118 research outputs found

    Ex situ conservation of genetic resources of field elm (Ulmus minor Mill) and European white elm (Ulmus laevis Pall)

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    Principles of the conservation of genetic resources of elms (Ulmus spp) do not differ fundamentally from the general principles accepted for the conservation of genetic resources of other common Noble Hardwoods. Efficient conservation can best be achieved through appropriate combination of in situ and ex situ methods, which have distinct advantages. Besides that, ex situ conservation is employed when emergency measures are needed for rare endangered populations and when populations are too small to be managed in situ (e.g. risks of genetic drift and inbreeding). The aim of our research is ex situ conservation of genetic resources of field elm {Ulmus minor Mill) and European white elm (Ulmus laevis Pall) through establishment of field genebanks. Sampling was conducted in one population of field elm and one population of white elm. Plant material (buds) from 8 trees of field elm and 10 trees of white elm was used for in vitro production of clones. Obtained clones will be used for establishment of field genebanks on the experimental estate of the Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment

    Genotypic variability of morphological characteristics of English oak (Quercus robur L) acorn

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    This paper deals with the acorn morphology (length, diameter and mass) analyzed in seventeen English oak genotypes (Quercus robur L)from the English Oak Clonal Seed Orchard Banov Brod (Srem,Vojvodina). The highest values of acorn mass and length were measured in genotype 5. The largest diameters were measured in genotypes 6 and 21. Genotype 35 had the lowest acorn mass, length and diameter. The results from this study should serve as guidelines for the selection of trees yielding fruits possessing the desirable morphological characteristics

    Tourism development in Serbia: On the way to sustainability and European integration

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    The aim of the paper is to contribute to improvement of tourism policy and practice in Serbia towards defining and implementing sustainability principles and meeting European integration requirements. It encompasses short review of international implications on Serbian tourism policy and legislation. Current policy and its sustainability are analyzed using two indicators: application of integrated (cross sector) and local community approach, with particular focus on tourism, environmental and planning documents. There is general orientation towards sustainability and involvement of local community into the planning and implementation of projects in the field. Precisely defined mechanisms for public participation and integrated approach, first of all mainstreaming of environmental issues into tourism strategic document, are preconditions for reaching country’s sustainability goals and EU integration orientation. Points that should be improved are suggested and the need for mutual cooperation and capacity development of stakeholders at all levels, including further international support, strongly advocated

    Production Potencial of Black Poplar (Section Aigeiros Duby) on Eugley

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    Rad prikazuje mogućnost proizvodnje sadnog materijala pet različitih klonova crne topole na euglejnom tlu. Ovo zemljište je u zoni korije­novog sustava težeg mehaničkog sastava, sa sadržajem ukupnog praha i gline od 65,16–75,72 %, a teksturna klasa je praškasta ilovača do ilovača. Izrazito je povećan sadržaj kapilarnih pora u odnosu na nekapilarne pore, te je vlaga u površinskom horizontu bila teže pristupačna biljkama. Kemijske osobine ukazuju da je ovo zemljište slabo humusno, slabo opskrbljeno hranjivima i ima lošije vodno-zračne osobine u odnosu na zemljišta koja se koriste za ra­sadničku proizvodnju crnih topola. Visinski i debljinski prirast ožiljenica raz­likovao se kod ispitivanih klonova. Prema visinskoj strukturi, klonovi ´S1-3´i ´B-17´, postigl sui veće učešće ožiljenica II klase (2,0–2,5 m) koje se kretalo od 46,2–53,9 % i neznatan udio I klase (›2,5 m) od oko 1 %, kao i veću srednju visinu na kraju razdoblja, dok su klonovi´S6-7´, 260/81 i 155/81 imali manje učešće sadnica II klase (7,4–13,4 %), te nisu imali ožiljenica u I klasi, dok je III klasa zastupljena sa 52,7–82,41 % ožiljenica.The paper presents the results of poplar plants´ growing on the soil that is not typical for poplar nursery production - on eugley soil. The dia­meter and height increments were examined for five clones of black poplar: ´S1-3´ (P. deltoides Bartr ex Marsh), ´B-17´ (P. deltoides Bartr ex Marsh), ´S6-7 ´(P. deltoides Bartr ex Marsh), ´260/81´(P. deltoides Bartr ex Marsh) and ´155/81´(P. × euramericana (Dode) Guinier). This soil type is characterized by the fact that the layer from the surface down to 60 cm depth, where the lar­gest mass of roots of seedlings is formed, contains the highest percentage of the total content of clay and silt, and the worst water-air conditions. The texture classes by the soil profile downwards were: silty loam, clay loam and loamy sand. In this type of soil, we observed low survival of cuttings of the examined black poplar clones that, at the end of the growing season, ranged from 63.7–69.4%. There was no significant difference in cutting survival among them. The least significant differences test at the level of risk of 5% divided examined clones in two groups by shoot height: clones ´S1-3´and´B-17´with a 194–197 cm and the clones´S6-7´,´260/81´and ´155/81´with a 157–168 cm shoot height. The mean diameters were uniform and varied in the range from 12.1 to 13.5 mm. Diameter and height growth of clones varied depending on clones, and the most of seedlings at the end of the growing season were classi­fied in 2nd(2,01 to 2,50 m) and 3rd(1,51 to 2,00 m) height class. Unsatisfactory cutting survival, height and diameter plants increments and lower dimensions of rooted cuttings at the end of the growing season could be primarily attribu­ted to the relatively bad water and air conditions of eugley soil

