42 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kualitas Tongkol Jagung Teramoniasi Melalui Teknologi Fermentasi Menggunakan Starter Komersial Terhadap Produksi Vfa Dan Nh3 Rumen Secara in Vitro

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    The objective of the research was to know the effect of different combination level of starter commercial and time of periode fermentation on production VFA and NH3 Rumen Content In vitro to increase quality of corn cob, research was conducted in Technology Animal Nutrition Department and Feed Animal Nutrition Department, Animal Science Faculty of Diponegoro University. Level of starter commercial was 0, 1 and 2 % BK, and time periode of fermentation was 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 week. Data collection consist of production VFA and NH3. Data then was analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) based on the completely randomized design. To compare among treatment means using Duncan Multiple Range Test. Result of this research showed that not be found interaction of combination level starter commercial and time of periode fermentation to product VFA, whereas on production NH3 showed interaction combination level starter commercial and time of periode fermentation on corn cob. The utilization of added starter commercial 2% and 4 week time of period showing the best production VFA and NH3 on corn cob amonniated by fermentation

    Pengaruh Rasio Energi Protein Ransum Berbasis Limbah Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Terhadap Kecernaan Bahan Kering, Bahan Organik Dan Serat Kasar Secara in Vitro (the Influence of Energy Protein Ratio on Complete Feed Palm Oil Plantations Wasted Based to in VI

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    Thepurposeof this research was to determine the influence of energy-protein ratio of complete feed palm oil waste based to in-vitro digestibility of dry matter, organic matter and crude fiber. The design of the research used Complete Random Design (CRD) with 3 treatments and 5 replications. The data would processed with ANOVA test. If the results of data was significant, it would be continued with Duncan test. T1 (energy-protein ratio 5; TDN 60% and CP 12%), T2 (energy-protein ratio 5,25; TDN 63% and CP 12%) and T3 (energy-protein ratio 5,5; TDN 66% and CP 12%). The results showed that the energy-protein ratio of complete feed palm oil waste based significantly affected (p<0,05) increase dry matter, organic matter and crude fiber digestibility. The dry matter digestibility of T1 (51,22%) significantly different (p<0,05) lower than T2 (53,97%) and T3 (55,03%), but T2 did not significant (p>0,05) with T3. The organic matter digestibiity of T1 (50,09%) significantly different (p<0,05) lower than T2 (53,03%) and T3 (54,24%), but T2 did not significant (p>0,05) with T3. The higher energy-protein ratio significantly affected (p<0,05) increase the crude fiber digestibility. The conclusion was that the complete feed palm oil waste based with 5,5 energy-protein ratio or its contained 66%TDN and 12% CP had the best digestibility. Key notes : complete feed; palm oil waste; in vitro digestibility

    Pemanfaatan Tanin Ampas Teh Dalam Proteksi Protein Bungkil Biji Jarak Terhadap Konsentrasi Amonia, Undegraded Dietary Protein Dan Protein Total Secara in Vitro

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan bahan pakan sumberprotein terproteksi untuk meningkatkan produktivitas ternak dilihat daripengukuran konsentrasi amonia (NH3), Undegraded Dietary Protein (UDP) danProtein Total. Penelitian dilakukan secara in vitro dengan rancangan acaklengkap 4 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan penelitian adalah T0 = bungkil bijijarak + aras tanin 0%, T1 = bungkil biji jarak + aras tanin 0,25%, T2 = bungkilbiji jarak + aras tanin 0,50% dan T3 = bungkil biji jarak + aras tanin 0,75%. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa bungkil biji jarak yang diproteksi denganpeningkatan aras tanin dapat menurunkan konsentrasi NH3 dan meningkatkanpersentase UDP (P<0,05) serta meningkatkan produksi protein total (P>0,05).Rata-rata konsentrasi NH3, persentase UDP dan produksi protein total pada T0,T1, T2, T3 berturut-turut adalah 5,87 mM, 38,20 %, 211,57 mg/g, 5,49 mM, 40,70%, 225,92 mg/g, 5,40 mM, 40,84 %, 277,73 mg/g, 4,90 mM, 42,20 %, 300,32mg/g

    Kadar Protein dan Urea Darah Kambing Perah Peranakan Etawa yang Diberi Wafer Pakan Komplit Berbasis Limbah Agroindustri dengan Suplementasi Protein Terproteksi

