes of them were taken as sample by using cluster sampling technique, class VIII.C as experimental group and class VIII.D as control group. The number of each class was 20 students so the total sample of the research was 40 students. The result of data analysis showed that there was significant difference between achievement of the students who used interactive multimedia and those who did not use interactive multimedia (conventional technique) in reading comprehension. It was proved by the mean score of experimental group was higher than control group in post-test (59.35>46.75). Furthermore, the result of the t-test value (3.581) was greater than t-table (α = 0.05;df = 38; t-table = 2.021) which means that H1 was accepted. The data analysis of questionnaire showed that the students had high interest toward the use of interactive multimedia in reading comprehension. It was supported by 4 students (20%) who were strongly interested, 14 students (70%) who were interested and 2 students (10%) who were moderate. The mean score of students’ answers in questionnaire (79.55) was classified as interested category.Based on the data analysis, the researcher concluded that: (1)the application of interactive multimedia enhanced the students’ ability in reading comprehension; (2) the application of interactive multimedia strategy in reading comprehension was interesting for the students