    Molecular Technologies in Serbian Lowland Forestry under Climate Changes - Possibilities and Perspectives

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    Background and Purpose: Vojvodina province, the northern part of the Republic of Serbia, is predominantly lowland agricultural region with over 75% of arable land which in previous years, has been highly impacted by drought. The annual precipitation is lower than 700 mm and it is the limit for the growth and development of natural forest vegetation. Unfortunately, the atmospheric precipitation is still a major source of water for plant biodiversity. Taking these facts into account, it is highly recommended to primarily use the xerothermic tree species, which have a well-developed root system for “classical” afforestation. Some species from Salicaceae and Fagaceae like poplars, willows, oaks and beeches are surely the best option for afforestation in temperate zones strongly influenced by drought. Conclusions: In order to develop stress-based genomic information in Populus and the rest of woody plant species from Vojvodina, an integrated genetic research needs to be done. The aim of this particular paper is to analyse and summarize data regarding stress-based biotechnology perspectives in Vojvodina and to give recommendations for future forest tree breeding. Drought as a strong negative ecological factor must be carefully considered. In order to achieve sustainability, new forest management plans must consider wide approaches, from molecular to ecosystem level

    Drought Effects on Physiology and Biochemistry of Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur L.) and Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) Saplings Grown in Urban Area of Novi Sad, Serbia

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    Background and Purpose: Water stress is one of the major problems for urban trees. It affects a wide range of plant responses, from changes at the cellular level to the reduction in growth rates. Irrigation of trees in urban areas may provide numerous benefits important for increasing tree vitality to withstand other stresses that might occur. The aim of this study was to compare drought effects on some physiological and biochemical performances of Pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) and Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) saplings grown in the urban area. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted during August 2012 at the Boulevard of Europe (Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia). Measurements were carried out on saplings grown in the part of the boulevard with drip irrigation system installed (Site 1) and on the saplings cultivated in the part without any irrigation system (Site 2). Results: Soil moisture content was significantly higher at Site 1 with approximately 57.2%, compared to 18.7% at Site 2. The results showed that irrigated saplings were characterized by significantly higher stomatal conductance in Q. robur and C. betulus. Similarly, the content of free proline, FRAP units and the amount of malonyldialdehyde showed increased values in trees subjected to soil water deficit. In contrast, net photosynthesis, chlorophyll and carotenoid contents did not differ notably in irrigated and non-irrigated Q. robur and C. betulus trees. Conclusions: Water stress significantly affected stomatal conductance and some biochemical properties of Q. robur and C. betulus saplings cultivated at the non-irrigated site. The results showed that the implementation of drip irrigation system in urban landscape is an important tool in the prevention of drought stress effects on the physiological processes of plants

    Inter and intra-population variation of leaf stomatal traits of Quercus robur L. in Northern Serbia

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    The research involved the examination of inter- and intra-population variation of stomatal traits: stomatal density, stomatal length and width, stomatal pore surface, potential conductance index and stomatal shape coefficient, in Quercus robur L. leaves. The research was conducted in northern Serbia and included five populations ('Ada Ciganlija', 'Bojčinska šuma', 'Subotica', 'Sombor' and 'Vršac'). The stomatal characteristics were examined in fully expanded leaves, from two leaf positions - the sun-exposed and shaded side of the tree. The leaf position in the tree crown, forming a part of the phenotypic variance, was relevant for the stomatal dimension traits. Within populations, the differences between the genotypes (i.e. trees), were relevant for all analyzed traits. On the basis of the analysis of the inter-populational differences, the 'Bojčinska šuma' population had a statistically significantly lower stomatal density in comparison to the other populations.Projekat ministarstva br. 33012 and 17302

    Mycorrhizal status of an ozone-sensitive poplar clone treated with the antiozonant ethylene diurea

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    The antiozonant ethylene diurea is proven to prevent growth reductions in forest trees induced by ozone. The community of mycorrhizal fungi could be useful indicator of environmental stress. In this study, response of mycorrhizal fungi and fine roots to a 4-year exposure to ambient ozone and treatment with antiozonant was investigated in ozone-sensitive poplar clone under field conditions. The community of ectomycorrhizal fungi and root length colonization with ectomycorrhizal, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and root endophytic fungi was analyzed in antiozonant-treated poplar plants and in poplar plants irrigated with water. In general, plants protected by antiozonant showed higher total number of fine roots, number of ectomycorrhizal types, Shannon–Weaver diversity index, and Species richness index compared to the plants treated with water. The ectomycorrhizal community shifted from contact exploration type in the trees irrigated with water to short-distance exploration type in ethylene diurea-treated trees. Ozone protectant may beneficially affect the belowground community of mycorrhizal fungi colonizing roots of ozone-sensitive poplar clone