79 research outputs found

    Attracting volunteers in highly multicultural societies: a marketing challenge

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    Volunteer managers face a typical marketing problem: how to identify the right consumers (in this case, volunteers), attract them, and keep them loyal. In multicultural societies this challenge is amplified because of the different groups originating from countries that can vary significantly in terms of the extent of volunteering and reasons for being involved. The consequence of this heterogeneity is limited success of generic marketing campaigns. Using the theory of planned behavior, we investigate differences between Australian residents from different cultural backgrounds in their volunteering behavior. Groups differed in attitude, social norm, and perceived behavioral control, suggesting the need for customized marketing strategies. Theoretically, results provide evidence that volunteers in multicultural societies cannot be viewed as one homogeneous mass. Practically, results offer insight into the factors influencing the behavior of each cultural group, and can inform customized campaigns to tap into the large base of volunteers from different backgrounds

    Becoming invisible: The ethics and politics of imperceptibility

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    This speculative essay examines ‘invisible’ social identities and the processes by which they are manifested and occasionally sought. Using various literary and academic sources, and loosely informed by an unlikely combination of Stoic philosophy and post-structuralist politics, we argue that invisibility is conventionally viewed as undesirable or ‘suffered’ by individuals or groups that are disadvantaged or marginalised within society. Whilst appreciating this possibility, we argue that social invisibility can also be the result of strategies carefully conceived and consciously pursued. We suggest that forms of social invisibility can be acquired by ethically informed personal action as well as by politically informed collective action. In this context, invisibility can be seen as a strategy of escaping from institutionalised and organisational judgements and which presents a challenge to common notions of voice and identity

    Vetenskap på tvären : akademiska värden, friheter och gränser

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    Denna rapport är den tredje i ordningen som har sin upprinnelse i Humboldtuniversitetets 200-årsjubileum och i ambitionen att föra enkvalificerad diskussion om vilka roller som högskolor och universitet spelar idag. Rapporten ägnar särskild uppmärksamhet åt fenomenet tvärvetenskap och de utmaningar som en sådan ansats innebär, men den förockså upp grundläggande principfrågor om akademiska friheter och värden till diskussion

    Vetenskap på tvären : akademiska värden, friheter och gränser

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    Denna rapport är den tredje i ordningen som har sin upprinnelse i Humboldtuniversitetets 200-årsjubileum och i ambitionen att föra enkvalificerad diskussion om vilka roller som högskolor och universitet spelar idag. Rapporten ägnar särskild uppmärksamhet åt fenomenet tvärvetenskap och de utmaningar som en sådan ansats innebär, men den förockså upp grundläggande principfrågor om akademiska friheter och värden till diskussion