25 research outputs found

    Comparative Study of the Nutrient Composition of Millet and Maize-Based Complementary Weaning Foods

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    Children in the study area are mostly weaned on cereal gruel that is deficient in some essential nutrients. The current work compared the nutrient composition of millet (MLMX) and the (MZMX) based complementary food prepared from locally sourced food stuffs. MZMX was formulated from maize, soyabeans, groundnuts, crayfish and palm oil. MLMX contained millet in place of maize. Proximate composition of the two diets, were not significantly different (p > 0.05) and compared well with frisocream. Mineral element composition of the two diets was significantly ( p < 0.05) different when compared. Amino acid compositions of the diets were comparable to that of frisocream. Antinutritional factors in the two diets were not significantly (p > 0.05) different when compared

    The Effect of the Shape of Atomic Potential on the Diffraction Pattern of one Dimensional Quasicrystal Material

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    We have simulated the diffraction patterns of both periodic and quasiperiodic monatomic chains using the code Laue (written by Silsbee and Drager) and investigated the effects of the shape of the atomic potential. Three fundamental differences between the diffraction patterns of periodic and quasiperiodic monatomic chain were observed. The width and modulated shape of the diffraction pattern formed by the quasiperiodic chain was found to depend on the shape of the atomic potential. For guassian and exponential atomic shapes, the width decreases as the lattice constant is increased. It also decreases as the size of the atom is increased. For a pseudoatomic shape, the width varies with lattice constant and size of atom in an un-orderly manner.Keywords: Quasicrystal, Pseudo, Gaussian and Exponential Atomic Potential

    Poetry by HopeTowns: Creative Writing Project with Refugees

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    A curated selection of eight poems taken from Hopetowns - a community of refugees and volunteers. Hopetowns have recently undertaken a creative writing project and included here are a curated collection of poems, stories and memories as part of our creative writing project, which formed part of the Hopetowns `Past, Present and Future: From Sudan and Syria to London With Love’ Publication. The full `Past, Present and Future: From Sudan and Syria to London With Love’ publication along with the individual poems and stories are also available as part of a curated exhibition on the Living Refugee Archive, available at https://www.livingrefugeearchive.org/archives/hopetowns-poetry-archive/

    Evaluation of IT Governance at Islamic Boarding Schools in the Special Region of Yogyakarta based on the COBIT 5 Framework

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    Nowdays,  almost all aspects of company operations are supported by information technology systems.  Many pesantren have utilized information technology in supporting operational activities such as: using computers, accessing the internet, having a website, and managing information technology systems. The purpose of this study is to implement the COBIT 5 framework in the DSS (Deliver, Service, Support) domain in evaluating information technology governance and calculate the capability level value and gap analysis at Islamic Boarding Schools. The results of the Capability Level Analysis in the COBIT 5 DSS Domain obtained from 42 Islamic Boarding Schools showed that DSS01, DSS02, and DSS03 on average were at level 2, DSS04, DSS05, DSS06 on average at level 1. The results of the Gap Analysis in the COBIT 5 DSS Domain show that in DSS01, DSS02, and DSS03 the average GAP is 3, in DSS04, DSS05, and DSS06 the average GAP is 4. The result shows that Information Technology Governance in Islamic Boarding Schools in the Special Region of Yogyakarta based on an assessment with the COBIT 5 Framework is still low status and needs to be improved, as evidenced by the low Capability Level Value and the high GAP Value

    Kinerja Aditif Improver Dalam Produksi Rolling Oil Menggunakan Bahan Baku Minyak Sawit

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    Rolling oil (RO) is a process lubricant that used in metal working industries, especially in cold rolling mill (CRM)process as roll coolants, roll oil and pickler oil. Rolling oil is the mixture of basic lubricant and additives. Basic lubricant of RO usually from mineral or synthetic oil which have problems on process performance as well as in en- vironment. Crude palm oil (CPO) is a potential commodity, but its' utilities are still very limited. CPO is better than mineral or synthetic oil, especially on environmental conservation and process performance. Therefore, CPO is very potential to replace mineral oil as a base lubricant of RO. To determine the best base lubricant and additives based on characteristic analysis and performance uses two approaches, the statistical approach used to know whether the treatment is effective or not and zero one method used to get the best decision from more alternatives and criteria. In general, CPO characteristics generally is similar with commercial RO characteristics. Yet, deviation of the acid value, peroxside value, iodine value, moisture and Fe content can be minimized by purification and mixture of olein fraction. Performance of improver additive, emulsifier (EM), viscocity index improver (VII) and extrime pressure (EP) produces three kinds of the best additive namely emulfluid A (Ed) as a emulsifier additive, AP. 5315 (Va) as a viscosity index improver and AP.2337 (Pb) as a extreme pressure. Interaction phenomena distinguish the more purify of CPO purification process the more interactive for additive, and interaction between additives distinguishes that additives of VII affect to emulsion performance and EP additives have negative effects on emulsion and viscosity performance. Selection of the best concentration of the best improver additives results; Ed 2.0 % (w/w) with alternative value of 35%, Va 2.0 % (w/w) with alternative value 42,9 % and Pb 2.0% with alternative value 46.25 %

    Kinerja Aditif Improver dalam Produksi Rolling Oil Menggunakan Bahan Baku Minyak Sawit