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    The objectives of the research were to evaluate level of supplementation protected protein on complete feed wafer based on agroindustrial by-product to blood protein and urea concentration in Ettawa Crossbreed lactation goat. The availability of feed continously was needed to increase productivity of livestock. The using agroindustrial by-product was one of requirement feedstuff for the goat but, the using of the matter had a problem that less protein so, needed protein suplementation. Goat had microbe in the rumen and the microbe degraded feed protein become NH3 so, protein suplementation was important to protect. This research used complete feed that formed wafer with suplementation level of protected protein. The function form of wafer was to increase long live of storage and decrease of feed voluminus. This research was done with block randomize design with three of treatments suplementation level of protected protein 0%, 4% and 8% and five of blocks to lactation month, group as repetition. This research was done during 12 weeks with detail 4 weeks of wafer production, 2 weeks of adaptation, 2 weeks of prelimiary and 4 weeks of treatment. The collecting data were taken on the last week of treatment. The result of the research showed that the blood protein was significantly (P<0,05) affected by the protected protein supplementation level in complete feed wafer based on agroindustrial by-product. Whereas, blood urea was not significantly (P>0,05) affected by the protected protein supplementation level in complete feed wafer based on agroindustrial by-product. Level of 4% was the good suplementation in complete feed wafer based on agroindustrial by-product was seen of blood protein and urea

    Fermentabilitas Pakan Berbasis Amoniasi Jerami Padi Dengan Sumber Protein Yang Diproteksi Di Dalam Rumen Secara in Vitro (in Vitro Ruminal Fermentability of Ammoniated Rice Straw Based Feed with Supplementation of Protected Protein)

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    The research aimed to examine in vitro ruminal fermentability of ammoniated rice straw based feed with supplementation of protected protein. This research used completely randomized design with pattern of factorial 2 x 5 and three replications. The first factor was rice straw without ammoniation (J0) and rice straw ammoniated (J1). The second factor was supplementation of tannin protected protein at 0% (P0), 5% (P1), 10% (P2), 15% (P3), and 20% (P4) in feed. Collected data were statistically tested by analysis of variance with factorial pattern in completly randomized design, followed by Duncan's multiple range test. The result showed, interactive effect of ammoniation treatment and supplementation protected protein was able to increase NH3 production dan total protein production. The average of parameters were VFA concentration : 81.33–151.67 mM; NH3 production :8.19 – 14.65mg/dl; total protein production: 173.11–237 mg/g; and organik matter degradability: 45.81–67.48 %. Conclusion of this research was ammoniation treatment on rice straw and supplementation of tannin protected protein treatment were able to interact to increase NH3 production and total protein production in feed

    Manajemen Pemberian Pakan dan Evaluasi Kecukupan Nutrien pada Sapi Peranakan Ongole Bunting di PT. Karya Anugerah Rumpin Desa Cibodas, Kecamatan Rumpin, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat

