3,003 research outputs found

    Absence of conventional quantum phase transitions in itinerant systems with disorder

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    Effects of disorder are examined in itinerant systems close to quantum critical points. We argue that spin fluctuations associated with the long-range part of the RKKY interactions generically induce non-Ohmic dissipation due to rare disorder configurations. This dissipative mechanism is found to destabilize quantum Griffiths phase behavior in itinerant systems with arbitrary symmetry of the order parameter, leading to the formation of a "cluster glass" phase preceding uniform ordering.Comment: 4+epsilon pages, 1 figure. Phys. Rev. Lett., in press (2005

    Quantum critical dynamics of the two-dimensional Bose gas

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    The dilute, two-dimensional Bose gas exhibits a novel regime of relaxational dynamics in the regime k_B T > |\mu| where T is the absolute temperature and \mu is the chemical potential. This may also be interpreted as the quantum criticality of the zero density quantum critical point at \mu=0. We present a theory for this dynamics, to leading order in 1/\ln (\Lambda/ (k_B T)), where \Lambda is a high energy cutoff. Although pairwise interactions between the bosons are weak at low energy scales, the collective dynamics are strongly coupled even when \ln (\Lambda/T) is large. We argue that the strong-coupling effects can be isolated in an effective classical model, which is then solved numerically. Applications to experiments on the gap-closing transition of spin gap antiferromagnets in an applied field are presented.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    Spin dynamics across the superfluid-insulator transition of spinful bosons

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    Bosons with non-zero spin exhibit a rich variety of superfluid and insulating phases. Most phases support coherent spin oscillations, which have been the focus of numerous recent experiments. These spin oscillations are Rabi oscillations between discrete levels deep in the insulator, while deep in the superfluid they can be oscillations in the orientation of a spinful condensate. We describe the evolution of spin oscillations across the superfluid-insulator quantum phase transition. For transitions with an order parameter carrying spin, the damping of such oscillations is determined by the scaling dimension of the composite spin operator. For transitions with a spinless order parameter and gapped spin excitations, we demonstrate that the damping is determined by an associated quantum impurity problem of a localized spin excitation interacting with the bulk critical modes. We present a renormalization group analysis of the quantum impurity problem, and discuss the relationship of our results to experiments on ultracold atoms in optical lattices.Comment: 43 pages (single-column format), 8 figures; v2: corrected discussion of fixed points in Section V

    Current driven quantum criticality in itinerant electron ferromagnets

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    We determine the effect of an in-plane current flow on the critical properties of a 2d itinerant electron system near a ferromagnetic-paramagnetic quantum critical point. We study a model in which a nonequilibrium steady state is established as a result of exchange of particles and energy with an underlying substrate. the current j\vec{j} gives rise not only to an effective temperature equal to the voltage drop over a distance of order the mean free path, but also to symmetry breaking terms of the form jnabla\vec{j}\cdot \vec{nabla} in the effective action. The effect of the symmetry breaking on the fluctuational and critical properties is found to be small although (in agreement with previous results) if rotational degrees of freedom are important, the current can make the classically ordered state dynamically unstable.Comment: 4 pages, published versio

    Quantum Phase Transitions and Matrix Product States in Spin Ladders

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    We investigate quantum phase transitions in ladders of spin 1/2 particles by engineering suitable matrix product states for these ladders. We take into account both discrete and continuous symmetries and provide general classes of such models. We also study the behavior of entanglement of different neighboring sites near the transition point and show that quantum phase transitions in these systems are accompanied by divergences in derivatives of entanglement.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, essential changes (i.e derivation of the Hamiltonian), Revte

    Thermal melting of density waves on the square lattice

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    We present the theory of the effect of thermal fluctuations on commensurate "p x p" density wave ordering on the square lattice (p >= 3, integer). For the case in which this order is lost by a second order transition, we argue that the adjacent state is generically an incommensurate striped state, with commensurate p-periodic long range order along one direction, and incommensurate quasi-long-range order along the orthogonal direction. We also present the routes by which the fully disordered high temperature state can be reached. For p=4, and at special commensurate densities, the "4 x 4" commensurate state can melt directly into the disordered state via a self-dual critical point with non-universal exponents.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Critical Exponents in a Quantum Phase Transition of an Anisotropic 2D Antiferromagnet

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    I use the two-step density-matrix renormalization group method to extract the critical exponents β\beta and ν\nu in the transition from a N\'eel Q=(π,π)Q=(\pi,\pi) phase to a magnetically disordered phase with a spin gap. I find that the exponent β\beta computed from the magnetic side of the transition is consistent with that of the classical Heisenberg model, but not the exponent zνz\nu computed from the disordered side. I also show the contrast between integer and half-integer spin cases.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Boson Core Compressibility

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    Strongly interacting atoms trapped in optical lattices can be used to explore phase diagrams of Hubbard models. Spatial inhomogeneity due to trapping typically obscures distinguishing observables. We propose that measures using boson double occupancy avoid trapping effects to reveal key correlation functions. We define a boson core compressibility and core superfluid stiffness in terms of double occupancy. We use quantum Monte Carlo on the Bose-Hubbard model to empirically show that these quantities intrinsically eliminate edge effects to reveal correlations near the trap center. The boson core compressibility offers a generally applicable tool that can be used to experimentally map out phase transitions between compressible and incompressible states.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    Nonlinear conductance of long quantum wires at a conductance plateau transition: Where does the voltage drop?

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    We calculate the linear and nonlinear conductance of spinless fermions in clean, long quantum wires where short-ranged interactions lead locally to equilibration. Close to the quantum phase transition where the conductance jumps from zero to one conductance quantum, the conductance obtains an universal form governed by the ratios of temperature, bias voltage and gate voltage. Asymptotic analytic results are compared to solutions of a Boltzmann equation which includes the effects of three-particle scattering. Surprisingly, we find that for long wires the voltage predominantly drops close to one end of the quantum wire due to a thermoelectric effect.Comment: 4+ pages, 3 figures plus supplementary material (2 pages, 1 figure); minor changes, references correcte