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    Rolling oil (RO) is a process lubricant that used in metal working industries, especially in cold rolling mill (CRM)process as roll coolants, roll oil and pickler oil. Rolling oil is the mixture of basic lubricant and additives. Basic lubricant of RO usually from mineral or synthetic oil which have problems on process performance as well as in en- vironment. Crude palm oil (CPO) is a potential commodity, but its’ utilities are still very limited. CPO is better than mineral or synthetic oil, especially on environmental conservation and process performance. Therefore, CPO is very potential to replace mineral oil as a base lubricant of RO. To determine the best base lubricant and additives based on characteristic analysis and performance uses two approaches, the statistical approach  used to know whether the treatment is effective or not and zero one method used to get the best decision from more alternatives and criteria. In general, CPO characteristics generally is similar with commercial RO characteristics. Yet, deviation of the acid value, peroxside value, iodine value, moisture and Fe content can be minimized by purification and mixture of olein fraction. Performance of improver additive, emulsifier (EM), viscocity index improver (VII) and extrime pressure (EP) produces three kinds of the best additive namely emulfluid A (Ed) as a emulsifier additive, AP. 5315 (Va) as a viscosity index improver and AP.2337 (Pb) as a extreme pressure. Interaction phenomena distinguish the more purify of CPO purification process the more interactive for additive, and interaction between additives distinguishes that additives of VII affect to emulsion performance and EP additives have negative effects on emulsion and viscosity performance. Selection of the best concentration of the best improver additives results; Ed 2.0 % (w/w) with alternative value of 35%, Va 2.0 % (w/w) with alternative value 42,9 % and Pb 2.0% with alternative value 46.25 %.ABSTRAKRolling oil (RO) adalah salah satu pelumas proses yang digunakan di industri logam, khususnya  pada proses coldrolling mill (CRM), berfungsi sebagai roll collants, roll oil dan pickler oil. Bahan utama RO adalah pelumas dasar dan aditif. Pelumas dasar RO pada umumnya berasal dari minyak bumi atau minyak sintetik yang memiliki permasala- han baik dalam kinerja proses maupun lingkungan. Minyak kelapa sawit (CPO) merupakan komoditas potensial, tetapi pemanfaatannya masih terbatas. CPO lebih baik dibanding minyak mineral dan sintetik khususnya terhadap konservasi lingkungan dan kinerja proses. Oleh kerena itu, CPO berpeluang menggantikan minyak mineral sebagai pelumas dasar RO. Pemilihan pelumas dasar dan aditif pada produksi RO didasarkan atas analisis karakteristik dan kinerja yang menggunakan dua pendekatan; statistik untuk mengetahui efektifitas perlakuan, dan metode  zero one untuk penentuan pilihan terbaik dari banyak alternatif dan kriteria. Secara umum, karakteristik CPO tidak jauh berbeda dengan karateristik RO komersial. Perbedaan pada bilangan asam, peroksida, dan iod, serta kadar air dan kadar Fe dapat diperkecil melalui proses purifikasi dan pencampuran fraksi olein. Kinerja aditif improver, emulsifier (EM), viscocity index improver (VII) dan extreme pressure (EP) diperoleh tiga macam aditif terbaik, yaitu emulfluid A (Ed) sebagai aditif emulsifier, AP. 5315 (Va) aditif viscosity index improver dan AP.2337 (Pb) aditif extreme pressure. Fenomena interaksi CPO dangan aditif menunjukkan semakin murni CPO semakin kuat dan interaksi antara aditif dengan aditif menunjukkan bahwa aditif VII berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja emulsi dan aditif EP negatif terh- adap kinerja emulsi dan viskositas.  Sedang konsentrasi aditif improver terbaik  adalah Ed 2.0 % (w/w) dengan nilai alternatif  35 %, Va  2.0 % (w/w) dengan nilai alternatif  42,9 % dan Pb  2.0%  dengan nilai alternatif  46.25 %


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    ABSTRACTAgroindustry should be developed within the framework of the economic order based on local resources, community-oriented, and dedicated to build a better life for all, and not only increase profit and growth. Imbued with patriotic zeal, the dynamics of such systems requires courage and creative change of measuring the success of economic development. The principles of sustainability are needed by considering of the balance of 3P (people, planet, and profit) and the implications for policy attention to three aspects, namely social, ecological, and effort. Various aspects of agro-industries run nowadays need to be transformed significantly including aspects of finance, technology, management, institution, and education. Some strategic thougth in those aspects were formulated in the Forth National Symposium on Agroindustry with the theme of “Strengthening Agroindustry: the Movement for National Prosperity”, which was held in Bogor on 24 September 2011.Keywords: agroindustry, strengthening, technology, education, prosperit


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    ABSTRACTAgroindustry should be developed within the framework of the economic order based on local resources, community-oriented, and dedicated to build a better life for all, and not only increase profit and growth. Imbued with patriotic zeal, the dynamics of such systems requires courage and creative change of measuring the success of economic development. The principles of sustainability are needed by considering of the balance of 3P (people, planet, and profit) and the implications for policy attention to three aspects, namely social, ecological, and effort. Various aspects of agro-industries run nowadays need to be transformed significantly including aspects of finance, technology, management, institution, and education. Some strategic thougth in those aspects were formulated in the Forth National Symposium on Agroindustry with the theme of “Strengthening Agroindustry: the Movement for National Prosperity”, which was held in Bogor on 24 September 2011.Keywords: agroindustry, strengthening, technology, education, prosperit

    Simulation of the diffraction pattern of one dimensional quasicrystal

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    The effects of the variation of atomic spacing ratio of a one dimensional quasicrystal material are investigated. The work involves the use of the solid state simulation code, Laue written by Silsbee and Drager. We are able to observe the general features of the diffraction pattern by a quasicrystal. In addition, it has been found that each golden mean produces a unique diffraction pattern and that the lower the golden mean the better the diffraction pattern resembles that of a periodic chain. Also the intensity of the central peak was found to decrease as the golden mean increases. However the value of golden mean has no effect on the spacing between the Bragg planes.Keywords: QuasicrystalJournal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics, Volume 20 (March, 2012), pp 285 – 29