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    Tugas Akhir disusun berdasarkan kegiatan Praktek Kerja Lapangan (PKL) yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 16 Februari sampai dengan 25 Maret 2017 di PT. Karya Anugerah Rumpin, Desa Cibodas, Kecamatan Rumpin, Kabupaten Bogor, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manajemen pemberian pakan dan evaluasi kecukupan nutrien pada sapi Peranakan Ongole bunting. Materi yang digunakan dalam PKL adalah sapi Peranakan Ongole bunting sedangkan alat yang digunakan adalah timbangan digital (Excellent XK3190- A12E) berkapasitas 2 ton dengan skala ketelitian 0,5 kg, timbangan averi berkel berkapasitas 100 kg dengan ketelitian 0,1 kg, timbangan portable electronic scale berkapasitas 40 kg dengan ketelitian 0,002 kg, karung, alat tulis dan kamera. Metode yang dilakukan yaitu ikut serta dalam pelaksanaan kegiatanmagang dengan cara observasi dan partisipasi aktif dengan melakukan kegiatan di kandang serta mengumpulkandata primer dan sekunder. Data primer diperoleh dari wawancara dan observasi atau pengukuran langsung ke lapangan meliputi pengukuran bobot badan, kondisi reproduksi, pengecekan kebuntingan (PKB) dan konsumsi pakan sapi bunting. Data sekunder diperoleh dengan melihat data yang dimiliki oleh di PT. Karya Anugerah Rumpin yangolah secara deskriptif dan dibandingkan dengan pustaka. Hasil Praktek Kerja Lapangan di PT. Karya Anugerah Rumpin menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pakan dilakukan dengan frekuensi 4 kali sehari yaitu pada pukul 08.00 WIB dan 13.00 WIB pemberian konsentrat, kemudian pada pukul 10.00 WIB dan 15.00 WIB pemberian hijauan. Total pemberian pakan sapi Peranakan Ongole sebesar 5 kg/ekor/hari konsentrat dan 10kg/ekor/hari hijauan. Evaluasi kecukupan nutrien kelompok I adalah BK; 5,99 kg, TDN; 3,84 kg, PK; 642,01 g, Ca; 42,86 g dan P; 28,01 g sedangkan kelompok II adalah BK; 5,99 kg, TDN; 3,83 kg, PK; 641,54 g, Ca; 42,82 dan P; 28,00. Konsumsi BK, TDN dan PK pada kelompok I belum dapat mencukupi kebutuhan akan tetapi kebutuhan PK pada kelompok II sudah dapat tercukupi. Kurangnya konsumsi dikarenakan kurangnya jumlah pemberian hijauan. Berdasarkan hasil Praktek Kerja Lapangan disarankan untuk pemberian pakan hijauan sebanyak 20 kg agar kebutuhan nutrien sapi Peranakan Ongole bunting dapat tercukupi. v KATA PENGANTAR Usaha ternak ruminansia khususnya sapi potong mempunyai prospek yang baik untuk dikembangkan. Upaya untuk menigkatkan produktivitas ternak sapi yang dipelihara diperlukan pembibitan (breeding) yang baik, pakan (feed) dengan kualitas nutrisi tercukupi dan pengelolaan (management) yang dilakukan dengan dukungan teknologi yang tepat. Puji syukur penulis panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah memberikan rahmat dan hidayatNya sehingga dapat menyelesaikan Tugas Akhir dengan judul Manajemen Pemberian Pakan dan Evaluasi Kecukupan Nutrien pada Sapi Peranakan Ongole Bunting di PT. Karya Anugerah Rumpin Desa Cibodas, Kecamatan Rumpin, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat dengan baik. Penulis ucapkan terimakasih atas terselesainya Tugas Akhir ini kepada Bapak Agung Subrata, S.Pt., M.P. selaku pembimbing yang telah memberikan bimbingan dan arahan sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan Tugas Akhir ini. Bapak Aditya Sudiro, S.T selaku General Manajer yang telah memperkenankan dan memfasilitasiselama kegiatan Praktek Kerja Lapangan. Bapak Sigit Purnomo selaku instruktur lapangan serta semua pihak yang telah membantu dan melakukan kerjasama dengan baik selama kegiatan Praktek Kerja Lapangan. Penulis ucapkan terimakasih kepada Bapak Prof. Ir. Mukh Arifin, M.Sc., Ph.D. selaku Dekan Fakultas Peternakan dan Pertanian Universitas Diponegoro, Bapak Dr. Ir. Bambang Waluyo H.E.P., M.S. M.Agr. selaku Ketua Departemen, Ibu Istn

    Pengaruh Proteksi Protein Ampas Kecap dengan Tanin terhadap Konsentrasi Amonia, Produksi Protein Total dan Persentase Rumen Undegraded Dietary Protein secara In Vitro

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    The aimed of this research was to determine the effect of level tannin of mangrove leaf to protected soy pulp protein on ammonia concentration (NH3), total protein production and percentage of rumen undegraded dietary protein (RUDP) in vitro. The material used is soy pulp, mangroves leaves as a natural source of tannins, rumen liquor and reagents used in the analysis of NH3, total protein and RUDP. Parameters measured were NH3 concentrations, total protein production and percentage of RUDP. The experiment was conducted used a completely randomized designed with 4 treatments and 4 replications. Treatments are T0 (soy pulp + without tannin), T1 (soy pulp + tannin 0.25%), T2 (soy pulp + tannin 0.50%), T3 (soy pulp + tannin 0.75%). The results were analyzed statistically by variance analysis, and if there is a real effect due to treatment followed by Duncan test at 5% level to detect a difference between treatment effects. The results obtained NH3 concentration of soy pulp protein protected with different tannin are 4.34; 3.46; 3.29; 3.10 mM. The results total protein production are 315.37; 330.05; 334.04; 304.45 mg/g. The results percentage RUDP are 27.91; 27.96; 28.03; 27.36%. The variant test results showed that the protective soy pulp protein used mangrove tannin significantly decrease NH3 concentrations, but no significantly on total protein production and percentage RUDP. The DMRT test result showed that NH3 concentrations on T0 significantly higher (p<0.05) from T1, T2 and T3 while T1, T2 and T3 not significantly different (p>0.05). From the results of this research concluded that the protection of soy pulp protein used mangrove leaves tannin proven to decrease ammonia concentration (NH3) but did not affected to total protein production and percentage RUDP

