16 research outputs found

    Studi Etnografi Pendidikan pada SMA Negeri 1 Ubud Bali: Konsep Ajeg Bali (Hindu) Berbasis Ideologi Tri Hita Karana

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    This article concerns a research aimed at explainingideology was ......._A................'.......a staterelevant educational programs in the course shaping ageneration of modern students still retaining the Balinese character.The research was an educational ethnographical one, llSillginformants selected purposively by means of a snowball samplingtechnique. The data, collected by making observationsinterviews, studying compiled documents, and giving tests tostudents, were analyzed qualitatively. The results of the researchindicate that the school above is a school with Hindu nuances and,relevant with its vision, mission, and goal, has developed certaineducational programs to participate in making a success of the moralmovement in the Balinese society to actualize a Bali remainingBalinese.The movement to remain Balinese was defined by theteachers and students as a moral one made to retain the Balinesepeople's characteristic religious and socio-cultural living, preservedon the basis of the implementation of tri hita karana values.Accordingly, the school has developed educational programsempowering students in taking part in actualizing those values atschool, not meaning that the school has abandoned the nationaleducational vision, mission, and goal

    Pengetahuan Menurut Hindu Dan Implikasinya Terhadap Pendidikan Manusia Seutuhnya

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    Appropriate source, according to Hindu knowledge includes knowledge of spiritual, moral knowledge, social knowledge, knowledge of intellectual, physical and sensory knowledge. Fifth human knowledge system was developed as an integrated system. Education according to Hindu, has the obligation to develop a unified system that knowledge to themselves all students, in order to allow it to have intelligence and consciousness double (multiple). Only with the educational process capable of empowering knowledge system as it is, people will be able to grow and develop fully (fully functioning person). It is clear that education in Hindu ideology to support the establishment of a human with multiple intelligences, developed into a fully human, and develop into a human being with the acquisition of knowledge, values ??and attitudes, and skills of both aparawidya (worldly knowledge) and parawidya (noetic knowledge)

    Pengembangan Potensi Pariwisata Spiritual Berbasis Masyarakat Lokal di Bali

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    Bali memiliki daya tarik wisata yang beragam. Wisata spiritual belum banyak dikembangkan oleh masyarakat lokal Bali. Tujuan penelitian tahun pertama ini adalah mengidentifikasi potensi pariwisata spiritual di Bali dan merumuskan strategi pengembangan serta pemasaran pariwisata spiritual di Bali. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan etnografi di tiga Kabuapten di Bali. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Pura Lempuyang Luhur, Pura Penegil Dharma, Pura Negara Gambur Anglayang, Pura Ponjok Batu, Pura Pulaki, dan Pura Perancak dengan segala aktivitas spiritualnya sangat cocok dikembangkan sebagai objek wisata spiritual di Bali. Ini karena seluruh pura dapat memberikan pengalaman nilai-nilai historis, sosial budaya, dan nilai-nilai spiritual kepada wisatawan yang datang. Strategi pengembangan dan pemasaran yang masih harus dilakukan antara lain adalah pemberdayaan masyarakat lokal pengempon pura, koordinasi dengan pemkab dan pihak-pihak terkait, penataan lingkungan pura yang lebih baik, penyediaan sarana pendukung yang lebih baik, kegiatan inventarisasi dan dokumentasi, sosialisasi melalui media TIK, sosialisasi melalui kerja sama dengan asosiasi perhotelan dan jasa wisata lainnya, sosialisasi melalui desa pakraman, sekolah dan perguruan tinggi, dunia kerja dan industri, masyarakat transmigran Bali, dan masyarakat Hindu Nusantara

    Penerapan Computer Assisted Language Learning Berbantuan Media Video Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Berbicara

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    This study aimed at improving the students\u27 speaking achievement and describing the responses of students\u27 learning in english by the application of the method CALL with video. This study was conducted based on the preliminary observation that found out the students\u27 speaking achievement was categorized as low. The method used in this study was classroom action research. The study was consisted of two cycles I. Each of cycle was consisted of 4 steps, namely: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The subjects of this study were the students at Xtkj SMK TI BALI GLOBAL Singaraja in academic year 2013/2014 with the total subjects consisted of 14 students. The data were gathered by using worksheet, homework and interview. The data analyzed descriptively. The result showed that implementation the method of CALL with video could improve students\u27 speaking achievement. The data which were gathered during the implementation of pre test in cycle showed the students\u27 mean score 48,56 and The post test which was conducted in the end of cycle I showed the students\u27 mean score was 73,21 with classical completeness 50%. The implementation of pre test in cycle II showed the students\u27 mean score was 71,07 and the post test which was conducted in the end of cycle II showed the students\u27 mean score was 86,07 with the classical completeness 100% and student responses to the application of the method CALL with video On the positive category


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    One of the craftsmen of fish cracker makers typical in Jambi City is the Tiara Jambee Crackers partner. The obstacle in the partners is the low sales of fried crackers compared to raw crackers (not yet fried) because there is not unbalanced profitability of sales of raw crackers compared to fried crackers. This is because the typical crackers of Jambi City are 2 to 3 times the size of other types of crackers in other regions so that frying requires a large volume of cooking oil. In addition to the problem of frying, marketing is not optimal because the packaging has not been labeled and still uses the method conventional waiting for consumers to come to partners Jambee crackers. The results of processing crackers without using oil have advantages in the texture, shape, and color of crackers so that this can increase cracker sales

