14,771 research outputs found

    The Effect of Different Forms of Synaptic Plasticity on Pattern Recognition in the Cerebellar Cortex

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    “The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com”. Copyright Springer.Many cerebellar learning theories assume that long-term depression (LTD) of synapses between parallel fibres (PFs) and Purkinje cells (PCs) provides the basis for pattern recognition in the cerebellum. Previous work has suggested that PCs can use a novel neural code based on the duration of silent periods. These simulations have used a simplified learning rule, where the synaptic conductance was halved each time a pattern was learned. However, experimental studies in cerebellar slices show that the synaptic conductance saturates and is rarely reduced to less than 50% of its baseline value. Moreover, the previous simulations did not include plasticity of the synapses between inhibitory interneurons and PCs. Here we study the effect of LTD saturation and inhibitory synaptic plasticity on pattern recognition in a complex PC model. We find that the PC model is very sensitive to the value at which LTD saturates, but is unaffected by inhibitory synaptic plasticity.Peer reviewe

    Alterações nas características químicas de um latossolo amarelo sob sistemas agroflorestais com cupuaçuzeiro no município de Presidente Figueiredo, AM.

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    Avaliação de algumas características químicas de um latossolo amarelo distrófico, sob dois sistemas agroflorestais com três tipos de manejo de adubação, durante oito anos

    Desenho preliminar de uma coleção nuclear de mandioca dentro do banco ativo de germoplasma da Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental.

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    A mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) destaca-se como um dos cultivos mais importantes na Amazônia, tanto para a segurança alimentar regional como no comércio. A Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental organizou um Banco Ativo de Germoplasma (BAG) para fins de melhoramento e conservação in vivo da variabilidade genética da mandioca, por meio da coleta de germoplasma em diferentes localidades no Estado do Amazonas, visando reunir a diversidade encontrada na região amazônica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenhar uma coleção nuclear de mandioca com base em dados geográficos, morfo-agronômicos e genético-moleculares. Decidiu-se que a Coleção Nuclear deveria conter 50 amostras, representando 15% do BAG e serão representadas por acessos coletados nas calhas dos principais rios Negro, Solimões, Purus, Amazonas e Madeira. As localidades super-representadas no BAG serão alocadas à CN logaritmicamente, enquanto que as localidades sub-representadas serão alocadas proporcionalmente. As amostras selecionadas para a Coleção devem possuir boa produtividade (>13,3 t/há), raízes com polpa de coloração amarelada, teores de HCN acima de 100 mg/kg e divergência genético-moleculares satisfatórias

    Desenvolvimento da técnica TRAP (Target region amplification polymorphism) para caracterização genética de guaranazeiro.

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    O objetivo desse trabalho foi desenhar e otimizar a técnica de TRAP (Target Region Amplification Polymorphism) para as aplicações diversas das análises de diversidade genética em guaranazeiro

    Environmental Epidemiology of Intestinal Schistosomiasis in Uganda: Population Dynamics of Biomphalaria (Gastropoda: Planorbidae) in Lake Albert and Lake Victoria with Observations on Natural Infections with Digenetic Trematodes

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    This study documented the population dynamics of Biomphalaria and associated natural infections with digenetic trematodes, along the shores of Lake Albert and Lake Victoria, recording local physicochemical factors. Over a two-and-a-half-year study period with monthly sampling, physicochemical factors were measured at 12 survey sites and all freshwater snails were collected. Retained Biomphalaria were subsequently monitored in laboratory aquaria for shedding trematode cercariae, which were classified as either human infective (Schistosoma mansoni) or nonhuman infective. The population dynamics of Biomphalaria differed by location and by lake and had positive relationship with pH (P < 0.001) in both lakes and negative relationship with conductivity (P = 0.04) in Lake Albert. Of the Biomphalaria collected in Lake Albert (N = 6,183), 8.9% were infected with digenetic trematodes of which 15.8% were shedding S. mansoni cercariae and 84.2% with nonhuman infective cercariae. In Lake Victoria, 2.1% of collected Biomphalaria (N = 13,172) were infected with digenetic trematodes with 13.9% shedding S. mansoni cercariae, 85.7% shedding nonhuman infective cercariae, and 0.4% of infected snails shedding both types of cercariae. Upon morphological identification, species of Biomphalaria infected included B. sudanica, B. pfeifferi, and B. stanleyi in Lake Albert and B. sudanica, B. pfeifferi, and B. choanomphala in Lake Victoria. The study found the physicochemical factors that influenced Biomphalaria population and infections. The number and extent of snails shedding S. mansoni cercariae illustrate the high risk of transmission within these lake settings. For better control of this disease, greater effort should be placed on reducing environmental contamination by improvement of local water sanitation and hygiene

    Electromigration in thin tunnel junctions with ferromagnetic/nonmagnetic: nanoconstrictions, local heating, and direct and wind forces

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    Current Induced Resistance Switching (CIS) was recently observed in thin tunnel junctions with ferromagnetic (FM) electrodes \emph{i.e} FM/I/FM. This effect was attributed to electromigration of metallic atoms in nanoconstrictions in the insulating barrier (I). Here we study how the CIS effect is influenced by a thin non-magnetic (NM) Ta layer, deposited just below the AlOx_x insulating barrier in tunnel junctions of the type FM/NM/I/FM (FM=CoFe). Enhanced resistance switching occurs with increasing maximum applied current (\Imax), until a plateau of constant CIS is reached for \Imax\sim65 mA (CIS\sim60%) and above. However, such high electrical currents also lead to a large (\sim9%) irreversible resistance decrease, indicating barrier degradation. Anomalous voltage-current characteristics with negative derivative were also observed near \pm\Imax and this effect is here attributed to heating in the tunnel junction. One observes that the current direction for which resistance switches in FM/NM/I/FM (clockwise) is opposite to that of FM/I/FM tunnel junctions (anti-clockwise). This effect will be discussed in terms of a competition between the electromigration contributions due to the so called direct and wind forces. It will be shown that the direct force is likely to dominate electromigration in the Ta (NM) layers, while the wind contribution likely dominates in the CoFe (FM) layers