    Evaluasi Kecukupan Nutrien Sapi Potong di CV Indonesia Multi Indah, Pati, Jawa Tengah

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    Laporan Praktik Kerja Lapangan (PKL) disusun berdasarkan serangkaian kegiatan yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 8 Februari – 20 Maret 2017 di CV Indonesia Multi Indah Pati Jawa Tengah. Tujuan PKL untuk mengetahui manajemen pemberian pakan dan evaluasi kecukupan nutrien pakan pada penggemukan sapi potong kaitannya pertambahan bobot badan harian. Manfaat yang diperoleh adalah menambah pengalaman dan keterampilan pada aspek pemberian pakan dan evaluasi kecukupan nutrien sapi potong. Materi yang digunakan dalam PKL adalah sapi potong Peranakan Simental, Peranakan Brangus, Peranakan Ongole dan Peranakan Limousin sebanyak 15 ekor yang ada di CV Indonesia Multi Indah yang dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok berdasarkan bangsa sapi dan BB 450 – 500 kg, timbangan pakan untuk menimbang pakan, handphone untuk dokumentasi, plastik klip sebagai penyimpan sampel. Metode yang digunakan adalah observasi dan partisipasi aktif mengikuti seluruh kegiatan yang ada di peternakan untuk mendapatkan data primer dan sekunder. Hasil PKL di CV Indonesia Multi Indah bahwa manajemen sapi potong meliputi manajemen perkandangan, pencegahan penyakit, manajemen sanitasi, manajemen pemberian pakan dan manajemen pemberian minum. Manajemen pemberian pakan meliputi pemberian konsentrat dan tebon jagung. Pemberian pakan dilakukan 2 kali sehari siang dan sore. Evaluasi kecukupan nutrien yaitu kelompok I kekurangan konsumsi BK dan kelebihan pada TDN, PK, Ca dan P dari kebutuhan. Kelompok II kekurangan konsumsi BK dan kelebihan pada TDN, PK, Ca dan P dari kebutuhan. Kelompok III kekurangan konsumsi BK dan kelebihan pada TDN, PK, Ca dan P dari kebutuhan. Kelompok IV kekurangan konsumsi BK dan kelebihan pada TDN, PK, Ca dan P dari kebutuhan. Pertambahan bobot badan paling tinggi yaitu kelompok I sapi Peranakan Simental dan terendah kelompok III sapi Peranakan Ongole. PBBH rat–rata 0,6 kg/hari. Simpulan yang diambil dari PKL ini adalah pemberian hijauan perlu ditambah agar kebutuhan bahan kering ternak dapat tercukupi

    Degradabilitas Bahan Kering, Bahan Organik dan Serat Kasar Ransum dengan Berbagai Level Bagasse secara In Sacco

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    This research was conducted to determine in sacco degradability of dry matter, organic matter and crude fiber in ration with different levels of bagasse and determine the best level of bagasse in ruminant ration from degradability. The research is expected to give information about the best level of bagasse as a source of crude fiber in the complete feed views of degradability of dry matter, organic matter and crude fiber. Research conducted at the Laboratory of Animal Feed Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture Diponegoro University Semarang from October 2011 to February 2012.The research was conducted by using a three Jawa Randu Goat which fistulated on rumen as replication. The treatment are T1 = ration level of 25% bagasse, T2 = bagasse rations with 30% level, T3 = ration with the level of 35% bagasse and T4 = bagasse rations with 40% level. Ration degradability measured by using in Sacco method. The variables measured were percent loss of DM, OM and CF to calculate the fraction of a, b, c and degradation theory (DT) dry matter, organic matter and crude fiber. To calculate the degradation of feed at a time "t" (DT) used the exponential equation P = a + b (1 – exp-ct). Fraction of the value of a, b, c and DT were then analyzed statistically based on completely randomized design (CRD) if there is a treatment effect, followed by Duncan\u27s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) for difference between means.The analysis of variance showed that there was significant effect (P <0.05) between the fraction of easily degradable (a) DM, OM and CF, and degradation theory (DT) DM, OM and CF, therefore the potentially degradable fraction (b) DM, OM and CF, the degradation rate of potentially degradable fraction (c) DM, OM and CF showed no real difference