    Implementasi Pedagogical Content Knowledge Pada Materi Listrik Dinamis Untuk Meningkatkan Kompetensi Calon Guru Fisika

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    Pedagogical Content Knowledge merupakan perpaduan antara pemahaman materi ajar (Content Knowledge) dan pemahaman cara mendidik (Pedagogical Knowledge). Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu meningkatkan kompetensi calon guru fisika melalui implementasi Pedagogical Content Knowledge. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 37 orang mahasiswa pendidikan fisika semester dua tahun ajaran 2012/2013 kelas B pagi di IKIP PGRI Pontianak. Penelitian dilaksanakan dibulan Mei-Juni 2013 pada mata kuliah Fisika Dasar II yaitu materi Listrik Dinamis. Penelitian ini berjenis deskriptif kualitatif. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa Silabus, Satuan Ajar Perkuliahan, dan rancangan pembelajaran Pedagogical Content Knowledge merupakan instrumen yang berfungsi sebagai pendukung pembelajaran serta instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengukur hasil belajar berupa tes tertulis. Data penelitian dianalisis dengan Normalisasi Indeks Gain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan hasil belajar sebelum dan setelah implementasi Pedagogical Content Knowledge dengan indeks gain hasil belajar mahasiswa sebesar 0,51 berkategori sedang. Namun kendala waktu yang kurang dan penggunaan metode pembelajaran yang belum tepat pada suatu konsep hal ini termasuk dalam kekurangan dalam kompetensi pedagogik dan penguasaan materi yang masih terdapat kekurangan dalam penyampaian materi Listrik Dinamis yang termasuk dalam kompetensi profesional. Diharapkan hasil penelitian ini dapat membantu dosen pendidikan fisika mengevaluasi pembelajaran sebagai bagian dari upaya meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) Mendeteksipolimorfisme rs585344, rs645088 dan rs642698, genME2 pada EIU anak tanpa epilepsi untuk menentukanadanya hubungan polimorfime gen ME2 denganEIU. (2) Menentukan jumlah proporsi hilangnyabangkitan 6 bulan setelah pengobatan valproat padaEIU dengan genotipe mutan dan genotip bukanmutan polimorfisme rs585344, rs645088 dan rs642698gen ME2. Penelitian kasus-kontrol dilakukan selamaperiode Juli 2010 sampai April 2012 terhadap 92subjek EIU usia awitan anak dan remaja di RS HasanSadikin Bandung, RS Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakartadan RS St Borromeus Bandung, 336 subjek kontrol diRS Hasan Sadikin Bandung. Hasil penelitian denganuji chi-kuadrat menunjukkan perbedaan bermaknaproporsi genotip polimorfisme rs585344 gen ME2antara EIU usia awitan anak dan remaja dengankontrol (p 0,05). Didapatkan perbedaan bermakna genotipmutan polimorfisme rs585344, rs645088 dan rs642698gen ME2 EIU usia awitan anak < 11 tahun dengangenotip mutan polimorfisme rs585344, rs645088 danrs642698 gen ME2 EIU usia awitan anak ≥ 11 tahun(age-dependent penetrance)

    Hubungan Polimorfisme Gen Me2 dengan Epilepsi Idiopatik Umum dan Respon Terapi Valproat

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) Mendeteksipolimorfisme rs585344, rs645088 dan rs642698, genME2 pada EIU anak tanpa epilepsi untuk menentukanadanya hubungan polimorfime gen ME2 denganEIU. (2) Menentukan jumlah proporsi hilangnyabangkitan 6 bulan setelah pengobatan valproat padaEIU dengan genotipe mutan dan genotip bukanmutan polimorfisme rs585344, rs645088 dan rs642698gen ME2. Penelitian kasus-kontrol dilakukan selamaperiode Juli 2010 sampai April 2012 terhadap 92subjek EIU usia awitan anak dan remaja di RS HasanSadikin Bandung, RS Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakartadan RS St Borromeus Bandung, 336 subjek kontrol diRS Hasan Sadikin Bandung. Hasil penelitian denganuji chi-kuadrat menunjukkan perbedaan bermaknaproporsi genotip polimorfisme rs585344 gen ME2antara EIU usia awitan anak dan remaja dengankontrol (p 0,05). Didapatkan perbedaan bermakna genotipmutan polimorfisme rs585344, rs645088 dan rs642698gen ME2 EIU usia awitan anak < 11 tahun dengangenotip mutan polimorfisme rs585344, rs645088 danrs642698 gen ME2 EIU usia awitan anak ≥ 11 tahun(age-dependent penetrance)

    Apakah Tri Hita Karana dan Pancasila Dua Ideologi yang Identik? (Satu Kajian Ontologis)

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    Balinese Hindu people in general believes Tri Hita Karana (THK) as their ideology in social and religious life. THK ideology teaches Hindus people in Bali to live in harmony in order to achieve happiness both physically and mentally. The happiness of living in a society and religion originates from efforts to establish harmonious relationship between humans and The One Almighty God (Parahyangan). between and among human beings (Pawongan), and between humans and their natural environment (Palemahan). In the life of the nation and state as part of Indonesian society, the Balinese Hindu community also implements the Pancasila ideology. By the ideology of Pancasila, the Balinese Hindu society upholds and implements the values of Pancasila which consist of five sila. Why can Balinese Hindu society implement these two ideologies without experiencing conflict. The answer is because these two ideologies are both open ideologies and have a relevant ontological basis