20 research outputs found

    Goodness of fit comparisons among five bayesian models in genome-wide association of tick resistance in brazilian Hereford and Braford beef cattle.

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    This study aimed to compare five models fitness and top effect SNPs obtained with three different Bayesian GWAS methods applied to cattle tick resistance in Braford and Hereford

    Accuracy of genomic prediction for tick resistance in Braford and Hereford cattle.

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    This work aimed to determine the accuracy and bias of genomic predictions of Braford (BO) and Hereford (HH) cattle genetic resistance to ticks

    Genome-wide association study for femur-related traits in broilers.

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    Abstract: Due to the intense selection for heavier and faster growing broilers, metabolic disorders such as skeletal problems became a worldwide concern. Advances in genome-wide association study (GWAS) methodologies increased the possibility of elucidating the genetic architecture controlling bone integrity traits. Therefore, the aim of this study was to perform a GWAS to identify potential genetic markers and candidate genes associated with femur traits in a paternal broiler line developed by Embrapa. To this, three femur bone-related traits were evaluated in 1,433 chickens: dry matter (FDM), ash content (FAC) and breaking strength (FBS). Chickens were genotyped using the 600K Affymetrix® Axiom® HD panel. A total of 16 regions associated to FAC, being a significant SNP in the GGA19 (rs317696422) and 15 suggestive SNPs in the GGA1, GGA2, GGA3, GGA5, GGA8, GGA13, GGA19 and GGA24. For FDM, only one SNP (GGA1) was significantly associated and was located in the DSCAM gene. For the FBS, two suggestive regions (GGA12 and GGA15) were found and no QTLs were described for this trait in these regions. According to the results, new candidate genes and miRNAs related to ossification, such as TPVR2, gga-mir-146a and PCP4 were associated to important femur traits in the broiler line under study. Resumo:Devido à intensa seleção de frangos de corte mais pesados ​​e de crescimento mais rápido, distúrbios metabólicos, como problemas esqueléticos, tornaram-se uma preocupação mundial. Avanços em metodologias de estudo de associação genômica ampla (GWAS) aumentaram a possibilidade de elucidar a arquitetura genética controlando características de integridade óssea. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi realizar um GWAS para identificar potenciais marcadores genéticos e genes candidatos associados às características do fêmur em uma linhagem de frangos de corte paterna desenvolvida pela Embrapa. Para isso, três características relacionadas ao osso do fêmur foram avaliadas em 1.433 aves: matéria seca (FDM), teor de cinzas (FAC) e resistência à ruptura (FBS). As galinhas foram genotipadas usando o painel 600y Affymetrix® Axiom® HD. Um total de 16 regiões associadas ao FAC, sendo um significativo SNP no GGA19 (rs317696422) e 15 SNPs sugestivos no GGA1, GGA2, GGA3, GGA5, GGA8, GGA13, GGA19 e GGA24. Para FDM, apenas um SNP (GGA1) foi significativamente associado e foi localizado no gene DSCAM. Para o FBS, duas regiões sugestivas (GGA12 e GGA15) foram encontradas e não foram descritos QTLs para essa característica nessas regiões. De acordo com os resultados, novos genes candidatos e miRNAs relacionados à ossificação, como TPVR2, gga-mir-146a e PCP4, foram associados a importantes características do fêmur na linha de frangos em estudo

    Tag-SNP selection using Bayesian genome-wide association study for growth and adaptation traits in Hereford and Braford cattle.

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    The aim of this study was to perform a Bayesian genome-wide association study (GWAS) to identify genomic regions associated with growth and adaptation traits in Hereford and Braford cattle, and to select Tag-SNPs to represent these regions in low-density panels useful for genomic predictions.Digital Archive

    Selección genómica para mejorar la adaptación tropical de la raza Hereford.

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    Selección genómica; Implementación práctica de la selección genómica de Hereford en Brasilbitstream/item/173681/1/Cardoso-et-al-2017-ANUARIO-HEREFORD-Uruguay.pdfTambém publicada em português no VI Congreso da Asociación Uruguaya de Producción Animal, março de 2018

    Informação tecnológica para agricultura familiar - Agência de Informação Embrapa.

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    Este trabalho relata a iniciativa da Embrapa na criação de um serviço on-line de acesso à informação tecnológica para apoio ao desenvolvimento da Agricultura Familiar e à sustentabilidade do meio rural. Em adição, uma ferramenta informatizada está em desenvolvimento visando o gerenciamento e o acesso às informações de Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento e Inovação (P,D&I), sobre agricultura familiar, na Embrapa. Ao final, objetiva-se a disponibilização no site da Agência de Informação Embrapa um amplo conjunto de conteúdos de informações tecnológicas relevantes sobre os inúmeros sistemas de produção em uso em diferentes regiões e biomas, priorizando inicialmente a região Nordeste do Brasil

    Network analysis uncovers putative genes affecting resistance to tick infestation in Braford cattle skin.

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    Background: Genetic resistance in cattle is considered a suitable way to control tick burden and its consequent losses for livestock production. Exploring tick-resistant (R) and tick-susceptible (S) hosts, we investigated the genetic mechanisms underlying the variation of Braford resistance to tick infestation. Skin biopsies from four-times-artificially infested R (n = 20) and S (n = 19) hosts, obtained before the first and 24 h after the fourth tick infestation were submitted to RNA-Sequencing. Differential gene expression, functional enrichment, and network analysis were performed to identify genetic pathways and transcription factors (TFs) affecting host resistance. Results: Intergroup comparisons of hosts before (Rpre vs. Spre) and after (Rpost vs. Spost) tick infestation found 51 differentially expressed genes (DEGs), of which almost all presented high variation (TopDEGs), and 38 were redundant genes. Gene expression was consistently different between R and S hosts, suggesting the existence of specific anti-tick mechanisms. In the intragroup comparisons, Rpost vs. Rpre and Spost vs. Spre, we found more than two thousand DEGs in response to tick infestation in both resistance groups. Redundant and non-redundant TopDEGs with potential anti-tick functions suggested a role in the development of different levels of resistance within the same breed. Leukocyte chemotaxis was over-represented in both hosts, whereas skin degradation and remodeling were only found in TopDEGs from R hosts. Also, these genes indicated the participation of cytokines, such as IL6 and IL22, and the activation of Wingless (WNT)-signaling pathway. A central gene of this pathway, WNT7A, was consistently modulated when hosts were compared. Moreover, the findings based on a genome-wide association study (GWAS) corroborate the prediction of the WNT-signaling pathway as a candidate mechanism of resistance. The regulation of immune response was the most relevant pathway predicted for S hosts. Members of Ap1 and NF-kB families were the most relevant TFs predicted for R and S, respectively. Conclusion: This work provides indications of genetic mechanisms presented by Braford cattle with different levels of resistance in response to tick infestation, contributing to the search of candidate genes for tick resistance in bovine.Made available in DSpace on 2020-01-04T00:40:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Moreetal2019.pdf: 2766335 bytes, checksum: 5689a0c5f461bad697188dc8cc9395c4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2019bitstream/item/208137/1/More-et-al-2019.pd